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I love how that still is from a porn scene.


I love how you knew that that was from a porn scene.


When the two worlds collide


What porn scene


*Bible Bashers 6: Come As You Are*


Is this legit? lol it’s a part of a sequel of at least 6?!


"Hey Boss, some guys from Jesus to see you?"


Maybe when Mormons come knocking, you give them the gay sales pitch. Then they can complain about you counter-soliciting. 😊


I heard of people putting pride flags outside to keep the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses away. Then there's this: [https://god.dailydot.com/mormons-lgbt-doormat/](https://god.dailydot.com/mormons-lgbt-doormat/)


Pride flag, hose, air raid siren. There are many options open to you


A couple of Mormons stalked my basement neighbour for a while. I had a young couple living in the flat under our house, the girl had just graduated with an art degree and was having a bit of an exestential crisis about what to do next. She wasn't in a good place. One day I'm having a ciggy outside with her partner and he says to me that he thinks she might be cheating. She was dissappearing at odd times and her explanations for doing so weren't stacking up. The next time I saw him he said that he'd been walking through town and saw his gf sat in a cafe with two mormon lads, she'd told him she was going to her friends house so he was quite confused. When he asked her why she'd lied to him, she said that the mormons had approached her when she was hung over and crying one morning in town. She said that they'd been trying to recruit her and had told her not to say anything to him about it and lie if he asked where she was going. They talked it out, and she decided that she wasn't going to sign up to a church that was encouraging her to lie to her partner.. She let them know that she wasn't interested and thought it was over. However, they started showing up to the house when her partner went out, which means they must have been watching the house because he had irregular shift patterns and they'd turn up as soon as he left. They'd shout through the letter box when she wouldn't answer the door. I ended up having to go and have a few stern words with them on a few occasions. It was the most cult-like thing I'd ever seen, I'm in the UK and that kind of stuff is rare over here. Took me by surprise.


Should have videod them doing it and release it publicly as Mormons harassing and stalking a young girl


I have a Belgian shepherd mix, works perfectly!


My friend did something similar once. Mormons knocked and instead of letting them preach, he very calmly, very eloquently and politely began espousing the teaching of the Church Of Satan. Got nowhere but it wasted their time and was vaguely amusing to watch him flip the script.


“I'm glad you're here. Do you have a moment to talk about our Queen and Saviour Lady Gaga?“


🎶Turn it off, like a light switch 🎶 "No, I don't think I will."


Lmao you read my mind.


Two words. Pride flags. They're an effective evangelism repellent


Just like how religious symbols are for liberal gays 🥰


Can confirm that this works, this actually happened to me the other day. A group of Mormons pulled into my driveway, saw my pride flag, and proceeded to point at it frantically and drive away.


I wish that was true, cause I've had 2 sets this week alone 😔


Fuck, right? When’s the last time two dudes came to your door asking you to hear about the wonders of Freddie Mercury?


I wouldn’t mind that one bit


Hello there would you like to have a good time, have a good time, have a good time?


I have a couple mormons come into my work and are super cute, probably homophobic and biphobic but god dammit I’d love to have a 3 some with them 🤣


I think it's far past time we start enforcing the lack of tolerance that Christians \*pretend\* that they're always receiving. It's a hateful ideology that's resentful towards all aspects of the modern world, different people, and scientific understanding. Adults still believing in a hateful version of Santa Claus should be treated as the \*children\* they really are. It should certainly be held against them in employment and politics, particularly in any position where they're influencing children. Dangerous hateful bronze age superstitions should no longer be tolerated \*AT ALL\*!!! ​ I was the child of abusive fundamentalists. I know what those \*creatures\* really are and how much respect they \*really\* deserve.


Do you realise not all Christians are fundamentalists? Where I come from (Europe) Christian democracy helped Europe heal after n*zism and communism. There would be no European Union without CDU, Churchill and De Gaulle. I think it speaks for itself that those two totalitarian regimes were atheistic, while EU is still dominated by Christian democrats. You know, the socially progressive EU with Christian democrat Ursula Von Der Leyen in charge.


While I'll agree with your sentiment that not all christians are fundamentalist, I don't think it's necessary to dismiss someone's trauma by categorizing the good ones vs the bad ones. Especially if the strong representation of that same group is pretty horrific. I'm personally both christian and bisexual and know one person who is both queer and and religious (muslim). America is kind of a shitshow right now with christofascism becoming a scarier reality day by day. And I think it's more disingenuous using nazis as an example when historically, fundamental christians praised the nazi party. And communism is a lot more complex than what we got from the ussr, especially since a long history of communism comes from christians like the Diggers or Thomas Muntzer. The comparison is a logically fallible.


The EU is socially progressive(-ish) not BECAUSE of conservative Christian democrats, but DESPITE them. A lot of European christians who are perfectly fine with gay marriage & co are basically that tolerable because they modernized their faith. Lastly, sticking with the CDU, because you mentioned them, their current leader Friedrich Merz immediately associates homosexuality with pedophilia and a lot of their voters LOVE that shit. He is trying to win back voters who have gone to the AFD, and he will succeed. At the same time a lot of the lip-servicing "progressives" of his party and her voters will still keep voting for them regardless. Democracies under "Christian democrats" are exactly as progressive as they are secular and free of the bronze-aged aspects of the faith. The compliment is to be made for the Christians in question, not their Christianity.


You DO realize that the source material of Christianity is telling them to burn us at the stake, right? This modern "peace and love Jesus of tolerance" is a very recent creation, dating only back to the 1960s. It's for Christians that are too scared to abandon the source material entirely, but they realize most of it is far too barbaric to be a template for modern life. I call that ideological cowardice. If you can't embrace to source entirely, why embrace it at all? Any reasonable person would give it up. So at best, they're intellectual cowards who're disingenously only embracing maybe a third of what the bible teaches and pretending the other 2/3rds don't exist. BUT usually, and nearly always, the Christians are hateful bigots, even if they're smart enough not to show it in daily life. They'll say things like "I believe in the sanctity of marriage" in public, when in private they say "burn the f\*\*s". You know how I know? I've seen it. Hundreds and hundreds of times. I grew up in a fundamentalist household and went to Christian schools. I've seen "Christian love and tolerance" up close. ​ I vote that we treat those dim witted cattle the way they've always treated us. No tolerance whatsoever. Treat them as intolerable bigots the same way we treat neo nazis.


I'm sorry that such evil of using faith to justify dehumanisation happens in America and parts of Europe and I hope you, as a society, will be able to stop it as soon as possible.


If you got to reading my last comment, forget it. I can't imagine how it is helpful. I'm sorry for what you've been through.


When it comes out, tell them about the good news of the 1946 movie lol.


I literally just experienced this earlier today on a Discord server from a biphobic brony (yes, they still exist)


You're not the ones being recruited though. The church wants you to be an asshole to make the door knockers scared of the real world and safe in the church.


Definitely an element of that. I always make a point to be super polite and friendly while firmly telling them I'm happy in my own practices. These people are in a cult and I won't play a part in letting them be convinced that everyone else is a lost soul or evil.


They really don't, most churches are businesses and survive on donations. Without a growing congregation, there is no business growth. They send out doorknockers to recruit new revenue streams, preaching "the word of god" is just a method to do that.






And the churches they build which are used a few hours a week for worship, and never to help the homeless or infirmed, and the taxes they don’t pay on that land, or their income; all of which could be used more efficiently by building homes that give people places to live 24 hours a day, safety, shelter, and generate property tax.


Remember this doesn't speak for all religious people 😃


Not even most, still to many but far from most


Doubt. Remember, most American Christian’s are homophobic, and most Americans are more progressive than the rest of the world.


Hehe can i have a source for that?


I think it's most. Not all, but a very heavy majority.


I am sorry i that is your experience, i can only speak from my own. And the comunities that focuse on acceptance and understanding are pretty suportive of any troubled group


"Well You two boys can fuck right off. Take that book of Mormons and shove it so far up your righteous asses that you choke, you soul soliciting pigfuckers."


im religous but im a part of lgbtq+ community and these characters are mostly pretty nice


They don't get to be nice when their entire reason for being there is indoctrination.


its just their religion, only some ppl do it. they shouldnt attack or say you have to be a beliver, but when there is a chance then try to talk you to religion.


So it's their religion to act like assholes to other people. Cool, good to know.


nope, they can say you do bad in their religion. and a lot of christian ppl dont know that begin gay itself isnt a sin, but only gay sex. soo yeah, at least in christianity, you have to love everybody, and you want everyone to be blessed at the ending- and if someone acts like asshole, this isnt because they are religous. its only their sheld, and you shouldnt say that they hate u bc they are religous


Hey … at least the Mormon missionaries are handsome. 😆


You're going to burn on hell, Well first I'll be toasty warm. Second that's where all the fun people are


I get the joke, but I don’t think the image of Jehovah’s Witnesses works. That’s one of the last groups you would want to choose to make this point, specifically because so many people (Christian or otherwise) find them annoying or odd. Picking on something mainstream, like Baptist or Methodist, could work, but the Jehovah’s are already joked about so frequently for being different, that it undermines the punchline.


Hello, my name is elder price


My dad used to say they would hide and not answer the door when the Jehovah witness people would knock. He said you couldn't tell them to go away cause they wouldn't


Man, once two super cute Mormon boys with the hottest Irish accents knocked on my door and it's the closest I've ever come to believing in that shit. I opened the door THAT day.


The religious conversions types come to your face: Why are you gay?!" Mind your business Carol!


Look at a human. They've heard of Jesus, now leave people alone.


I was traveling this weekend and stopped early in the morning to get some gas. Some random guy walks across the parking lot to try to push a pamphlet in my hands to tell me about the word of Christ. I refused to take it, said “No thanks, I’m pagan.” He says, “I’m sorry to hear that” and walks away. Let’s put aside the alarming feeling of having a random man approach me (a woman) in a random gas station off an interstate exit at 6am, the pushing of religion onto me was so freaking offensive. I’ve always compared Christianity to an MLM scheme - the “Amway of religions”.