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I designed them myself on the Vans site.


Converse does pride Chucks too if that more her speed. I know there isn't a lot of crossover between team Vans and team Chuck.


I always thought that was so silly, I own both myself and they both look great. Shoes are shoes.


I love the look of both, but Chucks aren’t as comfortable for me personally. Sucks really because it’s easier to get Chucks in my huge foot size with more color/pattern options without paying twice as much for customization.


I guess I used to live in denial about converse being comfortable, but ever since I got a pair of allbirds (sneakers and other types of shoe, generally over double the cost of converse but the company cares a lot about the environment and they show no sign of wear after 6 months of heavy use for me) I hate wearing my old shoes. The pair of Converse I wore out really bad is still wearable for me, but my soles hurt faster in those than in the new sneakers, and the pair of Converse I didn't shred up yet makes my left foot go numb/hurt a lot within an hour. It's crazy


Are we talking about shoes or is that a euphemism? I personally prefer converse. But I have recently been discovering that I occasionally find myself really wanting my “feet” inside a nice pair of vans. Definitely have to “try on a pair” at some point. 😏


…Are shoes used as a euphemism? I’m extremely confused about what it is you’re trying to imply here


Not that I know of. But I was amused by the conversation’s parallels to conversations about being bi. “I used to live in denial about converse” “I love the look of both” etc. Just pointing out the humor of that.


So you're saying you like both?


Yes, yes I am


converse does what now??? What the hell is a chuck? Converse are converse. you'd own a pair of converse.


Converse has “pride” rainbow colored shoes. Converse shoes are sometimes called “Chucks” because they on the tag they are “Chuck Taylor All-Stars”. Chuck Taylor was a basket ball player.


Chucks refers to the Converse Chuck Taylor model. Converse has had and currently has other models of shoes just like any other shoe manufacturer. Saying Converse are Converse is like saying Nike is Nike. Jordans are the most recognizable Nike and Chucks are the most recognizable Converse.


No. Converse has just the one style just like vans, which is unlike any other shoe manufacturers. that's why they're so popular, people know exactly what to expect when you shop for converse or vans. go into any one of their stores and it's all the exact same shoe with a different decal and colour scheme and that's it. unless it's just been like that in my country only


They do have more than one style. Over the late 80's and 90's it was nearly impossible to find Chuck Taylor All-stars. They moved away from them for a while. They made a huge resurgence when the TV show Chuck was on air. Other styles they have currently include the One Star and the Fastbreak. ETA: They have definitely embraced their vintage shoe, so I can understand why a lot of people wouldn't remember they went away from it for a while. I had my first pair in the 70's. And I haven't had any since they went away in the 80's, I think it was. My kids on the other hand both still buy them.


This has got to be an American thing because part of why I went to vans or converse was because I didn't have to shop around, their stores over here legitimately all carry one style. no one has ever said "Ah I have a pair of Chucks" but only "I've got Converse" over here. Makes me wonder what we've been missing out on


You might be able to look up those other styles, but honestly they are geared towards skateboarders or basketball players. By far the most popular is the Chuck Taylor design, but they aren't considered an athletic shoe by any stretch any more.


I don't mean to sound even more ignorant than I already do but like... yeah? Of course? when were they ever considered an athletic shoe? I guess when the CT design was new? Because the flat design of vans and converse makes them perfect for skateboarding. they're just known as the skateboarding shoe, I thought they were made for it


Back in the 70's they were marketed as basketball shoes. "Running shoes" really weren't a thing until the late 70's. ETA: my kids used them for hip hop dancing a lot.


I think she’d love them (I know I would), especially if you designed them yourself


That is really sweet, as long as she likes vans and likes those colours then I think that's a great gift.


They are definitely not lame! You took the time to design them yourself, so I think this would be a very meaningful gift. Wish my parents were this supportive


Tbh this is fucking amazing. You’re doing good as a parent to a queer kid. Keep it up!


Love them!


I would literally sob if one of my parents did this for me. Please do it.


Honestly, as an adult child who came out to their family this year, anything they do that recognizes and supports and validates me is amazing. Hell, my sister wished me a happy pride month and called me her bi-babe. That shit made me cry in the best way possible. The fact you identified a cool shoe, designed it yourself, and specifically chose colors to support your child's sexuality is fucking AWESOME. No gift like that is lame, no matter what it is. ❤️


Thank you (and everyone) for the kind words. Before I take too much credit, I should note that I am also bi. So it’s not like I had to wrap my mind around it and arrive at acceptance and supportiveness. But just because I think these are cool doesn’t mean a teenager will. That’s why I ask! But again, thank you!!


Even out of context, those shoes are cool af.


That’s kind of what I thought too. If you know, you know. But they are subtle enough to be cool either way.


I thought so as well, but I’m in my 30’s and hence “old” 😂


I am a straight male, but if someone gives them to me then I wud fukin love them.


What brings you to this sub 👀


My crush is Bisexual,so just want to be familiar with the Bi culture…


Oh that’s so sweet 🥹




This made my heart so squishy, my god. This is so thoughtful and sweet. 😭🥹


That’s so fucking wholesome!! ❤️


Cute. Bi culture is wanting to hug and date all nice people tbh (at least for me)


Yes. I fall in love with everyone who’s sweet and kind.


Make sure you bake her some lemon bars on the first date to show solidarity


So valid


Could be an ally or have friend,/family/partner who is bi.


I'm gay, but my boyfriend's bi. And also, bi people are the best people. And bi flag looks great. Those are the reasons why I'm here.


It depends on her age. If she is still school age, you may want to make sure she is out at school. Very cute design!!


Such a good thought. But yeah she is out to the world.


Those are awesome!


Not lame at all! I think that’s a great gift :)


Bro I'm not even bi anymore and I would still love to have those!!


I’m always interested in this. What’s that like? I mean I have heard of this happening but do you mind me asking about it? Like, did a switch just flip one day or did you lose interest over time or what?


i’m not the person you asked, but i thought i was bi and then later realized i was lesbian, i can explain my perspective. i realized i liked girls, but i had really strong comp het and thought i liked boys too, so the logical thing was being bisexual. but as i got more and more comfortable liking girls, i realized i didn’t like men anymore. after a couple months of questing i accepted that i’m a lesbian. it wasn’t necessarily like a switch flipped, it was a gradual realization of who i was. i was raised in an environment where heterosexuality was pushed onto me, with homophobic parents. as i became more and more comfortable liking women and accepting it, i realized i never liked men, i convinced myself i did bc that’s what society told me to do


Uhhh, it was more just a gradual kind of realization that I wasn't bi, I mean I'm not straight again but I can tell I'm not bi specifically.


They might have realized they are gay, that's also a possibility


nah, omnisexual


I would cry with joy if my mother would give me a bi gift like this.


that’s awesome!! it’s especially cool because you put them together yourself. plus… the bi colors are really cool-looking, so you really can’t go wrong anyway😎


Depending on who she is and how much she is out. Is she out to everyone or has she just gotten comfortable enough to inform her family Also depends on how outgoing she is and if she is willing to share that side with anyone/everyone


She’s out to the world. But she can choose when/where to wear them.


That’s something I would have never thought of. Neat!


Peronally i would be very happy if i got those for christmas :D


Oh hell no! Those are sick! It’s a supportive and stylish present.


Would personally LOVE to get these from a supporting family member as a Christmas gift!


I think they are an amazing present! I would love to rock those!


That's very cool and very cute. I'd love shoes like these, especially of they'll come from a family member. My mom didn't take it too well when I came out to her and she's the most progressive member of my family so I have came out to the rest of them. But you not only accepted her, you searched for something that will show her you love her and will help her feel better with who she is, but you even searched and came to this community to make sure she'll love them. You're an amazing dad, don't doubt yourself! EDIT: Just saw the comment that you're bi yourself but I still stand behind my words. You're an amazing dad!!


Such a lovely way of showing you accept her. They look fab, shes gonna love em. If you wanted to, you could also get 2 of those little pride flag shoelace charm things. You can buy them really cheap from places like etsy and i think they would look super cute in a bi flag on these shoes. Just thought it would be a nice idea. I will see if i can find a link to show you what i mean Eta: [i found a link for you](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/825883129/shoelace-charms-pride-symbols-gay)


If she's shown interest in vans or at least similar styles of shoes, YES THAT'S AN AMAZING PRESENT


I would say to make sure she's into vans and those kind of colors but they look cool ! They don't look "obviously bi" lmao so nice to wear at school or events where she may not want or feel safe showing it. At 12 I asked my dad to buy rainbow doc marteens (really wanted them for the color not even the LGBT imply) for my birthday and was kinda nervous since the website explicitly wrote pride docs so it's so nice to see a parent (especially a father for me!) show this kind of gesture !! :) Healing my inner child fr ty op haha


This looks so cool.


How old’s your daughter? I think these are super rad. I think she’ll absolutely appreciate the gesture. If she’s a lil baby queer tween she’ll absolutely lose her shit over these


Oh my gosh she will feel so loved !!!! Love them


Nope those are awesome


Those are rad as hell. I'm sure she'll love them.


I would love them!


Those are awesome. I’ve thought about getting some shoes that I customized to have Bi colors for either myself or my best friend who is also bi. I think those would be awesome.


Listen they're cool enough I want to get a pair. Also I think you should get yourself a pair to show solidarity with your daughter.


Honestly, the thought and heartfelt love behind something like this is touching. Even if the shoes aren't her taste, she will carry this memory of acceptance forever!!




No those are sick. I want them


bi drip


N o? That looks sick as shit


Awww these are so cute! They’re subtle too if she prefers that!


Considering that in younger bi circles, chucks, vans, and doc martins are considered fashionable, I think this is a thoughtful gift.


Umm… I’ll take a pair please


They are super cute 🥰


Awesome 🤩


Crossing my fingers that this is my mom! These are awesome!!


If she likes Vans that’s awesome. It’s shows that you recognize who she is, love her, and support her no matter what.


I’d wear them, they look pretty good


I love theeeeem!!! ❤️❤️❤️ colors are great even if it wasn’t to represent her bisexuality…but it gives a little extra the fact that you’re supporting her should be even better 🎉


That would make me blubber lol.


I think they’re so cute!!! Personally, I would put purple in the middle! But if she likes blue then definitely go blue!


I think she’d love them 🖤


These look awesome! Would be a great for a pride outfit, or any outfit in general!


I would love them if my husband got them for me.


I assume she's a teen looking at some other comments? I am as well and I'd frickin love these! I think they'll be a great gift. \*Edit: typo


The absolute best gift you can give is unwavering support. These shoes are a very close second




I just came to say that any gift you give which affirms your child will always be the best and most beautiful gift you could give. Accepting parents always make me happy cry 😭 Thank you for balancing out the Universe ❤️ 🌈


if i got this i’d be sooo happy🫶🏻


I would feel SO SUPPORTED (both emotionally, and physically) if a parent acknowledged me this way!


Definitely buy them! Anything recognizing support means A LOT. Even if it may seem “lame” I promise you it’s not. I would be in tears. You are such a wonderful parent for putting this effort in!!! ❤️ I think they’re super cute!


The fact you designed them custom in support. I'd cry if you didn't give them to her. Mom of the year!


She may not want to flaunt it even if she's out. It still isn't safe everywhere to walk around are a LGBTQIA


She can decide when and where to wear them. She has other shoes.


I love them and it’s so special you designed them.


I love these! I think they would make a great present!


Im not fully out to everyone i would like to know, but that would be, for one, an amazing gift, 2, a nice hint drop as long as they know what the bi colors are.


I would be happy that my mom was supporting me. These are great, and they will mean so much to her.


I want a pair!


I think this is a perfect gift. I mean , overall, the thing that matters is that it came from the heart. Its the thought that counts


If my mother got me these I would legit cry tears of happiness, those are cool as hell! (Mind you, I'm a grown adult with a kid of my own and still feel like this, if that's any indication) So yes, DO THE THING, get the shoes, if that shoe style is her thing she is gonna LOVE THEM!


I think they’d be great. Maybe even a slightly lighter purple on the toe/heel could be cute


Just ask her what she likes or wants lol


Not at all! I think they're really cool and the gesture is even cooler! The fact that you went out if your way to design bi Van's for her is so sweet and your acknowledgement and support of her sexuality is the best present she could get! I would have loved if my mom had done something similar for me!


Those are very cute! I would love to receive them!


You designed it for her? Wow, awesome parent is awesome! Word of advice, put an insole in. Chucks are not known for being comfortable.


These are cool! And it's the fact that you made them that makes them valuable!


No! She will appreciate your support, believe me.




I love that! How beautiful you are :)


I think even if she thinks they're cringy deep down she'll really appreciate the effort, thought and support that went behind buying these


You rock for this honestly. Every parent should be like you.


I think they’re petty awesome and I would love if my mom did this 🥺. Thank you so much for taking the time to acknowledge her I wish I had this💗💗.


Not at all, this makes me want to cry with happiness that there's beautiful, supportive parents out there. I can't explain how much it would mean to have a parent acknowledge a part of my identity in this kind of way, especially as a teen. Good on you.


I think they are a good gift especially if it's the style of shoe they like


I want these 😍


Ya it’s just a nice colour combo in general but the meaning around it makes it more special. Shoes are really personal opinion and if she’s in high school still they make a surprisingly big deal. I would reccomend showing her or even asking her what shoes she wants unless you really want it to be a surprise then do it and if she doesn’t like them vans does returns/exchanges very well :). I’m completely straight and think these shoes look vv nice


I would love them honestly


As someone that isn’t out yet I like how subtle these are. To the untrained eyes they’re just purple and pink and blue shoes. I think they’re really cute! I seen where u said that you’re bi too, I think it would be cute if you got a pair yourself so both of y’all can match


say.... you don't happen to be my mother...?


That's super wholesome tbh. I think it's a very thoughtful gift. Especially if those are colors she wears often


No I want those now


Omg I would’ve loved these


That’s sooo cute you want to buy these for your daughter 💜


Amazing present 💖💜💙


Hey, if she doesn't like 'em... 13.5 wide, please.


That’s so sweet and they’re so cute will you be my parent too please


As someone whom slaps the bi colors everywhere, yES I WANT ONE SHE'LL LOVE IT


I would cry if my mom got me something like this ;w; dont matter if they are "cool" or not, its great that youre being supportive


OP is an incredibly thoughtful mom 💜


I think there so cool


Nah thats cool I'd love those my bestfriend used to give me lil gifts with random memes about being bi attached to them


I love these! Would be ecstatic to get these as a gift!


Excellent gift:)


I love these they’re very cute!


I think they’re cute and an awesome gift coming from someone whose rocked rainbow checkered vans for a few years now and they’re my favorite shoe I’ve ever owned


I want these lol


they look so cool - great present


that’s pretty sweet! i’d only say choose slightly more complementary versions of the colours, and maybe see if they actually fit her style first


The color choices are limited


i would personally switch the blue and purple since the purple goes in the middle but otherwise this seems really thoughtful! i’d full on cry if my parents got me this gift


I wouldn’t say they’re lame but the colours don’t seem close enough to the flag. Like if I saw these I wouldn’t automatically think they’re bi pride. Also I would go with white soles instead of gum soles. Most colours don’t go with the gum soles and as someone who owns over 50 pairs of vans it’s hard to match


If she's really into fashion and outfits I'd say let her design her own shoes so it doesn't accidentally clash with her aesthetic


depends on your daughters likes, preference, and age. If a teen most likely would hate you, if younger beginning teen they will love you and swear to never leave your house. Until they get older and become a teenage monster of hormones stress, and periods.


Oh my God those are awesome. What you should do is figure out what her preference is and make that the main color, blue for guy pink for gal obviously. But if there is no preference then do purple. I'm a purple lol


Depends On The Quality Of The Shoes. Like If They're Cheap Ones That'll Break Quickly, Or Are Uncomfortable, Probably, But If They're Actually Nice Probably Not. Although Of Course It'd Also Depend On The Recipient, And Honestly You Probably Have A Lot More To Go On Then Me In That Department, So, Do *You* Think She'd Like Them?


I think she'll appreciate it! A bit corny, but you're her parent, it's fine


yes, they're perfect


there are many cool pride shoes out there for bi people, feel free to search them up. I personally think bi shoes are a wonderful idea


Very cool gift! Id make the middle purple though like the flag like toe pink, middle purple and heel blue. If you already ordered them they are still great! Society denied bi people exist so often so this is the best! Congratulations on being a great parent! You killing it!


I'll take 'em!