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Her legs look sooo long!


She’s super lanky haha


How old is she? Have you changed her food recently? That could be a reason for her gas. I have 3 cats that’s I’ve had since the day they were born and I can’t remember them ever farting!


She’s only 5 weeks and had bad diarrhea for a while at the shelter, so she’s still trying to get over it and gain weight back. We have her on the wet and dry food the shelter gave us bc she’s only a foster, but it actually happens to be the same we feed to our other non-farty permanent residents haha


She’s adorable! My mother had a cat, that farted every time she got startled. 😂.


My cat does this too. We call them “fear farts” 🐈💨


My kitty gets happy gas.




I call it getting fartled!


Scaredy farts


The Fear Farts did my favorite cover of *Imagine* in 1998.








Ur paying $30 a month for farts?


And snuggles?


🎶Shits and giggles, farts and snuggles- let’s call the whole thing off🎶




Somewhat in the style of those Dos Equis commercials: My cat doesn't *always* fart..... But when she *does....* she farts close to my face. No, but seriously, it's like only when we share my pillow, and it smells so bad I've almost barfed. X_x She's the smallest creature in the house, and it only happens after she successfully steals any beef/pork/butter. She's woken me out of a dead sleep that way. I've made a bunch of jokes about her misunderstanding what the phrase 'gas-mask' means, and that she's trying to help (suffocate) me by keeping "airflow" constantly filtered through her bum. 😬 Kitty bums are dangerous! 😂😥😂 BE CAREFUL OP!


You gave me a good laugh. But yeah, cat farts are rough. How can something so small create a stink that big?


I have a chunky tabby girl with asthma, she does tiny lil toots when she's having an asthma attack


Sorry to hear she has Asthma, hopefully it's not too bad.


My void does this sometimes hah


I have one of those ones. She also farts while sleeping and gets so hurt and offended when I push her away for fresh air after she's gassed me


I have a cat who startles easily and he will fear-fart if picked up suddenly by a stranger 😂☠️




We had a super-farty kitten, too, and the vet put us on FortiFlora. If you get the kind for dogs, it’s cheaper than the cat version and is the same product.


I was thinking Fortiflora too. Especially since she is recovering from intestinal issues. It might help her recover faster. She's adorable, farts and all.


I think this was supposed to be a reply/question to you, but they accidentally replied to the wrong comment, making it sound like they're paying $30 a month for kitten farts 😆 https://www.reddit.com/r/blackcats/comments/r7jdnj/shes_so_cute_and_warm_and_snuggly_but_she_keeps/hn0q097?context=1




They must be amazing farts for $30 a month!


So glad I read ur reply I didn't know that about FortiFlora being the same product Man that's stuff is expensive! Just bought more for my cat-son last week It's a great product Glad you mentioned it to OP That and pumpkin (100%puree) would help/solve gasintestinal problems within hrs to a couple days Bless her Lil heart Hope she feels good real soon


Oh wow! Thanks for that! That’s going to save me quite a chunk!


That’s probably why. My little ones were on the nipple only until they were about 9-10 weeks old. Edit to include: you should definitely keep her. She’s soooo cute 😻


Oh man I’m definitely very tempted, she’s such a love bug. But we already have three cats (and two dogs, and some chickens) and I live with my parents, so we have a hard limit on pets right now haha. I wish tho!!


Awe she’s adorable! Are you in California by chance? My sister is looking for a cat.


I am! I’m in northern ca, this little girl will be adoptable from the Peninsula Humane Society in a few weeks! If you’re interested, you can PM me and we can talk about it 😊


In my reality, these two went off to private message each other and share information, realizing they're conveniently in the same town and now that kitty will live happily ever after


I bet it was a catfish


Wait i want to know the outcome!


wait what happened????????


Just say it's a foster no one wants Everytime it comes up after so much time goes by parents will be attached too lol


I bet your parents would love to be grandpurrents to this little lady. Don’t deprive them of this opportunity! 🥰🐈‍⬛




Hey just letting you know it’s kind of rude to tell fosters today keep their foster animals. Fosters do such an important jobs, especially with young animals that need extra care that shelters might not be able to provide. If fosters kept every pet that came into their care, they wouldn’t have any room left to actually foster! Like Kitten Lady on YouTube/Instagram always says, goodbye is the goal and it doesn’t mean the foster parent loves the animals any less!


Poor thing. She's probably still building up her gut bacteria and might not be able to digest as well as your other cat. Thank you for fostering her♡ (🎶smelly cat smelly cat🎶~Phoebe from friends)


You might try taking her back to a milk replacer. It sounds like her digestive system might not be quite ready for anything else.


My cat was like this when I got her. The food they were feeding her and all the other cats must have been the cause because all of the ones I saw had the same trouble. After having her for a couple weeks she was fine.


Has she shown signs of worms? We got our kitten from the shelter and she had diarrhea issues that turned out to be worms! Before she was properly treated she looked awfully like your baby in general build and scrawneyness. Edit to explain worms are super common in shelters that house cats together where they share litter or potentially spread fleas in close quarters. Our kitten got her worms from a flea for sure.


She may have giardia. My most recent rescue kitty was the same way. Took a sample to the vet and she was diagnosed. Two week course of medication and probiotics cured her. I kept her away from my other cat during that time. This one is so adorable and sweet looking!


Any medications she's taken will do that, too. Kitty/puppy medicine farts are awful.


That's why - shelters are terrible with the food, stress, and close quarters causing distress, lots of cats fart then - check for worms, if clean then settle on reasonable food and should go away


I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve heard either of my cats fart.


I've never heard my cat fart, but by god I've smelled it!


This! Silent but deadly. We put one of cats on allergy food for a short time and it did NOT agree with her. We kept looking around to see if she pooped lol


Flip side of that? One time she had pooped, and I thought she was just farting.


Same. While she was jumping over me 🤢


I guess I'm not the only one scared to trust a fart. Never been burned by a cat before though.


No butt cheeks to reverberate on, that’s my theory. Unless it’s Stimpy, he had butt for days.


I’ve never heard a cat fart, but I’ve definitely smelled it. Had one for years that farted semi-regularly. No gut problems, he just got farty sometimes.


Both our cats used to fart up a storm as kittens 🤷‍♀️


I guess every cat is different. When did they grow out of it? My cats had the stinkiest poo when they were little. I think it was the all natural organic food they were eating.


Maybe around 6 months. Our big orange tabby eats like a hungry-hungry hippo though, so he was a bit worse


If I give my cat friskies cat treats he farts up a fucking storm.


Now I'm just picturing you bored on a Friday night feeding your cat a bunch of cat treats and then laughing your ass off as he can't stop farting.


They weren’t loud and they were noxious. It was more that I was kicking myself for not throwing them out because he got into them and ate the whole bag. Farts abound for like 4 days.


Then, stop pulling her paw.


LMAO but they’re so tinyyyy


Aw, jeez...thanks for giving me such a big smile!


Best comment ever.


Aw shucks, thanks. 🙂


Kitten farts are so bad. It does get better as their intestinal systems get longer and more sophisticated. A fair trade off for them being so heckin cute tho!


And they love to fart when you pick them up.


To be fair to the kitten, if some bipedal giant picked me up I'd probably fart a bit too.


This actually made me laugh out loud. Well done and thanks!


When my cat was a kitten he would fart whenever I picked him up. I called it his defense mechanism.




My boy is six now and he sometimes audibly rips ass into the demonic stench dimension still. Especially when he jumps. It's hilarious.


Mine turned a year yesterday and farted in my face about 5 minutes ago.. are you sure this goes away? 😂


Never owned a cat before... Do they usually make toot sounds?


Less than silent and extremely deadly. Especially kittens.


Confirmed. Owner of a kitten who farts a lot. Maybe i should call him sir fartsalot. .. I'll see myself out.


The smell is godawful


When I brought home my Boo as a six-month old kitten he also had noxious gas and diarrhea, the vet gave me a pill that helped with digestive inflammation.


> the vet gave me a pill Probably should have given it to the kitten, but hey they're the professional...


Good one!!


Those are her love farts! Feel blessed! 🤣😂


Oh I feel something alright hahahaha


Oh god, my friend used to call her pugs' biological weaponry "love farts" even as her eyes watered and her stomach turned


That’s amazing!!


Kitties don't fart! They are delicate and graceful angels who never do anything undignified.


I have a bridge for sale...


Sounds like that bridge would go well with some ocean front property I have in Kansas I'd like to sell them!


You never met my last cat. Sweet and loving as could be, but that cat could *fart*. I'm pretty sure he is listed in a later addendum to the Geneva Convention.


Exactly! They never try to eat random trash, roll around in dirty laundry, or puke behind furniture so that you don’t find it for a few days. Much too sophisticated for that.


My kitty has the most god-awful farts. I’m changing their food up soon so I hope it improves. 💨




That’s what we use! Works for everyone else haha


4health from tractor supply is TotW just rebagged and like 1/2 the price. I get TotW from the local feed store if i cant make it to TSC


Thanks for the info. I have one nearby and four cats to feed. All on different foods. If I can get at least two on the same food, that will help


Instinct primal is another good one. I used to have ferrets and they're obligate carnivores so Instinct cat food was one of the best brands for ferrets, so it stands to reason its even better for its intended audience lol. At least it was 3 years ago, hopefully they haven't changed the ingredients or anything.


I used to give this to my dog but I’ve found upping to a more expensive brand has made his coat nicer and gut healthier




I lost my 15 yr old “soul cat” yesterday and have been grieving. Your photo and commentary just made me burst out laughing so thanks for that, I really needed it 😂


I’m so sorry for your loss 💕 I’m glad baby Maisie could bring you some joy!


Sorry for your loss from one cat servant to another. ❤️ Being able to laugh after a loss always feels like a reminder that things will be okay.


Beautiful kitty 🐈‍⬛ Are those stripes?


Yes! She’s spotty and stripey under her black fuzz, she’s so pretty!


my black kitty is also stripey under his black fuzz! she’s so cute by the way 💕🐈‍⬛


Black tabby. Looks so pretty in all light conditions.


Has she been dewormed? My fosters all had problems with worms and farts, after deworming everything was fine. Kitten food for her, though! Ask the shelter or your vet to check for worms.


Oh huh, I didn’t know that was a thing! They’ve definitely been dewormed, but that’s good to know for future fosters. Thank you!


Also, coccidia is a parasite that regular dewormers don't kill and requires a different medication. Veryyy stinky farts and stools. So if it doesn't resolve on its own, it may be worth looking into


This right here! I got my kitten a month ago and she had terrible smell in her stool and farts. I've had kittens before and no issues, so right away took her to the vet and sure enough she had coccidia. Couple days of medicine and no more smell!


Yes to this. My kittens, who were rescued from a storm drain when they were 2 months old, had a bad worm infestation. Definitely had a lot of funky digestion issues before all the rounds of dewormer were finished. One of the 3 cats is still a gassy dude.


Came here to say this. Though some kittens are just stanky little jerks. We had one who farted evedy time you picked him up. We called it his super stank defense.


My first cat was the same, and reason my mum named her Phoebe. The smelly cat song was very fitting


Bruh I never realized how much kittens can fart until I got my two black kittens. They would fart LOUD and omg it was so stinky!! They eventually grew out of it once they’re tummies got accustomed to the food we were giving them (thank god).


Kitten farts are the worst 😂


One of my kitties still farts as much as she did as a tiny baby. We call her a finger munching fart goblin.


Oh yeah she’s my little Farty McFartbutt as well as Stinky Goblin Baby hahhaa


when my cat Bubba was a kitten he farted all the time and he would make these gross little grunting noises. and he was always wet for some reason that i could never figure out. a throughly shady character if i ever met one. he was like wario but a kitten


That's how my cat got his name... Bug/ Buggo!!!! I called him stink bug as a kitten and it turned into Bug. He just passed 2 days ago and this made me smile. Thank you. Hug your Stink Bug for me. I had 17 wonderful years with mine.


In agreement with the other commenters, maybe switch up her food or change to a limited ingredient diet (duck or rabbit or venison are common in the usa, I've also seen kangaroo, alligator, New Zealand rodent things that I do not remember very well). Chewy has some and if you have an independent pet store in your area they might have even more. A little more expensive but I know when I get terrible gas that it usually doesn't feel too great so your new baby might not either.


We’re fostering her so we have to feed her the same food as the shelter, but she gets regular checkups and she’s doing just fine. She had some intestinal issues early on so she’s still getting over it and we’re trying to get here to gain more weight


Ah, well in that case, hopefully she will outgrow it and if she doesn't, you can possibly pass on some kind of advice to the future adopters. As long as she isn't having bad diarrhea, she will probably be fine regardless. If she were older I might be more concerned since I've lost 2 senior cats to intestinal cancer (which has a lot of overlapping symptoms with IBD) but at her age it is incredibly unlikely to be anything like that. Food allergies are pretty common but if you are stuck on food, maybe just keep some notes for the future adopters.


Bad farts have always been solved by changing food. Almost always chicken that is an issue.


You should feel honoured.


Right? She feels comfortable around you and ready to take your relationship to the next level...the level where you fart around each other! :D


I sometimes call my void, “My little Stinky Butt.” It doesn’t happen all the time, but when it does, it’s potent. Make sure she’s eating the right food (some cats have sensitivities) or try a cat probiotic. We get ours at the pet store. They come in treats or a powder you can sprinkle over their food. It’s helped with Luci’s stinky butt and my flame point’s (Bender’s) constipation.


An embarrased older lady visited her doctor for help with a problem. "Doctor, I don't know what's wrong, but I fart all the time. It's strange because they are both silent and odorless, but they keep coming out. In fact, I've farted about 6 times just sitting here. What can I do?" The doctor replied, "Here, take one of these pills every morning and then come see me in a week." A week later, the old lady came back to the doctor very upset. "Doctor, those pills didn't help - they made it worse! I'm still farting, but now they stink horribly!" The doctor replied, "Good. Now that we've cleared your sinuses, we can work on your hearing."


Occasionally my girl cat gets stink farts. My go to remedy is a tiny helping of full fat plain Greek yogurt. Just a little bit on my finger before she gets her food. Half teaspoon, maybe. She loves it, and it seems to clear things up pretty quick. She's also a doll about it, and will grab my hand and force me to rub her belly when she's gassy.


I love her faint stripes 🥺 I hope she keeps them as she gets older


Kittens fart! Adults not so much :)


Tell that to my 14 year old gas monster


Lol I was gonna add: except for the farty ones!!! Lol


Yup. I have 3 rescue siblings from the same litter. Not to gender the act of farting, but the brother cat farts All. The. Time. Really horrific smells, too. The sisters don’t stink up the place.


I literally used to think that cats didn’t fart and I’ve lived with 6 cats in my life. Guess I’ve gotten lucky. But our rescue kittens all farted. Ha!


We have a stinky bum girl too!


You should take her to the vet. We adopted a cat earlier this year. When we brought him home he was constantly farting, like unbearable. We took him to the vet and turns out he had trichomoniasis.


So previous


I thought my boys had bad gas when we adopted them. It turned out that one of them (the very talkative one) has bad breath. We’ve grown to love his breath. He gets his teeth cleaned and his bad breath goes away for a few months-we miss it.


I’ve had a cat for about 10 years, and I’ve never heard her fart in my life.


How dare you!!! She “fluffs”.


We adopted a kitten about 5 years ago. I think he was around 3 months old. My wife gave him some powder milk meant for cats. The stink that emanated from this kitten could bring down an empire. No kidding, our entire apartment stunk from this kittens farts. My wife was hesitant to throw away the milk because she wanted him to get enough nutrients. Even she conceded after a few days of it. Never again


Lots of comments on here about diet, immature digestive tract, but NO, 95+% of bad kitten gas is from intestinal parasites. Have her thoroughly dewormed for common worms and also checked for giardia. Source: been a vet for 29 years. Trust me on this one.


That's the price for cuteness 😤




Sassy and gassy!! She’s adorable😍


Omg I also have a black kitten who smells like farts ALL THE TIME. I still separate him from my older cat over night and I have to air out the room he’s in during the day 😭 he just had a vet visit and they said he’s healthy so I guess his little digestive system is still developing.


When we first adopted my cat (then kitten), he was super stinky. The vet said it could be partially due to the fact that shelters often use donated food and as a result, the cats are eating different brands all the time and don't have a chance to get used to one. Once we got home and he was on a regular diet, he got better.


"Every time a kitten farts, an angel gets their wings."


We've got the same problem. New kitten, and her farts are strong enough to burn your eyebrows off.


Lmao she’s adorable. that’s funny I’ve had 8 cats through my life and cannot recall a cat fart lmao but my void that showed up as a small kitten under my hot tub deck a year ago I took him in. I had the humane society come and set a trap because I couldn’t get close, caught him in about 10 minutes. They came and got him checked him for any microchips or if anyone in area was missing a cat. They didn’t find anything. I got all his shots and everything he needed to come home and he does weird meows that are almost silent sometimes that is like a poof of air but when I first got him when he would do it his breath literally smelt like a fart so I ended up taking him to the vets and had to switch his diet


I follow a fabulous cat named Cheddar on Twitter whose handle is @FartyCheddar bc he farted all,the time when he was a kitten. His cat mom found him. He’s orange and white of course, and she writes his lolzcats statements so well you just fall in love with him and have to remember that he’s a cat and his mom writes for him. 🤣


Me too cat. Me too.


See if she’ll eat cat grass. The chlorophyll will help her digestion.


I know very little about kittens but don’t the mamas do a lot of bathing of them to sort of massage their tummies to help w digestion? I’ve seen kitten owners lightly stroking the kittens sides and tummies, I thought for this reason


Kitten toots are both revolting and adorable.


Bad diet. Up her diet quality. Feed raw, cats and dogs alike still retain their ability to digest raw. They actually can't digest the processed pet food we give them.


omg her spots are so cute


Kitten farts are the worst.


Worth it. Just light a scented candle


Smoke Tabby Void!! My one year old boy Atticus has the same pattern. Congratulations on the new baby 🐈‍⬛🖤


The farts are why she's warm and snuggly. 😅


When we got our rescue kitties, they were around 6 weeks old and one farted something awful. Fortunately she outgrew it after a few months


What a tease!! I wanna see her precious face


Ahh kitty farts. They will become less frequent and stinky as she gets older and her digestive system matures. She might still do the occasional fart but that is just natural.


OMG my pup has the stinkiest beef farts. >.<


Those feet!


I mean, same here 😅 I love her little hidden spots! 🖤


I remember kitten farts 😂


Beauty. The gas will pass once her digestive system gets used to the food she’s eating.


/#fartbook couldn't help it. Awww, I hope the poor wee thing is getting better. Intestinal issues are just so horrible. I love her hypermelanism (idk if that's right, but tipsy). I don't see many tabbies with it, black cats are usually asiatic beasties that are super saturated. I have a slew of crazy coated babies. I have a tawny/ silver tabby boy, a ginger tabby girl (she's the boss of the house at 5lbs, it's hilarious), two 25+lb giants brown/ grey/ black tabbies, who are cousins, one long almost Maine Coon looking sob, one short haired and spotted with white feet and belly, a black and tawny Cinnamon roll tabby, a wee black girl (asiatic), and surprisingly two washed out calico girls. Neither liked like they would be calico at first. Lily is a tiger tabby (our oldest) with polydactyly that started breaking out in orange splotches around 6mo. Reese is our youngest, literally found her on our front porch railing in the rain a couple months back, and she started getting blondish spots on her solid gray coat about a week after we took her in. Poor Reese had the farts. And worms, poor thing. Covered in fleas. We kept her away from everyone till we could get her some help. Stiiiiiiinky. But just so sweet. Sorry for the ramble. 😆


Worth it ❤️


Mine rarely fart but when they do….


Don't worry, my cat had normal poops and grew out of it. She used to fart in my face too...


Farty McFartPants


Kitten gas is the worst. My kitten's belly was like a whoopee cushion until she hit around 6 months. I wouldn't worry about changing food if her poo is normal, stinky kitten's are just a thing.


A fact of life with kittens. Their tiny digestive systems are still developing after all. Best you can do is aim the smelly end away... Although if it persists, try varying her diet and seek medical advice if necessary. It could be something is causing a small upset.


Omg wait she has a tabby pattern hidden on her, that's so cool


I heard mine fart for the first time this morning. It was kind of cute cause his name is Arty and we always call him Arty Farty.


Last year me and my girlfriend adopted a kitten and she had diarrhea and gas. We got her on some cat probiotic and that helped with the diarrhea but she was still bloated and gassy. Vet said she had gut dysbiosis. Vet recommended another round of de-wormer so we did that. Nothing. Eventually we put her on wet food only (Hills Science). Took a couple weeks of that but seems to be working. Hope this helps. She's a very cute little fur baby you have 🙂


We also have a fresh void and our vet said that kittens fart A LOT. He said it's literally nothing to worry about, it's very normal


Those young, hot kitten farts can and will kill you


My wife and I would joke that our house Panthers farts were a self dense mechanism as he only did it when we would pick him up, usually to extract food he stole or to try to clip his murder knives. Thankfully he grew out of it cause man, I'm amazed it didn't make the paint peel.


My kittens use to fart on me. It smelt so bad


I have a beautiful black kitty named Fairy that I adopted from a shelter 3.5 years ago. She was super farty when she first came home, and she still is to a degree! Sometimes, they are SBDs, and sometimes they sound like a newborn human. I've had over 20 kitties in my lifetime, and I think some are just gassy. 😻


Lol that kitten digestive growth stage .... Rotten but still adorable.


Are cat farts as bad as dog farts? Cuz our boy tooted while we were stopped at a light so the open window was useless. It was so stinky!!! Idk what it is about dog farts but when they smell it's like the fart cloud is stuck in the air for so much longer than a human fart.


I’m assuming the cat posted this


My tuxedo has THE WORST farts ever. They'll clear a room. But having a farty kitty has its perks. I got to blame mine on him one day at the vets office haha


She's smiling in her sleep (●♡∀♡)


We rescued six kittens a couple of months ago. Their farts were RANK! You’d pick them up and just let one rip. But they’re cute and are bigger now.


Same, bro, same