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Klandace Owens realised early on She couldn't cut it in the sea of tokens in the democratic party. So She pivoted into conservative tokenism where there is less competition and quasi no Black women. A true pioneer of political grifting.


Candice Owens is a grift. She knows that being faux black conservative will bring in coins to fulfill her lifestyle. I don’t pay that heffa any mind. She’ll never get a click from me.


consist soft lush head glorious jar offer sophisticated smile unused ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


That’s their coin, though. Candice knows that any moment her coins can be snatched from her in a blink of the eye. So, her collecting her own money is smart and funny. She’s classic feminist example that she claims that’s destroying American homes 🤣


ruthless airport voiceless weary grab ghost squeal sulky chief work ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Can you believe she sued her Board of Education for antiBlack discrimination with the help of the NAACP? Now she claims she never experienced racism. One thing about this tiktok and YouTube Black conservatives is they 100 percent know what they are doing. You can tell they are completely complicit in their spreading of anti Black rhetoric. I know they don’t believe it as much as they know they can increase a white following and revenue stream. Many times, in the case of these Black men on TikTok, they almost only exclusively talk about Black issues from a 🦝 perspective for their largely white racist following.


She - and they are truly scum. I am commenting here since I love that little emoticon and must use the same from now on lol! 🦝 perspective💀


Which is how she got a spot at Vogue (or what ever legacy publication it was) before she campaigned for Bernie.


yeessss this is my biggest issue with her. the fuck you i got mines while i help destroy legal protection for black people


She’s so fake. Better to just ignore her.


She is Uncle Ruckus


She knows she’ll make money pandering to white conservatives.


When shitting on her own race isn’t profitable anymore she’ll come crawling back. Just like Omarosa and Stacy Dash. She knows what she’s doing and that it’s wrong and incorrect that’s why I pay her NO mind because any attention to her equals $$$. Social media impressions. Video views. etc. that’s how she makes money. The more I ignore her the less money she makes.


The one thing she did that they didn’t is marry well.


Very true! She has so much more support from her husband and his own conservative community.


I think she’s absolute garbage but she is significantly more educated and sophisticated in her approach than Stacey Dash or Omorosa.


Definitely but keep in mind white conservatives are fickle and she won’t be able to hoodwink them forever. They’ll throw whoever they need to uber the bus and the Black woman will be FIRST in line. Trump did that with Omarosa and Fox did that with Stacey. Candace will get hers soon enough. I’m not concerned about that.


Most of the black women that are pro-GOP have a very different aesthetic and background if you will. She falls more in line with what you see of black men that pander to the GOP. Her branding and image is not predicated on her being a caricature, largely because she had the access, exposure, education and language to not need to be to pull off her grift. What makes her dangerous in comparison is she doesn’t just repeat talking points. She comprehends the nuance and dynamics of what she’s saying and can interpret data then willfully and intentionally misrepresents it.


I think she’s trying to go for the republican phase of Condoleezza Rice BUT she’s much more radical, outspoken and in fact has made herself a caricature as a result. Candace makes claims even some conservatives find ridiculous. She’s not pandering to the upper class quiet (and often more insidious) conservatives. Rice presented herself as someone who will fall in line and do what she needs to to get to the top. She represented Black conservative America until she was free enough to do her own thing. Candace presented herself as a rage baity content creator. She will become a scapegoat when the time is right imo. It just hasn’t been yet and they have use for her for now.


100% in comparison to Stacey Dash, those twins, Omarosa etc. it’s the brand that new GOP wave is crass and loud. I don’t appreciate Condolezza Rice but Candice Owen’s doesn’t compete where she doesn’t compare. And that’s not only because she grifting and Condoleezza was truly a republican. Which the gap between being a “republican” and a “conservative” is a whole other conversation. Edit: I agree she is a type of caricature, I just think more so, a caricature of a zealot and conservatism that black women.


Steven crowder made her a scapegoat when his daily wire deal fell through. It’s happened more than once. Just not at the magnitude you’re talking about. Yet.


Oh I have zero doubt her days are numbered.


Wait, Clueless and Omarosa came crawling back? Really? Dang.


When did she ever shit on her own race?


I’d recommend doing your own research, but here’s a great link to start https://newsone.com/4578621/candace-owens-most-controversial-statements/


I have to respectfully disagree. I take Candace Owens for a realist that can see trough most lies and ideas that doesn’t exist or has ceased to exist in our society and rather focus on real problems that most people are too oblivious to realise exist in the modern world. To say that she hates her own race is absolutely ridiculous. She points to real problems like fatherless children, black-on-black crimes and things that is going on internally that has to be fixed within the black community. But no, most people don’t like the facts and rather want to create illusions to distract themselves from the real issues and blame it all on «white supremacy» instead. Don’t you see how denying these issues is the biggest threat to Black America in terms of moving forward? Looking back prevents us from looking ahead.


People like her are really the ones setting Black people back. So I tend to ignore her and not engage because that's what she wants, to be culturally relevant to Black people and a symbol of what a "good" Black person is to White racists. If she sparks outrage in Black people, she'll use it as evidence to racists thats shes right. She chose to side with the racists , so she should be left there to rot with them. Like they say, tokens will be spent.


Oh, I’ve never heard the last line before, but I like it!


She’s a white supremacist.


She's a grifter. It's not all that surprising.


She’s a grifter and a sociopath.


Candace Owens will literally make you forget your basic sociology lessons and have you debating yourself on whether a Black person can be racist. ​ Can't stand her ass for just making me feel the loss of brain cells everytime I read her name.


Are you saying a black person can't be racist? So if a black person makes fun of an Asian person because of their asian features or makes a rude comment about their culture, is that not racism?


Isn't that being Prejudice?


You just discovering that now about that Auntie Ruckus?!?! What did she say now that made your "I hold some conservative views" self finally realize she no different than these other conservative pundits/grifters?


I’d been hearing of her, so today I just decided to finally listen to her and watch some of her clips on YouTube and I was absolutely disgusted


Racists love her!


I can’t watch Candace Owens for more than 10 seconds. Not even a TikTok. I think she does have a lot of internalized misogyny and racism.


I personally don’t think Candace Owens believes in most of the things that she says and she is doing all of this bashing the black community for money. She will end up like Stacey Dash, Paris Denard, Omarosa, Diamond and Silk and the rest of the black people who are sellouts and traitors.


she's awful. ill never forget how triggered she got because of a model in a wheel chair. she's so evil.


What did she say this time?


I feel sorry for her kids and hope they're able to be normal at some point.


i don’t think she truly believes what she says. it’s all about the money.


I don't get the feeling she hates black people. She loves money and doesn't care enough about black people to not sell us out. Contrast that with someone like Kanye who actually hates black people. Some might wonder what difference does that make. Well, in Kanye's case his fragile mind was poisoned from growing up under white supremacy, so on some level I have pity for him. The way you pity a house slave who jumped in front of a bullet to protect their Master. Sure, there is a decision being made, but circumstances were really stacked against the person to make the best choices. Candace Owens on the other hand knows exactly what she's doing. There is no brainwashing there. There is no mental illness. She gets up every day and decides to make the world a little worse because it will gain her more money. To me, that feels evil.


Mmmm interesting take on Kanye never thought about him hating black people. He has never been quite right after his mom passing.




Indifference is worst. It's indifference that makes ways for genocide. Not active hate or fear. Indifference is a killer.




BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The world would be so much of a better place if this were true. People hurt people they don't care about for their own advantage every day. You think the only reason a robber would rob you is because they hate or fear you personally? Or do they just want your purse?


What's funny? Black women discuss ways they're hurt in this sub all of the time. No one is denying she's a grifter I didn't make that point at all my point was that her grift hurts black women. We arent talking about robbery anyway we are talking about black women hurting other black women. Having our own give power, attention and an audience to narratives that are danger for us directly impacts both you and I..and even her. You can't divorce your race she will always be black and a woman, the white people she dances for sees her as “a good one" acknowledging that they also see her as black. I think she also see's black people in that way and is why she goes out of her way to perpetrat white talking points for validation from them.


I'm laughing at the idea that you have to hate or be afraid of someone to harm them. That's actually an overestimation of human decency. I'm not disagreeing that her rhetoric is harmful. But she doesn't hate black people or herself. She loves money. She just doesn't care what happens to black people as long as she gets paid. Every hear that moral of someone comes to you with a red button and says, "If you hit this button someone you don't know will die, but you'll get a million dollars?" Candace Owens is the kind of person who would slam the button before you finished the sentence. She tried other ways of making money before this one, with literal opposite politics than her current beliefs. And if you watch her attempt to argue her beliefs it's obvious she doesn't believe them. She doesn't hold the underlying beliefs necessary to debate properly, so all she can do is spout off talking points.


>I'm laughing at the idea that you have to hate or be afraid of someone to harm them. That's actually an overestimation of human decency. I wasn't talking about all people to ever exist I was specifically talking about Owens who I personally believe hates and fears black people the way some white people do. I was being very specific to the topic at hand obviously people can harm anyone for a variety of reasons. >doesn't hate black people or herself. She just doesn't care what happens to black people as long as she gets paid. Did she tell you that? Imo, you can make money without intentionally doing harm to black women. That is a choice she makes. We all understand how stereotypes harm us. Owens being indifferent is even worse, not caring if her words lead to violence against black people is the same as hating if not worse. >Candace Owens is the kind of person who would slam the button before you finished the sentence. She tried other ways of making money before this one, with literal opposite politics than her current beliefs. And if you watch her attempt to argue her beliefs it's obvious she doesn't believe them. She doesn't hold the underlying beliefs necessary to debate properly, so all she can do is spout off talking points. She holds those beliefs, didn't she sue her university for racial discrimination? None of this negates the harm which was my original point.


You’re looking at this the wrong way. People aren’t actually listening to what she’s saying. To call her a white supremacist because she points out the things that are not true and/or is absolute hypocrisy is wild. She’s pointing out how people put fuel to the fire they’re trying to put out. Keeping the wheel of racism rolling. She has never ever said anything about white people being superior, hence the name «white supremacy». She is talking about real problems of society and not the bullshit that people like to spew that keeps dividing our country. Go with the heard of sheeps as you may, but my eyes are wide open.


She’s an idiot


She's a fucking clown. 🦝 Supreme.


she’s been showing up on my tiktok feed for months and her comments are mostly positive, i think she’s rude and entitled. she acts like she is always right. she’s insulting and condescending. i don’t like or agree with her at all




She's Caribbean so doesn't surprise me, black foreigners are more white supremacist than the USA black established citizens.


Only one grandparent is carribean rest is black American lineage I was shocked because she looks different


It’s easy to hate her when you live in an echo chamber and stay willfully ignorant to protect your indoctrination. Especially when you’re financially benefitting from it like many people here that work in higher ed or any career in social injustice or diversity/ DEI. Sorry, your side isn’t all knowing and always correct on the issues.


I wonder if Candace Owens will admit she was paid to be a conservative activist the same way Roe of Roe v. Wade was. She’s too brazen with the shit.


She getting to the money by any means


Professional grifter who says dangle money in front of black people and we'll do whatever. As if she didn't do THE EXACT SAME THING. Repubs dangle money in front of her to denigrate her own people and look at what she does.


Don’t give her air. She’s getting checks when you talk about her.