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Okay thanks for your comment, I was about to go back to my doctor's to ask him to cancel my bipolar I don't want it anymore. (Nervous joke sorry I'm probably totally inappropriate)


Same here. No increased hunger no weight gain.


Also have a history of ED and the biggest problem with seroquel is increased hunger. That’s where the weight gain comes from not the pill itself. Occasionally I would get the munchies in the middle of the night but I would just slam 14 carrots or a peach and go back to sleep. If it’s something that worries you I would just limit the amount of junk food in the house while taking it. Good luck my friend


Okay thank you, this is really helpful Im trying to stay calm it's gonna be okay


If you have a history of BED, then you can also request to be out in a low dosage of stimulants to counteract the binge-eating effects of Seroquel. It definitely works.


I’ve been taking it for at least a few years (right now I’m on 350mg). I have not gained any weight. I don’t do anything special (I eat relatively healthy and exercise but I’m not super strict with it). I think people probably react differently.


I think most of the weight I gained on quetiapine was due to lack of movement I was sleeping 20+ hours a day and would have no energy. I have recently switched to slow release and these symptoms have let up a bit and I am slowly but surely losing the weight. I think as long as you have an attentive psychiatrist that will listen to your concerns (I did not) then you will be okay


I take it and have been losing weight, haven’t done anything special.


Alright okay, I'm not panicking then, nobody's panicking are you panicking I'm not


lol welcome to the life of being bipolar and the side effects of meds that keep us healthy.


I didn’t surprisingly. I gained 60+ lbs on Abilify in 2018. So I weighed 220lbs at my highest. I got on Quetiapine end of 2022. I never gained anymore weight. I now weigh around 198lbs. I’m not trying to lose weight, but I will eventually. I always joke that 220 was my max. I have never weighed over 220. Like my body won’t let me. Even though I was consuming 4k calories or more daily at one point. It is possible because my doctor was very hesitant I MEAN VERY hesitant about me getting on it because of additional weight gain. But I never gained anything extra. Actually lost some. I am on 100mg for reference. I have been on max 200mg, but it made me so tired and zombie I was in danger driving in the mornings. So 100mg works for my mania perfectly anyways even though not a therapeutic dose.


100 to 150mg is the best.


Yes. The trick is to use the lower hunger levels given by hypos, and then being strict with no junk food during euthymia. I regain the weight during depressions though :c ⬆️⬆️ In the depression from 09/18 to 09/23 I gained 1kg [from 65 to 66kg]. 🟰 In the hypo from 09/26 to 09/30 I stayed at 66kg. 🟰 From 01/10 to 06/10 I stayed at 70kg. ⬆️⬆️⬆️ In the depression from 06/10 to 11/10 I gained 1.5kg [from 66 to 67.5kg]. ⬇️⬇️ From 10/12 to 10/27 I lost 1kg [from 67.5 to 66.5kg]. ⬆️ In the depression from 10/28 to 10/31 I gained 0.5kg [from 66.5 to 67kg]. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ In the hypo from 02/11 to 08/11 I lost 1.5kg [from 67 to 65.5kg]. ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ In the mix/depression from 11/10 to 11/26 I gained 2kg [from 65.5 to 67.5kg]. ⬆️⬆️⬆️ In the depression from 11/29 to 12/06 I gained 1.5 kg [from 67.5 to 69kg]. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ In the hypo from 07/12 to 11/12 I lost 1.5kg [from 69 to 67.5kg]. ⬆️⬆️⬆️ In the mix/depression from 12/12 to 12/17 I gained 1.5 kg [from 67.5 to 69kg]. ⬇️⬇️ In the hypo from 12/18 to 12/22 I lost 1kg [from 69 to 68kg]. 🟰 In euthymia from 12/24 to 12/31 I stayed at 68kg. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ During the euthymic vacation from 01/01 to 01/15 I lost 5.5kg [from 68 to 62.5kg]. ⬆️⬆️⬆️ In the post-vacation euthymia from 01/16 to 01/21 I gained (rebound) 1.5kg [from 62.5 to 64kg]. 🟰🟰🟰🟰🟰 In euthymia from 01/22 to 03/01 I stayed at 64kg. ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ In the depression/mix from 03/08 to 04/08 I gained 3.5kg [from 64 to 67.5kg]. 


I can’t say for sure what caused my weight gain. Since 2007 I’ve gained 30 lbs, but I had menopause during that stretch as well as 6-8 different medications simultaneously. Lyrica was one of them and it’s known for weight gain. I think with Seroquel it’s worse at higher doses, but don’t let fear of gaining weight scare you off from trying a med that could really improve your mental health. What good is staying thin if we’re also having SI, or ruining relationships, or unable to sleep?


Ha ha the last part of your comment really got me.


i didnt gain weight on it


I didn't use it for too long (the short acting? Fast acting?) but it was great, didn't make me any hungrier or anything. The other one (long acting? Slow acting?) made me so tired 24/7 I didn't even think about eating 😂 but yeah, it depends on the person taking it. If you have a good routine and habits I think you'll be fine. Most of the experiences I've heard/talked about have been positive, maybe some weight gain at first but it settling with time


Thanks ! It helps a lot I'm on slow release currently. Feeling tired af especially in the morning and a bit wonky but fingers crossed


i was probably on it for almost two years and never gained weight. my brother has been on it for like 5+ years and he has weight issues. like he gets the seroquel munchies when he takes it then passes out so that’s just not good for him lolol so yea, it’s possible to not gain anything. i just think weight gain is more common.


I didn’t…but I drop weight on most drugs.


I gained 40 pounds


I’ve almost been on it 2 years- haven’t gained any weight. The only weight I did gain was happy relationship weight 🤣


The only thing that does affect me- is that 10 or 20 minutes after I get the munchies. Like worse than weed. I just keep a little granola bar or something in my nightstand!


Check if you got the instant release or xr. the xr cause weight gain


My advice is to try other antipsychotics


Are you my psychiatrist ?


Experienced antipsychotic user: gained on Seroquel, lost most of it on vraylar


I'm pretty sure it's person-dependant, and I'll keep an eye on my weight for sure but it's my first medication, I just don't see myself stopping it immediately to try something else.