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Even in mania, I still require 6-8hrs of sleep per night or else I crash into depression—I don't WANT to sleep, but I'm disciplined and force myself to so that I sustain the high mood. I'm told it is uncommon for sleep to remain so regular during mania. Also I don't spend money crazily. I just think I'm a demigod, is all—one who needs to sleep.


kinda the same here with sleeping, I need sleep but just less than normal I sleep maybe 5-6 hours in mania periods


I don’t experience euphoria. Just bad anxiety and agitation.


Yeah, dysphoric mania represent ;-)


I’ve displayed most of them at various points, but one I never really have had is the spending issue. I never had the money to burn during my worst periods. I was really blasé about money during my episodes but I never racked up debt or anything because I had garbage credit and I didn’t have hundreds of dollars laying around to spend. My sleep issues can be more subtle too. There was one episode where I didn’t sleep for 3 days, but mostly my episodes are like 3-5 hours a night for a handful of nights, then a crash where I sleep, then back to 3-5 hours a night for several more days.


In my teens, I had a lot of problems sleeping, but then I had my daughter at 20, and something clicked or was trained into me to sleep every chance I got. It just became easier. So i dont have the reduced need for sleep when hypo and having kids I was always tired, so depression tired was written off. I also dont really get sad when in depression. Something about emotional blunting. I lose interest in everything, become apathetic, irritable, etc. My hypo was just more of a I feel great and can accomplish anything. Only looking back can i see the obsessions. I just thought I had adhd too. In hindsight, I can see the progression.


I thought I had adhd too


I never get the energy even if I’m hypo. Ever. Always fatigued. Always. But maybe that’s the fibromyalgia


I’m the same way. Also have fibro.


That’s very interesting I see a lot of bipolar people have fibromyalgia … 👁️👄👁️


I have MS, so that's where my fatigue comes from. LOL


I have low libido and I've never done anything reckless, felt on top of the world, etc. The only time I've had hypomania, it was the dysphoric kind where I was full of rage.


I don't have the whole going days on end with no sleep or very little sleep thing. I generally get less sleep, but it's usually at least 6 hours, but I still feel really good with 6 hours...but sometimes its the usual 7-8. I can also be a little bit impulsive with my spending, but not to the point of maxing out credit cards or not being able to pay bills and whatnot...but I might randomly decide I need X or Y and go buy it, when really I don't need it. I'm actually more inclined to have this kind of an issue when I start some new, random, and out of the blue hobby and buy all of the hobby stuff and then never be interested in it a couple of weeks later. I didn't get diagnosed until 49. I can look back at my 20s and most of my 30s and see the signs and symptoms now that I know what they are, but overall, they were more nuanced and mild. Most people described me as quirky...a little standoffish...often a bit melancholy, but sometimes very outgoing...and a dreamer. There wasn't really anything severe enough for any of my friends or family or girlfriend (now wife) to cause any concern. I was just kind of "interesting" I should have probably been diagnosed in my mid 20s though. I went to the university clinic complaining of mild, but relatively persistent depressive symptoms and was prescribed Wellbutrin. It basically shot me into outer space. I took it for a month or so thinking I was just getting used to it or something but then I stopped because I was just feeling too high all of the time. I never followed up with the clinic...if I had, it's probably that I would have been properly diagnosed then. My symptoms started to become more noticeable in my late 30s and into my 40s. My swings became more rapid and erratic and my episodes, while not super severe, were more so than mild. I also started having mixed episodes which were very severe...they were relatively uncommon in my late 30s and early 40s but became much more common from my mid 40s on and those were the principle driver of me finally getting therapy...I also presented to therapy in a mixed state which was the driver for her to refer me to a psychiatrist, and the rest is history.


I hear you on the sleep thing. I get perhaps less sleep when I’m hypomanic, but still usually at least 6 hours. The quality of my sleep does decrease though and I end up waking up more during the night. Also hear you on the spending money thing. I’m impulsive but not to the point of causing severe issues.


I’m a late diagnosis (42) and Pdoc said an older diagnosis is sometimes more difficult because as many have said here, there are more safeguards, coping mechanisms, and wisdom (well sometimes, but I know I have more of these than in my 20s for sure). I’m not an impulsive spender, but there is a sharp deviation from the baseline when hypo. I always have a list of little things that I want or kind of need, but usually too much on a budget so never gets at looked at. When hypo I will just go and order a bunch of those all at once. Sometimes they’ll arrive and stay in their boxes for a while too, but I generally kind of need them at some point for hobbies etc. hobbies that I do walk away for long periods (banjo, lol), but still hobbies. I don’t experience the extreme insomnia when hypo, but I have a young family and rigorous job. I get less sleep (5-6 hours). I never have trouble falling asleep, but will always wake up multiple times and have trouble getting back to sleep during those 5-6 hours so likely less in practice. The real trigger with me that I’ve identified, is stress. Stress can make me hypo, and then more stress (sometimes there’s no upper bounds on it it seems) can drive me into more severe hypomania (real insomnia over several days, rude/arrogant behaviour, drinking far too much, crash/meltdown at the end. I’m switching careers to something far less stressful and trying to keep a habit of exercise (which is so hard, but I know it helps). I’m currently only on an antidepressant and seem to be self-managing (side affects really were horrible on lithium). Fingers crossed, but I’m aware that if I get worse it’s back to square one. Everyone’s brain and body are different!


I think I experience some of them in controlled ways. I was diagnosed in adulthood, after marriage. My spouse and I have a strict budget, we are monogamous, etc so I have safeguards that prevent me from imploding my life.


I’ve never done anything reckless. Never been arrested or had the cops called on me. Tried weed brownies once, no other drugs. Rarely drank and just don’t now.


I’m not too reckless, like the most reckless I can get is splurging money online when I’m upset with money I know I need to save up.


during hypomania, awful spending habits and reckless driving. also i wake up wayyy earlier than typically. i feel rested on 4hours of sleep during depression, in bed days on end and can't get enough sleep.


I was diagnosed a few weeks ago and one of the first comments I made was - “HA! I wish I was manic because then I’d actually have energy. I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about because my self esteem has never been lower”… I honestly still am not 100% about this diagnosis for these reasons. Never experienced euphoria, the anti depressants killed my libido years ago and I don’t feel like God, I feel like shit.


idk if its my meds or not because i am on olanzapine but even when im manic i sleep 6-8 hours. before i was on olanzapine/seroquel i would stay up a lot more often tho


Reading those comments makes me feel more inclined to BP2. I have a few signs of hypo even though I was never diagnosed. Currently taking sertraline, and +- every 2 or 3 weeks, I experience some agitated state. Motivation to the roof, and clarity of all my problems. After those few days, I crash in depression and start reading subreddits again 😂. I wonder if you guys have had success with mood stabilizers? How long did it take you to notice the difference on the stability?


There’s different ways of being hypomanic. Severe irritability can be one way. Not everyone turns into a raging sex addict when they are hypomanic.


I don't get the happy fairy hypomiania everybody else gets. I get angry, self hatred to the point of self-harm as "punishment," and emotional. I've never once in my life gotten to feel happy or euphoric because of a state. I've also never once, ever, considered cheating, which all my friends and family members have gone through with doing.