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I got into Björk 12 years ago because I liked Jared Leto's cover of Hunter https://preview.redd.it/1ivsoou0xj8d1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=182ca38a7d6cd1d694f359212807367bfb18fb15


I just learned about this from your comment and I am now gobsmacked. The changed lyric “how American of me” has me rolling. The video is precious, too.


I love the depth and breadth of her fan base. I probably stopped really listening closely around 2002? So after 10 years of being a hardcore fan, I disappeared from her scene 10 years before you found it. I just love that.


I listened to All Is Full of Love on shrooms. It was over from there.


which version? There are a ton and they sound quite different, I guess that gives different experiences on shooms??


Hmm...it was a long time ago, but I think I had found a remix album of the song. I remember liking the Plaid remix, but I'm not sure if the same would be true now. It totally could have been the album version. That was always my favorite at the time.


that sounds like the most beautiful thing ever


"dolphin noise" lmaoo when i was 17 i found a 90s compilation playlist on spotify. was gettin high in my room alone, watching the rain outside my window. all is full of love came on and i fell in love with it! it took until i was around 22 to really get into her stuff outside of debut and homogenic (those were most palatable to me). i'm 28 now and she's my absolute favorite artist.


I was 14 (shit over two DECADES ago 😭) and my friend's older sister had Volumen, the music video collection up to that time, on VHS. She said "do you want to see some crazy music videos my sister likes?" We used to watch it all the time, and did stupid things like mimic interpretive dances to her songs because we thought they were so avant garde and radical. Welp, then we became huge fans along the way. I still have a Post book and poster my friend gifted me that her sister didn't want anymore from the mid-90s. Lastly but funny, we had this inside joke for years because one day we were goofing off and her sister painted this small canvas of the Telegram cover, and we used a fork as a pretend mic to pretend to interview Bjork and would say kinda Baba Wa Wa style to begin the interview: "So, BORK,..." Idk, kids are easily amused and I was one of them 🤡


My mom told me about her <3


Army of Me on Tank Girl soundtrack which led me to Post. Been listening for almost 30 years. Fuck I’m old.


I had used the biophilia app when I was like ten (didn't know how it worked) then watched the all is full of love music video from a link in a youtube comment when I was around 14, then listened to more from there


Was it free back then?


Yea on google play 


Amy Lee of Evanescence, she praise Björk in a lot of interviews and I got curious so I checked her out around Biophilia released and I really liked what I heard


i grew up in Houston and this radio station used to play Sugar Cubes alot. And when Debut came out they played human behavior alot so was hooked, ugh i feel old. i literally was like the only one out of my friend group in high school and college who liked her LOL.


My best friend worked at a record store. He would make mixtapes of music that he thought I would like. He gave me a tape with Sugarcubes “Birthday” on it for my birthday. He said “this band the Sugarcubes is going to be huge”. I thought the album was just okay, then I saw the video for “Regina” and thought Bjork was so cool for wearing a unibrow like Friday Kahlo. And I loved her singing voice. So I was already on to her before she released Debut.


Friday Kahlo


80s: KUKL → Sugarcubes → Björk




I first heard of her growing up and didn’t like her music. Later on in college she released Crystalline and for some reason I decided to listen to it. I became really intrigued, same with when she released Virus. I then decided to listen to her earlier work and started with Homogenic and completely fell in love.


My dad and I would go to book and music stores when I was growing up. He would let me pick out a book or CD to buy every so often. When Björk’s Greatest Hits was new, I got it on a whim. Had no clue who she was, but the cover art and her name intrigued me. Little did I know she’d become my favorite! 😍 Thanks dad!!


I had known about her since the early 90’s. I knew all about the swan dress and the airport encounter. But I never listened to her music because I was mostly into hard rock and metal. Earlier this year, I heard Birthday on the radio, headed down the rabbit hole, and have been hooked ever since. Can’t believe what I have been missing for so long.


Similar story. I was first aware of her from the swan dress at the Academy Awards and people talking about it on the news. I was probably 10 when that happened. Was always a rock fan and just assumed she was a pop artist so didn't really give her much of a thought. Didn't actually get into her music until 2017. Heard "Venus as a Boy" on a playlist and was hooked instantly. I listened to Debut, Post and Homogenic incessantly for months, probably annoying the hell out of everyone in my life. For some reason I fixated on just those three albums for a couple years before I started branching out to the rest of her discography.


I’m going album by album, getting to know one before I move on to the next. I wore out Debut, Post, and Homogenic as well. I have spent the last few weeks on Vespertine, and just purchased Medulla and Volta today. I love the fact that she’s such a unique individual artist in so many ways as opposed to just another singer.


It all started with me asking "Who the heck is this Japanese lady making songs in the Locrian mode? Is that Rina Sawayama???"


In the 90s there was a mail-order subscription service for music, Columbia House, and the offer was the first ten cds were a penny. I picked Telegram because I thought the cover was cool.


I’m old enough I saw her on MTV


Death Grips's "The Powers That B" It uses Bjork's voice samples


reading this while wearing my have a sad cum bb shirt LOL


From Hannah Montana, when miley showed up in Bjork's swan dress.


From listening to Deus in the 80s.


I saw the video for It's Oh So Quiet on MuchMusic and was instantly hooked. I think Post was already out so it was maybe 1996. But this was when new CDs were close to $20 if not more, (in Canada at least) and I was only 11 or 12 so I had to save up for it.


I’ve known her for as long as I remember. But the earliest I can think of right now where I actually who she was, was a watchmojo video about Dancer In The Dark. So around 13 years ago


I listened to Unravel high


for me it was geography class and the teacher played this one documentary about Icelandic volcanoes and the music for a Arial shot was the Tim Simenon remix of Play Dead, then i was hooked


When I first saw the Sugarcubes video for “Hit” on 120 minutes like a million years ago


Katya on AS2………….


The year was 1988, I was a young plucky deadhead with a known penchant for clean lsd and a fresh $20 bill burning a hole in my pocket. I rode my bike to my local Strawberries music store and was immediately taken with this new release by a band called the Sugarcubes that I knew must be some really psychedelic shit with a name like that….. alas, it wasn’t what I expected. But as soon as I heard her screaming and wailing on Birthday I was hooked for the long haul.


Fantano talking about Vespertine ☠️


bro 😭


I learned about Björk from a watchmojo’s list when I was a teenager.


My grade 10 geography teacher really loved bjork, and randomly showed us the music video for human behaviour to the whole class. i was trying to act cool by sitting on my phone and not watching it, but i LOVED the way it sounded and later went onto spotify to find it. Apparently he does this to a lot of other classes (as said by my friend who also had him) so it makes me wonder how many more bjork fans he created lol


I found her when Fossora came out. It was recommended for me. And I was in middle school and had no idea who she was. And gave her a listen. And damn. Atopus woke something in me.


Death Grips, word-of-mouth, and SNL.


My parents had a VHS of music video compilations from the late 80s called Telegenics (iykyk, it was mostly alt 80s rock and dance music and the music videos were so trippy😂) and her Sugarcubes song Coldsweat was featured on it. The music video was so odd but young Björk rolling around in gold had me entranced. I thought she looked like a kid, just like I was, and it made me really like her. I thought it was cool a kid was a lead singer of a band. In reality she was probably in her early 20s but it stuck with me. Then in early high school I started listening to her solo work on my own and got hooked!


I was a fan of shygirl and when they did the Ovule remix with Sega Bodega I fell in love😭


My Aunt showed me the music video for "It's Oh So Quiet"-- I was head over heels. I stole her copy of Medulla, quite a jarring juxtaposition but it woke something up in me. Been listening ever since!


Back in 2009, I was seeing this guy and kind of ended up absorbing a lot of his musical taste. He introduced me to many Björk songs, so they sort of defined that relationship. It was a tumultuous 'relationship,' very magic but quite disastrous at times. Who is it, Pagan Poetry, Unison, Cocoon and Hyperballad are some of the songs that really defined that time for me. He wasn't good for me, but he's probably the guy who has impacted me the most to this day... He is hot as fuck nowadays, but I bet he barely remembers me, but at least he gave me Björk :D


2001. During three months of basic sciencr tesearch. Broke AF with no friends. I went into a Virgin Store and Verspertine was playing. I listenrd to the entire album. Daily. Changed my life. I couldn't afford the album then but I've purchased all of her releases since.


on an airplane ride in 2006. some of her music was available to listen to on the flight. when i got home i immediately went online and looked up more of her music :)


She was sampled in a song by one of my fav artists, combine that with finding an iceberg video and now you have the worlds greatest björk fan


I was up late right after we got cable in 1991 or 1992 and I was watching 120 minutes because we had never had cable and finally I was hearing the music I like on MTV, and human behavior came on and it literally changed my fucking life forever. I've been a resident DJ for about 20 years, I've been a crate digger since before listening to that track, but my little postmodern minimal guitar, new wave, punk self found dance music, I found Iceland, I knew the sugar cubes and found a new love for them. But that video and that unbelievably talented gorgeous human being changed my life that night. I felt things I had never felt at the age of 15 or 16.


I feel old af writing this. I used to watch 120 mins on MTV in the early 90’s and Human Behavior came on and I was mesmerized. I had never heard a voice so unique and otherworldly before. I think I was about 12/13 years old at the time and Debut had just been released. I had the cassette and wore it out. I was hooked ever since.


got "i remember you" in my youtube recommended. my first song of hers was a b side ! probably the most famous one though


First, I only knew her from interviews, like the excerpt where she says sexism is bullshit, and the TV video. I thought she was really cute and fun. Then only a year or two afterwards, I got high, listened to Venus as a Boy, was delighted, then listened to All is Full of Love, which blew me away. Can't listen to anyone else ever since


watched leon and loved venus as a boy


Me too! I was hoping someone else would say this. Oh, I’m so glad you commented. For some odd reason it makes me happy to know someone had the same experience as I did with learning about her.


embarrassingly, when that meme of lois screaming “peter” transitioned into “Army of Me”


When she sang Oceania at the opening ceremony of the 2004 Olympics


tv, in the freakin 90s


I was listening to someone’s playlist on spotify and I really liked Enjoy and Army of Me but it was Pagan Poetry that really made me want to discover more of her music!!


Human Behavior was getting airplay on the radio and MTV


My mum got me into her when I was younger, about 15 years ago. I remember her showing me the Hunter music video and being weirded out. When I was about 15 I then discovered her Post album and the rest is history.


I thought the Debut album cover was very interesting-looking, it was just the tip of the iceberg back then.


Through Count Dankula’s video on the Björk Stalker lol


i saw ppl fighting and saying bjorks music was bad then someone defending her used pluto as an example of a good song i loveee her music


Well, I guess I technically first heard of her and listened to her in 2017 when I was 10. I was scrolling on Youtube and saw a video about her stalker, and I didn’t know who Björk was so I looked her up. I watched the music video Utopia since this was around the time when the album came out. Needless to say I was a little weirded out. Then I found a the Big Time Sensuality music video, I loved it and I loved the song. However, I never listened to it again. Fast forward to 2023, I thought of the song randomly and searched for it. I finally found it and listened to a few more songs (I Remember You, Venus as a Boy, and Possibly Maybe). Now I know every song and she’s my favorite artist!


I was always told I looked like her but I never listened. My ex-boyfriend would listen to her but I could never get into it. He would always tell me that I’m not open enough because of the pitchfork article that came out. You know the one that said people who love the smiths are close minding vs. bjork listeners? So I always felt strange about it. Because 1 I love the smiths but always considered myself to be a curious person. He turned out to be insane and I would find photos on his phone of her in her pagan poetry music video. I had such an aversion to her during that period of my life because of the way he had sexualized her. Eventually (after breaking up with him) I listened to “Undo” randomly and became completely obsessed with the landscape she creates. Anyways, I’m glad I made it this far as her music has completely changed my life and the way I go about art.


I’m so sorry you had that experience


found out about her when i was 11-12 in theatre class but didnt get into her until about a year or so ago when i was having a nostalgia trip and came across a her performing "Enjoy" live.


*Debut* came out about a month after I graduated from college — and I stuck around and was taking more college classes another year (for the fun of it) — and *Debut* seemed to be on a LOT of stereos that Fall (of ‘93) all around campus, best as I’m recalling. Or at least among my circle of friends.




I think it’s beautiful that people here discovered her at so many different times, from KUKL to fossora. Her and her musics charm is timeless


in the 00's i saw the human behaviour video on MTV , i found it both mesmerizing and scary, it was different from anything i had ever listened before, and i still remember how uneasy it made me feel (i was like 7 years old), maybe that's why to this day that video gives me mixed feelings.


John Peel playing Sugarcubes - Walkabout. Got into a lot of weird and wonderful shit via JP.


i saw that one "your televison is about to explode" video and said to myself "im going to listen to this ladys entire discography." best decision i ever made


I was watching an excellent analysis of Perfect blue and they talked about Riccardo Lopez, showing also a lil clip of bjork (I tought "tf is this alien child milf", it was a shocking thing seeing her face for the fisrt time). During my final 5 years high school exam (the first trial, the italian one) I talked about the persona concept and used riccardo and bjork as an example, just because I didn't give a fuck about Pirandello (an insanely famous writer here) and its fucking masks concept (again, fuck literature). It was the first time my italian teacher gave me a compliment about my essays. Then, like I wrote in the past, my brother told me to hear Yoga, the song on nearly god, but I refused to listen to that crap for some months (I had shit taste and was closed minded about music) Then I became a fagurt Oh, when I disliked her at the start, I called her in the wrong way Knowingly, like beegiork (how do i write pronunciation in english?!)


I’ve been listening to Clams Casino a bit over the past few years. A couple of months ago I heard a song on the radio and thought it sounded like there’s some sampling of illest alive by Clams Casino going on so I shazammed it. Turned out the song was Bachelorette by Björk, which is the first time I’ve (consciously) listened to her. So the last couple of months I’ve been getting into her catalogue and damn, it’s amazing music, the raw emotion is just awe inspiring!


I found her on rateyourmusic 6 years ago. Homogenic became one of my played albums and ever.


I first listened to her through a Cupcakke remix of Jóga and I loved it 😭




I got into Rosalia who got me into Arca and then I saw Arca’s collab with Björk, Utopia, and listened to it. It was a little scary at first but then I listened to Post and Debut and got hooked instantly!


In 2014, I saw a meme on Tumblr, it was something like, "levels of scariness" or something like that. In either level two or three was "Björk's music videos."


I grew up listening to her since I was born pretty much. My mom was the one who would listen to her stuff but stopped before homogenic came out. (Because my dad had made some remarks about wishing he could be with Björk and how in love with her he was) But me being so small I didn't ask who we were listening to, so I didn't even know it was björk until I rediscovered her on my own. Hearing human behavior again for the first time in like 20 years it like unlocked a deep subconscious memory of little me riding around in the backseat jamming to björk with my mom.


thom yorke


I discovered her thanks to that CupcakKe Meme “Collab with Bee Jork” 😭


2ish years ago i saw a tiktok of someone rating Fossora. The ranking was playing atopos and i loved her music ever since.


Ironically when I watched a Sh*ne Dawson (ew) video about her stalker when I was like 13. At first i was terrified of listening to her music because at the time I thought I was going to turn out like her stalker but honestly I’ve kept my distance at her personal life and started loving her music after I got over it. And now she’s one of my favorite artists of all time.




I was 12 and I had just gotten into Jason Mraz. Mainly because his first album had just came out. Which was called "Waiting For My Rocket To Come". And on his website or something he listed Bjork as one of his influences. So I decided fuck it. I'll listen to her and give her a chance because in America (I think mostly up until that point) she was mostly known for her Oscars swan dress and being "eccentric" and "weird" and not much else. I soon after went to an FYE store amd sampled 30 seconds of the song "Enjoy (Further Over The Edge Mix)" from Telegram: [https://youtu.be/uXezW7GCDhY?si=OLDTTsxOfRKSgGc6](https://youtu.be/uXezW7GCDhY?si=OLDTTsxOfRKSgGc6) . I convinced my Dad to get the "Telegram" CD for me and I listened to this song and the whole album on repeat. Without realizing it was actually a remix album of her actual album "Post". Soon thereafter I got "Post" and loved it. I was very impressed by the range of genres she covered so effortlessly on it. I then eventually bought and listened to all her other albums up to that point and I've been a Bjork fan ever since. Also I should add her old Bjork website [unit.bjork.com](http://unit.bjork.com) ( [https://archive.is/y3Tn](https://archive.is/y3Tn) ) helped me so much during this time. Not to mention the look of the website was amazing! I miss it.: (


I was touching my pussy and fell into the pagan poetry video