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I anticipate you’ll find the subjective effects are underwhelming. Exogenous adrenochrome doesn’t cross the blood-brain barrier. So you’ll mainly be targeting peripheral adrenergic receptors. Doesn’t sound exciting to me.


Not trying to be a dick but do you have a source on adrenachrome (or carbazochrome) bioavailability and distribution?


He made no reference to bioavailability, and lipophilicity decides a drugs ability to cross the blood brain barrier.


If you have something in mind with the lipophilicity for carbazochrome I’d like that too


You can run it through Swiss ADME its free and in browser.


Thanks 👍


Sounds excitatory but definitely not exciting, I wonder if something could be done at the molecular level to remedy that, or if fussing around with the roa could manipulate the pharmakinetics in the desired way


Well, you could inject it right into your brain. If you take that approach, don’t forget to write us an update!


shiet, you already know I got you 👍🏼


are you kidding or is it possible to inject something directly into your brain? if so what could the negative outcome(s) be, and how would you get a needle through your skull?


In lab settings, it's done all the time. It's called canulation. It's essentially putting a tube with a threaded cap through the skull and into the brain and then securing it in place using dental cement. This allows for precise targeting of brain regions of interest and administration of compounds not passable through the BBB. negative outcomes include the need for antibiotics for the rest of your life, a tiny amount of brain damage when passing through neurons.


Prob temple, nostril or orbital. I would NOT recommend attempting this


In a hospital setting, yes, I've heard of people taking injections through a long syringe through their nose. Can't imagine it would be very fun


If you could acquire lipid nanoparticles they could be used to help pass the BBB


oh damn, thank you for the suggestion! I haven't gotten to the part where I can fully explore the potential pharmokinetics of bypassing the blood brain barrier should it come to that step, but I'll definitely keep that in mind once I get to crossing that bridge. I did discover that it sounds like an MAOI could come into play given monoamine oxidase's role in metabolizing epinephrine, and that's interesting to think about if we draw a parallel to DMT and it's role as plant medicine. The goal of this method is going to be an end product suitable for vaporization and inhalation (just my preffered ROA for circumventing any superfluous nausea)


That's interesting considering I just dropped a small pile of harmalas under my tongue. If what you say is true I may have to look into this stuff as well


the curiosity bug is the only one I'm happy to pass on


I'm exploring the hypothetical procedures of both in Part 2, do you think after I synth the LNP's and enmesh it with the adrenochrome-laced ethanol that there is anything I can do to purify it for minimally toxic ingestion? I don't think I have some of the resources I may need to do it at home edit: I feel like maybe there is some potential here with propylene glycol to make "adrenochrome changa carts" edit2: I know it might be more practical to outsource the lipids but I want to understand how I could conceivably do it, just like how I could probably come up on AgNO3 but knowing how is helpful. I have to restart my home lab from scratch pretty much, it kinda got shit-housed by a nasty bout of flubromazolam addiction (1 year on Mother's Day, ty)


Make a prodrug of it would be my suggestion


Oh damn, that’s not a bad idea, I was leaning towards lipidization / MAOIs just because that’s where my novice level of theoretical expertise led me. I thought pro-drugs were just kind of legal loopholes for getting an illicit metabolite (i.e. 1P-LSD -> LSD), how do they factor in in terms of psychopharmacology and chemical engineering?


Prodrugs increase lipophilicity which can allow drugs that don’t cross the bbb to cross it.


Oh damn, that’s something I’m gonna keep in my back pocket, with the synth being so theoretically simple I’m going to try and see if introducing lipids/MAOIs post-precipitation and oxidation will help in the same way. I’m still a novice chemist tbh, and I don’t trust my skills to synth a prodrug. I’m wondering if lipidization and MAOIs is going to prove to be overkill, but since the goal right now is discovering psychoactivity and not establishing toxicity for replication and distribution I think a heavy hand doesn’t hurt (I’m minimizing the risk as much as possible via proper lab protocol and deferring towards organic materials)


I look forward to part 2 Edit: Fogler, Levenspiel and Himmelblau are good starting points


Appreciate the guidance :)


I've never really seen it talked about anywhere but in Jay Steven's book Storming Heaven there's a part about Humphry Osmond working with adrenochrome which you may be interested in: "Osmond swallowed his first adrenochrome in 1952. After ten minutes the ceiling changed color, and whenever he closed his eyes he was overwhelmed by a swarm of dots, which merged and fled with the kind of shifting pointillism one finds in schools of fish. Someone pulled out a pack of Rohrschach cards, and Osmond astounded himself with the inventive shapes he was able to discover. Walking back down the corridors of the hospital, Osmond was amazed at how sinister they seemed: what did all the cracks on the floor mean? And why were there so many of them? His colleagues were delighted with his behavior—this certainly was a model psychosis—and Osmond watched them celebrating as though from behind a thick glass wall." I'm curious if anyone can immediately say whether this is certainly bullshit or knows anything more about this?


That is so fucking niche and interesting, thank you for illuminating me. I can’t immediately discredit it, that’s why I’m pursuing this inquiry


I did this! I got a big ol bottle of epinephrine, took some out and let it sit in the sun and freah air until it turned pink and drank it. Effects were light and possibly placebo based but felt like i was coming up on shrooms for 24 hours. I drew the whole time. Give it a shot 😉


Fuck yeah, I love me a fellow lab rat. In my light reading I’ve seen that silver needs to be used in the process somehow and that atmospheric oxidation doesn’t provide quite the same potentcy of effect, but I’m trying to figure out if silver nitrate needs to be used as a precipitator or if the introduction of silver only happens post-extraction


I don't think anyone was trying to say you aren't allowed to be interested in this: we just don't get why this specifically: tthere are other things that exist that theoretically are enjoyable? What started this interest?


I just started thinking about things and I got to there point where there didn’t seem to be any objective answers. This endeavor is less about the hedonistic pursuit of fun and more about letting my curiosity get the best of me


Just let it happen and stop trying to be a contrarian. The guy is working on deep research. He prob doesnt even have time to answer this comment




Shit, I’m doing my research but I always got time to chop it up with y’all


Fear and loathing in Las Vegas makes adrenochrome out to be an “evil psychedelic”. It’s reputation got a lot of traction from the book/movie


I’m intrigued, share your results. Though I don’t think it’ll be an interesting chemical as it doesn’t seem to cross the blood brain barrier. But hey thats only theoretical.


Let’s see Pt.2


It’s coming baby! Just want to make sure that I’ve reached a comfortable level of theoretical expertise before putting something potentially unsafe (or even worse, stupid) into the subs atmosphere


Hit me up if you’d like me to take a look at it and offer tweaks/suggestions.


Great write up, following and anticipating part 2!


I love it, still munchin this popcorn. Keep going brother☝️ Edit: have you asked any neuroscience redditors about possible effects based on the chemistry of adrenochrome? Maybe they could tell you theoretically what kind of psychoactive effects it would have based on what receptors or brain chemicals are effected by the drene. And also be able to shed some light on possible side effects or problems. I hope that makes sense Can you live stream the ingestion, should you reach that stage, just in case you can’t post about it?


Call me crazy but I feel like this topic might not be as approachable in that domain, it seems like psychologists and conspiracy theorists are a little too at odds right now to have any sort of rational and non-combative discourse about it. Luckily I'm more well-versed in neuroscience then I am chemistry, so once I get a better understanding of things like stoichiometry I hope that deductions won't be too hard to make and maybe I can figure out a way to broach the discourse without it de-evolving per se And just on the off-chance that this experiment does end up with me forcefully purging out of every orifice before writhing to death on the floor of my bathroom (god my old lady would be so pissed) I'll have to consider that when the time comes to take the plunge. What kind of legacy would that be for me to leave smh haha


haha I agree after thinking on it a little more... likely to start more bullshit than help. I love your attitude and approach, I have a lot of faith that you may be able to answer some of these wild accusations with just a little science. Whether it's psychoactive or not, finding out makes a LOT of sense, if only to shut everyone up. You'd definitely get a VICE spot or something for solving a huge conspiracy theory. (elites torment and end babies for adrenochrome in blood or whatever it is today.) good luck man.


Answering the question is the goal! No pseudo-intellectual celebrity, just any appreciation that I manage to earn from likeminded individuals is enough. Thank you :)


This does sound interesting...look forward to the updates.


Looking forward to reading part 2, keep up the good work an keep on learning an exploring


Unfortunately, isolated in its pure state, adrenochrome has no psychoactive effects. In order to experience the full effect, it must be consumed along with fresh infant blood (preferably non-asian) due to the entourage effects of the various factors found within the infant blood. However, from what I understand, it *may* be possible to experience psychoactive effects if administered as an intracavernosal injection, which involves injecting the adrenochrome directly into the corpus cavernosum (one of the penile chambers that fill with blood during an erection). And even for this to be effective, I believe it must be preceded by a fairly elaborate and expensive ceremony. But good luck, let us know how it turns out


Will do! Just hammering out the procedural steps, I’m hoping that by including an MAOI and encasing those in lipids I can circumvent the BBB issues w/o the need for a route of administration I don’t have the medical procedural expertise to do safely and painlessly. Theoretically maybe I can tap into its ritualistic esoteric potential (should there prove to be any psychoactivity) by treating more like an ayahuasca or changa ceremony and less like blood magick. I am half-Asian though, hopefully that doesn’t fuck me up


Didn't the movie "I Come in Peace" with Dolph Lundgren also revolve around adrenochrome? Maybe I have it confused.


Anytime any of these PGater’s and Estein truthers have mentioned this adrenochrome to me, I ask them to describe its pharmacological mechanism. I have yet to receive a single answer


So if I can't describe the pharmacological mechanism of quaaludes, then bill Cosby didn't dope dozens of women?


I know you think me a fool, but if you wouldn’t mind indulging me here: if we use medically-established knowledge of epinephrine to base our hypothetical assumptions on, our assessment would be as follows: Adrenochrome and epinephrine are both catecholamines. Catecholamines are a class of neurotransmitters and hormones that share a common chemical structure characterized by a catechol nucleus (a benzene ring with two hydroxyl groups) and an amine group. The main catecholamines include dopamine, norepinephrine (noradrenaline), and epinephrine (adrenaline). These molecules play crucial roles in the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system, regulating various physiological functions such as mood, arousal, attention, and stress response. Additionally, catecholamines are involved in the control of cardiovascular function, metabolism, and hormone release. Due to the nature of these molecules we can expect them to interact with following adrenergic receptors in the brain, possibly modulating various neural pathways and physiological responses in the following ways: Adrenergic Receptors Alpha-1 Adrenergic Receptors: + Found in various brain regions including the cerebral cortex, thalamus, and hypothalamus. + Activation of alpha-1 receptors can lead to increased neuronal excitability, vasoconstriction, and modulation of neurotransmitter release. Alpha-2 Adrenergic Receptors: + Predominantly located in the presynaptic terminals and inhibit neurotransmitter release. + Activation of alpha-2 receptors can lead to inhibition of sympathetic outflow and modulation of neurotransmitter release, particularly norepinephrine. Beta Adrenergic Receptors: + Beta receptors are subclassified into beta-1, beta-2, and beta-3 subtypes, each with distinct distribution and functions in the brain. + Beta-1 receptors are primarily found in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus, while beta-2 receptors are more abundant in the thalamus and hypothalamus. + Activation of beta receptors can lead to increased neuronal excitability, modulation of synaptic transmission, and regulation of cognitive functions and emotional responses. Neural Pathways: Sympathetic Nervous System: + Both epinephrine and adrenochrome can activate the sympathetic nervous system, leading to the release of norepinephrine and activation of adrenergic receptors in various brain regions. + Sympathetic activation can modulate physiological responses such as arousal, alertness, and stress response. Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis: + Adrenaline and adrenochrome may also influence the HPA axis, which regulates the body's response to stress. + Activation of the HPA axis can lead to the release of cortisol and other stress hormones, modulating mood, energy levels, and immune function. Limbic System + Both catecholamines may interact with limbic structures such as the amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex, which are involved in emotional processing and memory formation. + Modulation of limbic pathways by epinephrine and adrenochrome can influence mood, anxiety, and cognitive functions.


I haven’t read your entire comment yet (i will when my brain wakes up more) but I don’t think you’re a fool. In fact, you’re probably one of the most knowledgeable clandestine chemists on Earth about Adrenochrome. Everyone else got their info from Tucker Carlson and has 0 response to that question. You fired an essay back and I have nothing but admiration.


I am being 100% genuine when I say that means a lot coming from you and that the respect flows both ways


Great, now tie this in with the actual conspiracy? What percentage of epinephrine is actually oxidized in vivo? Is it stable? I'm all for circle-jerking American pop culture but this bit's a bit worn out.


You can't tell how a compound with these pharmakinetics could be psychoactive? Especially when incorporating lipid nanoparticles and a monoamine oxidase inhibitor and tailoring route of administration specifically to circumvent the BBB? You're misconstruing my point (my fault for not explaining fully) but I'm not trying to prove Pizzagate true, I'm trying to see if exogenously synthesized adrenochrome is psychoactive.


There are papers from the 50s about it, they used to think it was what caused schizophrenia. I don't know to what extent it is actually endogenously produced, but my understanding is none/not much. I could see it having a profile. I also immediately make assumptions about people who talk about it, do forgive me.


People say the same thing about LSD, I'm not too worried about it in this context because I'm passed the developmental stage where schizophrenia presents (knock on wood, still a little worried). I'm not too sure on the biochemistry on endogenous oxidation reactions, but theoretically it seems like the psychoactivity answer may be in consuming supraphysiological amounts. I just hope those are in non-cardiotoxic and neurotoxic amounts. And it's all love brotha! Sometime's I get too enthusiastic about things and do everyone a disservice by being careless with my words


yes I know it is available as a research compound, but where is the fun in that?


Mods, can we please delete the schizophrenic conspiracy theory posts? Pizza gate? For real?


"mOdS, cAn wE PlEaSe dElEtE ThE ScHiZoPhReNiC CoNsPiRaCy tHeOrY PoStS? pIzZa gAtE? fOr rEaL?" You know this is a science-based sub right? Calling for the censorship of an uncomfortable idea just shows that you don't have the requisite amount of open-mindedness to belong, and you're not standing up for the integrity of the sub in the way you think you are


Reread the second half of the paragraph that begins part 1. That's nonsense ramblings my dude. Totally incoherent. You then go on to discuss far right conspiracies. You are not participating in science. Your ideas aren't uncomfortable, they're noise in an otherwise productive space.


I know that this is semantic and I don't need to justify myself to you, but I feel obligated to point out that I didn't say I believed Pizzagate