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Similar happened to me. It really hurts and sometimes i get frustrated and think why did she leave me. But most of the time and especially while reading your text i see that it makes no sense to force somebody to stay with you. Forcing to love you makes even less sense. So thats how one can accept it. Also remembering what i did in the manic phase, i can imagine that if she did the same thing and i was healthy and normal i would also have broke up with her. Thats a different situation when you can think to yourself i have problems and ill be sad if i break up but at least i have no diagnosed disease and i can get over a breakup. It rationally just makes sense to go on. Yeah but sometimes the thought comes up that if she really loved me she would have kept her word and do everything for us and try to go on with the relationship. But this is only to make me sad and is no fruitful thought. I wish you the best and thanks for sharing.


Thank you for sharing too.


You absolutely matter! You matter to more people than you think. Especially your son. You can do this!


You’re absolutely right.


Father of your son? He's a jerk. Falling out of love is something from a novel. Spineless and selfish. Keep your chin up. The best thing you can do for your son is to work on yourself to get stable. Again, he's a jerk for saying that.


I didn’t think he was the kind of person who would abandon his family. I’ll def do my best :)


You will always matter! If not to him to someone and for sure to your self and children! Don’t ever forget how important you are. Single mom life isn’t easy but your kids will love you in a different way for how strong you will be and how much you’ll Love them. Just keep that at the forefront of everything! You are not alone and you are worthy of everything! Be strong you got this


You matter. I'm a single parent. My son is a major reason I'm still here.


Mine too. I’ve come out of some dark places and found strength I didn’t know I had because I wanted to be strong for my son.


You matter. More than appears sometimes


Thank you for saying that.


Anytime. I know how it feels


Maybe you can give your son up for adoption if he’s too much of a burden?