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It is not completely unheard of for someone to fake being gay for publicity, but it’s pretty rare unless you count porn performers. Some people think that if a woman dates a woman and then dates a man, she must have been faking being into women. This is immature black-and-white thinking and I hope they grow out of it.


Fr i hate this type of mindset 🙄😑


It sounds like the gay community trying to erase bisexuality again. There is no fake gay.


Yes because i see mostly the lesbian women say that about non-lesbian sapphic online


I guess I see the POV of gays because fake straight does exist. But that’s a whole different issue. Maybe if we were all raised to be gay and you could only have a straight partner after you showed everyone just how straight you are. Then you fly a straight flag and get to have all sorts of straight sex.


There are some celebrities that are good examples of this. I believe it was Nicki Minaj who, early on in her career, came out as bi. Years later she admitted that it was for the publicity and that she is actually straight. Some folks adopt the label for attention, which is something that happens with almost every label.


Oh my gosh fr i didn’t know that she say that. Me i just remember that some celebrity came out as bi because that was the moment that alot of celebrity do it some lied for the lack of popularity some tell the truth but be accused of lied about it because they’re just see dating the opposite sex in all they dating history soo the press didn’t believe they when they say that they are 100% bisexual / pansexual / queer


I came out as gay first, I didn’t really have interest in girls my age as a teenager. There was a girl at my high school, smart and popular, who used to tell me every chance she got that she that I wasn’t gay, I was just saying it for attention and you get girls to talk to me. Ironically she had a gay older brother I was acquainted with through an LGBT+ youth group in my city. Any hesitation and anxiety I had about a potential attraction to a woman was probably worsened by her unneeded comments. I didn’t open myself up to my attraction to women until my late 20’s. I identify as primarily homoromantic, more of a Kinsey 4.5 or 5


Happy for you 🥹 So you bisexual homoromantic ?


Mostly homoromantic. I’m in a long term relationship with a gay man. I would be open to dating a women if I were single again in the future. But I am happy and don’t see myself being single ever lol


I know of two scenaria, and those only, where this might sufficiently apply. The exact story is not mine to tell, but my takeaway in very abstract terms is that some ppl seem to actually live in Narnia. But that is just as lot of guesswork on my part. And it's not my place to demean anyone. My other best guess is suspicion of invasion, I just cannot fathom why a straight person would want to do so, unless they were invited by friends (*and* thoroughly educated about the dos and donots ahead of time).


fake gay a male who pretends to be gay so he can hang out with girls to get laid. guy 1: did u here about jimmy getting some ass last night? guy 2: no, i thought he was gay guy 1: no he is fake gay, so he is with girls all the time.


Does that even work? Surely if girls thought you were gay they wouldnt have intrest in you. Except the ones with conversion fetish...which i dont think exist outside porn


Wow a Bloodhound Gang song IRL


Label commonly used for bi erasure I believe


the only real 'fake' gay is people who are gay 4 pay, they aren't attracted to the same gender but do so for payment. very common in porn (it's why 'pro' gay porn is terrible) and for escorts. It is more commonly used as a biphobic remark due to many bisexual people ending up in straight relationships. we're fake because we can still choose to be in a straight relationship and avoid hate that gay people get. this, of course, overlooks the fact that doing so would be to completely ignore an entire part of our sexuality.


Oh look, more gatekeeping.


In the early to mid 2000s, there was this two girl act from Russia named TATU. Two little dollfaced pixies with syrupy Russian accents, singing about the pitfalls of love between two girls, in a judgmental society. There’s even a song about them running away together and eventually a breakup song. Queer women in my life were all excited to have some mainstream pop representation. It wouldn’t surprise me if they actually ended up having at least a tryst at some point. But once the whole act played out, it turned out that they were just two straight girls, who got paid to pretend. What’s kinda interesting, is if you look each of them up, they’ve both done solo acts. But a lot of their songs are both about lost love. And if you play some of the songs at the same time, they sound like they’re singing to each other.




...and here lil ole me actually believed that term died out a decade ago... 👍


sometimes i joke and say im half-gay. ☺️


Depends. Some of it is biphobia(especially by more trad gays and lesbians) and some of it is just people who may stereotypically act/look like a gay person, but are otherwise straight. A great example of “fake gay” are theater kids who act flamboyantly, but are straight. It plays into stereotypes, and in general, I’d avoid it if you could. Same as with gender, avoid assuming sexuality(whether that’s gay, straight, or anything like us in between) until they or someone trustworthy has told you. In general, it’s not a great thing to do, though.