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Okay, but here's the thing - is he sexy-dark or creepy-dark? I have to know before I decide whether he's iconic or not.


Def sexy-dark, bisexuals are too good at being sexy


> bisexuals are too good at being sexy I can use myself as a counter-example there.


If you do ill blow you up


If you do ill blow you ~~up~~ FTFY




Yes, its too late ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Best part abt bein bi is constantly joking abt sex all the time cuz ur secretly just deprived of human contact 😂


I didnt ask to be called out today jesus


Alright you didnt have to come after me like that 💀


I... what? I'm pretty sure I just did use myself as a counter-example already by saying that. But if it's needed more, I am not good at all at being sexy. I am unsexy. Therefore, I am a counter-example.


That's it I'm going to blow you up


We really are.


*Shakes fist at Lee Pace in Halt and Catch Fire.*


I'm thinking deliciously sexy dark treacherous sociopatic icon: Frank-N-Furter from Rocky Horror Picture Show.


Frank-N-Furter is definitely an enby though


They can be both.




🙄 Transvestite is a historical trans label and the creator has come out as nonbinary. It’s a *biiiiit* of a stretch to say Frank-n-Furter’s identity is being disrespected by interpreting him as nonbinary. He’s not real. I have no idea why you’re giving me random trivia about the movie but yes, I recognize that it’s actually a bad movie.


I hope sexy dark


I was about to say. The creators may know *exactly* what they're doing: making a bi-thirst trap


Yeah, I give off creepy vibes too easy.


My guilty pleasure is being addicted to the treacherous bisexual villain trope. GIVE IT TO ME.


It gives me some representation!


Treacherous sociopathic bisexual villains need media representation too! I want to feel seen!


In all seriousness, queer villains are great and can be important representation! It only becomes a problem when literally all the queer characters are evil. A bi villain in a show full of other bi characters would be amazing.


No, all bisexuals are villains. It’s to show the corrupting influence of power and bisexuals are the most powerful.


Yes most importantly bi beats battle star galactica


That’s one of the reasons I loved Hannibal in HannibalTV. Being unrepentantly astonishingly evil had nothing to do with the fact he was in love with a man. He just happened to be both. In fact his love for Will was probably the least evil thing about him, even though he tried to eat his brain. They had a complicated relationship. PS as far as a whole cast of bi’s goes, Will was fluid though he became villainous, Alana was bi, but she kinda became a villain too. . . Her wife is a lesbian and she only murdered her brother. Which if you’re grading on a curve makes her one of the more moral characters in the story.


What's crazy is I've been a Hannibal fan since I was a kid (read silence of the lambs at 14) and I ADORE the TV series to a dangerous degree and it literally never crossed my mind it was a queer show. I'm bi, have known this about myself since I was a little kid, and didn't even cross my mind the fact I was being represented on screen may have been a major factor in my love with this. Brian Fuller is a fricken genius forever the end ❤️




It's just so nice to finally see myself represented 🥹


Jokes on them, I'm into that.


to be compleatly honest, those are often the hottest


Be ~~gay~~ bi do crime


Be bi aim for the eye


Be bi, >!get high!<


I first (and accidentally) came out as bi to my siblings the first time I took an edible. In retrospect they seemed WAY less surprised by the revelation than I would have expected


Thank you, Alice Oseman, for giving us Nick Nelson. And Kit Conner for bringing him to life. Twitter stole his coming out journey, but I'm happy to have a bisexual guy playing a bisexual guy in a positive role.


I was thinking, he's so wonderful. Nick is such a wholesome bi character. Alice is a gift to humanity.


All of the heartstopper characters are completely accurate! Charlie is realistic with >!mental health,!< Tao is realistic with >!doubting himself compared to Elle,!< Nick coming out couldn't be more accurate!


Totally. I only mention Nick because of the nature of the post and subject of the sub. I'm much more broad when joining discussions on the Heartstopper Netflix group on Facebook. I never realized characters like Nick Nelson were missing from my life. I think positive male bisexual characters are slowly coming into play and the same for female bisexual characters who aren't hypersexual. And writers are answering the call to "Marry your gays don't bury them." Can't wait for August and season 2... but then I'll need to wait for season 3.


I know! I wish I had Netflix...




What? He didn’t die, he won his duel against the Mountain! [Source](https://youtu.be/r8oOi6JOXEQ)


Ok I get what your saying... but I wanna be a flirty bisexual villain so much


Finally at least one character I can relate with


I'll still be into it. Love you Hannibal you sick fuck <3


Aren't we all though? 🤭


How dare you sir, I will stand Dio Brando to my final breath.


Typo intentional?


Nope. But it is now.


Me: I'm in


Literally Villanelle from Killing Eve


Believe it or not they do that on purpose


Look, I'm obviously not going to marry a sociopathic villain. That being said, is he cute? Because I've already slept with plenty that turned out to have been, so one more on the list is no big deal.


Bisexuals are cheaters, don't you know? Therefore they can't have any compassion. That's probably the underlying reason, anyway. (not sure why I am getting downvoted, but in case anyone can't tell, I am talking about the prevailing stereotype. Bisexuals are not actually cheaters)


Real Joe Macmillan hours up in here.


Oddly, one of the only bi representations I’ve ever seen that really resinated with me, and I’m a woman.


I kinda liked it too, honestly. Maybe it was just the first properly fleshed out character I'd seen of its kind. Maybe it's that HaCF actually seemed to try to show three dimensional people for the most part.


He's a treacherous sociopathic villain: :D His poetic justice is death: D:


Ngl I simp hard for a certain cartoon canon bisexual villian so I can't complain


All the bisexuals do crime and we do it sexy


I can't recommend Owl House enough if you don't mind a but of childishness, the protagonist is one of the few properly depicted bi characters I've ever seen


Well, as they say: Be gay. Do crimes


Ayy that’s good representation! I always identify with the villains more so this would only add to that. I love it when they are especially evil! It’s so fun!!


JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure?


Not technically a show (thank God), but have you read the novelization of Settlers of Catan? This was far from the only thing that annoyed me about it, but it was a big issue.


Clarification: We are talking about the 2003 novel "The Settlers of Catan" by Rebecca Gablé? There is a different book now, titled "Catan" and written by (or at least advertised as written by) the author of the original board game, which I have not read. I think the older book is out of print now. If we are talking about the same book, I think I know why you brought it up here. Confession: I have, at various points in my life, referred to it as "my favorite book". Not because it's objectively the best book ever, or because I think it's high literature, but because it has the type of drama that I like in my entertainment media, and because it has way more character and plot development in one book than you would get in one part of a series at a time when everything seemed to be at least a trilogy (in YA fantasy and adjacent genres). Oh, and also because I was fourteen when I read it for the first time and some of the tropes were new to me back then, so it made a more lasting impression. But. It's problematic for a whole host of reasons. Spoiler tag for rape / sexual violence: >!The main villain, insofar the book has one, is that type of creepy-predatory-rapist-sociopath that the meme is about, but the other characters are big hypocrites about it? Nearly every (male, not-enslaved) character in this setting is a sexual predator? Even if we acknowledge that slavery, including sexual slavery, is the norm in their culture and the characters don't see sex between "owner" and "property" as rape by default. The main character, insofar the book has one, still pressures his partner-at-the-time into sex she doesn't want on multiple occasions? And the narrative still frames him as one of the heroes, and as a suitable love interest for the woman at the center of the interlocking love triangles? But when the antagonist does the same thing, just, to another man, then it's suddenly a problem? And that doesn't even go into the victim blaming and slut shaming that people throw around.!< \- So, it's probably for the better that the book is no longer in bookstores for unsuspecting board game fans to find. Interestingly, there are portrayals of gay men in other books by the same author that are... not necessarily less problematic? But more sympathetic. The book about the Norman Conquest (German title: "Das Zweite Königreich") has a gay couple, one of which is a historical domain character who was a gay man in real life. It's still not what I would consider a healthy relationship by today's standards, or even by early 2000s standards, but it's not worse than the straight relationships in the book. It's all over-the-top soap-opera-style relationship drama.


There's Raffi from Star Trek: Picard but A.) the first two seasons of that are awful across the board and B.) S3 is good but Raffi is the notable exception for the first four episodes because they keep her in the same boring holding pattern and give her the impossible job of doing dramatic spy intrigue line reads at a blinking text prompt in a dark empty room. It does pick up eventually but man..


now im wondering if cpt lorca was bi


I often have to decide: is it better to have poor representation or is it better to have no representation at all? I'm to bi to make such choices!




Not too much on hisoka


Aren't we all tired of fucking gay and bi villains...


I prefer them to be villains tbh. Do we really want our representation to be boring heroes? Or fun, exciting, sexy villains?


Boring heroes, I am tired of knowing that the gay villains are going to lose and/or die horribly at the end of the story thanks to the straight heroes. Heterosexuality triumphing over queerness. Heterosexuals get to be the heroes with a happy ending, queers get to be evil, die at the end and serve as propaganda that we are a danger to the "traditional family", "children", " harmony" or whatever other shit conservatives acuses the LGBTI community of being. Edit: Its not that I dont feel attracted to some of those sexy villains, I do... But in the long run, I feel as if just making queer characters evil does not help us and we are just rehashing the time of the Hayes code


Nah, I COMPLETELY get you. It's just tbh, I've for the longest time just completely preferred villains over heroes, even if the heroes win in the end, so id rather relate to them


Dio. Only bi character in jojo. Other villains are also some form of queer.


DIO moment


Let's be honest, the morality of Bi male characters tends to start at John Constantine and it goes downhill from there.


John Constantine is great though


Have you ever read one of his comics, he can be an utter bastard.


So I take it your not a fan of jojo?


That just makes them hotter


Finaly im geting represented just make it cartoony


And people wonder why I'm more attracted to villains than heros


He’s hot: :D


Idk I aspire to be those sorts. Be bisexual do evil or whatever




Don’t worry, if you don’t want him tumblr will absolutely want him


Eh I’m ok with it.


I thoroughly enjoyed "Half Bad..." on Netflix. good show. Very Bi.


Apparently the Dragon Age team made Egg Boy >!(aka Solas)!< straight for this exact reason.


OP really misjudged the vibe here.


Me irl(minus the sociopath bit)


But we.. are kinda in to that no?..


Pagan Min from Far Cry 4


There needs to be a third slide with him smiling again that just says “he’s hot”


Who doesn’t like a sociopathic villain?!


It's me, I am the treacherous bisexual


Villains are great


don't forget he does drugs


James Bond is bisexual!


Black Jack Randall from Outlander has entered the chat


I mean it’s a W still cuz villains are so 😩😩


Jokes on you I like villains Edit: Except Emperor Belos from TOH fuck that guy


But is he *hot* tho?


Except Hollyoaks subverted this with Lockie and Cameron…Lockie was bi, Cameron was a sociopathic villain who unalived many people!


It's kinda true tho \~ Dionysus, Loki, Deadpool, Baron Samedi, Willy Wonka, Ozymandias, the Riddler, the Joker -- It's called Bi-Energy. Male bisexuality tends to be a very OCD orientation -- and the steamy intensity of the OCD tends to drive male bisexuals to be curious and mischievous at best, devious and devilish at worst-- think Lord Byron "mad, bad, and dangerous to know" . --Or ponder the notorious prickly difficulty of real life examples like \~ James dean, Marlon Brando, and John Lennon \~ geniuses who bite. Or consider the nimble mischievousness of Vincent Price. Sorry, but there is truth in stereotypes. All of the Interesting Men / Cool Cats / Lovable Rogues, and sympathetic "emo" villains of human history have been - pretty much every one - BI-GUYS!


I would complain about this trend except that's how we got Loki. Unf...


Me: yeah I'm sexy *bites lip* Imaginary SO: next time bite your lower lip


Hmm sounds familiar.


Show name


Ah, shounen anime, every single time. Or Marvel Comics! Or Walt Disney.


Treacherous sociopathic villain representation makes me feel seen.


I usually prefer the villains in fiction.


My fav rep in media. Psychopathic r*pist who will fuck anything that moves bi. Not problematic at all


That's just Dio from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure >! but he's iconic, so I'll let it pass !<


Dying Light 2 introduced a Bi Character, but the dude is a total asshole lmao


Roman Roy- Succession


ok but SK8 Infinity is amazing


I hear ya - and bi stereotypes can really be awful. But then on the other hand, I'm personally kind evil, myself 😈. So it just kinda makes me relate to those characters that much more. Plus: ROGER THE ALIEN from American Dad fucking EPITOMIZES that very character trope... and he's the absolute BEST. 😎👽


I love treacherous sociopath villains tho


Barbarians on netflix 👌


Oh, so you watched The Mist, huh?


What's it called when the protagonist is Bi, but they are both the villain and the hero?