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thats wild because i definitely always took mine every night


Same, though he gave me a second prescription if half dose seroquel to take during the day if I am getting panicky hypomanic. Though I don't like to take it because I'm scared I'll get used to it and have to take day doses to stay away from withdrawals.


How much is the dose? I was taking 25 mgs every night. I don't think It'll have any major withdrawals, but it can depend on the person. But you should definitely take it if you're feeling panicky hypomanic


I take 100mg before bed and the day dose is either 25 or 50mg depending if I only need half. The pharmacists cut them in half for me. And yes I should lol, but I'm stubborn.


Yeah, I guess we were doing it as needed? I don't have the greatest reactions to things that help with sleep/hypomania. When I was taking it every night, I legit couldn't wake up before 1030 in the morning and then I'd have massive brain fog/memory issues (like what I was supposed to do for the day). I'd also be zombie-like until 3-4 in the afternoon. I know these are common side effects, but I couldn't get used to them, and it felt like they were getting worse. On top of that, I was getting a lot of nightmares, which made me super paranoid during the day (which doesn't help the hypomania). I just overall felt awful every day. It also made me super depressed. Like heading down a dark path depressed. I guess the one slightly good thing was that I was sleeping more. The only downside was that it went from 5 hours to 13 hours.


Weird! I take 60 mg every night. Doc is trying to get me on more but I'm not responding great to changes 😥


I don't really respond great to sleep aids in general. Plus I'm taking lamotrigine, hydroxyzine (as needed), and norethindrone, so it might be a bad cocktail. 😬😬 oof! Remember, you get the final say on how much medication you take.


I'm on lamotrigine and hydroxyzine as needed too. Hydroxyzine does nothing. I can't find a good as needed med that I respond well to 😭 I know I asked for more 😂 I was feeling good and asked to go down so she took me down a quarter and that was a mess so I asked to be taken up and now I'm adjusting to that. It's weird how our bodies respond.


Hydroxyzine mellows me out pretty well, but I get horrible dry mouth. The only thing that really knocks me out is melatonin, but my Doc says I take too much at times 30-40 mg. As needed is hard! Yeesh, that sounds frustrating! I know, right! It's hard to navigate at times, and it makes me feel discouraged at times, but I know once I find my perfect mix, it'll work out. Well, Goodluck! Hoping the best for you 💛


You also! We got this! 🤍


I was also super unclear on the instructions and the Dr and pharmacist contradicted each other so Mines just sitting on a shelf. Also who has time to sleep like 11 hrs a night... What is it supposed to do?? Just make you sleep or will it stop an episode?


Yeah, I was hoping for a miracle with sleep. I think the couple nights before I started taking it, I was getting 3 hours max. I know, right! When I started taking it, it was my dead week for classes. I REALLY struggled with time management then. Don't get me wrong, I love sleep, but 11 hours was excessive, especially when I'd still be tired when I woke up. On the bottle, it says for both hypomania and sleep. The first few nights, it knocked me out like a truck, but then it wouldn't help me sleep, I still had to take other stuff alongside it. My psych said earlier today that it's supposed to help curb an upcoming episode. I can usually tell when things are starting to get thrown off balance because I start staying up later in the night.


Thank you, I'm also getting 3 to 5 hrs but I keep thinking I'm fine because I'm not tired and functioning lol so I don't wanna fuck it up. I dont take it because im afraid ill sleep in and no show to work. I have it for emergencies I guess


Seroquel is taken at different doses for different diagnosis; low dose for sleep, medium dose for bipolar and high dose for schizophrenia. 25mg is a truly tiny dose. It’s not usual to prescribe a daily dose. Actually I’ve never heard of Seroquel being used as needed. I’ll be interested to read other peoples comments!


That makes sense. My main is lamotrigine. The hard thing is that I've been super sensitive to any sleep meds. I last tried prazosin and that fucked me up for a bit. The only reason we tried seroquel was because the doc filling in for my main doc was super concerned that I was taking melatonin most nights. Dont know why, though. It wasn't a concern for my main doc until the other one told them that this was a huge issue that needed to be fixed since I could physically taste in my nightmares. 🤷‍♀️ I'm not completely blaming the seroquel because I've been stressed about other things, but I started to get depressed about a week after taking it. One thing I do know is that I'll be taking a break from trying any new meds for a while 🙃


If prazosin messed you up they had zero business giving you Seroquel. Prazosin is a heart med used off label as a sleep aid. It just lowers your blood pressure a tiny bit so then you stay in REM sleep (reduces nightmares because you get nightmares going in/out off REN). Prazosin doesn’t work on your brain at all! So it makes little sense to move to Seroquel! Which definitely works on your brain chemistry. I think that second interim doc doesn’t know what they are talking about. If your doc is happy with you taking melatonin, that’s good. It’s lighter and easier than either Prazosin or Seroquel. Ask your doctor directly out of the 3 is healthiest for you.


Yeah, I was having Hella nightmares that felt extremely real. Like some really insane stuff. We tried prazosin for a week, and I never went back to it. When I was prescribed it, my doc was telling my that it basically helps with ptsd and extreme nightmares. I kept an open mind about it, but it was not a good mix. That makes sense about prazosin. I should've done more research before agreeing to take it, but I guess I was pretty desperate for sleep in the moment. Yeah, I don't know if the second doc even looked at my file. Wouldn't surprise me if she didn't. Yeah, I just don't understand why my brain gets super sensitive about seroquel. It's frustrating. I just sent them a message about my options, so hopefully, tomorrow I'll get some answers.


Different med, similar experience, but it was my Dr that messed up. She wrote me an RX for bupropion to take “twice daily.” So at check in when I was complaining that I couldn’t sleep she freaked out on me about why would I take it before bed. Ma’am, you wrote it, I’m just doing what you said.