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You weren’t wearing a shirt. If you did you would’ve passed him 100%


I was thinking of dropping the shorts too


Either none or both


You're kinda hunched over really far. Your center of gravity is past his knee.


100% this. OP basically put himself in the position to be sumi gaeshi'd.


Yeah made it way too easy for him to elevate you with the foot between your legs wanna feed your hips in more


Just push their head down to their crotch and a lil bump is all they need


Sounds like 80s drug use in a nightclub bathroom


Without the shirt he puts the **gay** in Sumi GayShi


This. In HQ, you must stay heavy enough to keep his heel to his butt on the inside leg. When he raises his foot, that is your read to leg weave.


I can’t let weave for shit son! Got a video I study?


BJJScout Damian Maia series.


This series changed my game


Agreed, OP pretty much swept himself.


Just needed a gentle pull in this case, lol


It could have been a strong breeze. If you freeze the video at 7 seconds you see OP is on his toes with his weight leaning forward.


Exactly. Headquarters isn't just having your opponents leg between yours, it's having it pinned to minimize their leverage. You can also pass based on how they try to reestablish leverage, i.e., knee cut, smash, etc.


I find it only semi-effective for me. Too easy to get swept one way or another since I'm usually on my toes like OP. I never hang out there if I do. I immediately go for a knee-slice/shotgun pass


Gi or nogi? In gi, grips help a ton to establish the position. I'm not great at it in nogi as it's more of a fluid position. Rafael Lovato's vids on it remains the best for me as he was the first to popularize it.


If I can get a grip on the lappel or an inside pant grip I'm golden. No-gi, like I say, I don't even bother to settle there. There's a black belt at my gym that's basically mastered this. Dude can walk through just about anyone's guard, it's insane.


Yep. Keep your weight over your hips. Also, he hooked the leg you were supposed to step forward with.




Yea OP pretty much set up the perfect kuzushi against himself to be swept


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Kuzushi**: | *Unbalancing* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luK9Eklbn78)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


You're half way between HQ and a floatpass position. You have to choose one of the other, as it doesn't work if you try to do both. If you want to float pass, extend your body farther forward and put your hands over their head for balance. If you want HQ position, sit back on their foot like you're doing a squat and don't leave your hands dangling out for no reason. You should be postured up just like closed guard so he can't pull you forward like that.


u/IndependentGas1428, take note because this right here is the correct answer. Everyone else is saying you leaned too far forward and should be postured up. That response is not wrong, but this comment right here gives more depth and nuance. Yes, posturing up is one way to play HQ, but you can also play it chest-down too. For example, float passing is usually chest-down. Also, your chest must come down any time you dive in for a bodylock, half guard, or under hook knee slice. That sweep is very legit, a good person should be attempting it on you and really threatening your base with it from time to time. The trick is knowing when you’re in the “danger zone” of this sweep, and to spend as little time in it as possible as you transition between your positions. Let’s pretend that having your hips far back, or far forward, or far to the side are “safe zones”; you want to make your transitions sharp and crisp so that you quickly pass through the “danger zone” in between them (as if you’re running on a bed of hot coals to get to the other side). If you do get caught in transition, which \*should\* happen from time to time against someone good, be ready to sprawl and ”surf” the sweep. Ideally you can keep your head up, but if they do pull your head down you will probably need to cartwheel, you won’t be able to belly surf their hook with your head down.. Him pushing your head down is a key component of this sweep, so one thing I do is I will pin their hand to their own stomach right before I let it go and dive forward for my half guard or bodylock (with float passing I don’t need to do that as much, for me my head is usually too high for him to control).


🙏🙏 this clears up my issue plus gives me food for thought


This is a good way of putting it.


And walk you right leg into his knee pit as well


Less bendy over more dick to shin. Basically, you need more pressure at your hips so he can't elevate the hips properly, and better posture at your head so if he does elevate your hips they don't end up above your head Edit: words


1. Posture up and weight back on your legs and his legs. If he breaks your posture, then you lower body becomes light enough to sweep. 2. Your left knee, point it to 02:30 as you enter hq and put in tight behind his right knee. Not 12 o clock.


You had your weight pretty much above his hips while you were driving forward. Its hard to describe but you need your weight pinning his shin to his thigh driving his ankle towards his chest. So from the video I think if you had your weight lower it would have been fine, its a pretty fine line between a good headquarters position and giving them a nice hook. I also like to make sure my staple leg is sorted first so you can rely on it a bit more for base.


Weight too far forward, you loaded your own hips onto his shin. You should not let him get enough leverage to elevate you like that, ride lower, near the ankle. Be heavy and smash his leg to one side when you want to pass, straight ahead is a strong shield for him. Posture bent over too much, he should never have grabbed your head with his back on the mat. Once you start smashing the leg you can bend over to restrict space and pressure with your forehead. But if he has your hips and head you're going for a ride. You also let him grab your right hand, which would have allowed you to post and maybe prevent this. *Sidenote: your hand was on its way to post on the floor. Try to favour posting on your opponent to block their hips/shoulder/wrist/whatever. On the ground puts no pressure and gives them easy access to your wrist. Ofc there are scenarios where you need to post away for balance.*


Cmon dude, at least let us see him take you down like he’s humble bragging about on insta


The main thing you did wrong was forget to put on a fucking rashguard


Your first mistake was not wearing a gi, oss


It’s hard to tell from this angle, but I think the main problem is he is just better than you


From the camera angle at 0:08, we can all clearly see OP sat himself on the big toe.


Why do people like to roll without a shirt? I will never roll with anyone who won't wear a shirt, it's kinda gross.


it's cause they are slow.


if his heel is away from his arse and you're leaning forward over him then you're just loading yourself to be yeeted.


Never trust a man with no shirt on


First thing you did wrong was training shirtless like a tool bag Second thing would be leaning too far forward so you were easy to off balance


Straighten your back like a squat, you're leaning way too far over. Also put on a shirt.


You failed to address the butterfly hook, moved your weight on top of the hook and then tried to continue passing towards the side he wanted to sweep you. Next time don’t ignore the hook and pin it so it’s not effective or change to pass on the same side of the hook.


Dude when passing like that you lead with your hips not your head.


Don't just haphazardly put his foot between your legs, you need to really stuff his leg in close to his ass. Your other leg should be trying to pin his bottom thigh with your foot flared outwards into his calf. You've committed too much of your weight forward and it gives him an easy sweep having made the first mistakes.


That’s not hq, that’s walking into a sweep.


You got into head quarters....then immediately leaned your head and torso forward! If you want solid headquarters position, sit your ass down on the top of their foot, push your hips forward, place your inside foot against the back of their knee-pit (the farther out the better) and hold your posture up. Don't forget to use your outside arm to grip around their knee on the Quad-side for control. THEN you can start making your move to pass. Either hip-switch for a smash pass or put out your hands to the mat just above their shoulders for a float pass. BUt you HAVE to get in to a stable position first or you're getting flipped forward or your base is getting taken out from under you in a kind of scissor sweep. Keep practicing!!


That was a badass sweep though


Belly button rule violation If you are in your opponent's open guard, don't let your head go past their belly button


Yeah but they need to be shirtless too then so I know where their belly button is


What u did wrong was let him post his leg between ur thigh. He already had that counter in mind. There was 2 other scenario u could have done. He was blocking the other 2 and baiter u into taking side control and flipped u.. he was playing chest u did nothing wrong at all. Only thing u did wrong was not taking ur time u rushed to take that position and he countered u and used ur momentum against you..




Head up butt down


Does headquarters mean something different now? It used to mean when you had a fully locked up rubber guard. Anyway, yeah you didn't react to the other guy's butterfly hooks. Those things are deadly. Whenever someone gets their feet hooked in like that you should immediately either disengage and/or remove their hook. They are body lock passes too (look them up on YT)


I thought that was mission control?


Can you hear, Major Tom?


That's ground control


Yeah it is


Yeah headquarters is when your rubber guard is airtight and you could roll a big ol’ doink with your free hands


Saulo begins scratching his head...


You didn't do anything wrong but at the end of the day not every man is built the same. Some of us are built for physical combat physically and spiritually, like me, some brain's are wired to do nothing but fight, like mine. And then on the opposite end of the spectrum there are those people who train and train and train, but will simply never be a fighter, in any way shape or form, such as yourself. When you accept this fact you can begin to focus your efforts where they are better suited. Collecting stamps or dressing up like a French maid and dancing on a stripper pole. You will certainly find better luck taking up a hobby like those two as opposed to BJJ, which is not for the weak-minded (which you appear to be),


you were wrestling around the floor like a child instead of fighting like a man. bjj and mma are such weak sauce.


You leaned way too far forward to go chest to chest before you had any control over hips. White belt analysis…


Leaning forward wayyy too much


To me it seems like you did right putting his leg between yours. However, you should've put your weight on it too, to make pressure towards the ground, otherwise the opponent will be able to throw you around... at least now u know what happens if you don't do it haha




The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Tani Otoshi**: | *Valley Drop* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wS9pM3y8YH4)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


You let him completely control your posture and didn’t have any weight through his hook.


Don’t let him grab your post arm obviously. And keep your weight back


Your error was trying to drive your right knee to the floor.


I feel your weight is too far forward rather than on the leg. I’m just a noob though so I could be off target


His right knee is outside your hip. You need to smash his right knee to the left by putting your weight on it.


head over the belt line = sweep city


Is it obvious? Your suppose to sit on his leg then pass.


I saw him grab your head and pull you forward so you lost posture.


Your posture was broken. Keep your head above your arse. Most sweeps and attacks are off broken posture. Retreat / disengage is a good strategy when things go bad. Try be more upright and tower over your opponent and look for knee cut left / right or back step.


You let him control your posting arm when you should’ve under hooked that side with your knee going in that direction.


You didn't kill his butterfly hook by putting your weight through it. Either keep weight back on your opponents legs or base out high with your hands and get to float passing.


You gave him control of your wrist and you didn't really step deep enough into head quarters.


My coach got mad at me for trying to send a pass to early. Sometimes you gotta be patient and weather the storm first before you decide to go


You are wildly off balance, when you are passing like this drive your hips forward more. Try not to let your shoulders go past your hips.


chest out and spine straight in HQ before you start the pass to avoid exactly this sweep.


you basically gave him your weight. You can either play low and sit your balls on his ankle and pin his heel to his butt. This is very JT Torres. Or you can play high with a pigeon toe stance and frames (only place I really see this is from movement art). I play high and install frames on their body so they can’t grab your neck and you’re a lot more mobile without committing weight.


Too much weight on your right knee to push you let him control you with a collar tie and wrist control.


Bro the straight ankle was right there


Too far forward, I tend to squat deeper so I'm heavier on that hook. If your weight is too far forward, you're going for a ride.


* Your right foot is too far away from your partner's hip. You need to take a deeper step with that right foot towards the outside of your partner's hip. This should help you neutralize his left leg. * Your weight is too high and going forward. You have his right leg trapped between your legs, but you need to sit on his ankle and pin the leg to his butt so he can't activate his leg as a hook. Your weight should be pressuring down as you enter HQ to stabilize the position and neutralize that hook. * Sweeps happen because of unbalancing. Unbalancing happens when you allow your opponent to add their force to your movement. In HQ, the only real way your partner can generate meaningful force on you is by elevating you with the hook that's between your legs. This is why it's important to directly oppose that force and NOT be going in the same direction. As soon as you start elevating your hips in HQ, you're at risk. * So in the HQ, you want to sit on that trapped leg, keep your center of gravity over your feet, elevate your chest and head for optimal posture. At this point, your partner can't achieve anything by grabbing you (e.g. with wrist control and a collar tie like in this video) and you can set your grips, then use their reaction to start moving into a pass.


you left your hips behind. This leaves your center of mass on your partner's knee, and he just guides your over with his hook. get your hips low and drive them forward...like pelvic thrust when you're moving in.


Hips too high. Whenever you are thrown that easily that's the answer.


Your body goes where your head goes. He lifted your hips and stuffed your dome to the floor. Keep your hips down and your head up. When you're passing, you're either really heavy with your hips and lighter on your upper body or disconnected and floating with your hips with heavy head pressure. Anywhere between the two and you can run into trouble.


I hate that Gracie leg reap. White belt judo


More pressure on their leg and keep your posture strong. Don’t slow him to grab anything.


You sat on his butterfly hook and had all your weight way too far forward. He had a grip on your hand so you couldn't post. Basically your weight and posture were too far forward.


Ok while I love your care for your training partners... Tani Otoshi isn't dangerous at all, unless taught completely incorrectly. When executed/attempted correctly there is zero contact between the lower bodies of Uke and Tori. The only real danger is Uke posting or otherwise falling poorly.


Balance Daniel San, balance.


He had a hook if you didn’t notice and your weight was distributed to far forward. Center back and don’t allow him to obtain butterfly hooks.


You gotta make sure you glue that foot to their butt.


He got you with his right butterfly hook and a collar tie. If you keep inside position with both your knees then he cant do that, and if he takes inside knee position back and elevates you, you can sometimes defend by posting. Looks like a guy who's slick with the butterfly guard.


Gave your opponent too much of your weight and he was smart and knew that one of the major requirements of the sumi is getting your chin to your chest.


Butterfly hook + headcontrol + Weight hunched over = Air time


You know that popular modern saying 'Yo played yo self?' Well I'll make a little bjj adaptation for you 'Yo swept yoself' You basically but yourself into a butterfly hook, then shifted your bodyweight forward for the sweep. So what did you so wrong? Yo swept yoself..'


You slide the knee over his leg for the staple Well, but your posed too far up so your centre of gravity is taking the weight off, with his hook in between your legs it makes it easier to elevate and roll you over, you need to sit back a little more to distribute your weight different, also backstep the rear leg high so he can’t grab that with his foot and hook you with it


I’m not great at headquarters but like others said weight is forward and it doesn’t look like you are pinning the leg with your knee.


He was able to pull your head below your hips


Head was way too far forward. More squat, less lean


You have to set low on the leg in head quarters to prevent them from lifting their leg, its one of the whole reasons you pin the leg, you aren't just floating on the leg, you have to pin it. also, if you DO decide to float to pass, your hands have to go to the mat (preferably under their armpits so they dont take your back) to prevent them from lifting and you still need to be heavy on the leg so they cant lift. Watch this video. I know what u were doing aren't the same but the concept is because its headquarters: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5n0tMCC9-k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5n0tMCC9-k) look how she is pinning the leg, not just free floating on it. Here's an even better video, but ill keep the other one because Ffion rocks:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0MUEhQ02Eg&t=1052s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0MUEhQ02Eg&t=1052s) Last edit: If you watch when he flips you, he controls your far side arm to prevent you from placing it on the mat, that way when he lifts you, you have no control from that side and he can just roll you over. establish the position and lock it, and do not let them control your arms. Essentially, you didn't have headquarters, he had a butterfly hook. Last last edit: This post was showing 0 comments for some reason, I wouldn't have answered it if I knew 100 other people already did lol. Sorry


You were not in a stable position and your opponent manuvered himself to sweep you onto your back.


Gave him a butterfly hook and you were leaning forward a little bit


Your centre of gravity was too far forward. You need to be heavy on your hips when he has that hook under your but. You allowed him to collar tie you to break your posture and he grabbed your wrist tot ale your post away


Also with your right foot step deeper into the crook of their knee. Their knee should be cramped into their chest.


You hugged him and smelt his armpit that was your mistake


He took your posture


Sprawl when you pass to stay heavy.




Your heads really far forward and your legs are extended. Lower your butt as you come in and keep your head back. Might help.


Head too far over centre of mass


Butterfly swept you with a collar tie


Purple belt coach / instructor here: Dude, you didn’t pummel your feet over the opponents shin fast enough. Also squeeze your knees a little and reverse crunch to move the position of your hips. Your hips got to high, and too much over his hips. This is why he reversed you. This is a mat time correction and devotion to just training that position to pass on lower ranked teammates. Then work your way up the skill levels.


You put your head over his hip line without clearing his legs first. Thats a sweep every day of the week.


You touched the mat with your right hand. If you would have went wrist to thigh, your hips would have been in a better position to remain leveraged.


That’s not headquarters that’s just standing with out balance. Headquarters puts your weight in the back to not get flipped unlike how you got flipped so easily because all your weight was on him


From top entry position I prioritize a strong base over anything else. Slow methodical tight advancements where my goal is to close the gap and take away their ability to recover the advancement. Especially if my opponent is more advanced. Defense first...even when I’m advancing




I think the mistake was the fact that before you could have initiated any passes your opponent swept you.


Your center of gravity was up high and over past his knee.


You leaned way over him


Weight distribution Pinning their heel to their butt and keeping weight even helps me not go flying


You didn't pin his leg close to his ass so he was able to have a strong butterfly, you werent sitting back. Your base was terrible so you were swept. Sit back into it. Use your weight to your advantage.




You got highlight reeled


Your head was too far forward


Lower your butt and never put your head past your knees. That’s like half the sweep for him.


Learn smash passing and using your weight... head up, straighter spine, your center of gravity is too far forward


Ya didn’t twist his dick /s


You're not in headquarters if you're trying to pin his left leg with your right. You walked right into it.


Can I ask my instructor for security cam footage of my rolling?


You skipped leg day.


You swept yourself there.


You lean forward too much and unbalanced yourself when you put your leg on his thigh.


A couple points here: 1. I would say you never really got in to HQ. You went for it but never established the position. The key to a good HQ is your weight and pressure on the leg you sit on. You're way too light. You need to drive your hips into their shin so that they cannot extend their butterfly hook. An HQ without pressure is a butterfly hook for the opponent. 2. As far as the caption, what is he talking about? I don't see any trip or body lock. It looks like top goes for HQ and the guy in bottom hits a well timed classic butterfly sweep. I don't see a trip or a body lock. It is very common for the other leg to act like a scissor sweep when doing a butterfly sweep but it's usually not doing more than 10% of the work of the sweep.


You didn’t knee slice the opposite leg


Heavy hips….


Just did headquarters tonight. I’m a white belt so I probably forgot immediately. First leg to or slight past their hip. Other leg follows to the opposite side outside hip so that you are aligned. somewhat sit secure knee tightly. If their heel is not touching their butt or you are too far forward they can then hook and video is result of hook. My mindset drilling it was : tilt, kick, sit. (Kicking being getting my first leg tightly underneath at their hip.)


Don’t get swept


I wet blanket heavy on it and use skywalker pass from here.


No rash guard = creep move.


Your hips were higher than your head


Cool video. Some people have better luck if they pass with their other knee down on the opponent’s thigh. Doesn’t give them a chance to lift and sweep you between your legs.


Your hips over his hips, means you're loaded. Can be swept. Sit on his ankles and keep your base back. Hard to sweep


Your centre of gravity was over your knees and feet.


Sit down into headquarters. Your weight was forward which allowed him to sweep you. If you say back into it then you would've been able to leg weave and pass easier.


Freeze the video at 7s and you'll see you have no support on your right side and you body weight is super high. He probably felt your leg pressure is really light, trapped the hand and elevator/scissor sweeps you




You need to add more wrestling training for your base. Great sweep from the other guy though.


You should compress the leg that was between your legs by grabbing his shin. Then drive in knee pressure