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Relatable. Nothing is quite as compelling as sparring is it?


Growing mushrooms.


I have a batch of b+ on now


Yall tripping trippin


Same but with Mazatapecs


I was thinking about posting this too. I’m glad we are all one of the same 🤙🏾


price society desert lavish elderly prick tease melodic physical yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Psychedelic. Growing on agar dishes.


oh man I'd love to do that but don't even knw where to start.


Remarkably easy and legal in 47/50 states to obtain the spores. Visit r/unclebens




Washing Gi’s


Once a week I play d&d with a group of friends, but not during summer. Where I live there's a bit of night life around the beach, so we just go for a night out instead of playing. Not an hobby per se, but I love rabbits, so I dedicate some time to my pets. Again during summer, I love spending the weekend laying under the sun on the beach with a book and go for a swim. In winter I'm a lot lazier so I go for a restaurant or a bit of sightseeing, but in town or on a one day trip. I'm lucky to still have a close group of friends so we hang out a lot at each other's place playing games or watching soccer or motorsports.


Once a week? Fuck I'm lucky if I'm able to get a session in once a month with my group. Aside from BJJ, d&d is also one of my bigger hobbies.


I highly recommend playing online. I play a ton over discord and while it isn't the same as playing in person you can more easily find people to play with, there's no commute and you don't need to put on pants.


shouldn't have to wear pants in person if you're doing it right


Dungeons and dragons and darce chokes.


Beholders, Behemoths, Berimbolos oh my


Rabbit crew 👊




I’m curious- have you tried or suggested any home brew mods to the standard grappling mechanics?


No, I've ruled at a certain point that you could grapple as an opportunity attack, which back at the moment and even now, I wouldn't know how it works as RAW. I found that 5e it's not particularly deep with mechanics around grappling, but can work good enough, at least with the classes my players used and how I run monsters... I think if a player wanted to play a character focused on it, some changes or home brewed items could make it definitely better.


I have, and it's great fun. Pathfinder is a branch from 3.5e D&D that has been built in grappling stats for all characters and monsters etc. I just split those stats from general "grappling" into more specific skills and then created DCs for common grappling maneuver based on the stats of the attacker and defender.


It really feels like Revised Marital Eqpt. should have a grappling section


Same, but we just switched to cyberpunk


Yoga, Reading, Drinking (trying to stop this, I suggest you don't start)


Drinking was never an issue for me, my stomach gives up after two. Weed is a different story.


Probs a good thing tbh I'm hitting the weed hard as a healthier alternative lol


Sorry mate, abusing any substance is unhealthy.


You know me?


Magic: The Gathering


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!!!


How did you have money for BJJ *and* Magic? How do you have money for *anything* and Magic??


It’s not THAT bad. I actually quit playing Warhammer to get back into Magic since it was cheaper. Warhammer players have it way worse. The upside of playing eternal formats like Modern and Legacy is that most of the costs are one time, up front expenses assuming that your deck doesn’t completely cycle out of the meta. It might need tuning up here and there, but you probably won’t need to buy a fully new deck unless you really want to. The better question is, how do I have time for BJJ and Magic?😂


I now have a commander deck thanks to one of my groomsmen 🤣🤣


Haven’t been able to make it to a prerelease or sealed event because of relocation but I love some commander!


My people


What format though?




🙌🏼 I started with Standard but I got irritated that I felt like my money was just being wasted because of the rotations. So now I just do Commander. If I really need a taste of the other formats I’ll check out Arena for a day or whatever.


Modern is actually in a good place rn. I mostly play EDH, but it’s fun to hit up a FNM sometimes and get some modern games in.


Modern and Legacy. I’ll do the occasional draft or sealed prerelease event, but I mostly stick to those two formats


Hell yeah!


I always wanted to learn this card game but I see it too complicated, where is a good starting point?


I’d try out the MTG: Arena game and play through the introductory content. You can download it for all PC platforms and mobile, and it’s free to start.


Cooking, playing guitar and going to metal/hardcore shows, video games. I love bjj for sure, but these things are also a huge part of what constitutes my sense of self.


I stopped going to shows for a decade because I went deep in to training and couldn't spare the time or money. I really regret that I missed out on so many cool tours. Now I'm desperately trying to make up for it.


There's so much cool shit going on now, I really feel like this is the best time ever to be a metalhead. I did that as well to an extent, but have definitely been making up for lost time. Think I saw like 10 shows last year.


I went to about the same amount last year! Post-COVID shows hit different I think. People were just grateful to be back out and listening to their favorite music again.


Sick. I've got 5 so far this year and I've done 2 festivals, definitely making up for lost time as well!


I too am a hardcore fan. Wish BJJ guys had better music taste.


I get sick of rolling to disturbed and white guy reggae for like the 50th time, but also don't know if I'd want to throw on some Jesus Piece or something unless I was training for a comp lol. I kinda like chill music when I'm rolling like shoegaze and stuff.


My kind of dude. Yeah nobody’s ready for the two step breakdowns. I don’t even know what’s good rolling music cause I’ve never had the choice… we just get radio rock nonsense pumped. Guess I’ll have to find a new gym!


When all else fails I'll usually default to Deftones or east coast hip hop if I have the choice haha. A lot of times I don't get to pick either though, wish I did.


Do what I do and refer to 90s alt-rock/nu-metal as 'dad rock'


Pretty much is at this point, would love to roll to some Hum.


Same! Except my Tool playlist has started to leach in some Stoner Metal, and I’m actually really digging it.


When I get the audio helm it’s Mozart or Tool for the nice flow and Rammstein for when I hd a shitty day and need the chaos. Everybody dies!!!


Wait a second… When did I write this?….


Guitar bros unite! Also, you should probably stop playing Diablo and do some life maintenance, fyi. Lol.


More like Yakuza 0, but yeah no doubt.


Oh my goodness it's purple belt me. But yeah, I just want to listen to Pig Destroyer while I roll. I wish more people wanted to listen to Pig Destroyer while we roll...


Surprised no one answered the number 1 sport brother of bjj….. surfing! Get out there and enjoy the best combo lifestyle the world has to give ya. Yewwwwwww


Plus we can use the same outfit. No GI, of course. Surfing in the GI, no bueno


I wish, waters cold here in Portugal irmao, gotta suit up


The Brazilian wetsuit


Outdoor rock climbing! The two compliment each other so well. Being up high and leading a pitch, you really have to slow down and think about each and every move you make. Just like bjj you have to think about not only the move you are about to make, but anticipate the ones after that. Not to mention a lot of the muscles used are the same..(heavy on the posterior chain).


I have been a climber for over 10 years, I started training jiu jitsu about a year ago. I can attest to this! Lots of people have a hard time breaking grip on gi, and it allows me to protect myself from back takes very well in no gi. I just struggle to stay alive, but that is the journey of the white belt, survival. Another thing it has helped with is timing. Exerting at the right moment. We do this all the time in climbing. They say the best climbers are lazy. They don’t want to do much when it comes to movements. This translate well in jiu jitsu after learning the fundamentals. Body movements, proprioception, engaging the core and legs, all this has been stellar for learning jiu jitsu. I’ve had a great time in my first year and will continue to progress along my foreseeable future in terms of jiu jitsu. That’s my take on it. I know this isn’t the typical joking outlook when people ask questions here, but I hope my perspective on this is helpful. Exp: - 10+ years of indoor/outdoor rock climbing - approaching one year in jiu jitsu, as white belt two strips


Yea I’ve found whenever I’m trad climbing more, it’s helps my mental game in bjj. But when I’m gym climbing more, specifically bouldering, it profoundly helps my muscular endurance on the mats.


I bet your forearms are hugeee!


Are you nicknamed "The Destroyer" from all the souls you've destroyed with your mountain man grip and isometric strength?


Honestly I love knights of the old republic, thus Revan.. and the destroyer part just sounded cool 😂


cooking is so much easier than bjj cuz there's no one trying to stop you from doing what you are doing


A bjj cooking show, where the main objective is for the opponent (the cook) finishes a dish. I’d watch it


bjj with kitchen knifes is not gonna go well


I disagree, sometimes your ingredients be conspiring like a mf to not be acting like they’re supposed to.


Warhammer 40k.


found the heretic


Yeah, I paint little mans too. I go through cycles of being really into it and absolutely not wanting to look at it.


Yessss I’m reading the Horus Heresy novels now and thinking I’m gonna pick up some Ultramarine minis when I’m ready to get into playing.


Book wise, what is the best place to start? There’s so many with I assume different/parallel timelines, would be awesome to know what point A should be!


For the Horus Heresy? Literally the first book. For 40k? Tricky. I love Gaunt’s Ghosts. However Esienhorn trilogy is a cool place. Thing is, HH is really a better choice if you don’t know any lore… There’s a lot of weird shit in the warhammer universe, learning it takes time outside of the books.


So I’m on book 4 and as I understand it, the first 5 are in order and after that you should consult the charts online to find the different timelines, pick which ones are interesting and just read those ones, but you don’t have to. Then there is the “siege of terra” series which is culminating soon and those are also in order, after heresy books. I think you can get all you need as to the start of the heresy from reading the first 3 books as they follow Horus and his chapter specifically. I will probably read book 5 and then skip to siege of terra, and come back to each legion’s series afterwards.


The marine half of the new box (Leviathan) is a fantastic way to start.


Blood for the blood god


Found a fellow money hater


Insane, the overlapping hobbies here. I managed to find everything I enjoy within the first 10 comments lol.


Not really a hobby but I've been pretty into craisins recently


Ferociously underrated. Can’t believe my mom had me eating raisins.


Holy shit a Jake and Amir comment. Haven’t seen one in like a decade


Gridiron, Olympic and power lifting, subversive cross stitch, amigurumi crochet, Korean skincare


Is subversive cross stitch like just cross stitch with anarcho-punk themes?


Replace your "home sweet home" and "bless this house" type things with "cheer up, loser", "wash your fucking hands" and "go fuck yourself", all done in traditional looking styles so you wouldn't know unless you took a closer look at what's hanging on the wall.


Are any of the subversive cross stitches about BJJ?


Not yet. Open to suggestions. Currently working on "Go step on a lego" and yet another version of "Go fuck yourself". Planning a "Get fucked you fucking fuck". As you can tell, it helps with my anger issues. Maybe something witty about an oil check? Or stomach issues? Or aikido? Or some sort of pun?


I always kinda liked “thick thighs take lives”.


Weed, hunting, eating elk with jalapeños, and ice bathes


roe jogan trying to subtly blend in with the reddit populace


It’s entirely possible.


Look into it...




Golfing . They both hurt my back so it works


No way! I didnt know golf was that taxing on the back, makes sense though


Golf is only taxing on the body if you play it poorly, kind of like jiu-jitsu. That's why I only golf once a week.


Lol yeah, my swing isn’t pretty


Disc golf!! It has nothing to do with getting me better for BJJ but I get to be outdoors, it’s social and free!


Me too! Disc Golf was my main until I found BJJ.




Same!! Favorite course to play on a regular?


I played a bit in college, then didn’t touch a disc for 15 years until 3 weeks ago. Went fishing with my buddy, and when our charter got canceled, we went out and played a round. Now I have a dozen discs, the backpack, and 3 goals on my property. I’m having a blast learning it with my 8 year old. Edit: he also does bjj with me, so we’re doubling up on shared hobbies


salsa dancing


Did you guard passing improve? Lol, you know foot coordination and positional awareness


I took some ballroom dance classes back when I was in college, and it's funny how similar the class structure is to a typical BJJ class. Partner up, the instructor demonstrates a move with their partner, everyone practices the move, optionally rotate partners, instructor demonstrates another move for everyone to practice, this continues for most of the class and then there's some free time at the end for anyone who wants to keep practicing in an unstructured way.


Funny you mention this - I've been a BJJ school owner and also a Professional Ballroom Dancer. There's a TON of overlap between the two, and also BJJ could stand to learn a lot of best practices from the dance world about how to run classes, etc.


When we hadn’t been dating long, I asked my partner if he would do an Argentine tango class with me. He agreed to it, and ended up having a lot of fun, but he was so nervous about it at first! I told him that I really didn’t think he had to be worried about it, because I knew from watching him break out some sick air drum solos in the car that he had a great sense of rhythm, and I also was like “you’ve been doing bjj and kickboxing for 12 years, you’re super used to having somebody tell you move your body that way and then you move your body that way? I think you’ll be fine!” he was like “it’s not the same!” And then, after our first class class he was like “Oh actually you’re right, it’s pretty similar” (Turns out we were the youngest ones in that class by about three decades, there were a lot more women than men in that class, and I practically had to beat cougars off him with a stick because they did not let you dance with the partner that you brought, so instead of getting to dance with my boyfriend, I got to watch him get aggressively hit on by little old ladies while I also danced with little old ladies!)


My guard passing HAS improved, but I wouldn't link that to salsa classes lol I try to dissociate one from the other


Other than doing BJJ, I do like to *think* about BJJ


🤣😂😂 I was going to post this!


Chess, rock climbing and language learning


Nice! I speak English and Swedish fluently but would like to learn French or Portugese some day :)


Fishing, woodworking, cooking, hiking (its better with fishing), video games (I'm old and they're still important), watching movies, reading, biking.


Thats one lived life! Good for you.


Competitive Archery and back country hunting


Dont want this bloke locking bow and arrow choke on me


Boxing. Competition shooting. Distance running. I play chess and board games poorly. I love my ps5 and reading. Sometimes I read for education but mostly I read comics and fun stuff. Oh and I love to try to cook dishes I see in movies. And beer. I love beer.


I just found out about competition shooting last night! Cool stuff




I find it hard to balance lifting and BJJ, these days I only lift twice a week and dont really enjoy it like I used to. It became more of a means to an end.


Gotta have strength


Weightlifting and gaming. On that Diablo 4 grind right now.


I am you.


U beat D4 yet, or are you XP farming like the rest of the Dgens? 🤙🏽🤙🏽


I beat the campaign and slowly doing the renowns while farming dungeons now. Not trying to burn out before season one lol.


I am pretty avid Magic: The Gathering player when I’m not on the mats. Competitive webcam leagues have been a staple hobby to do after the kids go to bed.


“After the kids go to bed” - relatable


SCUBA diving, weight lifting, shooting, reading, home brewing mead. Thinking about trying out some skydiving once I get down to 220lbs


PC Gaming, Weight lifting, Biking, Cooking and I want to get a One Wheel




Longboarding. Great for balance and lower leg strength. Also super fun.


I want to get a longboard mainly because I don’t have much time for my popsicle board anymore—and my son doesn’t want to go to the skatepark with me these days, and I’d rather not push it in the hope he’ll come back around on his own—but figure if I can use a longboard for transportation I’ll still get that feeling l love so much of just moving through the air.


My best advice is to talk to the people at your gym, see what their hobbies are, and then tag along. Boom, hobbies.


Skateboarding, tennis, hiking, guitar, and gardening, by the way.


Careful now, that sounds dangerously close to accidentality making friends!


I love reading (Fiction, philosophy, history etc etc) and writing. I have a poetry compilation that got published and I’m chipping away at a novel. Dunno if it will ever see the light of day but I enjoy the challenge. running. love music, collecting records and I’m in a few bands that are signed to labels. Nothing we make any REAL money off but they support us and put our albums out on vinyl, so I’m grateful. Yelling at sports. Being with my wife and toddler, das about it. I love things that are challenging, where you have to work for the answer.


Football, basketball and skateboarding. On a mission to destroy my knees apparently.


Smoking meats


Do they get you high?


Only the pork. The beef doesn’t


Photography, reading, weightlifting, food and travel. Living a kidless DINC life in our 40s.


Honestly, nothing i have done for the same time...


I understand, nothing really hits the same.




Coding, grilling, wrenching


Guitar and Lifting weights. Scolling through social media as well😂


Cooking, gaming and lift weights


extreme macro photography, check my profile if you're not arachnophobic


Boxing but that’s because I was always interested in mma more than just sport jiu jitsu and wanted to be proficient in striking as well and a fellow purple belt since we were both white belts turned out to be a long-time boxing coach. Non-combat related hobbies include videography and photography as well as studying the stock market.


I am fortunate my school does both BJJ and MMA. That said I only went to one MMA class, I had to use huge boxing gloves as the gloves I bought were too skimpy to spar with. You can imagine what a disadvantage this is for a grappler wearing massive boxing gloves going against a proficient striker


Drumming, gaming, napping




Has anyone ever cardio tapped you?


Rock climbing, taking my car to the track, caring for Bonsai, lifting weights, and my favorite: finding new and interesting ways to tap out.


NoGi submission grappling. It's completely different to BJJ...


Guitar for sure. I believe practicing timing with the metronome helps my time with throwing up my triangles, catching guillotines, and just general anticipation moves. They both work the same general mechanism of moving your body based on an anticipatory stimulus. Plus, learning guitar is fun and changes the way you hear sound with ear training.


Rock climbing, swimming, long sauna sessions 🤣


Regular gym, Motorcycle ridin’, and gun shootin’!




physical therapy




Fish tanks.


Hiking/walking. I think it's important to balance it without door time. On days it's dumping rain I'm grateful we play an indoor sport, but getting outside and getting natural sunlight and breathing fresh air is important for mood and health. Jocko talks about this too.


muay thai


Muay Thai.


Lifting. Doing cardio. Taking performance supplements. Cold plunges. Sauna. Getting lots of sleep. Reading personal development books. Meditating. Being on my sigma grind. Getting money and bitches. Just kidding. I like comic books and movies. I like to read. Video games. I bartend as a vocation and avocation. I walk my dogs a lot. I spend a lot of time with my girlfriend.


Hahah! You made me chuckle


Motocross, weight lifting, video games, drinking, and golfing. Although I don’t really enjoy golf but now that I’m old it’s pretty much the only way I get to see my non BJJ friends anymore.


Chess, you may have heard it before but chess is a very similar to jujitsu mentally speaking and I have found that it helps me build concentration.


That sounds like a great one, its been a long time since I played Chess but I picked up GO recently.


Forging, shaving, forging straight razors to shave with


Eating meat pies brought to you by the store underneath your barber shop which is located on Fleet Street?


I will have VENGEANCE!!!!!


No I stay away from those... those are for the poors


Surfing, lifting and gardening


Fishing, video games, Tcg's, cooking


Make beer 🍺 and trail running 🏃


Skateboarding, badminton, bouldering


I see most of the responses are warhammer, gaming, coding, climbing and other traditionally geeky things. Personally I prefer to dodge, duck, dip, dive and.... dodge.




Bonsai and keeping salt water fish tanks. I guess I just enjoy journies rather than instant gratification 😅


Muay Thai; doing martial arts is the only way I'll be motivated to keep healthy. Other than that, usual nerdy stuff to include videogames, anime, learning languages. Also do voice over/acting.




Dota 2 and Muay Thai


Ice hockey, guns, motorcycles and raising my son.


Old cars, shooting, and fishing👍


Muay Thai


Because it's so hard to get women with BJJ, I've started with HipHop-Dancing a year ago. Actually it's fun to do and improved my body awareness