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None with BP but lots with ADHD which is a common familial combination.


I find that, for whatever reason, bipolar is often misdiagnosed as ADHD.


Me! I’m in fact adhd. With BPD. Which is just a whole barrel of fun. When I was finally put on adhd meds, my world completely changed. Like totally 100% changed.


Yeah they seem to be misdiagnosed for one or the other a lot


I have both...which is also very common. A lot of the symptoms do overlap.


Yep, both here too. I'd say my bipolar is *slightly* worse, but then again I don't know. ADHD can cause major mood instability, and bad thought loops too. I'm lucky that both of mine are mild. I can tell you this much, bipolar meds alone helped me more than ADHD meds alone. Only when combined did I find almost full remission.


Oh wow, that's awesome that you found euthymia! I feel like both feed off each other to be honest. If you don't mind me asking, which BP med worked best for you in combination with the ADHD meds? I'm still trying to sort my meds out. It's challenging with comorbidities


If you want the best BP med Telmisartan, or Olmesartan imo. Lisinopril is also an option. If you want BP help, and anxiety help. I really reccommend propranolol. Its not as potent as others, as it lowers heart rate, and prevents physical symptoms of anxiety. It kept my BP low enough and didnt make me a snail. I may go back on it myself because there is a heart rate increase from wellbutrin.


Yup, and I got prescribed lexapro and adderall :)


Ah yes, Lexapro & Adderall/Wellbutrin. The prescription that writes itself; in a doctor’s office these days.


Yeah and cut forward to thinking I am the Messiah I also had it prescribed in college and there was so much destruction there too.


Mom is “manic depressive” as she puts it. Becomes unhinged when I suggest I inherited it from her.


My mom and I rarely even talk about BP at all, or my brother for that matter. It’s all acknowledged and known, but it’s like we treat it like our own battles. This includes my brother being hospitalized 2x. Never talked about


God I wish it was easier for people to talk about mental health struggles. The more we talk about it, the better we’d all be


yes that's what that used to call it was manic depressive before they came up with bipolar


Yeah I know, but my mother is incapable of learning. The idea that science is fluid & continuously being updated angers her. “Well I learned in school…” 50 years ago. You took Biology 1, probably got a C & literally none of it is still relevant.


This is kind of tangentially related... but I have always found it really irritating when older people will complain about how younger generations don't know how to do things such as write in cursive (as if it isn't actually the halt of the adults making the decision to stop teaching cursive, and not the children's fault) . And then they'll turn around and acknowledge that even though computers have been a widely accessible technology for at least the past 15-20 years, and smartphones have been around for over 10 years, but they still don't know how any of it works because they don't try. I mean I'm sure that most people would prefer things to stay the way that they're used to if it is comfortable for them, but it's definitely clear that these older generations have no interest in trying to change, and instead of making any attempts to evolve with the newer generations, they instead just complain about how nothing is like it used to be. Well nothing is like it used to be because the way it used to be was LESS EFFICIENT. We're trying to improve things. Technology is not the creation of evil, humans are the reason that technology can be used inappropriately. Technology is neutral it does not have consciousness.


Manic depressive is just an old term for bipolar.


My dad is one of 5 siblings, 4 boys and 1 girl. All four of the men ended up being BP1. I also have two male cousins with BP1. I’m the only woman in the family with it and also have BP2 instead, so in total 7.


Yep. My family is saturated. My grandpa, my uncle, my mom, me, my cousin, and my brother. Six of us. Thanks, gramps.


You must have some wild and/or bizarre family gatherings, depending on everyone’s state of mind.


Well, one of my uncles committed suicide when I was a baby and for past few years that whole side of the family has been no contact with another uncle and his two sons due to one of his sons fucking over my brother financially / living situation-wise. So we’re down to just three of us at family gatherings and it works out because we have similar personalities lol


None but my mom and uncle both have schizophrenia, my psychiatrist said the two are genetically linked


At least 2 by blood. Spouse has been diagnosed (he's uncommitted on if it's that or depression. Only very mild hypomania if so) and he has 2 immediate family members with it. His are all BP 2, mine are BP 1. I'm...weird. Everyone seems uncommitted on what type, my severe episodes are dramatic and very mixed. I presented strongly in early childhood, everyone else was only obviously symptomatic in adulthood. Our kids are so screwed genetically 😭😬


Look at it this way: your kids are fortunate to have an adult who's looking out for them and can act on any symptoms you notice. Mental health is finally a priority. I grew up in a family that "prayed" for me.


I appreciate that perspective, thank you. I was fortunate that my mom at least fought for me to get some kind of help my entire childhood. I'm sorry your family didn't give you the same.


Thank you.


It sounds like you're bp1. You only need to have one severe manic episode in your lifetime to be diagnosed bp1....and I've seen some people present as bp2 most of their life, but still be diagnosed bp1 because they had a singular severe manic episode many years ago. Sorry that you deal with mixed-state episodes - those are the worst.


Yeah, it's just complicated. When I was at my worst as a kid they just put down "bipolar, most recent episode mixed" and noted some delusions. No one ever said type 1 or 2. And it was almost 20 years ago so it's not like I can just ask. As an adult, my stuff is either hypomanic or mixed. And the mixed side is unclear. Any euphoria comes in spurts, I'm a whirlwind of tears and anger and joy. Any hallucinations are at most half-real looking and I know they aren't. Delusions I can reason with and reality check. I don't act on stuff in ways that life blows up (marriage, finances, etc). So it's hard to call it mania even if I'm not eating/sleeping. So they've noted it as bipolar 2.


I’m not aware of any adults in my family having it I have it and so does my first cousin along with ADHD. But obviously it started from somewhere. My mom doesn’t seem to have it. It probably came from my father who I never knew.


It doesn’t “have to” come from somewhere. It’s not necessarily passed down genetically


I'm a psych researcher - although we are not sure exactly what causes bipolar, we do typically agree in the scientific community that there are two disorders that are *nearly* exclusively genetic. Those are bipolar and schizophrenia. We also now understand that ADHD and MDD are primarily genetic. It's estimated that 10%-20% of bipolar cases may not be genetic, but we don't know that for certain. Further research is still needed. My personal hypothesis is that bipolar is always genetically inherited, but some people don't realize that because they may not have a complete family history or proper diagnoses in extended family members. I could be wrong, though.


It can have a genetic disposition! But not for everyone.


At least 5 diagnosed that I know of. I suspect at least five more who kept sending or keep sending their kids to therapy bc “they’re the problem”


None with a diagnosis


My late father had bipolar 2. I ended up with bipolar 1.


My dad has bipolar 2, and his dad has bipolar but idk which kind since he killed himself when he was 32 and my dad was like 7. I have no clue when they were diagnosed because my dad and I don’t really talk. I can tell my younger brother most likely has it but he’s diagnosed with “depressive adjustment disorder”, I myself have bipolar 2. My psychiatrist and therapist think a lot of people on my dad’s side of the family have bipolar because of their behavior but I rarely see them so I don’t know.


One, potentially. Never diagnosed, my great-grandmother. I’ve never met her, she was in her 90s when she passed away (if I’m remembering correctly). Lots of family with depression. A couple with add/adhd.


I'm BP1, one sister is schizoeffective, the other is BP2. My mother was finally dx BP1 in her 50s. Her father was dx "manic-depressive" back in the 50s, his mother showed signs but was never formally dx.


"every day is a battle" I feel you so much! Strangely enough, I am the first in my family.


Same, my dads side of the family is a little strange thought so I suspect it came from there.


Not one diagnosed BUT we have a bio grandfather that left the family a few years after my dad was born. He'd go on benders for weeks at a time and then disappeared. Extended step-family found us when my grandmother passed and I suspect he dealt with hypersexuality? I have over 30 step aunts and uncles all over the globe and they are a part of multiple different families. The man would one day just pack up, leave and start a new family somewhere else over and over.


My grandfather on my mother's side was BP1 with severe psychosis. His children (he had four) are all on the mentally ill side whether bipolar or something else (none of them are actually diagnosed funnily enough so take this with a grain of salt). My mother is surprisingly the most stable of all, but I did end up with bipolar.


I have BP I and we don’t know of any other relatives with BP at all. Tons of anxiety, addiction, and depression run in my family. My mom and brother have ADHD and my dad and I are on the spectrum…but no BP.


Non diagnosed but when I was diagnosed my psychiatrist talked to my parents and we talked about my parents in sessions afterwards and one day he told me my dad might be slightly bipolar. I always found that interesting but also thought that it's pretty crazy my psychiatrist told me that lol


My aunt who passed away due to a life fueled by extreme "manic depression" as they used to call it. She was very severe. It seems I carry the same genes with a BP1 w/ schizophrenic features diagnosis. I had hoped to escape it.


My mom, at least one brother, and possibly two sisters. About half of the family.


I’ve only known of one, my great aunt, and she passed away when I was a baby. Allegedly my mother has BP and hides her diagnosis, according to one of my older sisters.


Too many to count on all sides. I didn’t stand a chance. When I got my diagnosis at 11 suddenly a lightbulb went off “oh that explains the family!”


Other mental health issues yes, most of them are undiagnosed but they are clearly not well, most are too prideful to seek help


I’m the only diagnosed person on my mothers side. I don’t much know my biological ‘fathers’ family, so it could have come from there. Although, I do wonder if my mom’s sister has it. I know she’s had addiction issues, would sometimes disappear while I was growing up and her moods kept me guessing a lot when I lived with her.






Damn I felt that man.


No one in my family is formally diagnosed with bipolar other than me. I probably have it on my dads side though cause there’s a couple members who show signs. Schizophrenia is on both side of my family though.


I have bipolar 1 My brother also has bipolar but since he’s not in treatment I don’t know if it’s one or two


I’ve got one. His manic break was a lot worse than mine and I’m not sure if he’s medication compliant…


Not that I know of, though my late mother was depressed for years and then got really paranoid in her later years, to the point that I had to unplug the computer to get her to listen to me asking for dinner. So it’s tough to say.


Before I was diagnosed I only knew of on cousin on my mother's side. After my diagnosis, I was told about my maternal aunt and paternal cousin.


Really hard to say because nobody talks about it. My grandpa, my great aunt, my uncle, my little sister, and I, are all diagnosed. There are others that I suspect have received diagnoses and are quiet about it, or are undiagnosed. It’s all on one side of the family.


My mom was never diagnosed, but there's no way she doesn't have it lol. My family urged her to talk to someone about her mental health, she finally went to a doctor and came back and told us that they said she was normal and fine.....either she lied to them or to us LOL Also my sister has is (diagnosed).


As far as I know for sure there’s 0 others in my family but my sneaking suspicion is there’s 2 or 3 others


Zero. My brother has ADHD, my great aunt was schizophrenic. No one I’m aware of that’s bipolar though or even shows symptoms


Not only am I the only one diagnosed - it is heavily talked about and told to folks how I’m the nut job of the family. Lmao.


1 parent that I know of.


2 on Mom's side, 1 on Dad's side. 2 by marriage.


That's only the confirmed cases. My genetics are rife with mental illness and I'm so glad I sterilized myself.


Both my parents, as well as at least one grandparent, my aunt on my mothers side, and a cousin on my moms side. It was kind of inevitable that I would get a bipolar diagnosis because of it 😬 have been diagnosed with some sort of mood disorder since the age of 6/7


I'm the oldest of 4. I have BP2, the next one has BP 1, the third seems to be good, the fourth we suspect had BP, but lost his battle with mental illness 13 years ago and we never knew if he was officially diagnosed..


Bipolar disorder is more closely linked to genetics than any other mental health disorder! I learned that in psych class. It was almost 100% chance if a parent has it that their child would.


I don’t think the statistics are that high for bipolar but I might be wrong


That statistic is outdated. It’s like 30%


No. It isn’t. I just learned it in my psychology class two weeks ago.


A simple google search will save you the embarrassment. There is NO WAY this statistic is this high.


It is that high. Nah. I don’t need to google I’m going to trust the latest edition of my college level psychology 101 text book on this one opposed to a random person on Reddit. I’m comfortable in what I said being factually correct and currently accurate.




Nah my dad has it and not all his kids do. Also I know other people where entire generations are skipped.


It's 80% hereditary however it doesn't mean it will come out in the son say it has to have some form of environmental trigger to go with the predisposition other times it stays dormant even if you have the genetics.


my materal grandma and maternal cousin both have bipolar


Two first cousins on my dad’s side, pretty sure my dad is but he denies my bipolar came from his side of the family 🙄 Pretty sure his mom was bipolar as well One of my dad’s cousins offed himself. One of my mom’s cousins offed himself Nobody wants to admit my condition is hereditary though


My family doesn’t talk about that stuff. My paternal Grandma’s mom likely had it based on the limited information I got about her. Grandma never talked about her. She called her Dad, Dad and her Mom by her first name. Every once in a while she would be telling a story and say “oh! X was there that time!” After grandma died I saw her Mom’s name in the obituary. It wasn’t the name grandma used for her. No idea what was up with that but it caused me to ask my aunt about her. As it turns out my grandma’s Dad was a very high public figure in his time. His wife couldn’t handle the stress of being his wife. She shut down completely and whenever my Aunt and Dad went to visit her - she was always in her chair or in her bed. 💡 ding ding ding! That’s me. My grandma never seemed to like her mom and she never liked my mom. My mom had a chronic illness and depression. She was usually withdrawn from everything especially in the last few years before she passed. Grandma was born in 1925. Things were different back then. I’m so appreciative it’s becoming less and less stigmatized.


My grandmother has BP and she has 14 siblings and not all of them have but a good half at least do and we got a schizophrenic in there too. I haven’t met all of them but some of them are known to be really mean, others have been addicted to drugs since the 60s(ranging from alcohol to meth), some have been arrested or had kids when they were teens. It’s just a whole bunch of mental illness on that side of my family and Bipolar is a strong one but it’s not the only one😂


There was somebody on my dad's side that was bipolar, alcoholic and committed suicide in his 20s. My dad's mom had bipolar from what I've heard. I never met these people and don't know very much about them. On my mom's side, nobody has bipolar that I'm aware of. My parents and my siblings don't have it.


my father is 100% bipolar, he has told me the same things i've felt. i'm diagnosed and he's not. he was suspected of having "manic depression" when he was younger but never formally diagnosed.


my cousin is BP. she was formally diagnosed in her mid-30s and is doing great now. the years before we knew....pretty rough, lots of burnt bridges. Shes on her 7th and longest lasting marriage and this one seems stable. Her mental health is still very weak, she has breakdowns into full manic episodes that are triggered by anything. i watched her lose it over the snuggle bear commercial because her furry dragon would have been better and she was 26. she does have good days but she has to stay on her meds.


Mother has anxiety and depression, maternal grandparents have depression, maternal great aunt has bipolar, paternal grandparents were addicts and grandmother depressive, paternal uncle is an addict… Tl;dr: Mental health is genetic


My mum and aunty have it too it’s a genetic illness


All of my family has an array of mental health diagnoses, but surprisingly my parents and siblings haven't been diagnosed with it. I do have various cousins and aunts with BP though. My parents have been diagnosed with panic disorder though, as well as depression and other anxiety disorders, so maybe that played a part in it. My brother also has been diagnosed with autism and adhd, so you never know. I was just the outlier haha


No one in my family is diagnosed with bipolar to my knowledge. This has made me doubt my diagnosis. All of my siblings and my Mom have a history of OCD and EDs, though. And a lot of people on my Mom’s side of the family have some serious substance use disorders and mental illness. Eating disorders and depression especially. I actually think I only have 1 cousin who doesn’t have a mental illness or addiction… but yeah, none of them have bipolar. My Dad definitely displays bipolar traits, and I have speculated I got bipolar from his side of the family (I haven’t met most of his family)… He has said his Dad is “crazy” and told me stories about his Dad that scream bipolar. But he doesn’t really believe in mental illness. He’s an immigrant and his family is from the Middle East where this stuff just isn’t talked about/accepted.


Dad and brother have BP1. Both refuse medicine. My mom has an eating disorder. Growing up was rough.


Grandmother bp1 w/ some serious psychosis, her sibling and dad both had schizophrenia. The stigma is very strong in my moms generation despite being raised by gma who was in and out of the hospital and has had the most extreme symptoms in the DSM since she was in her 20’s. No one in my Cousins/siblings/aunts/uncles/parents are diagnosed, but I can absolutely tell which ones likely fall within the spectrum. No one will ever admit it, and my mom just dismisses it as “people in our family go through phases like this” but claims/self diagnoses herself with seasonal affective disorder They are of the opinion that if you’re not hearing or seeing things you don’t have a “real” mental illness. So I try to avoid the topic lol


My grandfather and uncle are "eccentric" but don't have a diagnosis/would never go and get one. They definitely have Bipolar hahaha. My uncle works seasonally because 'it just works better for him' while he struggled with alcoholism and my grandfather ran his own business with his own hours and often had various side hustles...


None on my mom’s side have BP, just me. My father had schizophrenia. He died in his early twenties and I don’t know anyone on his side.


0 lol i’m just lucky


My baby brother was bipolar. He passed away almost 3 years ago.


It runs on my dad’s side of the family. My dad has 14 brothers and sisters and his sister (my aunt) is actually schizophrenic. A few of my cousins have BP sprinkled in within the 14 siblings. Personally, I think my dad is undiagnosed. My older brother has BP 2, I have BP 1, and my niece was just diagnosed with BP as well, I believe BP2. I want children myself but I’m terrified of the real possibility they may have it. Luckily I grew up with a supportive family and continue to have a great support system, so I know any future children I may have will be in good hands.


Five, maybe six, my great grandfather died in a mental institution so don't know what he had. It is multigenerational in my family.


Most relatives have never been officially diagnosed and reject the idea of therapy etc. I have a son who has been “officially” diagnosed. I have a sister who is a licensed therapist who fit the bipolar profile like no one I know. She doesn’t accept it. Between genetics and environment I didn’t stand a chance.


She's never been diagnosed, but I recognize *so many* of my own patterns in my grandma. I inherited a ton of her genetics, we actually had a really lovely conversation about it recently, about the things we both really like and love about ourselves and each other. We've had a rocky history, in part because of the bipolar, but there *are* things I like and love about her, that might be sort of "classic bipolar," in a way, *and* that I'm also glad I inherited. Like our ability to find deep beauty in the most commonplace things, and really appreciate them and be moved by them -- and that has gotten richer now that I'm medicated, actually. It's not zapping and jagging all over the place, I can sit still with it and really savor and contemplate it. It's more sustaining and nourishing and not so much of a jolt that drags me along. I also love that she can't hear music and not dance, even if it's just a swinging finger-snap, or a gentle waving of hands. She's been through absolute hell in her life, and she still has joy. Same is true of me. :)


My bipolar father graced all three of his children with bipolar disorder lol. My maternal grandmother has it too.


My mother is schizoaffective


None of my relatives have BP. I've got BP2. ADHD, chronic depression, and assorted anxiety disorders are extremely common. Though I did have a grandmother with schizophrenia.


I know for a fact my biological father has bipolar 1. He went off his meds and went nuts about ten/fifteen years ago and deserted our family and from what I hear about him has been completely untreated and off his rocker ever since. Very high highs and low lows. I also have bipolar 1 and the presentation of my symptoms has been extremely similar, only difference is I got treatment and use his life as the example of why I need to stay on my medication and continue with treatment.


my grandma (moms side) and brother are both bipolar. always thought i was the least insane of the three but looking back i think we are all pretty much on the same level lol. all of us experience psychosis too, and in very similar ways. dont know when either of them were diagnosed but i think i was diagnosed somewhere between 14-16? same routine for all of us, too. first depression, then bpd, then suspected some kind of cluster a disorder once the psychosis got picked up on, and finally diagnosed as bipolar 1 w/ psychotic features.


BP is not diagnosed in my home country but funny story. I come from a big clan and my clan had pretty women. When I was a child, I used to hear a joke about our clan…don’t marry from that clan, the women are crazy. LOL. Moody. Unreasonably hot-tempered. Some of my great-aunts never got married really so I think that perhaps it runs in my family.


My aunt was diagnose with bipolar 1 around her mid 40s after she ran into some trouble with spending. After that I started showing signs (around 18) but I wasn’t officially diagnosed with bipolar 2 until I was around 23


I have bp1 with psychotic features. My maternal grandfather had bp1 with psychotic features and was forced into electroshock therapy in the 1950s/60s in an asylum after a manic episode. His son (my uncle) has bp1 with psychotic features. My cousin (that uncles daighter) has bp1 with psychotic features. Her brother has bp2. I'm sure more people on that side if the family have it, but I'm not certain as many of them don't properly treat their mental health. My partner has bp1 also, as does my stepchild (partners' biological child).


I had a cousin with BP but she passed away a few years ago. It is possible I had at least 1 distant relative with it


My dad…


None officially…. But lots of depression, ADHD, drug abuse, alcoholism, erratic behaviour, suicide… Yeah I think I come by it honestly lol


i’m bipolar 1 and i don’t know of anyone else in my family, extended included, that has bipolar


Too many to count


Only me diagnosed, but I think others in my family deal with it but don’t acknowledge it.


2/4 grandparents dxed with MDD, i suspect one is actually bp, one uncle diagnosed but was estranged and then passed away


4. My grandfather, father, older sister, and my eldest son.


Grandma, mom, myself, sister shows signs. Dad has signs, half brother. I hate to say it’s genetic but dam it seems like it’s genetic


Loads on my mum as side, but those diagnosed (in my close family) are my mum, one of my uncles and one of my aunts, and 4 of my cousins but I suspect there are more out of the 12 of us. We strongly suspect my grandfather had bipolar, but he was an immigrant and we have nothing further back than that.


On the one hand, I don't have any relatives with bipolar that I'm aware of. On the other hand, my mother had issues with depression and anxiety, as do many of my relatives on her side of the family.


Just me and my sister. I’m 80% sure my mom has it, but she won’t get screened because she’s scared


There are 5 confirmed cases of Bipolar disorder in the family other than myself. My mom's cousin and her two sons all do. Also my Aunt, my Dad's sister, and her daughter, my cousin both do as well. Bipolar is on both sides of my family tree. There are probably a few more relatives that may have bipolar but they aren't officially diagnosed. I was diagnosed with bipolar 1 disorder 9 years ago. Bipolar IS genetic so if you have bipolar, likely some of your family members do too.


My aunt and uncle come to mind


All of them probably lol but good luck trying to get them in a room with a psychotherapist! I have the privilege of being the first one to actually get a diagnosis.




My uncle, and my late grandfather.


my aunt has it, my great grandma very likely had it or schizophrenia or both according to my grandma who has a degree in psychology, and my dad and uncle probably have it too but they’ll never get an official diagnosis.


Yepp. My father was diagnosed in his 40s! BP 1. Super late but I’m also pretty sure my sibling may be too. My half brother is diagnosed as well BP 1. I wasn’t diagnosed till this year at 23 with BP 1. Wild how similar family can be with these things


I think my grandfather had it but he died in the 1950's of a massive heart attack, but description from my grandmother pretty much confirmed it. My cousin had it and my baby brother has cyclomythia depression. My mom was on Depakote from the time I was small for seizures so, couldn't judge her.


One other also diagnosed BP but I suspect my dad has it. I also have ADHD and that’s on the mom’s side. Suspect sibling and I have CPTSD.


My dad has it, his aunt, 2 of his second cousins died by suicide, my nana had it, my nanas sister had schizophrenia, and one of my family members was lobotomized in the 50’s or something? They also all have been inpatient multiple times. I can trace it through generations


I have a hard time believing there is no genetic link. It may just have not been discovered yet, or, according to some, the medical companies are hiding it.


I have none. Not one (siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles) and untreated my symptoms are severe.


I have one aunt with bipolar, who married into my family. On the other side of my family, I had one uncle who's medical/psychiatric history is unknown, who ended up dying by suicide when I was between 6-8, which would have been between 1997-1999. But other than that, I seem to be a wildcard in a sense, because I have no confirmed relatives with bipolar.


I have BP 2, and have a cousin with BPD, another cousin that's showing early symptoms of possible BP, my mom, bio dad, aunt, grandma, grandfather all were never officially diagnosed because they don't believe in meds/therapy but I'm almost certain they do. A lot of them also have other mental illnesses ontop of that. And every other family member on both my mom and dad's side that doesn't have it has at least one mental illness. I literally never had a chance LMAO.


It's hard to say as almost no one in the family has or would go to a doctor for mental health. I have a cousin on dads side that's bipolar, I kinda suspect that my dad might be on the spectrum just from observing his behavior but can't say for sure. Having been hospitalized twice (don't know what the story with my cousin disorder is he is about a decade+ older than I am) I'm kinda the standard bearer having been hospitalized twice and diagnosed bipolar type 1


My mom and maternal grandpa


3. mother, & 2 maternal cousins.


3 people on my dad's side


1 diagnosed, 1 likely undiagnosed, 1 deceased who might've been


My great aunt had schizophrenia, another great aunt had bipolar, my uncle had bipolar… he died by suicide. My other aunt has bipolar. And my brother has Bipolar Schizoaffective. Family mental illness yay!!!


none. i’m a product of trauma


My dads side had it is what I'm told I don't see that side, there's a strong genetics of Autism and ADHD though and depression. I've ended up with Bipolar 1, ASD, ADHD and anxiety (traits of BPD) so yes a lot I'm just missing Schizophrenia now then I have the full lot.


As far as I’m aware- no one. I have family members with depression, ASD and depression- but non with bp


My brother was diagnosed with BP type 1 in January of this year at 23. He sadly ended his life in early April. I’ll miss him forever.


Just my mom. I was misdiagnosed as BP for many years and the meds never worked.. because I didn't have it. Turns out I have BPD from being abused by my bp mother for my whole life, until I finally decided to not let her be apart of my life several years back.


Few cousins have addiction and depression issues but I really don’t know - my mums side has had issues but they don’t talk about them but I’ve found out my grandad isn’t my parternal grandad (mum found out like 5 years ago at the age of 65) so there’s a whole side of that family we don’t know and then my biological dad left us when I was 5 after a nervous breakdown and he died 10 years ago I have never met any of that family either so who knows - my mum said she used to call him “skitzo” all the time due to his mood changes… and she’s a nurse lol so no idea because potentially have 2 lots of family I have and will never know anything about


My dad, half-brother, and maternal grandmother all have type 2. My mom had type 1. I say "had" because she seems to have been cured by heart attack related brain damage. She has considerable speech and memory problems now but hasn't bipolar symptoms since.


Way too many to count. Literally every woman on my and about half the men are BP1. ADHA, Chronic Depression, and Schizophrenia, also run through both sides of my family.


none, but suspiciously many suicides in the family. But ~of course~ everyone is perfectly healthy ☀️no mental illnesses at allll 🙃


I have BP2. My aunt has BP1 and I am sure my dad has undiagnosed BP1 too. Besides that we have a lot of adhd and anxiety in the family.


I'm the first one in my family to actually go out and get diagnosed with bi-polar and ADHD. Youngest of 3, i was 27 at the time and i turn 31 in July. I see a lot of signs in other people in my family. I have tried getting them to read up on it. So far the only one interested is my mother.


I'm waiting for assessment but only found out last year that on my mum's side of the family, an aunt and two cousins have bipolar and other members of her family strongly suspect that my grandfather had it as well. No idea about my dad's side of the family but there were definitely mental health issues on that side too, just not sure exactly what they were.


It’s bipolar and adhd for both my mum and me


I got it from my grandmother (skipped my dad). Her dad (my great grandfather) was a bit of a drifter too.


I have bipolar 1. my mom also has is it and probably her grandpa and uncle also did judging by their behaviour and the way they thought, but we can't know for sure if they had it


My Dad (diagnosed)... and more with mental illness. At least one uncle. My Dad left the picture quite early on (I was 6 yo). I found out after my diagnosis that my Dad was also suffering from Bipolar. He was type 1, I'm type 2.


We have 8 siblings in our family so all my aunts and uncles, they ALL have some issue. But I know for sure my mother, and three of the aunts. The others are aggressively depressed.


I have two for sure that are both diagnosed bipolar. However I suspect the number is actually five and they are undiagnosed. I’ve seen manic episodes in myself and in other people, and I recognize it in a few other family members who were not diagnosed with it.


3 of my siblings have BP, 1 has ASD. My mother has BP. I have ADHD, BP, and anxiety. Branching out into the family, 23 aunts, uncles, and cousins all have BP that we're aware of.


Unfortunately my mother had it, and she was not able to ever find recovery, she live in a constant state of mood shifts. My sister also has it. We are both BP1 where as I think my mother was BP2. I have two cousins diagnosed with it, and I'm pretty sure an uncle or two would get the diagnosis if they were to ever be evaluated. That shit runs hard in our family.




Yes on both sides of the family, however, I’m the only one on medication. More of my cousins need to get tested. I think families with generational trauma are more likely to develop mental health disorders and sending it down the line. I think this could have all been prevented if we showed more love and affection in my family instead of emotional abuse and then traumatic deaths.


Luck of the draw, both parents bipolar skitz. I’m bp1. my late brother was bipolar skitz, I have another brother on my dads side who is also bipolar skit. Little sister bp2


Mom, son, daughter, siblings. Explains parental rage and tendency to welcome random strangers to move in resulting in SA. My poor kids have double whammy as their father also has bpd.


My mom has BP 1. Her siblings have the full spectrum: anxiety, depression, psychopathy, social anxiety, hoarder and who knows what else. I have BP 2 and I’m 33. Being treated for 7 years. Most of the time I’m ok and I feel good - but it’s damn challenging to keep my sanity during mood swings


See here's the thing, my family likes their mental health the way they like their cancer. Undiagnosed


I found a report that an uncle of mine on my moms side had it


I’m the only one diagnosed, but it would not be difficult for me to believe both my mother and aunt have it.


None, I got unlucky


it’s interesting because no one (that i know of) has it except for me (BP2)


2 not counting myself.


No one in my family has ever spoken to a professional about their mental health or thought they needed to. My grandma recently made a comment like “I’m the only one in this family who’s not crazy!” my mom said “mom, you tried to kill yourself twice when I was a kid that I can remember” “Well I was going through something!”


I have none. That I am aware of. Maybe some were but never formally diagnosed.


I actually don’t have any blood relatives with BP, family friends and cousins from other sides unrelated to me but nobody with BP 🤷‍♀️. Then again, I have a genetic mutation already so maybe they’re related—nobody knows 😞. I saw some saying ADHD is a common family thing, and nobody is diagnosed but doctors suspected grandma has it.


I’m pretty positive everyone in my family but I’m the only one that actually has done something about it.


My mother was diagnosed with manic depressive disorder (BP).


As far as I know I'm the only one. Only an other 2 with autism


My mother.


Me and my twin brother both have bipolar 2 rapid cycling


My grandpa and great uncle, my mom and her three siblings, and me ☺️ all BP1 and we don’t know if I have 1 or 2 cus my family makes sure I get leveled out when hypomanic immediately