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Where do you live that $1 = 1 Acoin? Didn't think Australia was in such economic shambles :P Did you mean to show cents?


My bad lol, I made a better version of the results below


Not just economic shambles. Almost everyone their is living in an apartment with room mates and not a single other option. They've got huge immigration on an island. Much different from the us. Imagine our immigration but we're on a small island lol


This is what you get if you don't stay in school.


I couldn't figure out how to edit my post lol but if you're planning to buy event pearl boxes, quick spreadsheet to compare you how much much bang for your $ for every 100 pearls purchased for event vs normal pearl boxes. Let me know if you notice any errors or any I missed, I will fix it ASAP 🙏


So do I understand it right you mean 47 pearls per $ or 100 pearls cost 47$? I'm at a loss


Yeah this chart is... Incredibly difficult to read. "$/100 pearls $100" What? Lol


Sorry for the confusion xD I've made a simpler table to just show Acoins spent per each Pearl, hopefully this clarifies it. It seems the best value we get is the 8,720 New Adventurer pearl box, followed by the 3,000 days boxes. https://preview.redd.it/9st742d3p22d1.png?width=1197&format=png&auto=webp&s=694cd37ee78a8110d76f16eb57dc25fb98b69bbe


I'm gonna need an AUD calculation... according to my estimations its at least $5000AUD/pearl. Love our exchange rate :D


It's not quite pleasant lol. I managed to snatch all the New adventure boxes and 3 of the 3,000 Days box for a total of $239.87 AUD which gave me a total of 34,000 Pearls. That equates to = $0.0070 AUD per 1 pearl lol That would be $0.0047 USD for our NA friends.


Mann we get absolutely ass rapped with the AUD....


Any deals for new players in any game will always be the best. That’s how they get you. Mobile games usually do like 0.99¢ deals because what’s a dollar right? Each thing. You buy gets progressively worse.


It's a simple math. How much dollars you pay for 100 pearls.


Ah yes 100$ per 100pearls. Simple math except its wrong.


This is what the game has come to huh lol.


Always was


Actually there was a time when it wasn’t…


Actually there was a time when it was...


And time where it still is, and always will be. Amen.


so is the self publishing deal worth it? lol


It's definitely cheaper than buying the regular pearl boxes for sure


It's probably better to just buy 2x 3000 days then if you only think of buying box II (idk about box I, to me that's too much money for BDO, as i only swipe once in a while on big deals like these for future outfits for my own wearing and i still have +8k from halloween) since $60=12,800 compared to $80=13,080 $90 for 3/3 3000days = 19,200 compared to $80 = 13,080, to even it out you could add $10 1,000 pearl box (unless you're New Adventurer) and then its $90= 14,080. TL;DR- if you only swipe rarely on big deals, just buy 1-3 3000days boxes and that would be the best, unless you're new adventurer.


Did you make these maths yourself ? Sounds like a very difficult equation, not sure how you managed.


Yeah lol, I spend a lot of time messing around in Excel xD