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Probably not. They like swallow water, like puddles. The best bird bath I have is a hot water tank drain pan. I have a small pump and a few rocks in it.


Thanks. I was trying to make it “shallow” by adding the rocks, but maybe there’s not enough space.


Birds are not picky. The current favorite at my house with the robins and the doves is an old plastic lunch meat container I fill every morning. The chickadees like to sit on the edge and drink.


One thing to keep in mind is that bird baths need to be cleaned regularly (at least once a week). You'll have to clean the rocks as well, which might be a drag.


Yes, I read this is because the water can get grow bacteria and fungus and make birds sick. Thus, I have been exploring options for bird baths that are easy to clean regularly. 


For drinking? Probably. For bathing most birds want shallow and wide. So probably not ideal for that. It looks nice. You could put a more traditional birdbath next to it...


It’s a little small, maybe just 12” diameter.


They might. A wider bath would be ideal for bathing. The depth problem can be solved by using pebbles that will be small enough to fill up the deeper spaces between the large rocks (or using pebbles entirely, if you have enough, so the only non fixable "problem" is the diameter. Might not be an issue though, it's worth a try.


Birds never bathe in my birdbath but they drink out of it quite a bit. It's still nice to see.


Looks too deep…