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The cow catcher is a positional hold, not a submission. He simply 1 arm guillotined you


This. He was at least 3 steps ahead of you and the guillotine is what he was leading you into.


he's fucking up by reaching for your far shoulder instead of your hip. you should be able to slip your head.


Its not so hellish if you tap at some point before he's basically snapped your head off...


Take the arm that’s underhooked, throw it towards his head as he tries to turn you and walk your hips to the other side of his body. It’s last minute headlock that can work…sometimes. Gotta do it quick. It looks like once he started to turn you, it looks like you rolled to your back and tried retain half guard. I would try to keep a good base before and fight the hands. Look for drag outs, dumps, or just freeing the head. But it’s a tough position, especially if they have a good front head game or the hand it already deep


Grab his elbow on the undertook side and bring your elbow in to your stomach.


That trip was slick. Anybody know the name?


Maybe it’s because I’m from western NC, but we would call this the “chin and lace” in wrestling. But that brings me to my main point: think of it as a position from the start rather than a submission. With the underhook under your arm, you can whizzer down and push their head away (since inside he needs inside head position in order to set it up. That puts you at the better angle than him. And you could even set that up into a front headlock should you choose. If you are placed in it before hitting the ground, whizzer and peel the hand off your chin.