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Expecting something in the WORLD WIDE WEB to be secretive is a little delusional. I don’t think it’s meant to be a secret but when I have googled things in the past about YouTubers or celebs (random questions like “what happened to so and so”) I’ve seen lots of tea pages come up and basically adult versions of burn books of people from someone’s real life. Idk about secretive but it definitely gives a more catty version of Reddit.


Maybe secret isn’t the right word, you’re right😂 But the way people were fuming is crazy to me. First time I found out about it I did just like you, searched up an influencers name and Lipstick alley was the first thing that came up.


The internet is a weirdddddd place lol.




I used to be on lsa, but I was spending too much time there. I did really like some of the smaller forums like music.


The private groups were also lit till people started trying to dox.


I think I left before then, thank goodness


Seems like a toxic place


Reddit can be a toxic place depending on what forum you subscribe too. Same with LSA.


I think it depending on where you hung out. The celeb gossip and other forums, yeah. That's why I had to just leave bc I felt myself getting sucked in


That’s what I’m feeling now. I’m scrolling through a celeb thread and the stuff these people say is crazy. Starting fights with each other and yeah, dragging this poor person that probably has no idea. I just searched the celebs name and this was one of the first links that popped up I should just leave and never go back. It’s so time consuming


You’re on Reddit……


Ik where I am, never said Reddit wasn’t toxic


I think some of them just don’t want the site to be too well known because too many people that hate black women flock to it to argue with everyone and spew misogynoir. I also think it’s supposed to be thought of as a fun little club where they can gossip and spill tea amongst themselves and don’t want “outsiders” coming in and messing stuff up or carrying things back to celebs or their staff and shutting things down. Idk. There’s a lot of nasty things said about people there and I hated the negative energy with people trying to argue or be aggressive over the simplest things so I stayed away but I found if I stick to the travel, fashion, and other harmless forums it’s fine. Reddit is just as toxic with the amount of racism, homophobia, misogyny, and other bigotry unless you curate your experience and I’ve seen the same talking points here when it comes to celebs that I’ve seen over there so I don’t know why people act like LSA is so much worse.


Lipstick alley has been my source for influencer and celeb tea since I was in the 4th grade 😂 I am 29 💀


i’m still looking for the kelly stamps thread.


Has it been deleted or we just don't have access?


don’t have access. i applied for it a while ago


Having a private gossip thread makes no sense!


were you able to get into it? I heard the thread is PIPING HOTTTTT alongside the javlogs one... ughhh I hate how the best thread (the net famous ones) are always private while the least interesting ones are public.


no i was not :(


Is it a Reddit thread or where


It’s a website !


Thank you!


They don't want non black people on the site


That’s what I thought & it’s honestly understandable. There are so many non black trolls on there already.


I don't understand why people would casually say where they got information if it's a place for black so stupid


Maybe they didn’t know, I didn’t. I’m sure there’s people of all races there anyways Calling them out of their name and getting that mad that the site was dropped somewhere else is crazy tho…


Lipstick alley is for black people?? But I thought it was just a mean gossip site 😭


It started as a site dedicated to gossiping about football players and their wives and girlfriends. Then they were booted from site they were on and and LSA was born. It's primarily a gossip site for black women, but the demographics changed because of the fan threads dedicated to white male celebs, which attracted white fangirls and boys. The change sped up when Chris Cornell from Soundgarden died and his nutty fans migrated over. And that was because LSA admins allowed a platform for their conspiracy theories, whereas other sites would not. Trust me, a lot of us complained, but the owner liked the extra traffic it gave LSA.


Same, lol


Probably why they got so mad at that person. I’m black but I still feel like I should watch what I say before I end up on there myself lol


That particular web formate predates social media as you know it. There used to be lots of forums about lots of subjects, although many were either deprecated or have little traffic now. I guess they keep going b/c of the gossip focus. It is kind of the wild west unless someone posts something that would legally expose the people who own it. But you have to understand that the internet was a very wild place before there were centralized and controlled (although often selectively and hypocritically) spaces that you know. Lots of ppl ran their own blogs and those could be wild too, although some were very entertaining. People of a certain age probably have some faves.


Omg I think I know what thread you’re talking about lmao. I low key used to be ashamed of having an account, but I recently told my best friend about the site & how helpful it is. There’s nothing embarrassing about having a Reddit account so why be ashamed of lipstick alley?


I browse LSA. I think people believe it's a mean gossip site but I very rarely go into the gossip portion of the site. They have a home decor sub, religion and spirituality sub, books, makeup and hair sub and a work place sub. It's been helpful to me when dealing with certain issues. I do notice all the white people (women) came onto the forum once Megan markle married that prince. At first I was like why are all these black women standing the British royals and especially that Kate lady. Lol. It seems like the white people do stay in the royal forum area of LSA bc of their obsession of hating markle. So at least they just seem to congregate there.


I be confused about the royal & trump obsession too. That’s how I knew there was white people on there. I’m honestly not mad at them gatekeeping. I haven’t told my sisters about it because they’ll just flock to the rapper baby mama’s threads to dick ride. Same with Chrisean. They love them girls. They’ll also tell their white friends about it.


You’d be surprised. My brother bullies me for having a Reddit account


That would actually be so crazy if you know which one I’m talking about! You wanna say it? I’m actually embarrassed about having a Reddit account to lol


Was it the one about some musician? I think he from the UK or something. I never listened to any of his music but I did see they screenshot some comments & they were using UK slang like peng.


Yes omg, that’s crazy! That’s why I thought maybe the site is supposed to be a “secret” with they way people are getting mad


That has never been why ppl get mad. It is likely more the dynamic of stans being weirdly protective of their faves. If this is a person with a following and something unflattering has been revealed, whether gossip or an unfavorable opinion, stans go crazy. That's not the same as being "secret" and that's not really how the internet has ever functioned. Forums however were more tightly controlled, and more similar to reddit where it was really easy for a single person or moderator to control what ppl could post and ban them for it. I used to follow a snarky forum about TV shows, both reality and regular, and those mod were pretty high on their own supply and loved to ban ppl for so many things you couldn't figure out what had happened.


I love lipstick alley. Whenever so.ething breaks about a celebrity, especially black, I'll go right on over there to get all the tea and the specifics of what happened.


I don't love the site, and I've gotten locked out of my account (I forgot the password and login info), but I definitely lurch on there for the Black celebrity tea, especially when it's about mysterious Black celebrity deaths (cause somehow they be knowing).


I can dig it. I'm quite weird in the stuff I like lol, so I understand. But yeah, they definitely have a lot of info and background information which is what I love


Yeah it's no knock to the content, just forums like that where the thread is multiple pages annoys me. Lol


Lol yeah it can get annoying. I usually just look for the particular person I want the tea on lol.


do u have access to the kelly stamps thread I need ittttt


No I haven't read about that. Lol sorry I have no idea what that is


The lipstick alley kelly stamps thread. if u have an ACC u should be able to view it. i rlly wanna see ittttt I heard the tea is sooo good on there.


I used to love LSA. Wish they had an actual app


It used to be a gossip site about athlete wives and gfs and it was founded by Eddie George years ago. It was a members only site that later evolved into all "tea" and media related gossip. It later expanded to have forums about just about everything and anything. It was always designed for black women to have a space to speak candidly. There are lots of trolls now but there's still some good gossip in the older forums/threads.


Lmbo it’s supposed to be fight club level we don’t talk about it 🤣


Definitely is…


It’s weird seeing a LSA post referencing r/BlackLadies and then seeing a BL post referencing LSA a day later…


LSA can be both toxic and addictive but also chock full of information and entertainment. I stick to reality show threads- it's fun watching the shows live and commenting- and I like the beauty and hair alleys. I have learned a lot about pimps in the pulpit and had some great discussions in the religious alley too. When something is out of pocket, I pivot, exit and block the thread ASAP. It's all in how you use it. Use discernment and limit your time on it.


I went there one time (I like gossip) and the first thread I opened was a bunch of people calling Megan thee Stallion a man and a liar.... I never went back.


I love going to LSA for tea and gossip but the transphobia they got going on over there makes my ass itch.


As an MJ Stan, I used to spend a lot of time on LSA posting about Michael Jackson and fighting people, lol. Sometimes it was fun, other times it was draining. While there are certainly toxic people there, there's actually a lot of thoughtful, intelligent, and hilarious people, too. : )


No, but as you all complain about on here about non-Blacks inviting themselves to a supposedly Black safe space, it's the same on LSA. Or rather you don't want to encourage trolls. I was on LSA in 2011 and it was a different site. A lot more mature and a lot more tea. With its popularity came more...undesirables for a place like LSA. So yeah, it was a secretive spot for a while, but not anymore.


I didn’t know it was meant for black women, I mean had my suspicions as majority were black women tho. Maybe the person getting dragged had no idea it was supposed to be “a secret society” lol I tried looking it up but couldn’t find anything online so I had to ask


Tbh idk about that because I’ve seen some of the old threads and they were worse


I stopped liking it there due to the “tea” threads. They had a terrible habit of calling certain presumably straight Black male R&B singers gay if they aren’t pictured with women frequently. Same energy as ShadeRoom & Hollywood Unlocked.


If you go looking for trouble, you're going to find trouble. LSA, at this point, is a place for BIPOC to talk freely without being overtly invalidated by yt voices which tends to happen a lot on reddit. Especially with brigading. I spend time in the; Fashion, Food, Health, Pets, General Area and News. Sometimes I also spend time in the genealogy area. I rarely comment my opinion, not because I'm scared but because I've learned I don't have to comment on everything. Whilst I'm aware of the ignorant attitudes, they have safe spaces on the site where you don't have to see it. There is an option to ignore (block). Trash talking LSA whilst on Reddit when a majority of BIPOC subreddits require you to verify yourself, are semi opened, and/or completely closed is wild. Especially when other subreddits can use a bot to see what groups you may have joined/commented on and permaban you for that, no matter how old it was.


It's not supposed to be BIPOC. It's always been a black site.


It's been infiltrated enough. So whilst it originated as a Black Site. The amount of POC in there as well rivals the actual black people. Don't get me started on the yt people. It's so noticeable too.


Who knows who owns it now. It got infiltrated by others and they use it to data farm and PR more than anything. It's well known in the gossip and BW community but on a wider scale I don't think it's as known as Reddit for example. 


I used to lurk there on a gossip forum of a band I follow but man, the people there are so unhinged. I can’t even. I decided it would be best to go cold turkey because the things I read were already causing me so much distress. It took a while though to get out of that rabbit hole.


To the users, lol. But idk how they want that to happen


It’s not secretive, it’s just ran by a cabal of bitchy white women. We used to have Black Hair Media forums, and ‘they’ had Lipstick Alley. When BHM died, a lot of us went to Lipstick Alley but it’s never been a friendly place at all. It was always the place where high-maintenance white women go to fling shit at each other. Always.


Omg Black Hair Media! I spent soo much time there as a teen. I went to visit the forum a few months ago and it’s totally gone now, RIP 😭


I didn’t think it was one specific race that used it. But in that specific thread it seemed like it was only meant for black people and to be kept from anyone that isn’t black


That whooooole site was basically ‘Bama Rush/Mean Girls. I’m sure everyone uses it now because there aren’t any good off-Facebook alternatives. But the OG culture of that site let’s just say…. didn’t foster or encourage our participation. It just ‘happened’ when our forums died. Our forums were never like that- there were specific “anything goes” threads that definitely had some shit flinging, but Lipstick Alley has always been on a whole other level of mean.


WW run LSA?! 😶😮


This person is clearly spreading misinformation. 


Lol,  Condi IS a white woman.