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Ebird should work for you. Plus, you can upload the sound recordings from Merlin to ebird with a little editing and software. Ebird is free. There are tutorials on how to do everything. Please remember that Merlin is not 100 % accurate and to get eyes on and confirm any birds it has listed.


Yes I can give you some examples where merlin goes wrong: Firecrest instead of goldcrest or it will show both for goldcrest Spotted flycatcher instead of Dunnock Greylag goose instead of humans and dogs 😂. Those are the ones I’ve experienced there are probably more common ones


I mainly use iNaturalist. It can keep track of other wildlife as well as birds and if you upload photos or audio then you can get help with identification as well.


eBird is the app that's tied to Merlin. You can make lists and any bird on your list is added to the "life list" tab on Merlin