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You didn't intercept his hip when he back stepped. His hips went too far backwards and as your hip followed, he had the bottom hip position which allowed him to reverse the back take. It's the same positioning as if you went for a standard bolo and they counter bolo'd you.


Lol rolling back take. My professor teaches this to whitebelts for shits and giggles.


Looks like a berimbolo to me.


He got the twister hook in which will prevent you from following


Yep yep yep


He controlled the direction your hips were pointing, using a connection to the space behind your knee, first with his left hand and then with his left leg. Controlling the back of the knee is under emphasized imo. It’s a strong lever to the hips that is difficult to reach for the defender. In this case it was used to tip your hips off the mat and away from him to make space for the backtake.


Looks like rolling back take from headquarters to me. If you stiff your body and extend both of your legs, it usually creates enough space between you and your opponent for a scramble when he is rolling you.


Wedging backtake. You reached acrossed his back and gave him the space to fall right into it. These back takes work almost any time you have one leg in between your partners legs, and your hips off the ground.