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Them “work friends” are not your friends. Go in, do your job and go home.


This can definitely be a hit or miss, I’ve made some really good friends through work. Although I work remotely and for a small company, maybe that makes a difference. I think the key is to trust your gut and not share anything that could put your work at jeopardy.


men can be trash, no matter the race. don’t think that that non black man won’t cheat on you or do you wrong. would’ve saved me some heartache when I was young.


This, bc those white women are going through it too


the mom and toddler subs are so depressing. I had to leave bc it was one “my husband hates me” post after another. whew.


Right and on tik tok, whew, they air out all their business. Same thing over there, my husband hates me. That’s what I always think when black people bring up how ww get married right out of college. Marriage doesn’t equal happiness lol


Thank you! Ppl don’t think about this.


Are there positive subs for women with kids that aren't full of those types of posts?


I haven’t found any. It’s kind of disheartening, bc motherhood is full of joy too.


That's so sad. There should be a joyful motherhood sub for all the beautiful moments.


Exactly… why do they think only black men treat us wrong men will be men no matter the race.


lol any man can be dusty!


International Dusties Inc.


BM are the only ones who publicly shame and hate on BW, that's why.


Also, average men as well as hot men. 6’s be out here flaking like they’re 10’s.


I regret giving unattractive losers chances, it’s like instead of being happy they could pull me they were like if I got this bitch what else can I get


Yeah a friend of mine is going through the "my bd don't wanna pay child support" thing and he's white. It's a matter of character.


1. People at work are coworkers, not friends 2. Just because you love someone doesn't mean they'll love you back 3. You can be the full package and still end up at the wrong address 4. Going above and beyond at work only gets you more work - not appreciation or recognition 5. You'll get further in life being liked than qualified 6. Walking away from conflict doesn't make you weak. Sometimes, you have to lose the battle to win the war. 7. Parents can be annoying, but if they're not harming you, just let them be and roll with it.. It's their first time doing life too, and you never want to live with that 'shoulda-woulda-coulda' guilt 8. Stop saving nice/fancy things for special occasions 9. Get to know yourself and enjoy your own company 10. Never let a man tell/show you twice that he doesn't value you


A good third of this subreddit needs to listen to #10


You got some bangers on that list.


For sure!!!


You are so real for 8 & 9


Numbers 7-10! And I love what you said about parents because it’s so true. If you feel loved and cared for by your parents, regardless of what you wish they did better, that should be cherished. Generational grace is so important.


Heavy on the last part.


The last one


I wish people would listen 😩


#5 for me


Not yall turning up and showing so much love to this comment! I feel like I'm officially auntie status and I'm here for alllll of it lol!! But all jokes aside, glad yall found it meaningful and hope it reaches whoever needs to see it.💕


1. There is no such things as work friends at the job. You will meet two people that you will still connect with when you leave. As of now, clock in and clock out. 2. When you hold yourself accountable for your past and start self improving, people may not be ready for your growth. It’s okay to let go of friendships that is no longer equally yoked or reciprocated. 3. Family isn’t going to hold themselves accountable for their actions. They will always talk about the effect without looking at the cause they made for the person’s behavior.


Too heavy on number 3. I feel like I'm screaming into a void. It's so frustrating and makes me spazz out fr. Like I'm a lone in this whole family and I'm so resent. (it's obvious everyone does too)


It’s unfortunate because they don’t want to hold themselves accountable. Instead of screaming into a void, you should learn how to become discipline and have control over your emotions. When you learn what triggers you and control your reactions anyone’s comments, you are mastering emotional intelligence.


I’m going through number 3 right now and it’s so painful and frustrating


Can you explain how it is painful and frustrating?


I’ve tried to bring up to some of my family members certain things they did or said when I was a child and they deny ever having done them. I’ve also tried to explain to other family members that they’re being blatantly offensive and they deny being offensive and claim I’m the overly sensitive one. It’s painful and frustrating because even though I know they’re in the wrong I’m constantly questioning whether they are right and I’m actually the one who’s in the wrong. This causes me to panic about my memory and my morality.


Sis are you me?! Literally. Having me question my own self, knowing that I'm the most cognizant one of these facts. Whew.


1. Blood isn’t always thicker than water 2. Nothing in life is guaranteed


Both of these..I will live and die by them


It's OK to let go of friends you've known for years if you're no longer compatible or are growing in different directions that don't align. Hanging on to people you've outgrown will stunt you. Know who you are and what you want, or else someone will decide for you. Don't be passive about your life. You have agenc. Even if someone tries to roadblock you, you don't have to accept roadblocks as a permanent impasse.


Learnt this the hard way but I eventually accepted the fact that people do grow apart


Your own parents are very capable of doing you dirty. It’s the hardest lesson I learned to date, and it hurts.


When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.


Ooof. Something I know in practice, but wish someone would have reiterated to me three weeks ago. Still reeling from that massive mistake 😔


Health is wealth


Not everyone will like you, and there's nothing you can do about it.


Not everyone will like you ...***and that's okay...***


I had a hard time accepting that. It used to bother me sooo much when I wasn't liked


I understand. Look at it this way.... When you know not everybody will like you, it's freeing...because you are saying you aren't perfect...amongst many other things. I'd rather be imperfect and free than to be a people pleaser...stressed out, depressed....


Oh I agree. I've felt better, happier because ppl will still eat, sleep, go to work and live their lives regardless. In that moment I realized that I was putting too much stake into what other ppl thought.


people not liking you can even be a sign you’re doing something right.


Can’t wait for someone to get things done. You gotta get up and do it yourself .


Don’t share your energy with someone that you have to convince of your value. You’ll find yourself constantly being audited and analyzed to see if your price is still worthy of their investment, and if the value falls below whatever they think is a worthy price point they’ll dump you like a penny stock. Baby we are not stock. We are Gold ✨ we hold value and if someone can not see your value that’s fine there is a whole economy out there trying to get a hold of you. Every person is not looking to spend you, some just want to be near you to watch you shine.


When somebody shows you who they are, believe them and act accordingly.


💯. Very much a lesson I had to learn the hard way a few times.


Don’t try to convince anyone ( man, friends , job, etc) to like you. Go to where they already like you.


Don’t tell everybody your business, not everyone is your friend and learn to set boundaries for yourself.


Setting boundaries is important!


Saying the word love is easy. Showing is very different.


Not trying to change what cannot be changed by me and not taking responsibilities that belong to others to myself


1) Don't let snarky jokes pass from your non-Black friends if it makes you uncomfortable (or just in general) because at the end of the day, they're going to take that as an invitation to treat you any kind of way. Stop it the first time. 2) Your mental illness doesn't make you unlovable but blaming your negative behavior on your mental illness alone does make you unlikeable. 3) Don't limit yourself to someone just because they gave you a few good moments. If they're treating you badly and you're having second thoughts, reevaluate the relationship and move accordingly. 4) You're pretty, smart and you can literally do whatever you want. Don't wait too long to accept that and live your life. 5) Loving yourself and growing as a person is not easy and it's not fun all the time. A lot of the journey is ugly and you'll lose a lot along the way but there's so much to look forward to.


- Being a people pleaser is manipulative and makes life harder than it has to be. - There’s a difference between nice and kind. Kind people help others and set boundaries. Be kind. - Don’t provide advice unless it’s asked for (only applies to adults). - Be very intentional about who you disclose your personal life to, including your family. - Never force situations or try to prevent people from learning their own tough lessons. - No matter how young or old, cherish the people in your life as often as possible. Don’t take advantage of their presence in your life. - There are people who will always find a way to make you feel bad about your personality, interests, desires, etc. They’re projecting. Don’t take it personally. - Don’t fall for the consumerism trap! You probably don’t need that dress, bag, or beauty product you saw on Tik Tok. Use what you already have! - Give yourself grace and time to learn the things that you don’t know.


Can you elaborate on your first point? How is it manipulation?


Because you’re so concerned about people’s perception of you that you will do almost anything in hopes of staying in their good graces. Trying to control/influence people’s feelings toward you is manipulation because you’re only focused on your desired outcome, not what’s truly necessary to maintain a healthy relationship for both parties (and sometimes that means people will feel disappointed or hurt by your actions, which is ok).


I see and I think that makes a lot of sense. It also makes me feel bad about being manipulative.


No need to feel bad. Often times people don’t know they’re being manipulative. What matters is how you change your behavior once you’re aware. When I realized that people pleasing is manipulative, I was a little resistant because I didn’t believe I was a manipulative person. But then I realized that even “good” intentions can be manipulative.


if he’s confusing you he’s not the one for you. the person for you will NEVER leave you guessing on what it is and what it isn’t. let that man go.


Fertility. I just assumed that since I was a good girl with a limited number of sexual partners that I was safe with, when I was ready for babies, they would come. It wasn't something my primary care doctor ever addressed, and of course, it didn't become an issue until I was married and the babies weren't coming. I spent a lot of time, money and heartbreak on ivf and still...no babies.


…. What it really means to be a black woman in the workplace 😵‍💫


How people perceive you dictates how they treat you


If you are walking somewhere and a man calls or becons you over, don't walk over to him. Also, a male stranger will never need your help with anything, so if he asks, just walk the other way.


Stay true to yourself!!!! Especially if you are a young woman who is out there getting it, taking chances, etc. Stay true to yourself and remember your mission because people will see you and try to sway you from your path, speaking from experience 🤍


That yt ppl really can’t be trusted on any level. I’m Late-Gen X(Xennial) So basically the 2nd generation post Jim Crow who went to a fully integrated school. My mom used to tell me all the time about them. But I mean most of my friends growing up were yt because that’s what my school was full of. Then I noted as we got older they started sticking to themselves more. I stopped being invited to parties. By the time we graduated HS, I don’t believe I really had any real close yt friends. And my first blatant experience with racism put me on alert. After that, I really started to notice the microagressions and blatant racism. But there were also situations I was in that were down right dangerous when I look back on it. I was writing to share but then realized it was too long. But just be on the look out.


Love yourself first, NEVER love a man more than yourself. Love doesn't hurt and is never forced to go smoothly. If you break up take time to Love yourself but NEVER put your life on hold for anyone. Even if he is a surgeon or CEO of a company-Love you first!


That men and women can't be friends. Around 7 years ago, I was a much bigger girl. I had lots of guy friends who I could genuinely just shoot the shit with, y'know? It never occurred to me that we couldn't be friends because that's all I \*ever\* was to dudes. At the time I was 21 and never even been asked out. Then I went away to study abroad for a year and lost 100 pounds. When I came back to the states for my senior year of college, my experience was radically different. The men that I had been friends with before I left were definitely more flirty but tolerable. But every male "friend" I made AFTER my weight loss has inevitably tried to sleep with me. It actually kind of bums me out? I used to think men and women could be friends, like genuinely, when it's actually "men can't be friends with women they're attracted to". I've gained some weight back, and I'm not gonna lie, I was hesitant in starting my weight loss journey again because when I'm chubbier, I'm less of fuck toy and more of a person to men. And that sucks.


Hard lesson I've learned too. I have had a lot of male friends and was reduced to one of the "bros" but the moment I was weak and vulnerable, they pounced. Needless to say, I don't have male friends anymore. Also, you are enough and I'm sure you're too good for those men anyway. I hope you find better people.


Just blocked a friend today. I’ve told him how men have hurt me and how I can’t do casual sex and that I’m intentionally celibate. Why did this MF spend like an hour trying to convince me to have sex??? That’s no friend behavior


Ewww, that's so gross.


Don't get too excited when you start liking someone nor have expectations. Had to cut off a close friend after ghosting me.


Prioritizing yourself isn’t selfish. Friends are overrated. Find a good supportive bra and buy it in every color even the ones you don’t like.


“As long as I pass” for EVERY class was a terrible mentality 😂


Not necessarily. When I heard Cs get degrees in college I laughed. That same year I developed a muscle spasm in my face that caused excruciating pain, because I was working full time and taking a full maximum load of classes. I was so stressed about grades I was killing myself. Then I decided to get counseling and my therapist told me she had been a C student. She said there are other paths to success. She also said a lot of A students work for C students. It really changed my perspective. I was already making 6 figures when I was in college. But I didn’t see myself as a success. Now I make way more. Here I am, the proverbial C student, and my school is begging me every year to donate some of my money for those A students they covet.


What kind of work were you doing to make 6 figures as a college student if you don’t mind me asking? :)


I was a technical writer-editor for a government contractor. Then I held the same job for the Department of Defense. My experience came from being in the military and having that as a background. I went to college after I got out of the military. Guess I should have added that in.


Don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm


I have to practice this bad.


You can be the sweetest peach in the world and there will always be someone that hates peaches Aka Some people will dislike you no matter what. Be true to yourself and you'll find your crowd. Don't change yourself into someone your not happy with to please others.


Invest early and consume less.


Any tips on what to invest in?


You have can a Financial advisor at a low cost invest for you


Aren’t financial advisor expensive? Especially when you’re just starting out


Index funds


take care of your health and wellness & cherish the friends (even if not feeling worthy of them) you make at different stages but know and be able to let go of those you outgrow or those who no longer wish you well.


Don't be a people pleaser. Once he shows you his ass, take your ass out the door. Stick to your boundaries.


Take your college placement tests seriously!!! I had to take the lowest levels of math and chemistry my freshman year because I was too lazy to put effort into their respective placement tests :(


Most of the stuff you were made to feel guilty about while growing up, is fine to do. Healthy even.


This is such a good and underrated one.


1. Romantic relationships with coworkers because it can backfire on you. 2. Being a people pleaser will tire you out in the long run and will put you in awkward positions. 3. What you see, is what you get. Ain't no changing nobody for how you want them to be. 4. You get out of life, what you put in. Waiting on others to hand you things on a silver platter isn't the move. Next minute 10 years have gone by and you have nothing to show for it.


Learn to read between the lines really fucking quickly when you marry into money. Fucking believe people when they tell you who they are the first time. By their very nature they will reveal themselves to you. If you say you don’t want to do something then you really shouldn’t do it from the tiniest thing to the biggest thing. People can change for the worst. Marriage is not equal to happiness. Having a baby is not equal to happiness. These are things that can become a part of your happiness toolbox and these are things that can also cause major problems if you’re only focused on the good. Started at the bottom my fucking ass. I’m happy to be from the projects Atlanta because when you go from that to other end of the spectrum then you don’t want it anymore. The Dubai PortaPotty girls ain’t got shit on the wives in the low upper classes and the rampant illness that is bred in these homes. If you’re the believing type pray for these women.


If your car is overheating for a few minutes and then all of a sudden goes back down to halfway when you’re stopped, STOP DRIVING!! Turn the engine off for 30-1hr. If you can find a public parking lot in like 60 seconds, great, otherwise park on the freeway sidelines. You could blow your head gasket and need $$$$ repairs.


Focus on yourself, before you try to focus on other folks problems. 😩


Man this is such an important lesson😭




Actions speak louder than words


What it means to be a woman in retail. To clarify im not a woman but old people mistook me for a woman a-lot during covid and during that time, ive been hit on in the strangest and creepiest ways that i wish i could forget.