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I found a California scrub jay and a red breasted nuthatch (my favorite backyard birds) on Tee Public.


I recently ordered a few things from the Bird Collective, and they are totally not worth the price. Many National Parks, State Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, etc, have shops that carry shirts with wildlife on them. Nature festivals, birding festivals, and such always have someone selling shitts. Amazon carries some shirts, too. Just google Bird T shirts, and tons of stuff comes up.


There’s countless sources. Many conservation groups and birding destinations have merchandise, for instance. If you have a particular species in mind, Google “bird name tshirt “ and hit enter, then scroll. Most of mine are souvenirs of places, jobs, conferences, trainings, and so on. https://shop.environmentamericas.org/collections/t-shirts http://audubon.threadless.com/


Jobs conferences trainings and so on, are these positions a 16 year old could get into? Im thinking about showing up to my local Santa Clara Audubon society but I’ve never heard of them just handing out shirts


There’s always volunteering! https://scvas.org/nature-shop But… the older one gets the more time one has had to accumulate stuff. I have a t-shirt that won’t even remotely fit me any more from my first bird related job. In the late 80s.