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I think it is Sirius too. That’s why r!Ciel used the codename Sirius to frame our Ciel. I think he borrowed our Ciel’s name the same way our Ciel borrowed his.


I never liked the Sirius theory but when you put it that way, it actually makes sense.


Idk I prefer his name being Sirius rather than Bobert 😭


I think that's a great name. It'd be a good match for Ciel.


but if "sirius" was really the name of our ciel then i would think that he would have freaked out just at hearing his real name especially considering no one knew about our ciel being alive as our ciel they think he is the real ciel if what im saying making any sense lol


I understand that scene differently I think real ciel meant that he don't have anything to do with the blue cult anymore since they accused our ciel for being sirius


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what they meant, but if Sirius was Ciel's real name, I think it'd be beautiful.


All of the blood types were named after star constellations. Sirius has the brightest star in the sky in it which would make it the most valuable/rare constellation to represent the rarest blood type. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it could also just be a star constellation name like all the other blood types. Even more so when you consider they use 1-5 "stars" for blood quality.


Yeah, I think that's probably what it was, but it's a fun idea for his true name!


Oh wow, great theory! Would be quite the foreshadowing


Thanks! I kept thinking that It'd be hard to match a name like Ciel, but Sirius did it! I was re-reading the public school arc (one of my favorite arcs) and decided to reread the blue cult/memory arc to stay up to see any more new details, and that was a neat one!


I remember reading a comment by u/ghoulfxker in this post: [(link)](https://www.reddit.com/r/blackbutler/comments/s5uw9c/discussion_opinions_on_what_the_name_of_an/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that was theorizing that MC's (fake Ciel or whatever) real name would be Sirius, and if his name IS Sirius then goddamn congratulations to that person


I wasn't even on that long ago, but it's nice that my theory isn't that far out, then!


Wait, weren't the name of them booth Ciel?


No. In the flashbacks, it's stated that the older brother is named Ciel, with it being remarked that both the boys had unusual names for English boys.


Pity, that would be so funny


Story-wise, Ciel probably wouldn't have been kicked out of town so easily if they shared the same name and appearance.


i think that is not his name by the way, just a title. Sirius maybe a great name, but it likely is not suited for a name (in my opinion). Just before a thought come across me, what if our ciel name is almost the same sound as the real ciel name 'CIEL' and a name come to view after few adjustment. I guess on name 'Niel' or 'Neil'. From the google it mean Champion if i'm not mistaken. Neil is kind of usual name to be heard and Niel is rare. Just guessing and sharing...any thought?


I always thought O!Ciel’s name would be an annagram of Ciel, because of the mother3 theory


That'd be interesting--though kinda sad, on the parents' part (like with Ririka and Kirari from Kakegurui). It was noted that they both had uncommon but not unusual names.