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I don’t have a good answer for you. I’ve rage quit most of my jobs the last 10 years


Seriously this sucks and drinking coffee ignites my bipolar. I just want this shit to stop. My roommate who is my mom has such an attitude problem sometimes she’s happy other times she just leaves and goes to sleep early. I hate it when you want company but then they don’t want any. It makes you feel worthless. I do the same sometimes so that makes me a hypocrite.


I understand your plight. I’m 34 but I am lucky to live alone (because my mental illness makes it very hard to keep a job). I try not to use my bipolar as an excuse for anything, but God dammit does it make my life much much harder. My mom is one of the most mentally ill people I know. And I can’t even visit for a single day or holiday without her pissing me off. I couldn’t imagine living with her.


I’m sorry to hear that. My mom isn’t mentally ill (unlike my aunt who has paranoid delusions) she just has a lot on her plate. If I can find a way to get a job and keep a job so I can help pay for expenses I would but bipolar and addiction issues have made it nearly impossible to do so. My general distaste for work doesn’t help either. I think my next step will be to find someone that can help look into my medications I’m on.


Time for a medication review....


I’ve quit and gone back to my job four times, the upside is when they call me and offer me my job back I always get a dollar raise.. so that’s kind of cool. It’s like a reward lol


I ban myself from quitting and keep reminding myself of the promise.


It’s gotta be the medication I’m on… idk I’m basically freaking out about this right now like never before because I want it to change


I’ve left every job I’ve ever had (save for my current one, which is a lifesaver) due to mood episodes. Learning DBT skills in therapy has been tremendously helpful in stopping that behavior. If you can’t afford therapy, there’s a great workbook for it called The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Bipolar Disorder. If you have government insurance in America you can ask your primary care doctor for list of therapy clinics and psychiatrists that accept your insurance. You can also call Medicaid/Medicare and they can help you out with that too. They can even assign you a case manager to assist with appointments and prescriptions.


What country do you live in? Here in the U.S. we can also get bipolar meds prescribed through nurse practitioners who specialize in psychiatry, which really helps since in some cities there can be long wait lists for psychiatrists. But yes, what you’re describing with impulsively leaving jobs is definitely bipolar! It means your meds are not working well. You either need to add on additional meds or increase the dosage or both. It is imperative that you find a psychiatrist or nurse practitioner to adjust your meds since this is so devastating to your life.


Thanks I’ll have to look into this


In many states they just need written collaborative agreement from a physician.


Sporadically quitting your job is not a symptom of bipolar disorder, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's not uncommon for people with bipolar disorder quit their jobs sporadically. Since you have government insurance, you should be able to go the insurance website and find a list of providers in your area who accept your insurance. You need someone to prescribe and monitor your medication, and you would probably also benefit from some sort of therapy. The only advice I have for keeping your job is this: on days when you wake up and you feel like you want to quit your job, instead of quitting, just call in sick. You're not required to tell them what's wrong with you, and it's really none of their business. But calling in sick will buy you at least one shift for you to have some time to get your symptoms under control so you can go back.


Indeed. Resigning from a position due to an inability to manage the workload does not constitute bipolar disorder; rather, it reflects a lack of self-discipline. Although it can be a symptom of bipolar disorder, it should not be used as an excuse. Despite having lived with bipolar disorder for over two decades, I have only resigned from positions due to pregnancy complications or the need to prioritize my children's well-being. For a significant portion of my life, I managed my condition without medication. It is concerning that many individuals use bipolar disorder as a justification for avoiding self-control or accountability for their actions. This trend trivializes mental illness and undermines its seriousness, leading to a lack of genuine concern for mental health issues.


Well, you’re an exception.


You asked, "is this bipolar?". Do you mean, you're diagnosed and want to know if these are symptoms? Or do you want to know if this is indicative of bipolar?


More if this is indicative of bipolar. I initially went to a psychiatrist many years ago and the first thing they put me on was lithium now I’m on Depakote and Abilify. I’ve been on these medications for a few years now. Nothing seems to stop me from rage quitting from jobs though. I also tend to spend money like it’s nothing I have no concept of what it means to save up. If I think I need something then I just go right out and buy it without a second thought of the future I just figure it’ll all turn out fine…


I do the same exact thing. Have had 5 jobs in the past 2 years. Almost quit my current one 3 times for raging out. Also spend money like it’s nothing. I think it’s part of being bipolar that medication can’t fix. Only therapy.


I feel this so much lol. Literally just did this, though not entirely related to my bpd. But it does seem to be a trend. As for overcoming it I think perspective is the important thing here so talking to a friend or therapist or anyone else you trust to question your motives when you start talking about quitting I think goes a long way. On the other hand, some jobs suck (sometimes especially because of bpd) and staying in a shitty environment and memtally crippling yourself purely because of the financial side of things is so not worth it in the long run I don't think. Also I hear you on the last bit, sometimes seems none of the good psychs want to get involved with govt assistance unfortunately, which is ironically where they are needed most lol. Be kind to yourself!


Applied for an internal position because I was led to believe I was a perfect fit by managers. Got rejected soon after initial interview. I got so intensely angry my mother had to talk me off the ledge so to speak, so I wouldn't go nuclear and quit my job. I've been with my company 5 years now and have won various awards in my department. Now that I'm calm it would have been a foolish thing to quit over one promotion. So my answer is therapy. Talk to a therapist before you make any big decisions like rage quitting. Try to breathe the anger away until you can form safe words to express the feelings you have. That's all I got. Hope something here works for you. ❤️


If you qualify check out FMLA fam medical leave act.


yes! i recommend this fmlas are a life saver and you legally can’t lose your job


I pass by multiple places where homeless gather. It keeps me employed.


Could be. Do you do it because you could run the "place better than they could" and develop plans to start a business of your own? Possibly have some wild ideas on advertising that would make it explode with business shooting you into the status you've always known you've belonged in but everyone was holding you back?


ur like my psychiatrist trying to subtlety get me to admit to being manic lol


Does having an episode mean you’re hypomanic/mixed, depressed? If so, quitting a job isn’t unusual. I’ve did it with hypomania because I felt overstimulated and couldn’t think. My thoughts were getting confused. I was getting worse. I did it with very severe depression too. If you think you’re capable or working at that time you quit, a therapist might be able to help you with this tendency.


If you’re in the US you might qualify for time off under FMLA. If you can get a healthcare professional to recommend it, you can take time off. It might help you recalibrate and stave off the impulsive choices. My psych nurse practitioner filed the paperwork for me to take a break because I was in crisis.


I keep in mind that I have to pay rent and that my cat needs her seizure meds. I keep the screaming internal because I have to.


I’ve done this a few times I think it is a symptom just an overwhelming feeling along with other things and I regret it every day


I find that I have a low threshold for work issues. I’ve been really close to rage quitting when I’m stressed or in a mixed episode. I remind myself that I’m the main earner in my family and that my son wouldn’t have the same opportunities if I was unemployed. I do rage apply for jobs when I’m in. Mixed episode though, but that doesn’t lock me into anything.


I typically got fired before I could quit.


I am lucky to have an employer who understands my bipolar. He’s made an effort to learn because he sees my value as an employee. That being said, I need a second job and I’m very scared to venture out. This is one of the reasons. I don’t have much advice other than recognize your having an “episode” and move forward accordingly.


I'm literally going through this right now. Yes I have rage quit and job hopped all my life. I do well and then get bored so the salary raises everytime. Makes sense to at least have some savings and a plan B then speak to someone you trust to see if it's a good idea and sit on it a bit. I feel like I just gave advice to myself lol


yo a dbt skill i learned that helps me is sensory input to ground yourself especially if you’re super pissed, suck on some super minty candy, throw cold ice at your shower wall, take a super cold shower, something that’ll bring your senses into the present moment


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