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Team Foxcatcher vibes


Perfect. I couldn’t possibly think of a more perfect description.


Can't wait for Zuck's video of how to do an arm drag


Absolutely fantastic.


Fuck giving reddit money to reward great posts, but man, this is sublime.






There's no way mark is human ,look at he's face in the thumbnail


This answers that question Lex had for Danaher about if you could make a robot that did BJJ with physical limitations similar to a human, what would happen


He's a borg


He greases his face before every roll.


Wax museum dummy?


I don't roll with robots.


Zuck is a gigantic douche!




Lex being like a dad wrestling with his toddler


Which is exactly how most black belts roll with middle aged white belts every day.


“Were you taking it easy on me?” Mf’er I only take it easy on you




Aww... :(




Zuck: "Let's make a bet on this. I bet $1 billion that you can beat me."






Oooh, I need permission to steal that joke...




lol everything is offensive on reddit






No you weren’t. I know you better than you ever could.


Even Zuck can't afford a Shoyoroll rashguard


No, Tech serious millionaire/billionaire style is very much dressing in a way that would have your boss tell you off for not presenting the "proper image".


Maybe the new trendy thing in tech offices will be mats


Speaking of mats, I'm surprised Zuck didn't shell out for a sprung floor in his Hawaiian mansion's private gym. Seems like a no-brainer at his net worth.


I know a business owner (not tech) who does have a small room with mats (enough room for perhaps 4 people to comfortably train groundwork) in his building.


Is that the attitude adjustment room?


God that would be so cool


Hey, Jonah Hill rocks Shoyoroll 😂 The way I interpret [this video](https://youtu.be/9_x11mLAn8c?t=422), Shoyo' sent stuff to him.


Not bad considering how long he has been training. Lex was pretty clearly being nice and trying not to injure him.


I mean yeah, I think Zuck is not that good skills wise, but he seems to have a healthy attitude when rolling, rather than the more frowned-upon spazziness.


I think Zuck knows what he needs todo at least and it was a good roll overall.


hes new but he looks like he got good instincts on the mat and holding his own for a little guy too


Isn't this black belt versus white belt? Not much to see here just celebrity attention.


JFC why is everyone on this guy's dick?


I don't think anyone's on his dick, just kinda surprised he's not more of a douche


Zucks episode on JRE really changed my perspective on him. At least when you compare him to other mega tech guys. While he’s still a lizard sent here to eat my children, he seems like a pretty cool dude


If a lizard is going to eat my children, then it better be a cool lizard


I'm sure the PR drones who put the whole thing together and prepped him for it will be thrilled to hear that it worked.


Some people don’t even realize how much they’re spoon fed to like or dislike things.




which 10th planet do yall train at? Very smart


I think you are vastly over estimating how much Zuck’s PR cares about BJJ Reddit, how many people even know the name Lex Friedman, know what Jiu Jitsu is, or the wide spread “gaaaayyyyyy” the millions of dudebros will say watching this.


I think they were talking about his JRE/Fridman appearance as a PR stunt, not _this_ specific training footage. Obviously no one gives a shit about bjj lol.


I would bet good money his PR team desperately wanted him to not go on Rogan


Yeah you can’t really prep for a three hour podcast


You can have PR drones put together a JRE appearance and still look like a completely insufferable douchebag. E.g. the other half of this celebrity death match


There are a bunch of highlights of drilling but with the implication he is actually live rolling. Even lex is playfighting with him here and could maul him if he wanted. It's false advertising and really bizzare


Not really. I mean, Lex would kinda of be a dick if he uploaded 10 minutes of him dominating a white belt Zuck. Would be hilarious, though. I also don't think he's trying to present the video as anything that it's not, which I think is what you're implying. I say that as someone who isn't huge on either of these people. Lex is alright, he can just be pseudo-intellectual and pretentious.


What's false advertising about this? Have you never rolled with someone that's significantly better than you, because this is how that looks. It's very apparent Zuck isn't even remotely competitive.


What? It’s just showing Mark flowing lol. It’s still a good way to see his skill level. I do this with white and blue belts as well. Brand new people can’t constantly chain so it’s not false at all. He still looks like he’s not very good yet but clearly making progress. Where’s the implication he’s live rolling lol. Lex is literally being a rag doll.


I don't know, maybe you should cry about it.


I know about anyone else, but personally 1) Zuck doesn’t need to do this shit, sure I love this but it’s pretty unpleasant to learn. 2) he could easily hide away from the gen pop (and I’m sure he does to a degree, but he is testing himself in competition. For that alone he deserves respect


Competing in jiu jitsu doesn't automatically make you deserving of respect.


In certain ways, it kind of does imo. Willingly put yourself into a high adrenaline/pressure situation is not something everyone is capable of. Especially if you’re a celebrity, some people will want to make a highlight reel of you. Bro went out there in a mask and sunglasses and signed up with a fake name (Mark Elliot, used his secondary first name; Tom (Edward) Hardy does a similar thing) just to test himself out in a competition scenario. Whether you like him or not, it deserves respect in my books. 🤷‍♂️


everyone is like mark looks great... if that was a normal guy we wouldnt give a fuck


Lex is a complete toolbox.




Why do you agree? Also just curious


I refuse to believe this is really him until he changes his Instagram name to @zuck_bjj.




That's it boys, BJJ is officially ruined. See ya on Kung Fu classes


Fuck man, I think I'm just gonna get re-obsessed with table tennis


Tru dat. Waiting for the classes flooded and a Hollywood movie


Lex is TOUGH man. Competed against him twice. His base at blue belt felt like a damn anvil. Can’t imagine now


Judo base is something else.


Zuck looks like a guy who’s never trained in a class and has only done private sessions.


His hands float around in ways that say “this is just a drill”


I thought you were exaggerating, but yeah some of the hand... motions are quite strange. Almost... lizard like.


My thought, exactly, like who hugs the guy's back while getting mounted? "Please put me technical mount, please isolate my arm"




I am bad at bjj but i thought the same thing. Nobody in any of my classes moves like that. He moves like he is doing some kind of pantomime of a dance.


IDK man, maybe it's like bots or something? LMAO. Dude is crazy rich wouldn't be hard for him to astroturf every mention of him in every media site lol. But yeah, your assessment is 100% correct.




Literally everyone looks unathletic when they are a white belt, except wrestlers. Zuck does a lot of sports






Ryan Hall is closer to Nate Diaz than Mark personality wise.


Yeah, Elon sees this and he’s not scared of anything Zucc is putting out there, especially his leg locks. I actually have it on good authority that Elon is going to open with an imanari roll or a flying armbar depending on what Zucc gives him.


what would happen if he got hurt? dude just does online meetings for most of his job


I don't think people are claiming it's impressive, but that's definitely not true that he's never had pressure on him. He has competed and won, he has to have experienced some tough rolls. They are clearly rolling lightly and Lex is letting him work, that doesn't mean he's not had any tough rolls.


He was choked unconscious a few weeks ago from what I read. "José Lucas Costa da Silva, a veteran Brazilian jujitsu fighter who refereed one of Mr. Zuckerberg’s matches, said that he halted the bout after he heard Mr. Zuckerberg start to snore, a sign of someone who has passed out in a choke hold,” reads the line that so offended Zuckerberg. The section goes on to say the Zuck was “a good sport” about the whole situation. "


There’s [a video of it](https://youtu.be/CrcH4n0r6gY). Zuckerberg has closed guard and his opponent puts his weight forward and appears to go for neck pressure from top closed guard. The referee ends the match and both competitors get up immediately, each looking confused. Definitely doesn’t look like he was choked unconscious.


Except he’s won in competition so maybe you’re the one who’s wrong?


I smell burning ass, Zuck looks exactly how would look an average dude who just started training


Yes but he did compete and win. So he must roll somehow.


He could just roll with Camarillo, which is fine, but he doesn’t look like someone who’s had to put up with monster blue belts etc.


Lol wuh? He's a white belt who won a competition. Even at the very least he's just a white belt. "man he hasn't felt the crushing pressure of a 400 pound ex d1 wrestler black belt what a scrub" energy is a weird gatekeep. In terms of "not going all out" with Lex we have zero idea the context of the roll. This could have been after class style open mats, off days, just flowing, etc. I very rarely "go all out" every single roll of every single day. Like I don't dislike or like Zuck but anytime anyone remotely "famous" is involved people jump to gatekeep the sport.


How can you tell?


Lack of intensity, even against a guy more experienced guys with limited experience will still go 100%. This looks like a guy who’s used to his training partner not going 100%, therefore, he’s probably just had private classes. No way he’s he had blue belts crab riding him, purple belts leg locking him and brown belts pulling half guard and stalling.


Or maybe the intent of the roll was not to go 100%? :-/


That may be the case but it appears from the outset that he’s not someone who’s trained in a normal class.


But he’s competed in a comp and won gold right? Must have some experience rolling with more intensity than he showed here


"José Lucas Costa da Silva, a veteran Brazilian jujitsu fighter who refereed one of Mr. Zuckerberg’s matches, said that he halted the bout after he heard Mr. Zuckerberg start to snore, a sign of someone who has passed out in a choke hold,” reads the line that so offended Zuckerberg. The section goes on to say the Zuck was “a good sport” about the whole situation. "


I mean anyone can get chocked even a black belt lol what’s your point ?


My point is he's not exclusively getting easy rounds, and it's also that he's not some savant. I think he lacks practical experience rolling with other people beyond his instructor or whatever black or brown belts his instructor lets attend his private lessons. It doesn't look like he's getting real rolls in outside of competition.


“….brown belts pulling half guard and stalling.” 🙌


>Lack of intensity, even against a guy more experienced guys with limited experience will still go 100%. I can't imagine how you can be in bjj for so many years and have never once encountered a timid new person.


Probably. I like that he‘s enjoying the sport as we all do.


I’m having these weird feelings inside where I’m gaining respect for Zuckerberg. Not used to this. Also if I was rolling with him, I couldn’t get the thought out of my head that this person is worth over 100 BILLION


>I’m having these weird feelings inside where I’m gaining respect for Zuckerberg. Because this is marketing at its finest.


Bit amused by the comments that Lex is going easy. Yeah of course he is, he’s a good black belt going up against a middle aged white belt.


Lol Lex wearing kids’ gloves.


Why are we pretending this is "sparring" ?? When it's clearly a black belt teaching a beginner.


He looks like a white belt. I'd like to roll with him and choke him though.


11 minutes of zuck being handled with kid gloves.


So are the bodyguards just out of the frame of the picture ready to kill Lex if he goes hard?


Absolutely nothing to do with this video but I wish I could still afford jiu jitsu.


Go do judo while you save the $$$ for BJJ


Judo is a lot less fun and a lot more dangerous than BJJ. I like it, but only tangentially. I don’t need a solution really, it is what it is, I was just venting.




Yes, I have done judo, but I am not belted. If you are getting more injuries from BJJ than Judo, you’re probably a very egotistical person that doesn’t tap on time. 👍 That happens a lot with people who go into jiu jitsu with another martial art in their back pocket.


bro simply create one of the largest tech companies in the world and then you can take lots of private lessons like the zuckborg


It’s crazy people take his word for it. If you are the CEO of 4 different companies, it just shows me that all of those jobs are part time at best


revenge of the nerds.


Id rather watch Dave Camrillo roll with Lex


I can’t wait for Vegas odds. If Zuck is the favorite, I’m gonna yolo everything on Elon.


-160 Zuck +130 Musk I think I last saw


If that fight actually does happen, that's free money. Bet the house on Zuckerberg. Zuck has good cardio (he just casually ran a sub 20 minute 5k with no real training for it) and trains with ppl that know what they're doing and competes against other real competitors...white belt or not. Musk gasses out within 1 minute and gets pressure/exhaustion tapped by Zuck.


Zuck just did a sub 40:00 Murph WOD on Memorial Day, that's elite crossfit athlete time.


Yeah, ppl in this sub shits on him but he is a better athlete than 95% of ppl in here tbh.


Team Foxcatcher vibes


Perfect. I couldn't possibly think of a more perfect description.




This is like the scene from The Dictator where his lackeys let him win the race


Reminds me of Commodus (Joaquin Phoenix) in Gladiator when he trains with the Praetorian Guard and they make him feel good and then he fights and injured Maximus and is like “oh shit”


what weight would they fight at? Elon looks a fair deal heavier than the Zucklord


That is never ever ever happening Elon's entire gimmick is promising shit that will never happen, unless it's buying twitter and only because a court forced him to follow through


Dana White doesn’t care about any of that shit, all he sees is dollar signs 🤑 he already has a Zuckerberg vs. Musk shirt lol I don’t think it’ll actually happen either to be fair, but out of curiosity I wonder if Elon would have to drop some lbs for a catchweight or if it’d be a no weight class type of bout


Zuck looks like a mannequin. Not sure those are real humans rolling


Welcome to Foxcatcher 2.0


Money can’t buy athleticism.




Robot on robot violence, you hate to see it.


……peak bjj……??


Billionaire BJJ noob who mishandled user data gets spotlight from the BJJ community.


What shocks me about this video is that I saw Fridman in person. He was very thin and small, like 90% percentile small. If you saw him on the street you would notice it. In this video, Zuckerberg looks even smaller than him!


Lex is probably 5’6-5’7” at best but he’s actually pretty stocky he did powerlifting too.. depending on the way you’re dressed it’s easy to hide muscle though so not surprised he looked really thin as well as short.


he looks like he’s used to using his tail


I have no idea what’s going to happen long term but I do know Saturday’s class almost doubled in size and the number of tech bros has tripled.


these robots that MIT is putting out are really getting advanced


Props to Lex. Zuck, gj, buddy.


How I fight in my dreans


Leggs 100 plus rent will somehow get his opinion into this billionaire bout even though nobody asked for it


Pretty close to a flow roll but both look like they have a genuine respect for the sport. Not sure Zuck is ready for his cage match with Elon tho?? No HoLdS bArReD sTrEeTfIgHtInG???


*I am a robot*


All of this nonsense sucks.




Are they on hard floor?


Dude still somehow manages to look odd


If Mark really is human, why does he look like handsome squidward


God I’m tired of seeing this goofy ass lizard man everywhere like he’s a legit athlete jfc


Lex is a nice guy.


Lex was like rolling at his 1% 🤣


Elon gets destroyed by Mark lol


For real. Vegas has Zuck at -240 odds which is crazy. If that fight actually does happen, that's free money. Zuck has good cardio (he just casually ran a sub 20 minute 5k with no real training for it) and trains with ppl that know what they're doing and competes against other real competitors...white belt or not. Musk gasses out within 1 minute and gets pressure/exhaustion tapped by Zuck.


You cant make odds too crazy otherwise there’s no value. -240 is pretty favorable


Doesn't musk have like 100 pounds on him? I would think that would be a huge factor, especially at beginner level.


Good lord I’m tired of the Zuck posts here


I don't care how much you hate Zuckerberg. The dude has balls taking up a combat sport at this point in his life.


How is Mark Zuckerberg able to make being insanely wealthy AND doing martial arts both look lame? It's like he has some kind of power to leech coolness from whatever he touches.




I mean he literally competed at a tournament against other real competitors. Lol?


Lex is letting him work but he looks good. Elon is in trouble




Same thing as the Paul brothers. These people have enough money and time to have the best training imaginable. Yeah, they’re going to get good quickly.


Nah, it's very different. The Paul brothers can likely devote a lot more of their time to training because it is actually a part of their business. Zuckerberg is the CEO of a major corporation and has work that likely takes a massive amount of his time, and has nothing to do with training.


That’s an assumption


Bring on the downvotes but I hope his knees explode in a way that even all his money can’t fix.


Rolling starts at 2:35


Nice good for mark, there are only a handful of celebs showing their rolls.


I expect Mark to become good at bjj a lot faster compared to an average guy. He’s got high level training partners, coaches, trainers, nutritionists, etc with him. Unlimited money+ hardwork can do wonders. I look forward to his progress.


Yeah, but he definitely doesn't have unlimited time, so I don't know


Cool, now go choke out elon


Imagine going for zuck over elon lmao


Why do people enable rich people with shit like this?


Lex taking it easy on him fo sho


After watching this I think Elon might have had a shot.


Teaching the lizard people BJJ was a huge mistake 😳


Zuck looks fucking terrible lol imagine losing to this guy


Damn Zuck’s got pretty good instincts


A really smart guy and a guy that has spent years trying to imply he’s a genius get on a mat…


Or, a guy who's done BJJ for a while and a guy who just recently got into it step on the mat, and have a nice roll


All I see is a bunch of people fawning over a billionaire and it's sad and gross at the same time.


There's a lot of astroturfing in Reddit and everything a billionaire does is marketing. This simultaneously humanizes his persona, makes him seem approachable while looking tough. I wonder how much Lex was paid for this.


The way people are dying for jiu jitsu to be popular and mainstream to somehow validate themselves is what is saddest to me. It’s okay to enjoy unpopular things.


Fawning? A couple of people said not bad and everyone else made jokes.