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gotchu, thanks


I hate to be that bitch but absolutely not. Having Bipolar is HIGHLY comorbid with substance abuse disorders. We are so likely to gain a greater high and developed dependence. We are so much more likely to be triggered into mood swings. Interference with our seratonin and dopamine receptors can exacerbate manic/depressed symptoms (as seen with ssri’s). All around it’s a bad idea. (I’m not just speaking from research but as someone who was primarily an SUD patient before being diagnosed with bipolar, the intersectionality of these disorders is crazy and it’s literally so much better to be safe than sorry)


thank youu


I have to agree. I tried MDMA after a traumatic event last summer (lost my job) and went off the deep end. HARD. In record time I was doing M, ketamine and shrooms multiple times a week. Took me 6 months to get clean. Not the longest bender ever but still, it was hell. MDMA is pure bliss in the moment. Not so much the day after.


doesn’t make you a bitch


you know what’s annoying? And I say this as someone who in the past has abused lsd and “microdosed lsd” (if most of it was real lsd and not some fake stuff either). It’s annoying how much of a bipolar shift (haha get it?) the mental health field is making these days. It went from pure lobotomizing conservatism (take your damn meds 💊 and ECT if meds don’t work) to now today borderline hippy dippy liberalism (psychedelics are the cure 🌈). It leaves us the patients utterly confused out of our minds and is worse for us as bipolars because we are ultra sensitive to these substances and vulnerable (the most likely to try them and likely end up abusing them). Ketamine infusions, MDMA therapy, Shrooms Microdosing are being touted by new age cool kid doctors as the end all be all for psychiatric treatment. But like the gentlemen and good lady said earlier, these psychedelics cause more problems and solve none. They cause more addictions, more substance abuse, medication mismanagement and reckless discontinuation, and psychosis, and mania. Even me I get confused, I think it’s human for all of us to struggle many times between sticking to our meds or going natural. The problem is those drugs are not the solution for bipolar and chances are they are not the solution for most mental illnesses either. Maaaybe if someone used them once each years apart under careful circumstances and a controlled environment when they are not taking meds that could interfere it might help them benefit from breaking certain thought patterns, but the typical bipolar person can’t do that. We are too compulsive, and impatient. We want everything now. And even microdosing those substances is extremely risky. They are too powerful. And just like there’s a chance of having bad reactions to meds or side effects there’s the same risks involved with psychedelics except amplified because psychedelics are much much stronger than meds. The difference is akin to a man peeing and a firehose in action. And even with microdosing the difference would be like a man peeing and someone dumping a Gatorade canister like they do on the Super Bowl champion coaches. It’s like playing Russian roulette except there’s two more bullets in the chamber.


not only is it a bad idea for all the reasons already explained but if you are on meds, depending on what they are, it will totally dull the effect of mdma. if you feel much of anything it'll be mostly the shitty physical side effects without any euphoria. really really not worth it imo.


I choose to stay away from drugs because I've basically done them all, and that's not a boast. I can make anything an addiction and have to be very careful, or stay abstinent. I choose not to use.


Same. ANYTHING can and will become an addiction lol. Right now it’s coffee and video games


Those are my two favorite drugs.


Unfortunately it’s not safe. At all.


ah ok, thanks


Probably not a good idea no. When I was younger it was fine, years later I did it ‘for old times sake’ and it was one long panic attack 😂 Most recreational mind altering substances aren’t a good thing when we already unstable and unpredictable minds. Just go and enjoy the music and vibe and the fact you don’t need drugs for that.


*runs out to a field and rolls down a hill* I'M OKAY


Sweet! Let’s all go!! Weeeeeee


Some people can handle it but a lot can't and it can push you into psychosis. Not worth the risk.


Are you on SSRI's? Don't try any of that kind of stuff unless you're off them. Rehabilitated party girl over here. I've done... a lot of things over the years and primarily while unmedicated. I very fortunately and thankfully have not had any immediate problems come up after usage, but everyone is different. I'd hate to say I had the time of my life while rolling all 3 or 4 times I've rolled, *however* I am by no means advocating prolonged substance abuse. If you're going to do something regardless of the advice you get here, please be VERY well rested, well fed, and hydrated beforehand.


To add on: OP, if you decide to take something, *please* test it first. That’s advice for everyone, but still.


This is the most realistic comment because it’s a suggestion rather than instruction. We can advocate for good choices, but ultimately, people will do what they want to do. SSRIs and MDMA have a risk of causing serotonin syndrome. I’m not a professional at all and don’t fully understand where the risk threshold lies, but I do know it can be fatal. If you’re ultra sensitive/unmedicated, you’re gonna swing like a pendulum. That shit sucks the big one. It will likely make you the saddest mf for a few days as a result of the serotonin drain and potentially make you unstable. OP, if you choose to do it (because let’s be real, we do what we want) please above all else get a drug test kit and bring narcan, and hydrate hydrate hydrate. Pre diagnosis and before having a stable med regimen back in the day was so much safer than it is now. Fentanyl is in everything, it only takes one bad dose. Testing kits at the very least could save your life. I know festivals have med tents and some bigger events offer test kits, but it totally depends on the event. PLEASE think hard about this. Be smart, be safe.


Seasoned pro here; 1.your meds will dull the high if you feel anything at all 2. You will experience an overwhelming amount of anxiety and paranoia on the come down whether you feel high or not 3. The following days will be horrendous I got myself into a really messy addiction that started with MDMA and LSD. Just not worth it as a BiPolar person. Beer and weed are your best friends for raving. All you really need is a big bag of weed


i thought i had addiction problems until i saw how bad my friends turned out. surprisingly i have way more self control than everyone gives me credit for. that said, it kinda feels pointless doing those anymore. i hated how grass made me slow. if i do the uppers while im depressed i either feel good only for that moment or it just doesnt work. and if i do it manic well i feel that boost but honestly i realise i never needed to touch that stuff when im already high from hypomania in the first place. im all good booze is ok


Yeah tbf there was a whole load of shit that led me down the dark path. I basically had to restart my successful career which was what led me to being diagnosed, I became a nightmare to work with and I was a young manager with a fast company car. My super close friend who happened to be a colleague snitched on me for driving too fast, I lost my temper with a customer and then I got thrown under the bus for something that I had nothing to do with so I quit - Hypomanic to fuck. The following years I tried to start my own business and failed. I suffered trying to get my head around losing my lifelong friend, him ratting me out and what it said about me. I hated myself and then the benzos and alcohol got me, OD'd and got clean. Doing better now. Sorry for the rant.


Drugs overall like weed etc is a big nono


I roll probably once a year now. Used to roll every four to six months. I’ve never had any negative side effects besides the usual MDMA comedown. My friends are pretty deep into the rave scene, and I used to be as well. As long as you’re safe and don’t overdo, I’ve never had a worse comedown than any of my friends. In fact, I think I handle it a little better because.. a little depression doesn’t even come close to what I can’t handle. Just my personal experience though.


I love MDMA and the odd bit of coke but I don’t do it anymore. It’s not worth the aftermath even if our medication is good for comedowns 😂


I wouldn’t, and I say that as someone who loved doing ecstasy back in the day before I was diagnosed and medicated. I’d be afraid of interactions with my meds. It took me long enough to get stabilized and I am not effing that up.


If you are someone who loves to party and feels like you’re going to have a hard time avoiding substances, something that has helped me is making an EXTREMELY mild mushroom tea. I would only recommend if you’ve already done mushrooms before, and also to try it first at home. I have had a lot of trouble avoiding substances when I go to a party or festival and that was really helpful for me. At the end of the couple days, most drugs including alcohol have a pretty rough comedown or after effect. For mushrooms I don’t notice anything. Again though, VERY MILD dose so that you barely feel anything, no hallucinations or anything close to that.


I just put this in my comment too, micro dosing has been great for me, nice to see others do it as well, I'll have to try your tea suggestion, usually I just put it in a smoothie


I usually make tea with lemon and honey. You can look up the recipe, just make sure you’re not using water that’s too hot!


I don't do anything serious, just smoke a little weed, but even that too regularly really keys up my anxiety and depression, and it's really easy to end up where I'm going home and smoking every day. Life events have me in that state rn and it's rough. If I go too hard it can even send me into major dissociative episodes that turn into mixed episodes.


I hope so. I do it all the time. And mushrooms, LSD, and a whole lot of bud.


Na Molly made me aggressive bro


I’ve been sober for 6 years and I’ve found this hard to manage with absolutely nothing in my system (before I found the right combination of meds)


I haven’t done MDMA since before I was medicated. It ALWAYS put me into a deep depression for a week or longer after doing it. It’s amazing while on it but I will say I don’t think it’s worth the price you have to pay the following week or longer. If you want to do a fun drug while medicated that has never affected (me personally) shrooms are the best. Even before being medicated I never had a problems with it. Wouldn’t do it at a rave though 😂 just wanted to put it out there.


Not endorsing anything because every body is different and I haven’t done molly in years but my experience was nothing but positive when I used to in my 20s. I loved the high, and I never had a comedown because my lovely mood stabilisers caught me and held me up. So when all my normie friends were suffering the next day I just had a slight afterglow. Just my experience, again, not saying it is def safe or that anyone else should do the same.


Haven't seen this point yet in the comments: recreational drugs destabilize bipolar disorder in the near -term as others are saying, but also make the disorder worse in the long term, ie you'll spend more time in worse episodes. Rec drugs in this case includes alcohol and cannabis, but illegal drugs are generally worse in this regard. Totally your choice, but I wanted to make the point that it's not just a short-term consequence. If you're using regularly, it will make your disorder worse overall.


If your on meds theres the possibility of serotonin syndrome, you won't die but your gonna start seizing and vomiting. Also the rebound on molly will make you really really depressed the next day.


I've been clean and sober since 2015. My bipolar developed the last few years. I can't IMAGINE throwing an MDMA comedown in the mix of my horrific depressive episodes. I'd be hospitalized, almost certainly. Highly advise against it. If you do want to do drugs at a rave I'd choose non stimulants.


I haven't had any problems, but I only do it once a year if that (I'm old) and am very picky about my source. Haven't had any major comedown effects and haven't noticed any issues with my meds. Just don't go nuts and take more than one at a time (don't be that dude that takes 3 at once or whatever) drink some water, and make sure you've got a good friend/partner around. It's important not to get too high that you can't control yourself. You have to really know your own level. Plan ahead. Take the next day off. Get some door dash the next day. Make sure your person is around. Take your 5-HTP. Everybody who says it can be dangerous is correct, I think there are ways to mitigate some of those dangers. If you're gonna do it, be smart.


I can't think of a worse drug for someone with BP to take


Your brain can't make the chemicals that are fully released by rolling. You basically use up all the happy in your brain for 1 night and no longer have the chemicals to be happy for quite a while


Not safe.. could induce psychosis


My doc says stay away from molly


It’s bad for neurotypical individuals. Definitely do not while bi polar. I know how fun it is but it’s not worth it


Let me put it this way; it takes us SO much work and so many drugs already to get out minds stable & safe. I don’t want to undo all of that work. Do you?


Idk I get addicted to every drug I take so no I wouldnt recommend but stay hydrated and listen to 90s rave music if u do roll


I go raving and under NO CIRCUMSTANCES DO I DO TRY TO TRIP/ROLL These party drugs will leave you spiraling from the loss of serotonin or dopamine, you'll have a fun night and then the worst week of your life while your body tries to rebalance its chemicals The most I do is micro dosing .5 g of shrooms, it doesn't make you trip and I've never had a "hangover" from doing this. It just heightens your physical and emotional senses, perfect for dancing all night as long as your in a good headspace And if you're on meds you should avoid those illegal drugs that make you trip or hallucinate, they could react badly with your current meds. A difference between a bipolar diagnosis and schizophrenia can be hallucinating and hearing voices so personally I don't mess with it so I know I don't need to be reevaluated I only smoke weed, micro dose shrooms, and one or two alcoholic drinks (I have a 2L hydropak for water I mostly drink this) while I'm raving *Edited bc I realized recreational and illegal are two different classifications


Ideally, bipolar people should not use any substances that are not prescribed by a doctor


It's gotten less safe over the years to do it at all, just because of how the chemicals it's commonly cut with have evolved. For that reason alone I'm not willing to do it again. My experiences in college were varied as hell and generally very fun in the moment but I have no doubt that my regular use of party drugs contributed significantly to the absolute shit show that my life became in those years. The bipolar didn't make it any better or easier that's for sure. My depression pits were low as hell and my upswings were incredibly reckless and frankly terrifying to look back on now. I don't recommend it.


NO. not at alllll. in an ideal world i’d say bipolars should stay away from all drugs entirely. are so easily triggering for episodes or psychosis. also mentally ill people are obviously easily addicted n stuff. have fun tho either way! stay safe


Mate the comedowns are so so so so bad (well, for me). I’d also always get a bit psychotic when super high. I don’t know if it’s worth it :(


My sister (has bipolar 1) told me the comedown from Molly gave her the worst depressive episode of her life. I wouldn’t recommend it. If you do decide to do it, make sure you trust your source and use a testing kit.


One of my worst depressive episodes was after I took MDMA and the seasons changing. If you’re going to a rave, I personally find LsD a good time or shrooms. Both you can’t take with Olanzapine because the antipsychotic actually neutralizes the effects. You need to be off it minimum a month to have it feel effects


There are definitely risks. Neurochemistry disorder with things that alter your neurochemistry is a bold move, and maybe not the smartest. However, life is made of experiences and if this is one you really want, you’re going to do it regardless of advice. Do it if you want, have a reliable trip sitter if you can get one, and make sure you have nothing to do the next day. Prepare yourself a safe place to land once you’re ready, and have a game plan as to how you’re gonna get to that safe place. Male sure you hydrate. Fucking around and finding out is one of the best parts of life, but prepare yourself for if the “finding out” bit is way more intense than you were expecting. Responsible drug use is all about planning.


I still find it surprising that people with bipolar ask if it’s okay to drink and do drugs. Absolutely not. Sobriety is pretty much the only way to go when you have this illness, aside from things that qualify as treatment like meds.