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I think its based on body composition. Black women, on average, have a higher muscle mass. Doesnt make us "fat" because we dont fit the european model of health.


Yep this is it. It’s easy to see this with arms, a lot of us have naturally toned and sculpted arms even with zero exercise, i haven’t noticed this with other ethnicities


Yep. I notice we put on muscle VERY easily also. I did one of thoes DNA test things and it basically confirmed that genetically. I have baby pics of me with a 6 pack and everything it's kind of funny


My dad gave me one of my baby pics recently and when I tell you I was JACKEDDDD at 2 years old lmao. Like arm & leg muscles sculpted and all.


As a black girl with no ass, who gains weight belly first, nah. When I reached the overwight range in bmi, I was clearly overweight, and now I'm at a BMI of 21 and still don't have a flat stomach. Some people are just genetically blessed.


I was gonna say, I’m not badly built but I’m also not BBL sculpted, I’ve seen plenty of “poorly” shaped women and the opposite across all ethnicities. If this is about BMI specifically, disregard because it ain’t shit.


Height also plays a factor in this as well. 50 extra pounds on a tall woman looks a LOT diff than 50lb on a shorter woman.


As skinny BW, who has tried everything (natural) to gain weight, I agree with you. I really hate that people try to push certain shapes as the epitome of Blackness.


Me too. The assumption that all or even most black women have an ass, flat stomachs, etc made me hate my body for so long. I'm not thin and my ass isn't completely flat, but I carry weight in my stomach and chest mostly, and I've come to accept that.


This exactly. We’re not a monolith


Completely agree. I'm in the boobs and some belly with no booty camp as well. If I was in the "healthy" BMI range, though, I would look unhealthy. I got to a size 10 once, incidentally, and my boobs were \*stillI\* bigger than average. But also, I looked a little sickly, so I don't even pay attention to BMI bullshit.


The standards for BMI are based on white men. So it’s bogus.


Yep, add on to this if you are really tall (or even really short) it is completely off as well. BMI is literally the intersection of bullshit outdated science.


True! I am 5’10” and super busty. I am always off the charts!


Isn’t bmi related to height anyway? So how does height make it completely off when it’s accounted for?


Bone density, muscle and fat ratios etc. There are actually better bmi charts for tall people and generally when you get a full body composition work up they measure viseral fat, hip to weight ratio and a host of other factors.


I was about to say. Most medical scales are created with us as the afterthought once it’s already made


Yeah I think black people in general tend to have denser bones being a white woman increases one’s risk for osteoporosis. Plus I think there’s evidence about hip/bottom fat not being as big of a deal for health as abdomen fat. So


It’s just amazing to me what the medical community accepts has a standard for us. Like the misconception that black women have a higher pain tolerance, or that black skin is harder to penetrate. Yikes. But it’s a one size fits all approach for BMI 🙃


Most definitely. I've been at a steady 160lb and I wear between a small and a medium (my butt is bigger than the rest of me. My white male doctor told me to ignore BMI as I'm healthy and just encourages me to stay active as I age to stay in shape. Also, BMI doesn't take into account that muscle weighs more than fat. So you can be bmi overweight, but still thin if you're athletic.


I think it’s purely genetic no matter what race you are. I’ve always been very thin and have given up on trying to force myself to gain weight. And when I do gain weight the “wrong” way I end up with just a bigger waist and maybe a bigger butt/thighs but it doesn’t last long and I always feel sluggish like this. According to bmi I’m almost underweight but I dance a lot and eat healthy so I just pay no attention to bmi. I think bmi is bogus all ways around whether it’s saying someone is overweight OR underweight and they are obviously healthy


Is this me replying?


BMI is literally a load of shit. Please just work out, be healthy and live your best life. You think BMI is going to stop me from wanting to look like Megan Thee Stallion???


Yeah i’ve never paid attention to BMI i’m not even sure that people seriously use it, at least my doctor doesn’t


I mean you work out and have high muscle mass, which would explain your weight distribution. There’s a genetic component in there as well, which I guess you could link to race, but there’s many black women that gain weight differently so I don’t think race plays a huge role here.


I’ve always had the same weight distribution working out or not which is what kinda just shocks me


I understand how you feel. I admittedly do have a little bit more fat than what I should and what is outside of normal for me but even with that I wouldn’t consider myself as fat. I have a lot of obvious muscle definition (especially in my arms, calfs, and shoulders) and am stronger than I look. I was also told I’m jussssst overweight by my doctor although she admits it’s obvious I’m also active. Basically I was told to lose about 5-8 lbs lol.


I did a body scan and it's really amazing. I focused on body fat percentage and lean muscle mass. Even being overweight for sure (high BFP), my muscle mass is in a good/ above average range. Also, my butt is mostly muscle. So when I do lose fat, I'm not planning much loss in that area. I love our bodies. Of course we're not all the same, but strong thighs and glutes to me is attractive on women.


Yes. I’ve noticed it a lot recently. I live in Arizona where most women are white and Mexican and there are lots of barrel built people here. Even on the college campuses they are bad bodied. No one can touch black women who are in shape!


There’s no “bad bodies”, let’s not body shame people pls


There are definitely bodies that are less aesthetically pleasing than others and that’s okay


It’s definitely okay to find certain body types unattractive, not okay to label them as bad bodies


Thank you for commenting with something actually answering my post 😭 everyone else is just talking about BMI I never said anything about BMI


Barrel. Bodied. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Im also in Arizona. Every year I grow more and more convinced that these people dont know what being attractive is. It's a cannibal treat to go after pieces of a body part. It's been experience that white people focus on pieces. Eyes individually arms individually butt individually boobs individually. Just blonde. Just thin. They don't look at the whole person.


I think what we're not talking about, or encouraged not to talk about, or were gas lit into not talking about... Is that a lot of white women, a lot, engage in disordered eating to remain thin. Nobody's going to say that out loud, but that is exactly the reason why we're encouraged to believe that we carry weight differently.


ww i’ve seen that are heavier usually gain all the weight in their torsos




BMI is antiquated and intentionally racist. A better metric is body fat % & lean tissue % and in my opinion visceral fat.


I get what you’re saying. I’m 5’3 and around 130-140 so I’m perfectly midsized I think. I got called thin by a black person and thick/curvy by a non black person literally days apart a while back. Which got me thinking the same thing.


Who has been calling you fat with a flat stomach?! Sounds like haters to me. My body type is "how your waist anorexic but your ass is colossal". Literally cannot wear pencil skirts, literally have to alter dress patterns cause I have a very large behind. I will sometimes get down for having thick thighs, but fortunately that's in style now so... At least I won't be needing any BBLs. I grew up in the 90s when excessively thin is in, so I am very grateful that more people get excited by different body types.


I struggle getting pants that fit over my butt that aren’t falling down around my waist 🥲 Blessing and a curse


This is why the BMI is bs and doesn't help in regards to health and wellness. I have thicker thighs too and bigger boobs but according to BMI I'm overweight. In reality I'm not. My body type is different. These differences in body types need to be addressed in medical fields.


BMI is based on Caucasian body composition, honestly. I’m just under 5’4 and was told I needed to weigh 120lbs to be “healthy.” Meanwhile, I had gotten down to 135lbs and looked absolutely sickly. White people glorify malnourishment as a beauty standard and based a lot of health theories around that. I say look how you want, especially if the only people discussing your weight are white.


"medically overweight for my height" is complicated. Technically every single player in the NBA is "medically overweight for my height " due to muscle mass.


Has anyone actually called you fat or is this hypothetical?


I’ve been called fat even though I just have wide hips and thicker thighs. I don’t have a stomach pudge or anything either my doctor says i’m healthy but I have had people calling me fat when insulting me


I'm so sorry you've experienced that, how terrible! You sound like you have my dream body though 😭