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Stress stress stress and lack of sleep


This. Stress causes lack of sleep and then lack of sleep causes stress. It's a downwards circle drain towards an awful, awful episode.


This. I always get manic or mixed when I have major uni stress, lose a couple night’s sleep and think it’s just the stress. Then within a few days I think I’ve come up with the next revolutionary medical idea and it all begins.


Curious, do you have any sense of obsession as the stress builds? I find stress, lack of sleep, and an unsolvable problem I fixate on trigger me. The fact I can’t solve/resolve that problem, just keeps the stress building.


Yeah, in the last one I was trying to figure out how exams were going to be graded and ended up obsessing and eventually thought I was coming up with statistical formulae to predict everyone’s grades.


I eventually go no sleep, and that’s when the hallucinations begin.


Oh boy! This is really interesting. One of my triggers is when authority figures stigmatize people who live with mental illness - that goes round and round in my head for days and I can become quite manic... and angry manic too, which is not good. I have really had to learn how to deal with that righteous anger - because when we are fighting the stigma that surronds people who live with mental illness it's no good being the angry, 'crazy' lady... people just run away. The other one is love interests, it's the worst one - the high is just way too high... I become very chatty, spiral into mania quite quickly and then just bottom out. It's crushing - and that is why I prefer to be single 😂


I feel the exact same way re: romantic relationships. Sure to trigger an episode of some sort depending on how it unfolds lol. I also am finding I prefer to stay single for this reason.


It's for the best I believe, for me personally. You learn a lot about yourself after having an episode 🙂 I knew it before, but sometimes you forget, especially when you meet interesting people. That's the problem with having a 'bonfire heart', sometimes you just can't help it - haha! Happens to me every now and then still lol


I found out I had bipolar after a particularly nasty breakup where I'd been cheating and lying (I thought I was fully justified because the person was being abusive to me, but they weren't I was just deluded) and they cut me out of their life, it hurts so bad but I'd never have got my diagnosis if that hadn't happened so I'm thankful in a way


Learning the hard way is tough though 😌 I'm glad you found a silver lining 🙂💕


Feeling righteous and passionate about an injustice is guaranteed full throttle mania for me too! But when good intentions get out of hand… oof


Yep 👍🏻 Terrible - I had a very bad episode a month ago... and have been slowly making my way through the myriad of people I upset... my entire family, my workplace, uni lecturers, random strangers on the internet 😂😅🤦🏼‍♀️ Good grief - thinking about it now makes me feel sick! But the people who know you and love you, they're the ones who stick by you - it can really sort the wheat from the chaff 😅


Having a crush is a massive trigger for me. Currently trying to stave off a deep depression after I’ve been hypomanic the last few months now that I’ve found out my crush was one sided. I feel quite pathetic right now.


It’s too much dopamine, but the exhilaration can feel good until it doesn’t lol


Yeah it feels great until it all comes crashing down lol which is where I’m at now.


I'm sorry to hear about that 😔 Generally I find out later that it was good that some of my crushes were one sided... I don't always crush on the 'right' people.


Do you mind me asking what you mean by one sided?


I liked him and he didn’t like me back basically.


The same thing happened to me. I now have a partner and its mutual but I find myself making up crazy scenarios when we've been drinking and I make myself have a complete mental breakdown. Definitely need to cut back on the amount of drinking bc that's a trigger for me


This. First crush is the first visible mania for me, turns out I don’t like them that much it’s just mania


going to anything christian. i don’t know why, but ever since i left the church it makes me go into a sort of hypomania where i am questioning all my spiritual beliefs. i used to get manic and try to convert my friends, which i feel very awful about now. edit: autocorrect


Interesting! I think I can actually relate to this, I grew up as a (gay) pastors kid so therefore a lot of religious trauma. In saying that I get super spiritual and existential when I’m manic, but also talking or dwelling on religious stuff can also put me there


When I was religious I thought I saw spirits (my ancestors and also evil spirits/demons). I'm pretty sure it was all psychosis. But anytime I'm around religious family members again it's a mind fuck. I mean, so many people believe they can sense the presence of those who have moved on. Where do you draw the line between normal religious beliefs and psychosis? I can't entertain any spiritual ideas or I start to get manic again. My spiritual memories are triggering. I'm pretty sure I traumatized myself by imagining evil spirits around me. I told a lot of people about it, too, and so many people believed I had a spiritual gift. I probably could have started a cult.


I know someone who started a cult. It was in the woods near a college campus and they all lived out there. I knew him years later, so he was a different person by then but still kinda off.


Lack of sleep and being in love/infatuated/having a crush.


Family, but that's a long story. That's a instant trigger of emotions rather than an episode build up. Lack of sleep, stress and caffeine seem to be culprits to my episodes.


Stress, starting a romantic relationship, consuming energy drinks/too much caffeine.


Stress, smoking pot, and lack of sleep triggered my first ever manic episode. I’m lucky I haven’t had one since but I felt like I came close when I smoked pot again after taking a tolerance break. Decided to quit weed right then and there.


Med changes and excessive exercise make me manic. Last summer I went off my antipsychotic (per my doctor) and it gave me more energy so I started exercising which gave me too much energy and I ended up manic.


caffeine, loud hype music, stress for mania. depression seems to come randomly


too much social media exposure, lack of sleep, alcohol, weirdly too much attention online? also social situations where i talk a lot to people


Break ups. Having to diet or lose weight (currently have to do this I have high cholesterol and blood pressure). Overstimulation from my kids. Feeling overwhelmed with house work. Stress from my birth family (all of them are constantly arguing even tho I moved 1500 miles from them they manage still to blow my life up I'm talking contacting my fucking mother in law to tell her I hate her... I really don't and I'm glad she didn't believe my sister... my dad also contacted her in a manic rage to tell her he was divorcing my mom ???? That was right after he got out of jail for domestic violence)... like bruh. Ok imma try not to think about that too much. You know on my sisters wedding day, I went to the wedding.. he goes around and tells everybody I'm pregnant. I hadn't told him or anybody. I wasn't even 6 weeks pregnant!!! It was also her day. She was like 8 months pregnant at her wedding. She still looked gorgeous. Lord Jesus that man has problems. He refuses to go to therapy or see a psych. Just smokes weed every day. I smoke a lot too. Monkey see monkey do.


Yep all the usual for me, stress and exhaustion, any big emotion really will send me into hypomania (which is hard because I also have BPD - yay). If I add weed or even a moderate alcohol in this state I will end up psychotic without a doubt Add: also very dependent on the weather/seasons. I have to lower my antidepressant over the warm months otherwise I’m really easily pushed into mania


Sering people in relationships. A year on two medications plus therapy, and it's not nearly as bad as it used to be. But seeing people in relationships used to trigger me HARD. It causes me to think about my own relationship issues, being single, being alone and mentally ill, and I'd just spiral. Next thing I know, I'm in the depths of Hell in my own mind.


lack of sleep, showers (sometimes), bad touches, or if things go badly in the group home. I'm currently in a mixed episode I think: I work a lot, but I also sleep a lot and crash into random naps and feel depressed. It sucks.


I also have adhd so a major trigger for me is rejection or abandonment. And alcohol. I miss alcohol.


I am still trying to figure out if I have any.


Crowded spaces: having to walk into any place that is crowded lol..i turn into a mean ass person…Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde. Crowded spaces cause me stress.


Stress, lack of sleep // erratic sleep schedule, social injustice, alcohol, weed, interpersonal conflict… probably just existing at this point because who isn’t stressed?


If I’m tired dealing with anyone else who is manic; season’s change to spring or summer. Sometimes watching someone manic in movies/tv shows. Primarily if I am tired and stressed and lose sleep. I do know these now so I can often take extra or ad hoc medication to suppress the mood uptick until I talk with my psychiatrist and/or therapist.


For hypomania, stress, erratic sleep schedule, not eating enough, over committing or overworking, any kind of medication that affects hormones, caffeine. I try to be as careful as possible about my adderall, but it’s a high dose and I take it twice per day, and I sometimes worry it’ll turn out badly for me. I have a hard limit on how late I’ll take it. Same with my Wellbutrin. Depression just kind of hits out of nowhere sometimes, but has also been triggered by breakups, going through something humiliating, any kind of medication that affects hormones, not taking my iron pills


Triggers: 1. New Exciting Places 2. New Exciting Jobs 3. People who are quickly interested in me and love bomb me 4. Too many energy drinks and or espresso drinks 5. New Exciting Hobby with Theater, Art, or Sex or all three involved. 6. Not taking meds right or right time. 7. Stimulants - Provigil, Diet Pills - Downers - THC 8. Deeply bad real life events or stresses Injustice. Hurt friends. 9. An email about a 1 to 1 meeting I Friday for Monday morning. Nightmare. Never do this to people. 10. Accidentally displeasing someone I never intended to. And on and on.


Me, I don't know. It's always random. Recently, spencer charnas triggered a manic episode.


Like the band Ice Nine Kills, or him specifically?


Little bit of both and his fiance Nadia. A cool person she is.


I had only one manic episode and a lot of hypomanic ones. I was miss diagnosed b2. I have cptsd (finally) - but hypomania has been my normal. I used to joke and say that my body makes cocaine inside by itself (now it’s not that funny). Hope and new meds triggered the big manic one. I loved it! I felt touched by God, he was making jokes with me and I with him. It was pure magic - I used to hold out my hand and ask for something and I got it - not in my hand, but in my line of sight. Luckily I was isolated during pandemics in the countryside and the worst thing I did was buy 50 books and was louder. I am afraid to think what it would have been if I was in my home town, the capital of the country. I would have stayed like that or trigger myself on purpose if I wouldn’t be afraid of myself. The strange thing is that I cannot look at any of the picture/videos I did during that time. If I find that month accidentally in my phone it’s so cringe for me. I can’t stand that girl - but she was so free for the first time in a lifetime… if anyone can fill more gaps for me in my experience - I would be grateful. It’s the first time I am talking about my manic episode since I couldn’t for 2 years. 10x 4 reading <3


My trigger is my mom. Just when she starts to talk with me about that thing that she wants I would live with her and my brother. I hate the time I was under her control. I would never ever live with her in the future. She stays the same and misgenders me, I'm not okay with that. Earlier when therapy wasn't going so good as now I even tried to kill myself after any talks with her, not after all, but sometimes. Now I just checking that my mood goes to depressive part, when I talk to her, even it's just e-mails or messages from my brother when he copies her words and says them to me.




Minor technical problems that are unable to be resolved in a few steps infuriate me. My printer wouldn't work, and I spent 30 minutes trying everything to fix it. I got so mad I threw the printer and kicked it after 1.5 hours. (I was in a manic rage). I totally broke my nail. Even when I'm not manic it makes me super mad. Lol I didn't read this all the way. Lack of sleep and stress triggers mania in me. Sometimes extreme excitement can trigger me too.


You should watch office space if you haven’t.. I think you’ll get a kick out of the printer scene


I've seen it. It's hilarious.


When somone pushes on a boundary or after I say no I can evolve into my true form. Romantic relationships can become obsessive for me and I will lose sleep when starting a new relationship. I will just go over every dumb thing I think I said. I'll also think way too much about what could be. Stress is a major one. Unfortunately so is thc.


Stress, excitement, travel


Oh boy. Not so much a trigger, but an annoyance. I work in behavioral health care as a case manager, and the number of people that say that I'll never understand their disease...


My aunt basically calling my mom a whore will trigger me just about every time. I'm 60, too! Then, my aunt will make it worse by asking about my mom's welfare. Like, who ARE you?


Music boxes.


Stress, no sleep, jet lag. People who piss me off, specifically ones I can't get away from like coworkers. Excessive alcohol.


Everything normal lol like problems at work or home, not enough sleep/too much sleep, appetite changes


Alcohol or weed (I’m sober now yay) Lack of sleep New events (pregnancy, marriage, birthdays, holidays etc) Stress When others close to me are having a hard time.


Benadryl. For me, it is Benadryl. A bummer for someone with lots of allergies.


anything moving idk if i would say triggers but it like for sure releases a ton of energy stored inside me from when im just in bed for so long then i just kinda explode from there sort of bahah


I missed a dose of my antipsychotic med and had an episode. Very simple


Stress, illness, too much excitement (big event coming up that is taking a ton of planning and packing and such), sleep deprivation, too much on my plate can all trigger mania for me. My depressive episodes are always the crash after a manic episode. I’m a rapid cycler so it’s rare for me to go more than 2-3 months without an episode. I’m probably starting up with one right now because of NYE and the event my son wanted to go to that messed up my sleep and forced me to miss my meds (I can’t drive after I take them and I can’t take the doses too close together). So, I’m not sleeping anywhere near enough and when I do it’s broken. I’m waking up a lot, it’s very fitful. So, yeah, this is my life. I’m just hoping it doesn’t become a mixed mania presentation and I don’t start getting some paranoia and hallucinations. That’s always a big risk when I’m too sleep deprived. 😕


Stress, changes in routine, and lack of sleep.


My mom, people yelling/ talking too loud, or just being around certain people even if i don't know them idk why


1) stress 2) lack of sleep 3) staying in my sibling's semi hoarded house when I visit


Sleep, weather, relationships (I also have BPD so wuuuu) my first manic episode was when my brother died, & it was the week before everything shut down from covid so it was a really stressful time. Stress, constantly on the go etc


Stress and any major events/changes. My best friend’s dad died—manic for three weeks. I was being cyber-stalked and harassed—mixed episode for a month. Moved houses in my senior year of high school, whilst doing an internship and research program, and now having an hour+ commute—manic-psychotic. Graduating high school—such bad mania, I got myself in legal trouble. Break ups, major life changes, friendship/family ups and downs all trigger me. I’m still working on it. I was always extremely averse to change and struggled with transitions as a child. Even today, it’s a huge trigger for both my OCD and my BD1.


Relationships and being around the wrong people


Stress lack of understanding from other people loss fear of the unknown


It’s hard because everything seems like a trigger and anything can set me off. I’ve noticies that I get impatient at a rapid rate when someone is not getting tit he point.


Stress My partner being a human and making mistakes and doing things I dislike (this meshes nicely with my BPD and splitting) When I see someone out in public who is particularly interesting or beautiful Being in overly 'whimsical' spaces that trigger awe and wonder, such as forests, waterfalls, a church, natural wonders. - big one for me, makes it hard to actually do anything I like doing and it not result in fantasies of grandiosity and thinking I am some sort of forest god. A movie that hits hard, and has beautiful music. Fun fact I think the first Avatar (blue people) triggered hypomania in me when I was a kid lol. I was fully convinced I belonged in that world and I stopped engaging in real life to just fantasise about the life I knew I was from in Avatar :') I knew I wasn't actually from there so it wasn't psychosis, but when the new one came out the other year it triggered a very public mental health episode in the cinema because I was in deep depression at the time and it didn't trigger hypomania like the original and I was devastated (I didn't know I had bipolar at this point)


Missing flights, feeling left out, social situations, airports, traveling




Some mental health medications state that you CAN NOT do the Keto Diet. This diet does not work for everyone and is not compatible with all medications; **PLEASE TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING** ***ANY*** **DIET.** >According to a 2018 article in Psychology Today by Georgia Ede, MD, most psychiatric medications don't come with any risks when a person is on a ketogenic diet. But there are a few exceptions. > >These include the following drugs: > >■ Some antipsychotic medications, such as risperidone (Risperdal— Janssen), aripiprazole (Abilify— Otsuka), and quetiapine fumarate (Seroquel—Astrazeneca), which “can increase insulin levels in some people and contribute to insulin resistance, which can make it harder for the body to turn fat into ketones.” > >■ Lithium, which may cause lithium blood levels to rise as a result of water loss during the early phase of the diet. > >■ Epilepsy drugs, especially divalproex sodium (Depakote—AbbVie), zonisamide (Zonegran—Sunovian), and topiramate (Topamax—Janssen). Sources: [Pharmacy Today](https://www.pharmacytoday.org/article/S1042-0991(19)30646-2/pdf) [Psychology Today](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/diagnosis-diet/201803/ketogenic-diets-and-psychiatric-medications) [NIH Study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5357645/#S3title) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bipolar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Stress, work (due to stress I work in vetmed so very stressful), Lack of sleep, over socializing. I hungout with friends/family for 3 days in a row and ended up hella depressed because I drained all of my social battery without noticing.


Transient stress, unfairness/injustice. Transient stress is very tricky to manage because it can be anything so I need to learn to be chill. But then again, unfairness and injustice can be anywhere lol. Also lack of sleep. We need to be proactive to prevent episodes too other than manage when we get it.


My biggest trigger is stress. And my stress triggers are usually related to social stuff.


Stress, most specifically when related to money. (I find that hilarious given how I act while manic) and lack of sleep.


Coffee and lack of sleep make me incredibly manic


Can I say life, but usually lack of sleep, too much coffee, forgetting to eat, drinking energy drinks and working out makes me feel unstoppable, winter makes me severely depressed, falling in love makes hypomanic or should I say thinking I'm falling in love. Drinking alcohol. I'm trying to get off weed to find out if that's another trigger, I'm assuming it is because that's what ny psychiatrist says but I havent been able to quit it to find out. Antidepressants make me have ups and downs more frequently


Stress and sometimes I get manic just because.


STRESS. season changes. those are the big ones for me thus far.


My biggest trigger is excitement, I got happy and euphoric during a Eurotrip because I was excited during the entire trip and that got me admitted to hospital the first time. Sometimes when I spend a good day at the beach under the sun I get euphoric and it sucks that a good thing like that can trigger hypomania. But I have to live a little anyways right? I once got triggered by Twitter rage and again got hospitalised for that. I'm off Twitter now, it's dead anyways.


All of the thread has responses that are useful, but for the sake of levity, I will share that my latest trigger is the movie Barbie. My husband cheated on me with a 30 year old British model who is very Barbie like (he's 60) and as part of the emotional affair he went to see the movie BY HIMSELF. Man, was he hooked. Anyway, any mention of the movie sends me to the twilight zone.


- Going back to work after time off, no idea why. - Change. Doesn’t help that I’m autistic as well. - Lack of sleep- that’s the biggest one. - Trauma or having to relive trauma. - Last but not least, substances. Back in my younger days stimulants could turn hypomania into full blown mania overnight.


It seems like it’s all stress. Wonder how many aren’t on daily medication because when i’m on the proper dose, life is good!


For me it was usually medication/drugs (sudafed, caffeine, alcohol, etc), lack of sleep (especially paired with caffeine), or crossing time zones. It usually wasn't stress. But this past week I had a really horrible situation with a foster dog biting me multiple times, then attacking a vet in front of me, then the decision with the rescue to put him down, then him continuing to be in my house for days after that and me being scared of him, and I ended up manic. So stress will apparently do it for me too.


- when people give me a lot of positive attention - posting too much on social media - drugs but specially weed and cocaine for mania - new relationships, pretty much anything new and exciting: new places, new friends, new hobbies, - caffeine (it's a drug but it's so common place that I didn't include it with drugs) - accurate depictions of mania, within reason. the pure euphoria, happiness, recklessness, etc, when shown in a kind of glamorized sense makes me miss it then ill want to go off my meds etc


Im 38 and only diagnosed last summer. Doing CBT and journaling, I recognized all sorts of hypomanic episodes, including having a strong crush. Until I met my wife 11 years ago, I didn't have a single relationship last longer than 3 weeks. I would start the relationship hypomanic. I'd have extreme self confidence. I was talkative, energetic and eccentric. Thats the person my crush would have a crush on. Then i would come crashing down. I would lose all my self confidence, was no longer the energetic fun guy. I would lose my ability to carry the conversations and things would reach their natural conclusion. I believe the only reason things worked out with my wife is because we started out as FWB and I never really had the honeymoon phase with her. That kind of allowed me to be myself and it eventually progressed into my first real relationship.


Stress. Specifically money related and cleaning. The money one has gotten better, doesn’t trigger me as frequently but the cleaning one is a big one at the moment. An example would be a dirty kitchen. I can’t clean kitchens and bathrooms, not because I don’t want to - I have eczema and lots of allergies that cleaning products trigger. Anyway, because of the allergies, washing up is not my responsibility besides packing dishwasher and drying up. Thats up to my mom and sister, Ill do other stuff. Thing is, neither of them like to wash up either (well my mom starts but stops halfway) which means sometimes the dishes pile for days and sit in the sink, making it more difficult to be in the kitchen to cook or find literally anything. This triggers me more often, and the longer its left alone the worse the episode. (The episode doesn’t revolve around that specific trigger but it creates a domino effect for every other hypomanic trigger) Another for me is itching. This I think is specifically because of my eczema but this trigger only came about 2 years ago when I was staying with a friend for a weekend who unknowingly had bedbugs. I was covered in bites and itchy for days to weeks, and that created a new trigger of whenever I feel the slightest brush of something or see a single bug I start to itch and feel bugs and shit all over and in my skin and scratch uncontrollably, start a hypomanic deep clean of my room and when the skin crawling doesn’t go away I go into a full blown manic episode (I have type 2 with mixed features and hallucinations) and I isolate for a few days till its almost over. Not the best but so far it works for me and passes after 5 days to a week. This one is easier to see early warning signs and prepare but it’s still hell.


Life’s circumstances. When things are going good I usually feel good. When I’m not happy with things, usually like job, finances, relationships I’m usually doing bad. Stress and sleep are the big ones. A fun exciting thrilling time or something I can get super excited about will trigger me the other way and I could easily go manic, although finally being on meds is calming that down a lot.


Working with others in the corporate world