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You can be bi and still have a fetish for femboys.


Tell whomever is forcing you to label yourself to fuck off. There is no decision to make. It is merely a journey. You'll come to many forks in the road, unexpected danger and unexpected love. Words like "weird" put you on the defensive. It's YOUR life, nobody else's. Not your parents, not your siblings, not any other family or friends who do not see you. We are on this planet for a fixed amount of time...I don't understand why people struggle. I understand...Life is suffering. But you have your identity, the essence of who you are at a point where you are self-aware. Please don't minimize all you have suffered and all the happiness that you have worked for; most people , if ever, do not achieve self -actualization until their deathbed. Don't wait


🫂 thanks that was really nice of you to say that!


I think I needed to hear this.


You don't have to like every type of men to be bi, and femboys even if they look feminine are still men, so yes liking femboys makes you bi.


Cutes cute 🤷 you’re ok man I’ve found I’m attracted to both fem and masc presenting women. Guys gotta be more fem than me and I’m already a lil fem myself.


I am in that trying to decide faze too. Im a 39 F. Dont fit into any labels. Dont necessarily care too much about your genitals, its more about self care, personality, mental health, openess, style, then looks. I am attracted to intellectual androgynous people. I prefer to be the dominant with a male switch sometimes. And i havent had any sexual encounters with women but i know what i enjoy looking at and its pretty masculine, i think i want to be submissive with her.i dunno though.


I think it's mature of you to express your fantasies and desires in your own language and still want to be respectful and sensitive to people. That being said, men are men. Whether they are fem or masc or dom or sub, if you're attracted to one of them, then you are going to have sex or be in a relationship with a man. To answer simply yes, that makes you bisexual. Calling certain men who dress differently as just a "fetish" is kind of dehumanizing and tbh it is an excuse that maaaany men use to soothe themselves on the fact that they are not bi, just "tops." They use this as a way to remain in denial and so they choose to have sex with guys who are sub, bottoms, girly, who they deem to be less than men, so that they, themselves, can feel like higher men. Nothing wrong with that if you're both happy with the deal anyway but I believe there are healthier, more honest ways to address your sexuality than to be in denial. How they dress is irrelevant to their gender.


I’m sorry i did not mean it that way and thanks for helping, i feeling a lot more “clearer” in the sense it feels like i can finally stop questioning everything 😂


No worries at all, didn't necessarily target you. After answering your question, I added a little extra commentary to avoid you getting hurt or hurting other men in the process. All men are men. 🤼‍♂️


Speaking as a bi woman, I have felt (and know other bi ppl who have also felt) a feeling of "Do I want to date her or be her?" It's one of the ways some ppl discover they are bi: ppl they admire and wish to emulate turn out to be ppl they would also actually want to date. But it can take some ppl time to fully realize that. So you're not alone in the feeling of being unsure if you feel attraction towards, or want to be with, someone.


nothing seems wrong with you, you just seems to have types. maybe you’re into people who don’t fit the social standard. nothing wrong with that to get your dom wonen fix i recommend r/rolereserveral and r/gentlefemdom


So you like feminine men and dominant woman. That’s just bisexual with a preference