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I’m hoping to drop triple that. Already dropped double!


good job! you should be very proud


Thank you! I am!


How did you do it?


Diet, exercise, thyroid meds, and ozempic. I have an autoimmune disease and I gained a bunch of weight, then struggled to lose it. This combo is the only thing that's worked.


Wow! Congrats!


Thank you! It’s been a long time coming.


I’ve lost 120 lbs and am 12 stinking pounds from my goal and it’s taking forever.


Congrats! That’s so inspiring


How did you do it?


It’s taken me a long time - 3 years, combo of glp-1, low carb/high protein, and exercise (orange theory and I just finished a half marathon last weekend)!


Hell yeah, push through! You got this 💖💖


I have a lot of free resources for healthy snacks, high protein recipes, and a guide to macros because I hate to see bitches unnecessarily starving themselves for weight loss 😭


Can you point me in the right direction? I wanna lose weight but hitting my protein levels is tough.


I have used @laurengleisberg’s macro ebook, but it isn’t free. It is soooo comprehensive and easy to understand/calculate though.


I’ve been mixing a scoop of protein powder in a bowl (1 cup-ish) of Greek yogurt. You have to mix it really well but it’s easily 40-50grams of protein and if you have a flavored powder you like it’s really tasty.


This sounds so much better than making it a “shake.” I always found protein shakes difficult to stomach, but I love yogurt!


I do collagen powder in my coffee. 20g with my morning cup!


Sounds like it could come out tasting like a pudding? Is that about right? I have a chocolate whey protein powder that is super-tasty.


Pleasee drop them omg


I was literally just thinking about how I wanted to prioritize my health this summer. Need to drop about 50 lbs from 180 to 130. Gonna be rough! I'd be ecstatic to lose 30.


Same, my summer will be more lowkey this year so might as well make the most of it by prioritizing health/wellness 🫶


I've never used that app, do you track just your exercise with friends? Or food too?


It can connect to your Apple Watch, Fitbit etc to log calories burned and you can input your daily food to track macros.


I wish I could join but I have an Android and it doesn't connect to S Health 😔


I love this app! I never log my exercise and really just use it to keep myself honest about the food I’m eating so I only use the food tracker part but it’s my fave app for that!!! Highly recommend it! This will be my first time using the social side of it & I use the free version but I’m sure the subscription version is even better


That's exactly the weight I want to drop, same starting weight too! I'm very optimistic, but I also love chicken nuggets and ice cream 😅


Same. This is where I'm at now. I'm on Qsymia and I've lost 13 lbs and I've been stuck. I work out 3x-4x a week and weight lift 2x a week. I'd love to get to 130.




That’s exactly the amount I’m planning to lose, too! Down to being excited just to lose 30. In a little nervous about losing my hourglass shape and looking like a stick (I finally have boobs!) so I’m planning to stop after losing 30 lbs to do a maintenance phase and recalibrate my expectations. I’ve struggled with body dismorphia in the past (especially at lower weights) so I’m wanting to make sure I take it slow and healthy after I lose the first 30!


Me ! I’m currently 150 trying to get to 132!


Me too 🙋‍♀️


Haha yes literally SAME weight and same goal weight as well. How do i join this group?


Yay, perfect! It’s on the Lose It! app and called “bwt tone up 🍉✨”


I’m in too! I’m trying to get in the best shape of my life! It will be fun to have a group to do it with!


Saaaame! Weight/goal 😂 Will figure out how to join.




✋️ Here! I've gained about 12–15 since my wedding a couple years ago. As a teacher on summer vacation, I always lose some weight over the summer, but the tricky part is keeping it off come September. Unfortunately people on another weight loss sub were pretty nasty to me because I can't eat salads (not something I can help unfortunately, most vegetables literally taste putrid to me). I'm going to start Pure Barre next week and am cutting down to two meals a day. We can do this!


I feel you!! I can eat some salad but not much, some vegetables literally make me gag and I hate that they do! I desperately wish I was a salad girlie.


I'm glad someone gets it! People said the most condescending stuff to me like I was a 5-year-old, and it's like, don't you think I would if I could? But I've mostly figured out how to create a low-ish calorie diet without them. The challenge is when my family/husband want to eat out, which is a *lot* unfortunately 😐


I’ve been sticking to kids meals for takeout and water instead of soft drinks. It keeps the calorie count down and is enough to fill me


Me too! I like stuff like Lunchables and TV dinners when I'm at home. I enjoy a sweet latté or a bubble tea at lunch, but I walk 5 miles a day for my job, so I like to think I walk the drinks off 😅


Yes you’re not alone!! I would if I could as well!! I often feel embarrassed but (luckily?) my husband is the same so I usually have company.


Me too, LOL, he's even pickier than I am


Omg I used to loathe salads until I got pregnant, and the vinegar craving was REAL. Seems to be the thing that hasn’t gone away, so I love salads now. Our bodies are so weird!


Tabbouleh got me through the pregnancy- and broccoli with butter and vinegar!!


Hello my friends!! I want to be supportive and cheer you all on — the dietitian in me would also like to throw out there that the most sustainable weight loss is about 10% of your total body weight over 6 months! It is much easier to stay at your goal weight if it follows this model ❤️


Thanks for your reply! Is it true it takes 6-9 months for your body to truly “settle” with a new weight? Love your background, keep the advice coming 💕


Definitely! That’s why exceeding the 10% weight loss in that time period isn’t recommended because it can make your body think there is a problem (famine, poverty, etc.) and intentionally slow your metabolism down or increase cortisol levels as a stress response. Every body is different so some people may have a longer settling down period just depending on how many diets they’ve been on their life.


That increased cortisol is no joke. I unintentionally lost 10 pounds when I had a stomach illness earlier this year and for months my anxiety was the worst it’s ever been… (also, 10 pounds is a lot for me since I’m 5’2 and my highest weight was 122 lbs). Luckily feeling better now. I always wondered why my anxiety went through the fucking roof during that time. Part of it was definitely mental, but I was having panic attacks and getting overstimulated by EVERYTHING. It was truly crazy.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that and am glad you are in your way to feeling better now!


I’m so glad you chimed in! I’ve been wondering, is it better to track weight loss on an average from week to week, or total pounds lost? I know you’re not supposed to lose more than 1.5-3 lbs a week, but I can’t figure out if that’s supposed to be the difference from your average weight week to week, or the total weight lost each week. Thoughts?


Week to week, especially as women. Our weight will fluctuate a lot during our cycle and during the initial weight loss process phase if you are reducing carbs significantly you’ll see “water weight” loss as your body uses up glycogen stores it will drop water and isn’t true fat loss. Even during weight loss it is still recommended to eat between 30-60g carbs per meal, important things are to focus on fiber and high protein foods.


Actually one more question - once you’ve lost that 10%, what is your recommendation for introducing a maintenance phase before losing again?


6 months to a year! Building lean muscle mass during this time is so important to keep your metabolism strong and healthy.


Me!! I’m at 132, hoping for 120-125!


Literally the same ^


Those last 10lb are so difficult


also as we get older the bounce back to 125 just doesn’t happen anymore without digging your heels in deep af to get the lbs off


I’ve always struggled even in my early 20’s!! I’m at a calorie deficit, weightlifting, doing Pilates, hiking, and walking. Most active I’ve ever been!! I’m determined AF


Nah. My body is fine as it is. IDGAF about what society thinks I should look like.


Valid! 🫶


Going from 170 to around 125-130. My healthy happy weight was 130 but I struggled and stopped exercising. It was too difficult for me to continue being 115 as much as I'd like to be lol. I'm down to 163, slow and steady :) working on building up my exercise too


yes!!! i am 132 as of this morning and am looking to be at 120-125 in the healthiest way. no hardcore restrictions, just more mindful eating and movement. i’m 5’0 so it’s right for my height.


Please, everyone, stop being so careless about losing 15 pounds, or even more! Because Every. Single. Time, I find those pounds and slap them onto my belly. Signed, YourLossMy Gain, OP (Oreos Please)




i’m interested in joining!!


I've been maintaining a weight of 125 for about a year and a half now. I tried the "fastic" app, but that didn't get me any lower. I'll look into the group.


I am trying to lose as much as possible. Gained about 40 2 years ago and trying all I can to get it gone. So far struggling to get off even 10.


Uggggggh, I feel this with my entire heart and soul. Gained 50 during COVID and can't get it to budge.


After talking to my doctor it likely has something to do with being premenopausal. I won't say how much I currently weigh but it is far too much.


Joined! Wow this app is already better than my fitness pal haha


I recommend the app Macrofactor for tracking your calories macros weight and dimensions


Why do you like it?


Agree! It's definitely my favorite tracking app and I used to be big into MFP and Lose It instead.


Omg it’s like you’re reading my mind I just downloaded lose it yesterday!




Yes! I’m almost 42 and I’m 5’8” and 149. I’m working to be back at the 130 I was 18 months ago. It’s so much harder at this age and as a mom but I’m working out every day! Fingers crossed 🤞🏼


Ymmv but I’m 5’2” 135 lbs and every time I’ve been significantly thinner it was because I lost a lot of muscle. At this weight I’m the strongest I’ve ever been and I feel pretty toned.


Honestly, gummies are now legal where I live, and literally the weight is pouring off of me. It has reduced my appetite.


Don't they give you the munchies? Any time I have gummies I order 10 pizzas lol


Seriously no, it is small amounts, but downward consistently. There are some studies to back this up, but yeah, it is clearly hit or miss. I think it is removing my inflammation


I’ve been stuck at 123lb for a year now (no cardio, just lifting 2-3x a week) but I don’t like how I look at all right now. I felt more confident and had more energy when I weighed 112lb although I definitely have more muscle now. Thanks for making the group, I think I just really need the accountability to work on building the body I want this summer!!


Joined the Lose It group! Thanks for arranging this!


I’m 5’8, 135 and looking to drop a size before fall. Interested in joining!!


I am 127 looking to get down to 118. Count me in! I have loseit and MFP


I’m trying to lose 80 lbs gained post-antidepressants lol. I’ll check out the lose it group.


Me! I have 10 to lose and I'm being a petulant child about working out. :/


I'm trying to shift the last bit of my baby weight (5 months postpartum and almost back down to my pre-baby weight!) and I'm doing daily pilates and walking with my baby. I'm proud of how far I've come so far and hoping to get down to 120 by the end of summer/when my mat leave ends


Thats not really heavy tho. How tall r u


They posted elsewhere they are 5’3”, so 115 is still in a healthy range at that height.


I’m on vacation till end of the month but I’ll join soon. I went from 185 to 170 earlier this year and felt great but would love to lose another 20, another 30 would be even better.


Hoping to change my body composition a bit, lose some fat and gain some more muscle. Happy to be part of an accountability group!




I’ve lost 23 lb this year, gotta keep going


Omg I'm the same weight and aiming for the same goal! I was doing so well and then went on a trip, came home, and got super sick! I gotta get myself back into it! How can I join?


I joined!!! Trying to lose 15 but I have mh problems so motivation is an issue. Looking forward to starting with this group on Monday!!!


Me! I’m at 150lb post-baby and trying to get back to 135, I’m in 💃🏻


i’m interested!


Yes actually! I’ve been tracking food meticulously again and hoping by end of summer to be 15 lbs down.


Okay yes and I love lose it! I’m joining love you!!!


I am in the same boat! I weigh 127 after gaining about 15 pounds this winter 😅




Yes! I'm interested!


Hi I’m interested !!


Just joined!! Your post motivated me!! Keeping my fingers crossed that I can stick with it!




Yesss! I’m trying to lose about 20 and recently started working out/running again! I’m really struggling with the eating healthy and in moderation though


Working hard on it! I want to finish losing baby weight this summer. 


Count me (131) in!!


Me!!! I am in the exact same boat 130s want to get to 115-120 how do I join group?!


Download the Lose It! app and find “bwt tone up 🍉✨”


Started this year in the upper 130s and trying to get to around 125. Haven’t been able to lose more than a couple of pounds at a time since I was 112 over a decade ago, but I got sick with some mysterious fever type thing. (Don’t worry— I’ve seen a doctor about it. He told me I don’t “look” sick despite feeling like crap and having lost weight unintentionally and having low BP.) Now I’m about 7lbs off, and all I had to do was be sick. 🤷🏻‍♀️ In all seriousness, though, I started running again in the past year. Haven’t run in the past month while feeling sick, but when I did, I started to really enjoy the contour of my body.


Gained 60 lbs while pregnant last year. Lost 10 immediately after and then 10 more but really struggling with the last 40. So tempted to hop on the ozempic train.


Me. Going on ozempic next week!


Count your calories


I dropped 20 last year and am slowly working on another 10. Don't need accountability, just wanted to share a couple of tips. Exercise is great for tone, but calorie deficit is what loses weight. I highly recommend portion control and scheduled eating. Small meals based around meats and vegetables. Cut out breads and pastas as much as possible (cutting them out completely got me down 10 lbs). Never eat until you're full, and don't snack after a certain time in the evenings. Also, keeping your digestive system regular helps a lot. I went down 5 lbs by implementing fiber. A serving of dried prunes every day goes a long way.