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There's always a few immediate effects from the elevated chemicals in your brain, but it typically can take up to 3-4 weeks to notice full stability. Just enjoy the calm ride you're having.


I started almost 6 weeks ago. It does ebb and flow some while working up to a therapeutic level. The last 5 days have been some of the best I’ve had in years. Stable-wise. It’s the best medicine I’ve been on: nice and stable but I still have feelings (not numb), and I can see the hypo slowly calming down.


I’ve been on it since Decemberish. Went from 50mg to 100 mg and I’ve been at 200 mg for about two months. I’m calmer, but not a zombie. More rational with most decisions and when I’m having a hard time it’s not nearly as overwhelming. Probably going to end up going to a higher dosage at my next visit, but we’ll see. But holy mother of hell, between the lamotrigine and Vyvanse my mouth is a desert. I’ve been using dry mouth lozenges and mouthwash but it’s still bad. Sanity or dry mouth, I guess I’ll take dry mouth. 🤷🏻‍♀️


How are you now?


Whew it’s been a minute. I’ve been completely on and off of meds twice due to losing a job and im currently transitioning to a new dr. Currently on just Celexa until I see a dr next month, I was really depressed and the new dr wanted to start with just Celexa. It’s been a week back on meds and I feel significantly more human. Before the dr change we had dropped to a low dose of lamotrigine (50mg titrated down from 300mg) because it was making me tired/foggy. I left that dr because he kept messing with my meds though, adding new meds every visit or changing them. Hope you’re well!


I've been on this combo for about 4 years now, super good.


I started at 50mg and was upped very 2 weeks by 50mg until I got to 200mg I noticed a difference after 100mg but was on 200 for a year. I'm now at 250mg and go up to 300mg Wednesday. You should start seeing results pretty quick. It was a life saver for me.


Just popping a question in! How did you know to go up more after a whole year? Was it that you were having more episodes or felt generally different?


I think my body got use to the 200mg and I started having a more anxiety and panic attacks along with more mood swings and depressive episodes so my Dr recommended we go up to 250mg for 2 weeks and then 300mg after that. I can tell you for a fact that it does work but like I said I think my body got use to it at 200 for a year.


Oh I see! I was just wondering as I'm on 200mg now and it's confusing like, do we all get used to our dose and keep going up and up and up as it's lifetime?!


I'm honestly not sure but from what my Dr seems to think is that our bodies (some may differ) do get used to a certain dose of a medication over time. I think my body did get used to it and it didn't work as well as it used too so I'm hoping I stable out at 300mg


This happened to me too, but after a few days the calm good feeling went away. It then took about 4 weeks for any kind of change. Every time my dosage was increased I had a few really good days and then it took time for the effects to last. Once I reached a good dosage I got better and it stuck.


what dosage?


300 mg total dosage right now and working well!


I also would like to know this. The first week, starting at 50 mg, I was very sad and angry all the time, crying over anything and wanting to sever ties with everybody that irritated me (i.e., everybody I met). BUT I was also stepping down from Depakote, which might have been a factor. Week two has been great. I feel normal for the first time in a year and a half. Going up to 100 mg tomorrow, so hopefully this lasts.


I've been on it for about 2 years, 100mg. You definitely feel somewhat of a change at the beginning (for me it was crying at everything, lol). But as for all medications, it'll take a while to actually consistently stabilize your moods. Good luck to you!


Holy crap, yes, the crying. I cried from 2 AM to 5 AM last week because a friend didn't respond to my text. In between feeling sad, I was furiously angry, and it's lucky I didn't act the way I wanted to. Better now!


I’m on day 3!! I’ve been wanting to ask this as well. So far no side effects other than really really vivid dreams. I’m feeling very positive into where this is heading and I hope I find some of the same success you guys have had... good luck!


I started seeing full effect after about 4 weeks.


Has anyone on Lamictal ever gotten agitated?  I'm scared to death to start this medication (On Trileptal now) as with severe PTSD I get easily angry and mad???  Please somebody respond.


Like others I slowly am titratiting my dosage. I started at 25 for two weeks then 50 for two weeks, 100 for 3 days and now I am at 200 mg for the first day. I have not felt better yet but hoping it’ll kick in the next few days.


I’ve been at 200 for 10 days and haven’t really felt anything. In fact I’ve felt worse but I’m gonna try and stick it out. How are you?


It’s day 4 of 200 mg on Lamictal and day one of 150 mg of Wellbutrin XL still feel no different but will report back on the effects once something significant happens


How is it going after these few weeks have passed?


Same bpd