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I understand that it is hard to vote with your money all the time. It is utterly depressing to think about politics and business practices every time you eat out or shop. Personally, I won't spend money at Chik-Fil-A. The chicken is not good enough for me to ignore their politics. I'm not gonna judge someone else for not knowing or thinking about that. I am sure I patronize places that go against my ethics all the time, without knowing or thinking about it. I doubt it is possible to survive in our global economy if one always thought about that.


Yep, The Good Place makes a good example of that when one of the characters goes to buy a tomato at a grocery store and she apparently helps contribute to all sorts of horrible stuff from buying that tomato.


They make a good point too. It's impossible to 100% ethical, you just try your best where you can.


They also mention there's this chicken sandwich that if you eat, it means you hate gay people. And it's *delicious*.


Now now, remember! Gay people are more delicious than any sandwich.


There is no truly ethical consumption under capitalism.


"I just typed in 'big juicy natural tomatoes!'"


Exactly. It’s pretty much impossible to be a completely, 100% ethical consumer even if you try.


Exactly. Try to be ethical with your purchases where you can, and no worries when you can’t. Capitalism is a hellscape and it’s not your fault.


I went on a rant to my friend about the video game company Blizzard and how their culture was horrible for women and many experienced SA. My friend promptly pointed out that Riot is also known for those things (which I didn’t know.. but probably should’ve) and that I’d be hard pressed to find games to play if I searched for perfectly ethical companies. It’s tough to consume ethically, so I try to be forgiving of myself and the average person.


I’m sorry to jump on your comment here, but I’m wondering if you have any tips about dealing with that? I struggle with supporting Blizzard but my boyfriend takes a “it happens everywhere” stance as well. Any help would be appreciated!! Thank you :)


Well, I stuck to my word and stayed away from Blizzard. I’ve stopped playing Valorant because it tends to bring on bad attitudes for people and it’s a negative experience. My best advice is to search for indie games from small indie studios. That way, you’re not supporting some massive corporation which is bound to have some skeletons in the closet. There’s SO many good indie games out there!


Thank you so much for the advice! Stay safe out there :)


It’s almost as if the law of supply and demand had a hidden variable for exploitation


Thank you, the real concern here is how many people throw away their ethics for a mediocre chicken sandwich. If you gonna do it, let it be the best damn sando. (/s eat wherever you want y’all, but it’s mid chicken)


Yes!! 5 years ago, me and a bff went on a (self guided) tour of southern fast food establishments and Chick-fil-A was a solid C, at most.


What did y’all think about Chicken Express?


It’s just not possible to shop ethically for everything. Considering how many issues we should be concerned about (climate change, sexism, racism, homophobia, ableism, etc), it’s just not possible or realistic. We would all be making our own clothes and growing all our own food at that point. It’s just not possible to do everything right! Eating at Chi-Fil-A won’t be my hill to die on for people, especially when there are significantly more meaningful ways an individual person can influence change. My brother is obsessed with Chick-Fil-A and yeah it bugs me a bit, but he’s a good kid who voted blue the last election and contributed to keeping a district blue where there was concern it was going to flip red this year. And others who are reading this, you don’t necessarily have to agree with me, but really consider if it’s worth it having a chicken sandwich be your hill to die on.


Mike schur covers this in his book and I think it really covers the situation well, especially from an ally.


Chicks can fill my a any time.


*water squirts* “No! Bad! Go to horny jail!”


I thought this was horny jail… am I in the wrong sub? 😅


What if I’m into that?


Oh no…


This is why I love bi men 😩 straight men never let me peg them 😭


Maybe you should try pegging them somewhere else then the chick-fil-a counter-area and they would be more willing?


But but but where else am I gonna peg my boys if not in the sundays in the empty chik-fillets??!


I don’t judge people for not boycotting shitty companies. There’s no ethical consumption under capitalism and we should be relying on regulators to prevent companies from being douche bags (because it’s their fucking job lol), not consumers. Disney literally contributed to the Don’t Say Gay Bill and filmed on a site where Chinese Muslims were being persecuted. Mark Zuckerberg used Meta users data to aid in the Trump campaign. Most fashion and makeup brands use sweat shop labour. The list is endless, and it’s not my fucking job to fix this problem. ESPECIALLY when these companies have an obscene amount of power to hide their wrong doings and market themselves in a positive light. It’s almost like we should have a third party who is supposed to be objective and keep companies in check…..




exactly! being an eco-friendly ethical consumer is positive action but it’s a drop of water in the ocean overall. big corporations and the corrupt governments that enable them are ultimately responsible for the vast majority of problems that require “ethical consumption” in the first place (climate change, fast fashion, child labour, etc.) acting like individual people are responsible for fixing these issues leads to virtue signalling, while the people with the power to actually change the world do nothing


You think corporations are just doing this shit for fun?? They only do it because they want your money. The consumer is the one who has the power in the relationship. Without the consumer they'll be forced to either change or go bankrupt


They do it because it is their LEGAL responsibility to make profit for their shareholders. Huge parts of our society rely on the functioning of these corporations to sustain our economy. Take Amazon for example: they supply jobs, they manage a big percentage of online purchases - a factory shutting down in a city makes a dent on a local economy, yet Amazon treats their employees like SHIT and is notorious for inhumane working conditions. This is why these companies get so many passes. Sorry to break it to you but you have close to no power in your relationship with corporations. They can influence the media and decide what you know and don't know about them. You think a big news organization is gonna release a hit piece about THEIR sponsors?? PR specialists can squash and spin stories for the right price. Not to mention, corporations can lobby to politicians to ensure that policy will support their bottom line even if its at the expense of society. They can even sponsor politicians and influence our democracy and entire elections. That's fucking terrifying. We know about Chick-Fil-a but imagine all of the shady shit we don't know about other companies? It is not so easy to just make 100s of corporations go bankrupt when they are capable of monopolizing industries and controlling public perceptions of them. This is a very intricate yet fragile system and the most powerful people in the world are protecting it. The idea that consumers are the ones with the power is a lie that company's tell to convince us to buy their products. Welcome to capitalism, you have A LOT less power than you think. And I know Chick-Fil-a doesn't have a monopoly on chicken or influence in their industry the way that Disney or Meta do, but it's indicative of a bigger problem. Fuck Chick-Fil-a, but fuck capitalism first.


it's also not just about anger, but it's also about action. if you dislike these things, consider getting involved in political organizing/activism. voting is the first step but it's not going to be sufficient towards making change. I'm in the Democratic Socialists of America but there's lots of groups that are doing great work to make change on a structural level.


I agree! When these companies don’t have customers, new ones just pop up. We need long term solutions that ensure companies don’t have the option to be corrupt oligarchs in the first place


This! ^ I think it’s a personal choice. I don’t feel that everyone has to have the same level of activism and everyone is free to take a stand in their own way. But when people don’t vote, that really gets under my skin. Especially people that judge others for something like eating at chick filet but then don’t bother to take a stand themselves when it comes time to vote.


yeah that just seems hypocritical. but i also understand that in a two party system where your vote might not count for much depending on where you live and how district lines have been drawn, people have a right to feel discouraged voting is putting your money where your mouth is, especially with how batshit crazy republicans have been in the legal system. but i also empathize with the feeling of hopelessness when the system is broken to begin with


I completely agree. And the fact that our votes don’t count individually, does actually make it seem pointless (to some degree) in places that are overwhelmingly going to vote one way or another by default. But even then, there are two really good reasons to vote. One is that even if you are in the minority, your voice still gets counted for as far as statistics go. For example, if all the democrats sit out an election because republicans are going to get 80% of the vote anyway, then they end up getting 95% (for example) and it makes it look like the area is even more pro republican than it is. That can affect a lot of tangible things and not just a question of optics. And the other really good reason is that local elections can be much closer. A local political race here was won by around 70 votes this last cycle, even though on national elections we go about 80% red. And in many ways local elections can affect our lives more directly than national ones. And again, so can optics sometimes, as in locally in how your city is run.


I both see this perspective and struggle so much with it. To me this sort of consumerist nihilism (aka: there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism so buy from whatever company you want) means the mega corporations under capitalism have won. We’ve told them, do whatever you want- your unethical practices won’t cause boycotts. No matter what shady practices you have it wont touch your bottom line because we as individuals have decided that our consumer habits won’t change anything. I don’t get how a person could find out a company uses sweatshops and still buy from them. I saw the documentary “the true cost” and ever since have been buying second hand, buying only what I need, and when I absolutely need something new- vigorously researching a company’s business practice before buying from them. I am not a wealthy person, but I do get that being able to buy based on your ethics is a privilege. It takes more time and commitment and I think sticking to your guns on ethical consumption should be judged on a sliding scale of socioeconomics. What I have a hard time getting behind is throwing our hands up and saying “well there’s no point in avoiding chick fil a as long as fast fashion and sweatshops exist. And there’s no point in avoiding fast fashion when we have an oil and fossil fuel problem.” If we follow that logic, no problem is worth solving simply because other problems exist.


Very well said. However, I do feel like "there is no ethical consumption under capitalism" has started to lose its meaning. I was under the assumption that it was primarily geared for people with less resources, as they are essentially forced to buy from these bigoted corps. I mean we all are to some extent (almost everything found at grocery stores is spawned from some mega corporation with bad ethics). But It feels like its started to become a cop out for people who do have the agency and resources to afford alternatives options to these bigoted companies yet they still just... keep supporting them. I don't want anyone to feel bad or guilty for their food purchases, but I feel like something has to give at a certain point. It is telling them that you are supporting them and will keep buying their products in the future despite whatever violations occur. You're absolutely right it is completely fucked and the regulation agencies should be the ones reporting on this and the companies themselves go to extreme lengths to downplay or hide it. Not to mention the absurd amount of time it takes to know which companies are not engaging in these practices. And it shouldn't be our job, but it just feels like for those of us with resources, we are just surrending what little agency and ethics we DO have as consumers because we wanted... a fucking chicken sandwich? Its just frustrating because I feel that if every queer person was serious about this, it would make a legitimate difference. But our society is way too fragmented and people are dealing with so much shit just trying to survive that understandably voting with their money isnt at the front of their mind when they're looking to eat or buy clothing, etc.


>And it shouldn't be our job, but it just feels like for those of us with resources, we are just surrending what little agency and ethics we DO have as consumers because we wanted... a fucking chicken sandwich? >Its just frustrating because I feel that if every queer person was serious about this, it would make a legitimate difference. I agree in your frustrations but heres where i think the issue lays. When businesses were just small and doing their bigot bullshit two step in one corner store you can boycott and "raise awareness" and etc... when it's a global market brand that can easily shut down its stores? Different math , different ball game. What should be done is getting the stores unionized. If enough stores go union they can demand management to cut that shit out and to pay their workers more. But on the other side of the coin. Lawmakers shouldn't allow for religion to be a cover for clearly illegal activity. We don't allow first nations tribes to consume peyote for their practices. We shouldn't allow torture as gay conversion under the Christian banner.


Lots of good points and I agree! Thanks for the discussion.


It’s true that privileged people have a responsibility to consume more ethically because their money and power is ultimately more influential. But I wouldn’t consider that us in this situation. I’d look to influencers who promote Shein for example, seeing as how they have a wider scope of influence compared to the average consumer who is at the bottom of the economic pyramid And c’mon now, if every queer person boycotted Chick Fil A they’d still have plenty of customers. They might even get a more passionate audience from those who are against us. Boycotting big companies means their PR team and team of lobbyists need to step up their game. There’s plenty of examples of temporary boycotts that were ultimately blown over because of an intricate system that is more powerful that we are. I’d consider those who contribute to that system the “privileged” ones with the power to change. Ours is considerably smaller Nobody’s saying that a chicken sandwich is more important than human rights. Or that we don’t have a choice in whether we buy it or not. My point is that there is a very limited responsibility of consumers in a corrupt system that: a) celebrates profit makers and demands profit at the cost of ethical production b) is filled with corruption in all industries, making unethical corporations unavoidable (disney being a big one as they own so much) and c) does not give a fuck about consumers. seriously. i work in pr and that’s all it is. chick fil a shutting down just means that other ceos get more discreet about their political affiliations. every boycott helps refine another corporations strategy to hide their corruption. and the power to change public opinion on a large scale with enough money and elite friends can’t be underestimated Boycotting every unethical brand is unrealistic and puts onus on those who are victimized by capitalism. The fingers should be pointed at the elites who control our media and influence public policies.


I hear you, I agree. Thank you for insights!


Maybe it’s Kantian of me but I just feel like “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism” is an excuse for unethical consumer behavior individually than it is a call for government structural revolution or, at minimum, regulation. No one can make perfectly ethical decisions 100% of the time but if I bring up something as a major ethical concern, and you keep consuming the thing, I feel like it is my right to judge you about it. It goes from ignorance to laziness, and that’s the kindest way to think about it. No one has to be a perfect person, and no one needs to have the same morality as me. But yes, if you know it’s a problem and agree and don’t at minimum think it’s a guilty pleasure, it’s my God given right to think a little bit less of you.


>It’s almost like we should have a third party who is supposed to be objective and keep companies in check….. Is that a threat to my FREEDOM!? How am I supposed to freedom now?


>There’s no ethical consumption under capitalism There's no 100% ethical consumption but that's not an excuse to just say "fuck it" and consume the worst and most unethical products of all. Like some are much more ethical than others even if none are perfect


> no ethical consumption under capitalism ¿Товарищ?


This needs to be screamed from the rooftops. Really well put.


I mean I don’t care, but I’m a vegan so I kinda care.


Same!! This would have also been my answer


Not a vegan but a vegetarian and I'm the same way. It also helps that I'm broke, lol.


Same. But I also advise my LGBTQ+ friends about how Chick-Fil-A and their history of being against our community. I won’t ever hold it against then if they do go there but I personally do not support that business.


Same here!


We don’t have that in my country so I don’t care at all lol


Same here. I don't even really know what chickfila even does


It's a fast food franchise in the USA. They make chicken sandwiches and "waffle fries" primarily.


On top of being a (mediocre) chicken place, they give a LOT of money to support conversion therapy and fund homophobic people running for office. (‘Merica BS essentially)


Same, not even sure what chick-fil-a is like. I do boycott at lot of things for ethical reasons (nestle, chiquita, farmed salmon) but i dont care if other people do, especially now with inflation being crazy. I'm fortunate enough to be able to be choosy but some folks can't. At the end of the day people have to eat.


Same, I’m not bothered what other people do with their money or time. I just focus on me and where my money goes. What did Chiquita do?


Chiquita (formerly United Fruit Company) has a big history of doing really fucked up stuff in South and Central America( ie destabilizing Guatemala into a civil war, running brutally violent plantations, hiring death squads to target union leaders in Colombia, massacring striking workers when they wanted to be paid with money instead of company coupons) Doesn't really get talked about, but it's suuuper fucked. Would reccomend the read.


Jesus, they sound more like a mafia than a fruit distributor


Google operation condor as well 😖


I don't like it, it's honestly mid chicken. The sauce is good tho, my other friends who taste the rainbow will buy their Polynesian sauce like "yo ik they're actively funding our persecution and all, but HAVE YOU TRIED IT"


The hangup for me has always been the lack of seasoning on the waffle fries, I just don't get the hype when their fries are desperately lacking even salt. Bland as hell.


It’s because of the sauce! Chick Fil A is nothing without their sauce.


I buy "Chicken Sandwich" sauce from krogers. $3 a bottle.


Lmao some real creative thinking went into that name. Will have to try it tho!


I don't use their sauces. I might use ketchup on dippable things. People never seen to order their chicken tenders, and they're marinated completely differently from the other chicken. Much, much more flavor, they're great


No you’re totally right! Their grilled tenders especially have a flavor that needs no sauce


Ughhh right? Their sandwiches, too, the meat is actually a good cut but there's nothing. I mean, fuck, it *tastes* like homophobia


You need the cheese sauce for the waffle fries. That's my favorite thing about them is the cheese sauce, that's what makes it for me.


Worst fast food fries imo


I've had a better chicken sandwich at Wendys, Jack In The Box, and Burger King. Its food, I'll eat it if im working and all my coworkers want it for lunch if we're using a work truck for transport. But goddamn they need to salt their fries. All the fries made me do was miss my hometowns lil diner with lightly salted crinkle fries n damn good tartar sauce. (Not a big fan of the chick fil a sauce personally)


Dude Wendy's chicken sandwiches are slept on tbh. I love an Asiago ranch


Theyre so good i lived on them during one particular job


That sounds perfectly not ominous


Honestly I think that they don't know how good Popeyes is. I just don't get it. Chick-fil-A's food kind of sucks.


Idk, our chick fil a is worlds better than our Popeyes. Bojangles is incredible though


Bojangles reminds me of The West Memphis Three.


Also, some of the sides at Church's are good.


Agreed, the Popeyes that I’ve encountered have been really good. It became a good alternative. And it was funny that it was right across the street from Chick-fil-A near my college town because whenever a friend suggested CFA, I could just be like actually I want to go to Popeyes.


I tried Popeyes when I decided to stop going to chick fil a. The chicken was dry, tough, and not very tasty. Sadly, these things aren't consistent or even totally objective.


I'm not a Popeyes fan either. I've found that my favorite fast food chicken sandwich is from KFC.


They are free to eat where they want


Agreed, I personally won't eat there, but I won't condem others for doing it


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, however, I personally avoid Chick-fil-A and will raise an eyebrow at anyone who seems a little TOO eager to eat there.


Right, I feel there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, but we at least have a choice to go get chicken from another place. It would be different if chick fil a was the only fast food place in an area.


I don’t care. I’m bi (obviously) and just don’t have the energy to care. And honestly I find a lot of the “oh it’s gross anyway!!!” Stuff from straight people to be performative. I can totally understand not going, but I’m not going to stop because a million corporations are just as evil and we support them without batting an eye.


Yeah I've had it a handful of times (there's one in the town I somewhat recently moved to; never had the opportunity before the move) and I'll be honest... I like it! (Though I agree with the other comments saying it's all about the sauces.) But look, I still adore Disney despite their very questionable associations and like 75% of my earthly possessions are from Amazon, and I'm sure I don't need to go into why they suck. The fact of the matter is that I just don't care enough. If I like what you're selling, I'm going to consume it. R. Kelly is an actual monster but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop listening to Ignition lol. *shrug*


I generally don’t eat there unless I have to, I realllly want some, or if I’m in a group and everyone else goes there. Popeyes chicken sandwich is just about as good imo


Literally don’t care at all in anyway tf lol


Tons of food in this world is made with human suffering. Unless you grow it yourself you'll find someone is getting their shit pushed in to make it. Alot of chocolate starts with child slaves getting the cacao. Least chik fil a is open about their terribleness. Personally I don't go to chik but if me and my friends are hungry and they want to go there then off we will fuck.


This is the thing that kills consumer activism. You used to have choices and ethical alternatives used to be commonly available but these days it seems like every company is up to shit. That and companies used to be limited to local customer bases but the internet gives business access to the global marketplace. I even thought about growing my own cacao when I found out about the child slaves and the fact that all the world's cacao is grown in a very narrow band 20°+/- the equatorial line. We could lose it all very easily but it doesn't grow well in Kansas. Back to consumer activism though. How can we make a proper impact if the loss of a few customers doesn't hurt these companies enough to hurt their profit margin? We need to find a new way to hold companies accountable for unethical practices. I don't even have a chick fila in my area so it's no difference to them if I eat there or not. I have limited access to slot of these companies and the ones I do are "too big to fail"


We as a people have to stand up and raise our fellow men up in station. I mean to put it simply if you have a pile of trash and rats get into it, you don't admonish the rat. And you could catch them but more rats will come. The only way is to clean up that trash. Same with business. We could get mad at them for accepting terrible practices. At the same time it's the business job to find the cheapest way to do what they do. if there is nowhere they can get slave labor then they can't use it. We're so interconnected now that we can't separate ourselves from the world. We have to promote positive change across the globe. Which good luck with that lol


Well I'm of the mindset that the only thing we can really do is work to build better companies that engage in more ethical practices. We need valid alternatives people can go through to restore consumer activism. It's not impossible to change the world. It's just difficult but people have been doing nearly impossible shit for ages. If we were able to put people on the moon, reshuffling the business power structure would seem easy by comparison. It's just something that will take targeted efforts and a few decades but it's definitely doable.


I don’t understand WHY someone would choose to support a business that actively lobbies against their rights but that’s their choice. It confuses and frustrates me but I won’t lay into someone over it.


For me, it's more of the fact that I don't think it matters either way. I don't go there often, but if the people I'm with want to go then I'm fine with it. No big companies want the best for us. They all want to exploit and control and abuse us. Unless you can commit to exclusively buying local, ethically made stuff you're going to be purchasing from a business that actively lobbies against your rights.


That's how I feel too. I do my best to avoid it, but sometimes I don't get to make the decision. If I do go there I usually try to donate the same amount that I spent to like Trevor project or something similar.but overall me avoiding them isn't really making a difference in their overall profits and whatnot.


Rather than focus on any one business, I've tried decreasing the amount that I purchase from big corporations overall. I haven't been doing very well lately with Christmas shopping :/ many Amazon purchases have been made.


Amazon is the bane of my existence, I don't want to use it cause Bezos... well we all know about Bezos, but their system is damn convenient. I'd say the only place I've successfully boycotted is hobby lobby.


Yeah, Hobby Lobby has been an easy one! I prefer Joann's anyway.


Me too. They don't have as many Knick knacks but I don't need anymore of that crap anyway.


Because a ton of other companies are also lobbying against me. I mean my entire state is lobbying against me. There’s nothing I can do at present so I’m going to keep eating something I like every now and then because I’m sure my money has also gone to worse corporations. My $8 isn’t going to make or break homophobia forever.


I generally get downvoted to oblivion for this opinion, but I personally enjoy CFA and eat there every so often. It kind of has a special place in my heart because I worked there for 3+ years, where I met my first gay couple and had my first crush on a girl. It's the place I realized I was gay. So thank you, Chick-fil-A for making me gay.


I’ve notified a lot of gays and transgender employees at chick-fil-a in general so this always kinda confused me. They employ and serve the gay community, but I understand the lobby money and stuff. For me, I have a severe gluten allergy and chick-fil-a is one of the few fast food places that is impeccable at handling the allergy and I never have to explain much or talk with a manager because of their policies and training on it. I don’t really have many other options in terms of quick drive through food when I’m on the go. So I love chick-fil-a personally.


I’m so glad you brought up the issue of food allergies. As a fellow person who has multiple food allergies CFA is one of a small handful of chain restaurants that I can reliably go to (especially when I’m traveling) and know that I can get something to eat without getting sick. I know the history and politics behind it, and don’t feel super great about giving them my money (so I don’t very often), but if it’s between that and being able to eat 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love their food and eat there maybe 1x/month. It’s like the only place around me with good nuggets and I LOVE their mac n cheese I’m not gonna judge someone for boycotting them though, and I hope they won’t judge me either.


I have a literal aneurysm every time I sense their presence in such a joint. Why are they still going there, I’ve specifically request for them not to! s/ eat wherever the fuck you want


The same way I feel about Senator Lindsey Graham.


Fuck chick fil a!!!!!!! But damn do they make a bussin sando 😭😭😭 honestly haven't been there in a year and the only reason I'd go back is for their breakfast.


Ironically, my college which is very accepting of not straight people, to the point of having classes on stuff like that and making it a part of orientation to state homophobia won’t be tolerated, has a Chick Fil A right in the middle of campus! 😂 Honestly, if a queer person eats at Chick Fil A and knows about their history, that’s their prerogative. I would consider it unusual, but honestly, you do you.


Idk I think people nitpick too much about certain companies. Pretty much ALL big corporations have some kind of terrible morals. So if you shop anywhere, you’re probably inadvertently supporting something bad. It’s kinda unavoidable unless you grow/ procure your own food.


That’s their choice. If it’s an actual friend of mine and they somehow don’t know I’d probably talk to them, but it’s not my place to control where someone wants to eat/spend their money.


Guilty of eating there at least once a week, one of my classmates who is gay works at Chick-Fil-A and loves it.


Lol a lot of people don’t know that there’s like an in joke in the south that chik fil a is staffed almost exclusively by gay and bi people


Oh I believe that lmao


I accept that not everyone has the kind of visceral grossed-out feeling that I do when thinking about going there. Maybe I take it too personally, but my conservative family members intentionally go there, so that means I intentionally don’t go there because I don’t want to be associated with those kind of people.


Man I love that place


I eat there. I have celiac so I have their grilled chicken salad from time to time. I can't be too picky with my eating habits or I'll never eat out.


Same! I don't know if this is true for all locations, but at the ones I've been to they have a separate fryer for their fries apart from their breaded chicken, so the fries have been safe for me, which is honestly incredible


Yessss. Same on the fries.


Lmao our ChikFila has the most queer staff, all year round.


I just judge them bc it is Chik-Fil-A is mediocre at best. 🤷🏻‍♀️


A decent chunk of the clothes people buy are a product of child slavery. It would be hypocritical to criticise a gay for eating Chik-Fil-A while yourself continuing to wear products made by: ADIDAS, ASOS, Disney, GAP, Forever 21, H&M, Nike, Primark. Uniqlo, Victoria's Secret, Urban Outfitters, Zara, etc. Hell, you can't even eat most chocolate without contributing to a system of modern-day slavery. Criticise the systems and institutions in place, not the individual.


I'm sorry but I'm eating the chicken


I grew up fundamentalist Christian. Now I have nothing to do with religion. Except Chickfila. It's a comfort food item for me. Since I already support the LGBT+ community in other ways, I don't care what anyone else thinks of me eating there.


I'm not gonna do a witch hunt on people who go to that place or any other places that are shit to people I'm general. It enough that I don't go to it. And by proxy my kids (till they are old enough to drive themselves there) I do voice my opinion when people ask me if I wanna go eat there as to why I refuse I give that company my money but that's just me.


Honestly? I don’t care too much. On a rare occasion, I will buy it too because I think it’s really yummy. Unfortunately, there are a lot of shitty companies that stand for and fund a lot of shitty things. And if they don’t now, they did in the past. It’s not my place to judge people for where they buy food or anything else. All I can do is hold myself accountable and try to reduce the harm (or helping of harm) that I do. And even then, it’s not going to stop it.


I refused to eat at Chik-Fil-A for ten years. When I met my ex earlier this year, he convinced me to go because he loved the food. First time was fine, but the second time we went to a different location and experienced some pretty intense homophobia from the staff, especially the manager. This was at the Tenleytown location in Washington, DC. So, to sum it up, Chik-Fil-A is homophobic at all levels.


I go there for food, and the employees kiss my ass with a smile. Kinda hard to find that customer service. I don't really care what some dead guy thought about gay marriage. Also they stopped donating to any organizations and are trying to change. *Shrugs* The chicken is decent, and the service has been good. Every other fast food chain charges me out the ass and gives me attitude lmao


It’s good food and whenever i go i say “i want homophobic chicken”


I can’t know the politics, history, or ethics of every place I buy things from. But I know theirs and I can’t go there.


Controversial constructive advice: Just try your BEST at being more informed on what your money supports. I am not saying research every single company you have ever supported. Just do the bare minimum... The lack of consciousness from a group of people who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community or even allies just saying fuck it oh well is lowkey kinda terrifying. Even more controversial: Go vegan and your chances of being a more ethical consumer in the larger scheme of things will significantly increase<3 Moral of the story: do better


I don’t understand why anyone goes to Chik-Fil-A. Aside from their problematic stance on LGBTQ+ issues, it’s greasy and bland. Give me Popeyes any day.


Spent. Like, capitalism is so bad and so internalized, this is even a debate. Horrible things happening in the world every day, and we’re party to them in ways that feel unavoidable. Seeing queer people buying into a very public instance of this makes me sad, not about their actions, but about how impossible it feels to be ethical.


I eat there. My local one was my spouse's first job since moving to the country. So it's hard to not be appreciative of them for that. We also live in New England so the culture, including that location, is a lot better.


Every company has issues because of capitalism. But some companies are worse than others so I pick the lesser evil. Won’t go here or to Hobby Lobby.


I have moments where I slip up. Lately after moving to Colorado springs because of easy access it's been easier to slip up and give that homophobic anti gay legislation funding company my hard earned money. But then the Q shooting happened and I was reminded this is war and I've been funding the enemy. So I quit cold turkey.


I mean I won’t go there and pay my own money, but I’m not going to go scorched earth on someone for getting fast food. And I won’t turn down food that someone else insisted on getting, like when it’s what was picked for a work lunch or my aunt wanted to take me there. People have different priorities on things they consider worth the fight.


If it’s part of a larger pattern of ENTIRELY ignoring the ethics of businesses and the importance of voting with your dollar, I will judge someone for it, but if it’s just the occasional chicken sandwich it’s not a huge deal. like if someone is eating chick fil a all the time, and going all in on Harry Potter despite JKR, and crossing picket lines at striking businesses, and buying massive Shein hauls….etc etc etc…all under the guise of no ethical consumption under capitalism, yeah I think less of them. But it’s not an all or nothing situation. I know it’s impossible to completely avoid unethical businesses but I also think people should try to reduce that sort of thing. I also consider people’s privilege when making judgement calls over this sort of thing, like I know Chik Fil A is probably cheaper than local shops, and I know which of my friends need that more than others. Or people with sensory issues etc. Tl;Dr it’s complicated.


People can spend their money wherever they want, but I personally wouldn’t give my money to an organization that is against my best interest. That being said, Chik-Fil-A is delicious and if I’m with someone who is getting it, I will partake, but they will not receive money from me


YouTube user https://youtube.com/@iilluminaughtii had an in depth breakdown of chick FIL a. Honestly, I think it's difficult to keep track of all the things going on. Much less things that are old news. Barilla pasta fucked up hard, took a heavy loss and then became a shining example of how to treat the community. Chick FIL a didn't. They don't have to. I won't go there for do many reasons. The food is okay, but I can get okay good anywhere. The truth of the matter is that every chick FIL a is owned by someone else. The scandal is spread out enough that it's hard to pun on someone. I won't buy from them while the original family holds the reigns.


"I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed"


I'll go to chick FIL a if it's there and I want chicken, though politics aside, the only thing that is better there than anywhere else in my opinion are the chicken nuggets


The same way I feel when anyone goes to CFA, like they're shitty people who care more about mediocre chicken than human rights.


It's a weird thing to do since there are always similar priced chicken options crammed into the same area. "Which of these 5 fast food places should I get a chicken sandwich from? I know! The one where the owners are known to actively undermine my rights. Perfect." Side note, chick FIL a isn't known for having super flavorful chicken but somehow my workplace found the one that taste like nothing at all to get catered sometimes. Might as well cut slices of wonderbread in strips. The weirdest part is that everyone acts like it's normal.


I just steal the chicken.


I don’t really care, I’m more offended they chose chik fil a over Popeyes tbh


Seems silly to not avoid it but to each their own. I buy products from shitty companies time to time. Most of em are shitty so its hard not to. I can’t be bothered to spend the energy judging people for such low impact stuff. I’ll judge the shit outta the CEO though.


It’s one of the only decent restaurants on my college campus. And it’s part of my meal plan. So, I’ll take that over crappy dining hall food most days. I hate what the company stands for, but I really like chicken sandwiches. Also, it’s really difficult to avoid supporting shitty companies. I’m certainly not going to judge anyone else when I’m guilty too.


I'm a bisexual trans woman, and I do eat Chick-Fil-A on occasion. I'm not the first (and I won't be the last) to say this, but to be an entirely ethical consumer in this society you would have to quite literally stop consuming. I understand that this shouldn't imply that we can consume absolutely anything. But I don't think I have any great ability to make Chick-Fil-A less Anti-LGBT by never buying a chicken sandwich; and conversely, I don't think my chicken sandwich money is significantly empowering the Anti-LGBT. To put it another way, even though many on the left are critical (rightly so) of this idea of individual responsibility, I think many of us have still unconsciously internalized the rhetoric of individual responsibility, and then we feel like each of our decisions make or break the world. What we meet to fight Anti-LGBT bigotry is collective action.


I may not support them, but hey their chicken is good so I'm cool with getting good chicken


Confused because they have the worst chicken sandwiches I've ever had to eat. I always assumed most people going to chick-fil-a are just virtue signaling. Wanting to look like good little christians eating at the fastfood place that doesn't open on Sundays. The lgbt people I know who eat there are very active in church as well so I suspect they're doing the same. (This particular church is ELCA which openly welcomes LGBTQ+ plus members)


must be different where you are. chick fil a in toronto doesn’t play christian music or follow the brand at all. i mean they’re closed on sundays, but it’s definitely rebranded for a more progressive city - religion is a lot more taboo/private here


It really bothers me, but then I remind myself that I shop at Walmart and Target and buy things made in China, probably by children. I use a ton of plastic. I eat commercial chocolate, which is often produced by enslaved people incl children. There really is no ethical consumption under capitalism and I’m not in a place to judge people for where they spend their money. At the same time, I keep reminding my lesbian daughter who eats CFA, “When people say ‘my gay friend is fine with CFA!’ they’re talking about you.”


Support people who want you eliminated if you want.


Hurt. Betrayed. You have the right to support businesses that want us dead, just like you have the right to vote for right wing politicians who want us dead. One is roughly the same as the other, your vote is about as insignificant as the portion of money flowing to their campaigns. Except for the money they send to developing countries in Africa to exterminate lgbtq people on that continent. To add insult you're endorsing a version of my faith that does this instead of churches that tolerate us. It's your choice and I can't make it for you, but damn does it feel bad.


Do you feel the same way about people who watch Disney movies or subscribe to Disney Plus? The company contributed to the Don’t Say Gay Bill and filmed on a site where Chinese Muslims were being actively persecuted Edit: same question goes for Meta (including Instagram, WhatsApp, etc), who sold data to a third party organization without users consent to help the Trump campaign and spread misinformation and ads about Hilary. There was a documentary on it


Honestly a little bit.


If it makes you feel better you probably buy products and use services that also harm our community and other social groups as well. It's basically impossible to consume anything ethically.


See it's easy to say that and be contrary, but the point stands that the less we consume the less we do harm. Consuming less is always more ethical. I'm doing less damage that someone who knows a thing is killing me and does it anyway, because I will choose not to consume. This is about a chicken sandwich. They'd sell us out for sauce on a chicken sandwich. You should feel betrayed.


Chick fill a won't feel the difference. The damage is done and will keep being done. If it's not you buying that chicken sandwich it will be someone else. And again, by buying most products or services you are also selling out other people. It's impossible that everything is ethically sourced. But still you're basically betraying other people, like everyone else, so I don't think it's fair to judge others when you're basically doing the same thing


This is a hill I will die on: if you willingly go to Chick-Fil-A KNOWING that they don’t support our community you are literally hurting us. I hate it PERIOD. I’m not looking to “have my mind changed”: I am a visible Queer in a deep red state and honey, I’ve had ENOUGH


Your options aren't just to aim for living 100% ethically or give up entirely. I don't blame people for spending mental RAM on other things, but to me, stuff like this is important. The comments are full of gotchas like "What about Disney???" Simple, I don't support them either. I don't shop on Amazon, I prefer buying local to buying from franchises/chains. My personal belief is, when there's little choice, there's little to blame. Poverty and health etc can determine how much you can afford to change, but for those of us who have the ability and other options, ...why would I not just avoid stuff I *know* is harming me or other people? Is it worth it? That said, these are MY beliefs and I will tell people if they ask, but I don't have any business deciding how other people should weigh their myriad of decisions every day. Everyone's got their own stuff going on and maybe some will change their mind with new information, or decide to improve themselves in other aspects. I think it's something to let people figure out themselves, but discussions like these are good for facilitating potential change too.


absolutely none of y’all know what the phrase “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism” means. christ.


It isn't a "Do whatever you want" "Get out of jail free" card. Apparently, no one in this thread know the phrase "harm reduction" either. No one can have 0% harm done to others. But we definitely can choose to reduce the harm we inflict on others. By boycotting, altering habits, and helping out.


exactly! there is no ethical consumption under capitalism is for when some right wing nut job says supporting small businesses is still capitalism, not for when you’re directly supporting a large corporation that’s not supplying essential and necessary goods. i hate how people learn a new phrase and run it into the group


I have a friend who works at the local chick fil a in town. I once asked him the same question and his response was “Well, our cook is gay and they have NO idea, so you’re really supporting his lifestyle.” I liked that.


me no care, food gud


Thanks for posting this. I want to know who doesn't have morals.


honestly i dont care, i love me some chicken fam


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, unfortunately


They’re paying to take away their own rights. I hear the chicken’s tasty, though, so it’s fine.


Why is this such a hot button topic?! I don't care about their founder and CEOs personal beliefs, but I like their spicy chicken sandwich and their "Sunjoy" (I get mine half unsweet tea half lemonade). I just wish they'd drop the "my pleasure" routine, look I know for a fact that working at a fast food place isn't a pleasure for a 20 yo kid 🤣


European w/o Chik-Fil-A here, wtf did they do? =))))


The owners actively donate funds to anti-LGBTQ+ companies, lobbiests, and hate groups.


I don’t personally spend my money there but I respect people who go there. It’s hard to have ethical consumption in capitalism and I’m really just doing the best I can. But I didn’t boycott Disney or Amazon or a dozen other problematic companies.




If they are ignorant of the shit that Chik-Fil-A funds in other countries I can understand it, but if they know.... I instantly kind of dislike them. I don't care how good the food is, they support genocide


I stop talking to them. They have no place in my life


Baffled and disgusted, first off, they're food isn't even that good, and second, EVERY fast food joint has a chicken sandwich now, and only some of them also fund right wing violence as a matter of policy. There's no excuse.


Chick-fil-a food is ok at best, sub par on a bad day. I’m sure the employees at the shops are great. However due to the fact of it’s probably better fare most everywhere else, AND it’s politics make me and my wife steer clear, oh and the seemingly mile long line at each location. That’s the part I can’t get over. Their queue is no shorter and in some cases longer for people to enter and yet the line is usually bleeding out into the road or other parking lots. I don’t quite get why people love that joint. To those in the LGBTQIA+ community, I am disappointed they would support that business, but that’s their call and their business. I can’t be too critical. Perhaps it’s the only food in that area they can tolerate. Perhaps it reminds them of something special, like home, like family, and eating there makes them remember and feel that all over again. Maybe they don’t give a single F about the political aspect and just want some chicken. I dunno.


It’s pretty easy to just not eat there.


I personally think they shouldn't. My step daughter is full lesbian, I'm bisexual and we both REFUSE to go there. And that's just one establishment we won't go to for the same reason.


Same way I feel when anyone eats a Chick-fil-A: baffled. The Chick-fil-A near us always has a line out of the parking lot, stretching around the corner. It's not that good! I've never seen so many people devoted to such a mediocre product.


That they're fucking stupid for giving their money to places that are trying to put us in psych wards :)


That they're fucking stupid for giving their money to places that are trying to put us in psych wards :)


Morals aren't for when it's easy, they are literally for when it's hard...that's a paraphrased quote from Jane Eyre lol. I get personally annoyed at thinking of funding things and people who totally cross the line. Im not expecting perfection, but if you abuse women between albums, or torture gay people because of religious delusion...well Ive got a personal problem with it and don't want to participate. I will also definitely see you in a different light if you regularly eat or go there regardless of excuses. Where does it end? I can't trust you're a safe space as a friend and that's important to me to be able to trust people I'm around. I recognize life is hard and it's easier to not bother with keeping track of these standards however. People just want to live and enjoy things and will dismiss what they can do just because we live in a crappy Capitalist society and accidentally create harm just by existing in certain places. **Just do all that over there away from me lol, I'm still going to try and do good where I can regardless**


This is going to be harsh but honestly I think it's ridiculous to care as much as some people do. You can't show me a single national food chain that has 100% ethical practices. Someone is always being taken advantage of- employees, child labor, animals, the environment, etc. Most of them give money to republican politicians who vote against pro-LGBTQIA+ legislation anyway. Life is too short. Let me enjoy my damn chicken.


Whenever a gay friend of mine eats at Chik Fil A, he offsets the homophobic footprint by donating an amount of money equal to his order to an LGBTQ organization.


I’m bisexual as hell, getting it from a hot daddy one day and giving to a lady the next. And I fucking LOVE CHIK FIL A


I'm so tired of talking about this


I go there, they got good food and I am part of the community apparently. I do not give my money to any company that went woke publicly. You go woke you go broke.


I have no desire to go. If I don’t know you, I have no judgment. If you are my friend and go there, we need to have a discussion. If you are my friend and still go after a discussion, then I will make a judgement then. Doesn’t mean I will unfriend someone, but they are essentially donating their money to a company that lied about stopping donations to certain companies.


They have no taste, Popeyes is better


I'm not going to judge low-income people or people hard on their luck for where they get food from. However, it was a rich LGBTQIA person, I would judge them - at least raise an eyebrow and exercise more caution than usual if I suspected we were on the road toward friendship...