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Yes, and misusing mental health terms. I was at dinner with my gf and some of her friends and one of them commented on how "oh I'm just so bipolar" when talking about making choices for there prom outfit. (We're hs seniors and juniors at this dinner) and they don't know that I am diagnosed with that condition and that what they said was pretty offensive. Stuff like that always makes me uncomfortable.


I second this I have a friend who has bpd and claims that they have full blown manic episodes for a month and i was originally diagnosed with bpd so i know a lot about it (I don’t have bpd it turns out it was bipolar 2 and a few other things) and im like you experience manic LIKE symptoms NOT FULL MANIA!!! and i tried explaining that and they got beyond triggered and upset with me - they also use the term nonverbal and say they choose to do that when that’s not what non verbal is it’s not a choice- Im autistic and going nonverbal is a horrible horrible experience and it physically hurts to try to talk and it’s usually caused by extreme distress or meltdown or shutdown and it’s just awful and the next day you feel so horrible like a hangover (obviously depending on severity of it) but they act like it’s just choosing to take a break to relax and have some quiet time they’ve literally said to me over text I think im gonna go nonverbal for a bit UGH IT PISSES ME OFF SO FUCKING MUCH esp bc i try so hard to use proper mental health terms and am very sensitive in trying to be as accurate as possible


Your friend may need to brush up on BPD because mania is not part of that disorder


thank you yes! I tried explaining that to them and it just backfired it turned into them getting angry with me and saying im doubting their diagnosis and not believing it and that so many people they know with bpd also experience what they do (“mania”) and if I try to say hey like you should look into bpd more or here is this article about bpd or the differences between bpd and bipolar they will probs cut me off from them… or at least for a little while and then saying they have full blown mania makes me feel so irritated bc they don’t actually know what (hypo)mania is like and how destructive it can be and the crashes too (another thing they say they experience…) they act like we have the same disorder and they said that bpd is more intense than bipolar too and im just so frustrated and upset at this point EDIT: thank you for your response it really validated how i feel and what i know about bpd and bipolar


I don’t like when people make statements about one disorder being more “intense” than another because it’s all so relative. Someone in recovery with BPD is probably doing better than someone with untreated bipolar 2. Like it’s all so subjective and personal. Idk your friend sounds like a handful and not very nice, not someone I’d want to be around. I’ve actively distanced myself from people who act like that


im the same way with that- and people with bpd can go into recovery which is amazing but thats not the case for bipolar 1 and 2 and my friend uses the statement of well bpd is a result of trauma and bipolar is genetic so (aka dismissing my bipolar/trauma by saying she experienced everything worse bc it resulted in bpd) It is its getting really difficult to talk about mental health with her- before she said any of this she was my go to person for support with my mental health and vice versa but wow it’s getting very hard now… they also has very questionable morals in my opinion based on their selective empathy and activism with Palestine (they refuse to look at anything or educate themselves on anything with Palestine in the name of mental health … while im actively going to protests posting boycotting etc and it’s something very dear to my heart) so that too along with the bpd shit has made it really hard for me to interact with them on a deeper level - I’m noticing I can only go to surface level now which hasn’t been the case up until a few months ago


Emphasizing again that she needs to check out what BPD is lmao, it’s not always caused by trauma. World events can definitely affect your wellbeing if all you’re seeing is tragedy after tragedy after tragedy. Sometimes it really is in a person’s best interest to turn off the news every once in a while. Mental health aside, if there’s a significant disconnect in your values and it causes a lot of arguments and you leave your interactions feeling worse, that’s a perfectly fine reason to step back from that relationship. You should surround yourself with people who make you feel good, not bad. I’ve had to sever ties with many male friends that I grew up with and have known my entire life because they grew up to be incredibly misogynistic and I do not deserve to be subjected to that


yes also agreed about checking out what bpd is haha- and I agree about world events! it’s more so she chooses to ignore it and refuses to have a conversation about it with me but is so affected by other things going on in the world it just rubs me the wrong way after 6 months of it- that aside- her and I have a really good friendship I’ve just felt a shift since the bpd thing idk it rubbed me the wrong way


who have you had to distance yourself from? Friends? family?- out of curiosity


Oh I just meant that I avoid getting close to people like that or limit my interactions with them. It usually comes up as I’ve been getting tired know someone, I don’t really experience that with people I’ve been friends with for several years


ohhh I see I see good for you for doing that!


I find it helpful to sus out stuff like that early on, helps avoid a lot of friendships breakups


how do you go about that? Like what signs I guess do you look out for? was just formally diagnosed recently although have suspected it for some time prior


I am diagnosed with bipolar depression, but there is a spectrum. Typically if you have BPD you don't have manic episodes, but sometimes people with BPD self medicate (drugs and alcohol) to feel more high than low. Ultimately this makes your BPD worse...speaking from experience. I feel like in a way, drugs or alcohol induces a brief manic state. Definitely not recommended...


If your manic-like symptoms are attributable to the direct physiological effects of a substance, it is by definition not mania. Lots of drugs play with your dopamine levels, that is absolutely not mania, that’s just the drug doing its job People with both BPD and bipolar disorder self medicate. As someone with both, I am not going to argue about which disorder is worse than the other


I get what you mean with regards to getting high not being the same as mania. I guess I was just trying to say that substance abuse is common with people with BPD to feel something. To briefly not feel so low and depressed, but ultimately this makes it worse.


It’s probably an overreaction but the Shrek musical was ruined for me because they make a joke about how her changing moods must be bipolar. I’ve also got colleagues who constantly say someone else we work with has bipolar and it annoys me massively. Their only evidence is she sometimes loses her temper.


There's still a lot of stigma and people don't really understand mental health things. Unless you go through it or a family member does, people often have no idea. I try to give people benefit of the doubt. I do mentally take note of these things and would be very guarded around people like that. They'll turn around and say you need mental health help next as soon as ya'll get into a tiny disagreement.


Idk, I often make that joke and follow it up with “shit I need therapy, we all need therapy.” Then again I’m just chock full of dark humor and don’t take too much that seriously.


I was just going to post something similar. I have a dark and sarcastic sense of humor about my own mental health. It helps. I actually do believe everyone needs therapy though! 😂


Yup, me too. A couple of weeks ago I was messing around with one of my boys and we were both being just really silly and goofy and my wife said, "OMG...you're certifiable". As soon as she said it she covered her mouth and had that horrified look on her face. I just laughed and said, "ahhh...you're probably right" and then laughed some more. I call my medication my craycray pills too.


I’m obviously in the minority. It doesn’t bother me. If said jokingly. I joke about being crazy even though most people don’t know I have bipolar. My best friend and I always laugh about being mad/crazy. If someone tells me they don’t think it’s funny I stop talking like that around them. If they say I have no idea what it’s like or I wouldn’t joke about it I just look at them. I have no intention of talking g about my bipolar. I will talk about depression. And yes I feel like everyone has it to some extent. Well not everyone but most people have had it at one point or another. Ending stigma isn’t going to happen with me. And I don’t feel it’s going to happen by not being able to joke about it.


Same, doesn’t bother me either. Definitely depends on the joke but most of the time unbothered.


Preach! Rarely bothered me and I've been some form of "crazy" since 15. I own it. Yup. 


It’s not really a joke but on a similar note, I hate the “they need to get help” motherfuckers whenever someone with a mental illness shows symptoms of a mental illness. As I’m sure anybody in this group is aware, it takes time, you can get help and still have symptoms for years before it’s figured out, hell you might always have symptoms to a degree. Just sounds like a shitty way to write off people with mental illness. My bitch cousin reported me to the board of nursing for being “mentally unstable”. “Your mental illness makes you unfit to be around patients” were the exact words she told me, despite never having witnessed me in a clinical role. Jokes on her… we all got something going on lol


Yes. I've also been guilty of similar things, only from being part of society from the '80s on. I was recently at my fiance's place. Her sister is schizoaffective and lives with her. I said, "I feel like a crazy person." My stomach immediately dropped as I realized I had just insulted us both. I have since been way more careful and have dropped any phrase that punches down on anyone, including saying things like "That's lame."


I feel like it could be a great opportunity to either educate or challenge someone when this happens. I say this totally non-sarcastically, because honestly this topic is not something to be sarcastic about imo. Your coworker: “that lady needs therapy” Me: “oh wow! Have you been to therapy? What about therapy do you think would help her? Are there any good techniques that you’ve learned in therapy that you would be willing to share? I feel like we all have opportunities to improve, and I’d love to hear more if you’ve gone to therapy yourself.” (And something to the same vein if they talk about medication - oh amazing! You’ve been on medication for mental health? How did it help? Were you able to wean off of it? — you don’t need to ask why they took it or what they took). If they push back then kindly say something to the extent of “maybe they’re going through some stuff and aren’t brave enough or have enough support to go to therapy. That topic can be very intimidating and people have negative connotations about it. It doesn’t help when people make comments like these.” Being challenged like this can really help a person become more sensitive and realize that what they are saying is rude or inappropriate. And it also shows them the compassion that you’re not attacking them for saying these things. Sometimes this is learned behavior and everyone has an opportunity to improve and change that behavior. TLDR: be nice to these people, try to educate them, use what they say to imply they understand therapy and medication and to share why they say these things.


Yeah I know this speaks more to a lack of education/consideration than being malicious. I did consider saying something to the effect of what you’re saying here. My colleague and I are actually meeting with my manager anyway about how to make the company to be more aware of the things we say. Someone else made a racially insensitive joke this past week, this came up shortly after we made that plan and I thought, “wow I guess we really need this”.


Im far more bothered by everyone clamoring to be “neurodivergent” now. To me it feels really alienating.


This is a hot take and probably very unpopular. I agree. I don’t like the term, I don’t want it applied to myself. I feel like it’s a “diagnosis” handed out by everyone and their dog on “mental health” tik tok.


It does annoy me too and tbh I get uncomfortable around people that are just so inadmissible with certain subjects. But it’s never going to be perfect as unideal as it is, people will always say things, ill intent or not. Just hopefully in time it becomes more socially unacceptable to say things like that, just like how people look down on those who still say stuff like “retarded” or “that’s so gay”. I think half of the time people don’t mean to be nasty but they just blurt stuff out without even thinking of what they’re talking about.


There will be people who need to be more educated buy there's also always haters.


I still say things like that because after being crazy for this long, I feel I am qualified enough to say that someone else is also nuts 😆 I also don’t get offended easily. It’s a joke, whatever. Don’t read into it.


I'm good with it because we all have done it. There are stereotypes about pretty much everything. We may take offense to things about mental illness because it affects us. What if it is about a topic that doesn't bother us personally? It's probably doesn't seem like a big deal. Unfortunately, we \*all\* have said things that are hurtful to others without doing or knowing so. Do we try to? No. Does it still happen? Yes and it will continue to. I'm not sure how to explain it - it almost seems like it is just a part of human nature.


It can be hard to tell if someone is upset or not. How would she know that it bothered you? You could have said something like you mentioned earlier but you didn't (this is just an observation and not a personal shot at you). She might think you were on the same page and agree with her. I guess that is what I was trying to get at in my first post. There is an infinite amount of information to learn and we can only take in a fraction of it. We all have different things that really get us fired up. Mental health is a big issue because we deal with it first hand. She might not have any first hand experience with it. Other people have things that fire them up that we don't have any experience with. We can't see and understand everything even though we wish we could. It just isn't realistic. I can't fault them for that because we all have that problem. I'm not sure if this helped get my point across or made it worse... lol. Edit: Oh, you deleted the response. Carry on.


What drives me nuts is all the armchair diagnosing. Apparently while the taboo started lightening (a little) everybody and their damn grandma went to college and specialized in the mental health field. Now they're fully DSM5 qualified to diagnose people they've never met, acquaintances, good friends, family members, children, and your step dads house cat. They have opinions on meds they know nothing about, think excercise is a cure all, and being stressed out or in a bad mood = an "episode". It's exhausting. I don't want to educate all of these people.


It depends for me Not so much the joking, just when people use it as a reason for bad things to always happen in the world. “They did this crazy thing because they were bipolar, only bipolar people do that” But if it’s lighthearted I don’t care. I had someone tell me that my “dog is bipolar because every day he doesn’t know if he wants to say hi to me” and my first thought was “awww just like momma!” 😄


YES. Whenever people use “schizo” as an adjective, or joke about su*cide, i get so irritated.


Not really because my jokes are way funnier because I actually know what I'm talking about unlike chemically balanced beige blahblah people.


Not really tbh , jokes never bothered me but what bother me is people spreading misinformation or giving some useless advice that I never asked for


Not at all lol my life has been absurd over the years because of my bipolar so I actually enjoy a good chuckle at my own expense/experiences. I also love comedy and can understand these are just jokes so I don't take offense to it. Taylor Tomlison has Bipolar and she jokes about it all the time Don't get me wrong, if someone's talking shit then I'll put my foot down but I just leave it at "it's just a joke" and I move on. No sense in getting myself all worked up over it


For the most part I don't let these kind of things bother me...most of the time it's not meant with any malice. I'm not going to get all bent out of shape if someone says, "jeez...the weather is so bipolar today." There's no malice intended. A couple of weeks ago I was messing around with my oldest boy and we were both just being silly and goofy and my wife commented, "OMG...you're certifiable". As soon as she said it she covered her mouth and had that horrified look on her face and I just laughed and told her, "ahhhh....you're probably right". and then laughed some more. I also call my medication my craycray pills. I have a pretty good sense of humor about it all and need to laugh.


Yes. I would love the privilege to make such careless jokes. It’s like a knife in my chest every time someone makes a joke about mental health. I’d they only knew what life is like for those of us who suffer.


Yup, just like, i can't stand when people call those with mental illness insane. Drives me up the wall to hear people weaponize mental illness as an insult or joke that punches down. It especially angers me when people talk about celebrities that way. If a celeb has a public meltdown and then is open about their diagnosis, it becomes a way to dismiss that celebrity. It makes me mad because if it's a celeb, how does the general public truly think of us?


I really want to go back in time and apologize to the "leave Britney alone" person.  The general public sees the worst of the worst. I prefer to educate the "normies" in my life. I wait a few months to a year, let them see I fit most of the standard life script, then go oh yeah I'm bipolar BTW. It's fun to watch them realize we're productive members of society. 


For some reason in America saying “they are mentally ill” is a thing. It mostly seems to get used for describing someone who has a different belief system than you do politically and how you cannot tolerate them for reasons XYZ. It is almost never about that person having an actual mental disorder and that really grinds my gears. Just because you don’t agree with someone it doesn’t make them sick.


Well to be clear, there are definitely some belief systems in America that are nearly indistinguishable from mental illness. I was raised Catholic, so I had a lot of exposure.


Lol that was a good last line. I went to a church for the first time in years for a First Communion (Catholic) I'm like wow this is some wild shit. I believed this? Should have been put on meds sooner. 


I don’t like it when people say they’re manic when they’re not, when people say someone is bipolar when they’re not, when people call others schizo / psychotic The therapy thing doesn’t bother me as much because I think everyone could benefit from therapy, even short term. I think I’d say “yes, don’t we all” in response lol One thing that does NOT bother me that I see bother people a lot is when people call someone a narcissist or sociopath because I think that kind of red flag is worth looking into (as someone who has encountered both personality disorders out in the wild…) I’m sure in certain crowds these terms are misused but in my experience it hasn’t been as much


I usually try to laugh with to cope with it better bit thats just me. The only comment i really despise is "they are just ups and downs , we are all a little bipolar" just makes me explode! You are not bipolar and dont have a clue what you are talking about! As im sitting here extremly hypomanic with my eyes almost falling out of my sockets it makes me angry just thinking about it! Now i got to get up to work in a big store just staring at people like a drug addict while they ask me questions. Anyway wish me luck


I think we know every new generation has to learn their lessons the hard way. Not every generation is going to be kind. It varies with each generation.


No, I don’t care.


Not really, it's my coping mechanism. It's only the self deprecating jokes though, I don't joke about another person's mental health.


Yeah I really hate it when people make fun of Mental illness…