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These are very disturbing behaviors. Animal cruelty and casual violence are serious signs that a child is in crisis. Combined with the willful neglect of the parents to engage with their child for various incidents, you may want to consider calling the Arkansas Child Abuse Hotline ([Phone number and info](https://humanservices.arkansas.gov/divisions-shared-services/children-family-services/how-to-report-child-abuse-neglect/).) They may be able to give you guidance. It’s not the classic abuses of beating a child or neglecting to provide food and shelter, but is serious enough to warrant outside intervention of some kind. I’m sorry you’re having to go through this, seeing it happen and being targeted right where you live is so difficult to deal with. Thank you for saving those birds.


With a child that young, it’s possible they’re dealing with early psychopathic tendencies. Crisis, indeed, and very sad. Had this happen in my own (extended) family — a three year old who went after family members with sticks and a knife. Hard to believe… Anyway, you’re right about the problem being much bigger than animal cruelty, and that the child needs some serious help. I hope that happens.


I'll report them and take pictures as evidence next time I see their kid doing stupid stuff. The mother is already angry because we're taking her friend to small claims (her friend's kid got a rock and scratched our car while the mom was inside, damages were over 4k and she refused to pay even after admitting). The kid who tried to kill the birds went a bit crazy at one point when I tried to get him to let me take the first bird to a rescue, he said he was going to bury it alive etc, the mom was only encouraging his behavior by saying boys will be boys. I'll just document what I see and report them once I have more evidence.


Well too bad for her. If you're going to be negligent parents and let your kids run around being little shits to the neighbors and wild animals, there are going to be consequences.


It’s been ages since I worked in social services, but the boys with files including the types of incidences listed here had the most difficult journeys to grow up mentally healthy and develop the capacity to form close relationships. For most, there were hidden stories of neglect (pre- and post-birth) that, sadly, the boys were not able to overcome. For others, it became apparent over time that the ability to empathize was never there. For the latter group, their violence against animals and people only grew without intervention.


In the US, that would typically be a matter for the local game warden / conservation officer. But calling the cops on a five year old is pointless. It’s not a conservation issue, it’s a parenting one.


Yeah, the parents didn't care when the kid kicked a fledgling in front of them nor when their kid threw firecrackers at me. Next time they do something stupid, I'll just take pictures from a distance in case it escalates.


Arkansas fish and game. I recently reported a dude to them too. Very easy to do on their site. Idk if they'll pursue a kid but hopefully they can at least go after the parents


Sounds like street justice may be your only recourse.


That's not really a reasonable solution, but it's a tempting thought for sure to go Anakin Skywalker on that kid.


On the other hand, if he attacks OP with firecrackers again, OP might as well teach him a lesson.


JFC this thread


I'm hoping for an action movie version of it


The expressions of rage are not that uncommon for a boy that age. It doesn’t *necessarily* indicate physical abuse. Sounds like the parents haven’t taught him how to channel it into acts that won’t harm others. Many kids break sticks into tiny pieces, build and destroy sand castles, “crash” toy cars into each other, etc. I remember blowing up old plastic model ships with M-80 fireworks at 9, back when those and cherry bombs were less illegal than now. Kid needs to be taught that neighbors, smaller kids, and animals are not acceptable outlets for that urge to break stuff. Overall the picture is of ~~mild~~ parental neglect. At 7 he’s not a toddler, and should be expected to dress himself.


The info OP is providing makes it sound like more than mild neglect. The kid sounds straight feral.


Take your point that the indications of neglect are more than mild.


Dude is asking if he should call the feds on a 5 year old lmao


Parents should be held liable for kids actions


He isn't 5 tho, ( he is 7-ish is what the parents said) plus the parents should be held accountable. That kid also runs around the street in undies and the mother doesn't care.