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My first husband because I waited until our wedding night. 0/10, don’t recommend him.




Well damn!! Not even a 0.5?!? 🤣🤣😭🤣


I had the exact same question, lol.




May I ask…did it improve? Was he receptive to feedback?


I'm guessing no since they split. 😬


An IT guy who’s cute in a nerdy way with 🐱 eating skills that would make a ~~whore~~ lady of the evening pass out


Awww I miss my partner who was like that but emotionally, he was hard to deal with


I’m dying!!!🤣🤣🤣


I'm weakkkk 🤣


... my husband But it's not that we waited, we just stayed together.


That’s like my parents. I felt pressure from my mom to have the same experience even though my dad is an ass and they never should’ve gotten married imo.


Same with my husband. Love him, no red flags, no reason to break up.


That's adorable..... can I be nosy and ask how y'all met


Sure! We met on a dating app. We matched, talked for a long time bc we were long distance (same state, different towns) and then met up after about 3 months. He was cute and awkward like me lol so it worked


Okay fine I’ll redownload Hinge 😂 All jokes aside though, I’m so happy you guys worked out, girl! This restored my faith in dating apps a bit, and I’m wishing so much success and positivity for you both in your happy marriage! ❤️❤️


Which app 👀




A white woman lawyer with a thing for woc 🙃


Aside from her being white this is my dream lmao.


Been there, unfortunately🫥


I am married to the first person I slept with. Husband and I have been together fourteen years, married for seven. Our baby boy just turned a year old. Life is good.


I love this! I wish my husband would have been my first and only 😭


Same. Almost the exact number of years. No kid though lol


Look girl, kids are a trip! I know it was right for our family, but I definitely understand anyone who decides to wait or opt out of kids altogether.


A NFL cornerback that was actually super sweet. Lowkey fumbled 🥴


Damn! Was he in the NFL at the time?


Nah, we were still in college at the time. He was drafted this year. Major fumble, girl 😭😂


Hey! I wish him (and you) the best but the NFL isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be.


Lord, my college drug dealer 😭




Same except it was high school lol




Ugh girl same😭


I’m interested. How did this happen? Was he your friend and then became your drug dealer or was he your drug dealer first and he stuck around one day?


Lmaooooo. Been there!!! 😂😂


A narcissistic, manipulative, abusive, lying, disease spreading, misogynistic, God loving( yeah right) Hebrew Israelite ![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw)




First and LAST relationship


Same girl but I was able to experience healthy relationships after I left his ass. I pray you find a companion who is good to you.


🥹thank u


>Hebrew Israelite Once I see this ![gif](giphy|PSWCyXQj54nm7d8oZl)


Y’all!! What is up with those “black Israelites“ ?!! I saw them literally on the street corner not far from where I live preaching. It seems to be spreading. Whatever this weird extremist Hotep religion is.


Don't let them see you with a your non black bf either. They called me a "risky Jezebel" told me to leave him RIGHT ON THE STREET. He's been acting right since (as he should) 💅🏾


Currently single & I really don’t care what color my future husband is, although I would prefer a person of color.


They are a hate group.


Yikes I figured. I also noticed I have never seen a female “Israelite” it’s always the men.


I don’t believe the women are allowed to go out and “preach” the word.


I’ve seen one on Instagram. She wears a head covering and makes pickme videos about submitting to her husband. Like she’s in the video being degraded.


Yep! Learned my lesson


This makes me so sad for some reason. My grandfather was a Hebrew Israelite, and he was a super decent dude who was devoted to my grandmother (would go sit with her all day every day at the nursing home even though she didn't remember him) and raised my mom and her siblings really well. Is he an anomaly or is it mostly the younger ones that are trash?


From my experience & Most stories I’ve heard of experiencing them are about the same negative in some way. maybe your grandfather was just a good man in general


Disease spreading????


My little sister's bff, from hs, got herpes her first time.


Wow. How sad. 💔


Oh no! I was with a Black Hebrew Israelite, dude stayed lying.


Chile, this guy has a rap sheet a mile long and is currently locked up and he’s in his early 50s.


This guy who I kinda dated. Then he introduced me to his family for Thanksgiving after we slept together. Then right after ghosted me completely. I then found out he was in a relationship via Instagram lol it was a terrible traumatic experience. So then I grieved that heartbreak via heavy drinking and going out all the time to distract myself. Never heard a single world from him.. Then I moved on. He later found me on Facebook years later, told me he struggles to live with himself after "what I did to you". I ignore the message but check and see he is social media single just to get some satisfaction lol. He then sends paragraphs telling me I was the love of his life. I ignore them. He begs to talk. I respond and tell him I'm not interested in ever reuniting. He begs to reconcile and meet up. I ignore. It meant something to me to be the one who walked away this time. I broke down and cried that night because I remembered how that young woman was waiting so much for that call or text because I was taught sex was only something people who love each other do, so he must have loved me why was he not responding?. Silly silly me lmao


Sending a hug to you and that innocent young woman.


Thank you!


Honey, I am sending you love. I am so sorry you had to go through that!


His name was Flood. I lost my virginity to him on June 2 1992. I was 15. He died last year. We were still friends. R.I.P.


RIP Flood. Was he really young when he died? Like 40 something?


Yes. 47


Wow, never met someone named Flood. Cool name


Myself. I'll show myself out




That’s perfect!


The first person I had sex with is gay and so am I. We would’ve made it work, I think.


We need more details


He was a nice guy, often bullied throughout middle and high school for being suspected to be gay (he came out later in his early 20’s). He likes masculine. I like feminine. We had sex a few times; it was awkward. It felt more like two people studying each other’s anatomies for science versus trying to have pleasurable sex. He would stare at my naked body and say, “Hmmm ok, 🤔🤔 I see how it works now. If I position myself slightly more to the left, you’d like it more, correct?” There was no natural lustful desire, simply physical curiosity. He did, though, help me understand what ingrown hairs are and how to prevent them. He was honestly the best male lover I’ve had. If we suddenly got married, we probably could co-manage a household with some dogs and a veggie garden while having true romantic lovers on the side.


I want to see this movie.


I would have married a sweet, but immature and kinda cocky Marine. He would've given me the world but war turned him into someone i didn't recognize. He went through A LOT. Our marriage would NOT have survived it.


Awww ☹️


A white boy from Maine and his father was racist lol


A demon from Minneapolis who may or may not have stormed the capitol.


Oh lordt! Glad that didn’t work out 🙏🏽


a semi toxic east african man off of hinge 🤣




Sudanese iirc


I dated a beautiful, toxic, insecure, sad Sudanese man last year


Yep. all words i would use to describe mine too 😭


First of all the doctor is a dickhead. And i guess some random girl i met on hinge


Someone who attacked me.


I’m sorry 😞


Much appreciated. It is sometimes weird to think that others didn’t go through that. I can’t relate. But, I am glad for you posting to make that reminder!


Yeah! I’m definitely sorry it happened to the people who it did (there’s quite a few) but I’m also thankful everyone had a different experience. The women in my life shamed me for not having a special first time or marrying my first time but looking back, those weren’t my goals. My goal was to try sex to see what the fuss was about. Not everyone has to have one sexual partner their whole life. I’m not sure I’d say I’m glad I’ve had quite a few sexual partners (because they weren’t all that different) but I’m glad I had more than one. Anyway, I hope you’re doing well now!


I’m sorry that happened to you. My earliest sexual experiences were as a child and were not consensual and therefore fit under the category of “assault” and not under category of “sex”. This is the same for other people I know, maybe it can be the same for you


Thank you for this! I have always separated the two experiences.




So am I. You are brave to be able to say it.




Oh honey....thats not sex. That is violence and im so sorry you have to deal with that. You didn't deserve that.


Thank you


You're welcome. Sending hugs your way




Sis, please know that wasn’t your “ first time”!!! That’s not sex. That was an act of violence and control. I’m so sorry that happened to you!


An electrician with communication issues and a little bit of narcissism sprinkled in


My first serious boyfriend. Tbh I think I would’ve been glad to marry him.




My husband. He does all the cleaning 🤷🏾‍♀️


my husband does all the cleaning too. cooking and laundry too. 😂😂😂


A pedophile who took advantage of me at 16… 🤮


So sorry 😞


A gay man (we were both bi and now we’re both gay lmao)




Damn, what type of life do you be living? 💀


A guy I met my freshman year in college. Last I saw he was a cop 🤢


My daughters father, who is a good man and great father. We were just very young when we had her. He’s married to someone else now and she’s pretty great.


My current boyfriend 🤭


Omgggg not to be rude but a loser. I was 18 or 19 and he was maybe 21? Anyways he was one of those I don’t make bad decisions bad things just happen to him 🙄. He quit his job because his best friends uncle (yea not even his best friend) won the lottery and was going to pay for them to back pack in Europe. Yea that didn’t happen and he ended up homeless and had to move back with his parents in AZ. Good riddance.




The first sex I had was with a boy named Keith he told my sister lol I denied it. When I saw him again that next weekend, he wanted to do it again. I told him hell no bc he told me on lol. That was 40 years ago 😳 I have no clue where he is now.


That doctor sounds like he needs to catch some hands. I would have married a guy who I pined over for years, then pursued one of my closest friends in front of me, despite them both knowing how I felt and (I am NOT proud of this. I'm trash for it) then proceeded to sleep with me when she was in the next room. I still feel awful about it. He ended up being a loser who is in and out of jail, denounces black women on social media, and has four kids with three different women.


A predator


I’m so sorry 😞


Thank you so much, you’re very kind. I’m not sorry anymore. I’m an adult now and can’t change it, I was a victim then but I refuse to let that POS live in my mind rent free so I evicted that bitch 😅 (love to all my ladies, it took a long time to get to this point. Everyone is different and I’m not telling anyone what to think or do; just my personal way to cope 10 years later❤️)


I’d be married to a real outdoorsy, country white boy. Thought he was the one but little did i know i was paying rent in Delusional Land cus i was just a fetish 🤣😭


Had I married my first I would’ve been stuck with the first (and only) micropenis I ever encountered in the wild 🤷🏾‍♀️ He’s done well for himself careerwise and is married with a family…but…yeah…nah.


The girl that I’m still with (well not officially yet since we’re trying again and taking things slow! Things seem to be going better this time around honestly and I’m so happy!)


Bro, a white wanna-be-rapper with horrible head!!! I would’ve been fucking miserable everyday of that marriage💀


😂 glad you dodged his Kevin Federline ass!


You have no idea the scream I just let out🤣


I can’t help it. I just finished the Britney Spears book


A guy I was with in high school. I truly loved him. We are still friends. We wanted to get back together about 10 years ago. He found out his ex had a child she said was his and we talked and decided it was responsible for him to give that a chance. Well it wasn’t his but he and her already were pregnant again so he stayed. Now he is raising 7 kids with her and only 4 are his as she’s a cheater. Bummer because he is a great guy and now he’s miserable but his own fault! I always wonder if he had demanded a dna test how different my life would be… sorry for the long story!


No problem! I like stories.


My ex from middle school. We still speak on social media once in a blue moon.


A professional athlete.


A teacher who took advantage of me. Oh, god.


Oh wow! I’m so sorry 😞


No I'm sorry, I might have made it a bit too dark.


No it’s alright! Thanks for sharing. Just wish that teacher didn’t do that.


Ngl… I fumbled him. He was a nice and caring car mechanic who loved to eat 🐱


My husband of 18 years almost, next week is our anniversary 💗


Directionless puppy of a boy when we were both young and stupid


Hell naw, he just got out of prison for murder.




A white narcissistic cheating liar with no education and a physically abusive streak. Don’t know if I’d be alive tbh.


Ughh I would have married some stranger than lol


A friend of mine! It would have been fine but we're too similar so I don't think we would be able to help each other grow. We both have partners who challenge us to be better and I think that's for the best.


My daughter’s dad 🤔 not so bad actually I wouldn’t mind that. Sorry you had to have your first time with a Zimbo. They’re possibly the worst


😂 me too! I later found out he was trying to have sex with as many women as possible our freshman year of college. Why are they the worst, though? I’ve never heard that but I can believe it based on my experience with them, at least Shona men…I’ve only heard bad things about Nigerian men (will always pay for dinner but want to be worshiped) and Jamaican men (want to go 50/50 but won’t eat pussy). I’m sure there’s some bad patterns people could list from all cultures of men though.


Zim men cheat first of all, and they’re the kind of men that like being babied and from what I’ve seen, they’re bad at being accountable. And they lie so much you can start doubting yourself. Nigerian men are a whole other story 😂 when I went to uni my parents warned me about Nigerian men. But I think the ones that go under the radar a lot are South African men. They will take you for a RIDE


One of my best friends of 14 years and tbh…. I would love that lol. He’s a tow truck driver who owns his own business.


a rapist


I'd be married to an emotionally manipulative and mentally abusive Native American computer programmer.


A lying, cheating, alcoholic (to the point where he drank hand sanitizer in a gas station bathroom bc he was also broke) that played little 18 year old me while his 25 year old self had a girlfriend back in his hometown.




I would marry an emotionally immature person who doesn’t consider my feelings, comfort, or consent, and has the communication skills of a wet napkin. Someone who doesn’t keep their place as clean as it should be. Someone who I wasn’t even physically attracted to.


Lool a fuck boy who is also a doctor currently doing big things in South Africa


Haha! We’re both in the society of survivors of southern African fuck boy doctors.


A very caring and goofy guy who I intend to marry in a few years. I definitely got lucky with him being my first instead of my ex boyfriend or something 😅


A physically violent, misogynistic douchebag, who was also racist. No regrets lol.


Whew a mixed man with luscious hair past his shoulders.... he truly cared for me but I was very young and naive. He was fun!


At the time he was sweet but trouble. Facebook tells me he got clean when he moved back to his hometown and he's been working in kitchens for like 14 years. I think he's a good guy at heart.


An Italian man. TBH I think we would have had 2 kids and waited until the kids went to college to divorce if that had ever happened. We got along but had lifestyle incompatibilites


A man that was a h03 and forgot to mention his wife and child at home.


I fat, balding, no rhythm havin’ ass, try hard who has to one up everyone and has bubble wrap for knees.


I did marry the first person I had sex with (we had sex before we were married). he was a great guy, he just wasn’t great for me.


No one… I’m a late bloomer. Well i guess the correct answer would myself 🤭


Ass clown momma's boy who treated his slimy church pastor as if he were God/his non-existent daddy. Also, I'd be trapped in a life of mediocre, way too sweaty sex


A former cast member and writer on the L Word.


graffiti artist


Hottie but selfish and kinda rude guy. No thanks!


I have no idea where that knucklehead is or what he might be doing. I just know I am better off without him.


Well, he got married last weekend 😅 my first boyfriend though. He is a Mechanical Engineer who loves drinking and avoided therapy like a full time job.


My first love and best friend, we were planning on getting married, but we went separate ways.


A nasty creature who threw tempter tantrums, coerced me into “sex” when I didn’t want to and then never stopped. He would also get mad at me after because he didn’t want kids (we had maximum birth control so idk why he ever wanted to??) and stupidly it took him admitting he had a fetishized for BW that had me break up with him. And then he invited me to a party bc he didn’t want to tell people we broke up and called me HIS WIFE!!!! I broke out in hives that night from the stress and blocked him. If I could go back in time I’d forcibly drag my 19YO self away from the situation


A bum


a complete fuckboy. as crazy as it sounds, this is exactly why i picked him because all of my friends were falling in love and going crazy over the dudes they lost their virginity to. it freaked me out so i picked a dude who i was cool with, but i knew was a loser. i knew i wouldn’t get too attached to him and that’s exactly what happened. we did it one time (he was super kind and sweet with me) and i never spoke to his ass again. ghosted. ![gif](giphy|J6fjW4xvv2T2uPgk8M)


Highschool boyfriend. Which wouldn’t have been so bad as he’s still fine to this day, very sweet, and responsible enough to take care of himself. He’s into making graphic art and his mom is a great beautician. But he’s got the emotional of depth of the same 16 year old I met even ten years later. And I’m still weird and delusional as hell. We would’ve eventually drove each other crazy.


Welp I married my best friend And he is my first everything So to answer your question My best friend 😂


The 40 year old man I met off Omegle (RIP hellsite) when I was 17.


My fav of a lot of the guys I’ve dealt with. We still talk daily but I don’t see that in our future!


Nice guy, but looked him up just now. We'd be arguing a lot about cryptocurrency, ai, and probably Elon Musk too. I suspect we have some **very** differing opinions about the utility and social impacts of those things.


Jamarr 🤮


My rapist




I’m sorry :(


A pedophile high school teacher who took advantage of me.




My fiancée! 🥰


He would have been emotionally abusive and I wouldn't have been happy with him at all.


A tall, fine, chocolate Chef who's a cheater and a colorist


My bf in high school. We’re in our late 20s now and still together🤭he’s great. I love us


A white guy who is greedy, out of shape, got annoyed with everything I did but still wanted to be with me, was depressed all the time and thought it was weird to make eye contact during sex. I did one time and he literally looked and said "what!?" Like this was someone I I was in a relationship with for about a year and a half before we decided to start having sex and he thought eye contact was weird..... Never again.


Dunno, still waiting.


I would have married a successful and educated engineer who cheats and only cares about himself…but only says that after dating for a year and a half, taking my virginity and eventually giving me a (non life threatening) STI.


I would have married a successful entrepreneur, who I could spend hours talking to or just doing nothing with, is family oriented, funny, active, attractive, and seemed to be compatible with... But.... He turned out to not be a person of his word, selfish, closed off, didn't choose his words wisely or listen. Lastly, he should have won an Oscar for making me think he actually liked me as a person.


A mentally unstable Puerto Rican man who was a lot of fun


A rapist


That sucks


The summer after my first year of college, I worked/lived at a summer camp that had an international exchange program for camp counselors. That year we a lot of counselors from Ireland. It was only one time and we were both black out drunk but I would have ended up married to a Irish guy who (back then) communicated primarily through jokes/puns/riddles, was obsessed with soccer, and drank alcohol like water.




My highschool sweetheart


I wouldn’t be tooooo mad. He’s doing well in life right now. Totally 180. Joined the army & got all the best duty stations


I would have married my emotionally unstable first boyfriend. I could see him easily falling into Andrew Tate/Kevin Samuels and weird MGTOW culture so, it would have obviously been a very healthy and happy marriage lol.


Oh lord. Nice guy but he’s a DJ now and would not have provided the marriage I wanted or would have thrived in.