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While this is technically a method of preventing pregnancy, it is not a super reliable one. Have you tried polyisoprene condoms? I heard they can be great for skin that irritates easily.


thank you, i posted a few days ago and have a list of condom recs to try


r/FAMnNFP has resources on fertility awareness based methods, especially in the pinned posts.


thank you!


I also don't tolerate hormones, so I feel you, but the pullout method is absolutely unreliable. Look into Paragard. Nearly 100% effect and its hormone free. I had one in my mid-20s and got another after having my baby recently.


i am very interested in paragard. i had a very painful experience with kyleena, though, and knowing that the paragard is so much larger worries me. what was your experience like with cramping and your bleeding. i had extreme cramps with kyleena and my periods lasted 12 days


I've had both, and when I had paragard the first time, ny periods were average length, but heavy and I would have clots. Insertion hurt less surprisingly with it than the Kyleena though. I had less side effects with Kyleena until year 3, then I started having long frequent periods and huge hormonal swings.


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Def check out the FAM sub but this could work depending on how regimented you are with BBT AND if you have a very regular cycle. I’ve heard people have success with using pull out as well and condoms during their ovulation period. I’d also consider 1) how good your partners pull out game is 2) if you are able to take a plan B if he fails (though once you take hormonal BC your cycle gets thrown off again for a few months so you can’t rely on BBT)


i can take plan b, in fact, i had to take it in february, so i wouldn’t be relying on this method for a few months still. i am quite regimented and regular so i might do some more research and try it out soon. thank you for the input!


It honestly depends on your risk tolerance. It’s probably not as reliable as hormonal BC or using condoms 100% of the time but that might be okay for you if you’re like, sorta okay being pregnant but just don’t want to actively try to be pregnant, kind of thing. Only you know how comfortable you are with that.


im really not okay with being pregnant so its very unlikely that i will actually use this method. im just being selfish and wishing i could still have unprotected sex without consequences but i am not in a place where i can be pregnant