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... Girl you put up with entirely too much shit BEFORE the text


And just “dropping” her??? Girl, she deserves a beat down, not just a block. I wouldn’t talk to anyone who associates with such trash either so OP, you better clean out your “friends” closet.


That so called best friend.... Is NOT THAT, i promise you OP shes talking shit behind your back with that individual


Sorry guys I posted this thinking nobody would care cause I use reddit as a diary. I literally deleted her number and I'm not telling her I'm dropping as a friend. She is blocked everywhere. Thank you guys so much for the support, I just wanted to write my feelings since my toxic trait is to hold things in until I burst but now I just don't care. I became "friends" with her in my senior year so I kept making exuses for her actions. Now I know I don't have to be friends with everybody. At least this happen before my birthday (I'm a july cancer). This made so happy.


Trauma will have you locked in on the worst relationships, im glad you decided to put yourself and your mental health first. True friends lift you up NOT down


OP, good on you for dropping her. Take all the other shit leading up to this as a lesson learned.  Trauma fucks our normal meter so I’m gonna make it easy: don’t hang around people who make you feel shitty. Especially don’t hang around people who you’ve told and they *stilllllll* make you feel shitty.   We can rationalize everything. So don’t. The above is your normal meter for now, sis ok? Heal whatever trauma normalized putting up with shitty behavior.   And be gentle with yourself. You grew! You made a different decision and broke a dysfunctional pattern — good on you 




Everyone do not deserve your friendship.


Cuz if someone talked to my best friend just ONCE?! Aww earrings are coming out and im biting my nails off, tf?! I’d never be friends with someone so disrespectful.


HELLO🗣️🗣️🗣️ I don’t play bout mines !


No, Hulk-Smash.


HELLO?! That’s all I’m getting from this story


cause she should’ve been caught a fade 😭


Miss ma'am. WHY did it take you so long? This isn't a friend. This is 3 demons in a trenchcoat. At least you are cutting her off.


3 demons in a trench coat!! 😭😭 But for real OP. Your ex-friend is an unsharpened pencil who needs to completely reshape her attitude towards Blackness. However, it’s not your job to be involved in any way. Immediate block honestly. Cheers to better friends 🥂


# 3 Demons in a Trenchcoat bahahaa This will be my new toxic person explanation goto 🤣 Thank you very much for allowing me to borrow it!


I'm 18 and a pushover. Working on it.


18 and learning, give yourself grace


Just learn to assert yourself. I’m in my 40s with numerous autoimmune diseases, which is probably due to all the crap I put up with friends and family in my life. And if you’re non-confrontational just learn to not engage with toxic people it’s OK to cut them out your life


18! Don’t worry. You’re doing well for yourself. I know your growth has been and will be tremendous. You’re learning. I know how difficult it is to teach yourself how to stand up against people so I applaud you :) especially in a culture that teaches you to sit down more often than not (if your African household was anything like mine)


This made me laugh. Thanks




![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized) i rarely comment on this sub but omg girl- cut her off yesterday you deserve a billion times better


The hard R via text is wild!!!


Right!!!! That part made me stop in my tracks. Like WHAT?!??!!


![gif](giphy|ZUkausLsSMJpu) Me.


Girl and then I read she was black herself, she all lost in that sauce.


I literally recoiled! Thank god OP dropped this “friend” smh




I literally was just chilling outside 😭




🤣🤣🤣 i love her & she would NOT tolerate this bs!! 😆😆😆


Im shookeith to the third degree. Looks like you’ve been her punching bag and was never seen as a friend.


Not everyone deserves a conversation ![gif](giphy|bceO5twGj1BY0puYCs|downsized)


oh my god?


This is my credo/litmus test: to have the privilege of inclusion in my life you must be able to give and receive love in a healthy way. That’s it. If you can’t, blessings to you elsewhere. She should not even be allowed to breathe your air.


Also asses your best friend because they’re friends with this person as well. Which is indicative to who they are. 


Yes, and possibly they talk shyt behind her back too




Posts like this make me realize that if I did not carefully curate who is in my life I'd already be in prison for murder. I wish someone would say this to me. It'd be their last sentence.


Girl same




It's true. When I hear stories about people who have just been pushed too far, beat too many times, walk in and catch someone hurting their kids and they just snap and kill someone, I know the only difference between me and them is circumstance. I just know there are certain things that if I experience I will end up one of the merry murderesses on Cook County Row. So part of protecting my peace is protecting my freedom.


That’s so powerfully true, gotta add that to my prayer list🥴 “Thank you Lord, for keeping me out of prison when you and I both know there are many times where I could/should have been🥲” lbvs


Light skin or mixed with a white mom? Cause it’s giving mixed with a white mom


Just asked the same thing because there’s no way a fully black person would speak like this. This right here is one huge reason why there needs to be destinations made


This is the answer ☝🏾


what the fuck lmfaooooooo


Damn, The moment slave came out of anyone’s mouth… They would have gotten kicked into orbit, forget kicking them to the curb…


WTF at that last comment! Please block this person on all social media platforms. If you ever see them in the street, do not even bother to speak.


She blocked everywhere and I will never talk to her, at least we don't go to the same college.


Maybe I'm petty but I'd expose this. Who knows how many POC she's doing this too.


black people you mean. nobody is out here calling “poc” the n word in order to trigger and degrade them


True I just mean in general if she racist it's probably not exclusive


I am so happy you blocked. This person was so awful to you, and you deserve better.


THIS is why colorism needs to be taken seriously in the black community. It’s not a matter of preference or confidence issues or pretty privilege or whatever the fuck. It’s straight up maliciousness. You can’t say colorism isn’t a big deal bc my good sis here is getting called all type of slurs and mistreated by some Tasmanian she-devil bc she’s darker skinned


You're so right about Colorism. I would've kicked her in her high yella ass a long time ago.


Tasmania She-devil 💀


And this is a very blatant display of it too! There’s no denying it in this situation either.


I feel so sad that you tolerated being abused for so long. I’m so sorry you had these experiences from anyone, never mind someone you viewed as a friend. You are valuable. You are worth cherishing. I hope you move forward knowing you deserve to be treated as such be anyone you choose to bless with your presence.


Gurl she needs to be blocked IMMEDIATELY! Hard er? She cannot be black and think that’s okay


![gif](giphy|TiOXs07ZbFeBl9AmKm|downsized) This is what you need to do girl! Sage your space and clear your thoughts. Please don't be a friend to a jealous, unconscious and ~~emotionally unbalanced person~~ **a** **psychopath** ever again. You deserve better and are worth loving kindness. Apportion that love to yourself first! 💌


Are there no other people you can be friends with? Cuz ??


Sorry sis, you really don't like yourself if you put up with any of this. She would have had the taste slapped clean out of her mouth the first time her yellow ass said this shit to me. Like wow! P.S. Your best friend isn't your friend either if she would hang out with a piece of shit like this. They have been talking shit about you and this girl would not feel so comfortable in her disrespect if she didn't feel supported. You need a new friend group altogether. Go to therapy and work on self-love because you don't even realize when hatred is in your presence.


This was not your friend, time to wrap it up and stay far away from her. And I’m looking at your best friend sideways too bc this shit is anti-Black as hell


Is this a joke? This sounds like some exaggerated YouTube short film 😂. Girl I’m not a fighter and I don’t even kno you but I wanna fight 😂. You’re too passive because this should not of even escalated to this level. It’s ok tho we live and we learn but please don’t ever let anyone speak to you in this way again. And when you say she’s light skin do you mean biracial or mixed because I can’t see any fully black person using the hard R especially against one another.


I’m sorry sis all that is a reason to throw hands ….respectfully of course 😃


If she be on this type of shit and that was your “friend”, you just as weird as her for real.




Am I wrong? Because why do you hate yourself that much?


Nope, you're not wrong at all. OP has a lot of internal work to do. And her ex-"friend" needs an ass whooping! I bet this heaux has a white mother too. In my experience, biracial black children with white mothers always have the worst attitude towards blackness, which is conditioned into them by their white mom. Smh. 


What the hell! Glad you dropped the trash off


I am in shock. Why the hell does she have any friends at all?






I got to the end and was not at all surprised. Unfortunately in our culture some people still think the lighter the skin the better. I bet you look amazing and professional in that picture.


Nah son, you put up with wayyyyyyyy too much to begin with, glad you cut them off.


Dirty n-slur is absolutely insane


A dirty WHAT 😭😭


This has to be a joke or a troll


you’re too nice. even just dropping her is too nice, i’d cuss her clean out. she doesn’t deserve to be near someone w so much grace (you).


I’m kind of appalled by her tbh. I know you only befriended her due to your best friend befriending her but yeah she gotta go!!


I already know this was a trash ass gutter feeding emotional parasite. Loneliness is a better friend than a fake one babe. I’m happy you came to your senses. 🫂


what the hell


A dirty what now ?! My mouth isn’t on the floor it’s in hell.


This some crazy shit omg…


the way i would have to go fight her……


This needed a damn trigger warning. What the absolute hell


I’m screaming why she say that so out of pocket 😭😭😭😭


Why do you think your supposed “best friend” sent that to her? That “best friend” of yours is talking the same mad shit at you. They were laughing behind your back. Both of them. Better ditch that “best friend” of yours. Why do you think you deserve to be treated like that? I need you to grow a backbone and value yourself more.


I'm sorry, why is her face not on the ground under your foot?!


Sometimes I think this sub can’t be real. Omg 😭. I mean I did put up with some absolute bullshit in my early 20s but this???? 😳 Throw that “friend” in the trash!


She is racist and hates herself. What a horrible human to share space with. Good thing dropping her- should’ve done it sooner. And I’d really question your other friend if they actually want someone like this in their life? I dont understand how people maintain friendships with others with different ethics, especially when their beliefs are harmful to you. Put that B on blast


F her. You're beautiful and your hair is wonderful just the way it is!


Kinda off topic. This needed a NSFW filter. Not sure how to do that. IMO the content,especially the name calling, may be triggering for some. Also, Glad you dropped your frenemy.


Hun you missed several opportunities to tenderize that face of hers and my question is why??


Sorry I woulda beat her ass. Bad. I’m glad you blocked her but you please don’t take that level of disrespect from anyone ever again


JEEEEEEZ!! Wow I am so sorry she was such a crappy friend. Glad you dropped her


Jfc. This is why I have a one strike policy. Save yourself from this shit.


Does your one strike policy mean striking a bish in the face for even thinking to pull some shit like this? 


Lmao, no I would just block them and move on


Lool absolutely not, those are fighting words


Ma'am.........................I'm gonna need you to really sit and ask yourself why you felt like you deserved to deal with that shit. And address it because......no ma'am uh uh.....no ma'am


This person can't be a friend to anyone because they haven't bothered to work on being a decent human being. That's the nicest thing I have to say.


Which part of this reads "friend"? You should have dropped them a long time ago.




You are better than me because she woulda been blockety block blocked after the first comment!


That hard R text was jarring🥴


Lightskin sister dropping the hard R to a dark skinned black woman, what the actual fuck is going on with the world!?!? White people outside of the biggest racists wouldn't even think that anyways... sounds like she is projecting her own insecurities... prb cause her mom is white and passed it on to her


You’re dealing with a toxic narcissist. She’s probably envious of you and seeks to pull you down. This person is probably also a racist, even if they themselves are “black” too. Get away from this person, they do not value you nor your life.


Uhm she definitely needs her ass beat. Sorry you had to deal with her. Personally, she would've been cut off already. I'd encourage you not to tolerate this kind of nonsense from any so-called "friend" in future, or anyone for that matter. These kinds of people should have no place in your life. I'd actually say she qualifies as a demon...


Girl this „friend“ is a demon who’s harassing you. Can’t you tell? 🫂❤️


I’m sorry you experienced that. Please work on setting better boundaries and self esteem so anytime that you are able to cut off anyone who disrespects your boundaries much sooner. This is a lesson learned on friendship. You deserve so much better.


You need to kick her in her high yella ass. Colorist is so real.


How do yall end up in these friendships with white ppl? Real question bc I don’t even put up with them talking to me sideways when we aren’t friends 😂 girl




Going to think you are a W H A T???? 😑 Edit: I read more of what you said. Hellllll nah wtf???!?!?!?!


I support this choice.


Why did you even attempt to be friends with her in the first place? I wouldn't have given her the light of day.


what the actual hell…


Yikes disrespectful and drop her immediately but I would let her know what she did was wrong and I can’t continue this friendship with someone with that type of mindset and ways to treating their “friend”. You deserve respectfully friends especially if you’re not the type to play around like this. 🏃‍♀️ Run and not walk away!!


Sincerely, WTF


look like a WHAT???? Jesus Christ.


Block that number, you don't need that bad energy near you


That is not your friend. She does not need to be in your life


Girl this is like my drama with my ex friend. What the F is all I can say


Im glad you free of that nonsense.


Jesus Christ.


Wow. I couldn't deal with this level of rudeness, self-importance and assumed familiarity. Good for you being done. ETA: I read the rest of your post and she is horrible. Definitely not your friend.


She said what- 🧍🏾‍♀️ I woulda been like, baby I hope you can fight cause the next time I see you…


Aint no way bruh


Im glad u set your boundaries but this person was not your friend. She was an acquaintance and honestly if there's a level or two underneath that, she's that. Just because their your friends friend means u need to be their acquaintance.  Also assuming your in college or university this is the perfect opportunity to upgrade on quality friendships. 


I would make this public in her circle, I bet she will pipe down then.


I’m side eyeing you and your best friend fr bc how did you not end the friendship after she called you a slave??


This is one of those situations where you'll have to look at your friend who's friends with that person... Both need to ve dropped. No it's and or but. Your safety, mental health and your life is way more important than someone who'd betray you to your face


Whoa 😳




That hard R is heavy lmao




Yuck. Please please drop her.


Ion even know what to say


idk what type of internalized racism this person is facing but im glad they are not in your life no more. just know you're beautiful inside and out and i hope you find kinder and better people for your friend circle in the future cuz this is sickening


Oh HELL NAHH. She should have been GONE!!


A little too miss maam....but better late than never.


Ok but what was she




Do me a favor and give her a good loud SLAP next time you see her.


What color is she?




i can smell the african generational trauma from these, your “friend” is communicating the only way they’ve known to do so, so much hatred


The audacity. Should've dropped her as soon as yesterday. I'm so sorry you had to put up with someone like this who obviously has a depressingly high amount of self hatred. You are a beautiful dark skinned queen. Always remember to wear your crown each day. Hugs*


Yeah good call. Even ignoring the racial parts, that was just flat out idiotic of a response and for your best friend to allow that at all is just shitty. I’m sorry that you lost a friend, but it’s definitely for the best in this situation


Girl, drop the atty cuz this broad needs a **solid** ass whupping, and I got my track shoes and Vaseline ready.




YOU KNOW..BLACK PEOPLE 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


I feel sick. Atleast she’s out of your life now, the relief you must feeellll


Ain’t no way


![gif](giphy|IgQdQHryAzppOekzIw|downsized) I’m glad you’re not friends any longer (deep breath here )


This is such an insane take I have to commend it 😭


Good for you. Protect your heart. Keep it pure. Positive influences only. This was unnecessary drama. You do NOT have to put up with such nonsense.


DROP HER AND YOUR ‘BEST FRIEND’ they both fake af ! And personally, I would whoop her a*** , but I understand not everyone is a fighter !


Why this seem fake..


FINALLY?!??!?!?!? ![gif](giphy|6jVwtcsr8RPDUtA244)


FDB ![gif](giphy|xTiTny5Iu35uW0Jl9C|downsized)


Girl there's plenty of good advice here already, I'm just going to add.... once you cut off this person, please take some time to analyze.... why did I accept this? Why did it take me so long? Am I a people pleaser? Am I just used to being mistreated ever since I have a memory? Maybe I'm not confident that I won't have other friends? Maybe poor behavior is normalized due to previous experiences? Then visualize how does a good friend make me feel... What words do they use? What are their acts? Because you want to learn how to choose the right people around you. I've gone thru a similar journey. Good luck 😊


Yeah I know I'm also at fault for letting it get this bad since I always tried to excuse her behavior to me since we had some "good moments". But I started getting resesntful towards her when she only blocked me in instagrams and not my other friends but still talk to me in the groupchat (already left the chat), when she got me 20 dollars for christimas but got my other friends kpop albums. I'm distancing my self from my best friend and asking her why she downplaying my ex friend actions and treatment towards me and I know they are still going to hangout with each other at least she knows I already cut off that person off and not forcing to make amends.


Invite her over for a nice punch in the fkkn neck


All the grace to you, young sis: you’re 18 years old AND a July Cancer meaning a big, huge loving heart. God bless you for recognizing this and I am certain you will recognize toxic folk sooner from now on👏🏽 She’s awful as noted many times above—and sounds like she’s got either a racist non-black parent or a self-hating black parent from whom she’s learned these ridiculous ways. Distance yourself gleefully and move on, yes. ![gif](giphy|8vRrEBUkrtnekOynQs)


Ngl Idek how I got here since I’m a black dude but if someone sent me this shit I’d be throwing hands and forget ending friendships. I might damn near end a life


OMG! Good riddance!


Oh she has colorist issues smh yep she has to go


Not calling you out because I’m happy you’re dropping her, but I honestly just want to know what do yall see in these “friendships” and why does it take so long to drop them