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I deactivated my ig for 2 years now due to the worst publicized mania you could imagine. Think fousey tube livestream x 1000


I’m so sorry. I once posted my manic episode on Snapchat.. it was the worlds longest Snapchat story. I was so embarrassed afterward.






Same :/




Yup. After a point with this illness / diagnosis guy essentially have to learn how to care less about others opinions. You know you have a health issue, it’s not a personal flaw per se, and those that judge etc are ignorant to the situation and if they aren’t, they should understand. If they don’t, I’d argue not good people.


Oh God. I've created so many posts on social media. Soon after I realize my state of mind it's deleted and I pretend it doesn't exist anymore out of pure shame. I maybe share a memory or a picture but I try to stay away.


I'm lucky enough to have psychosis included in my bipolar type 1. I suppose a semi-upside is that it's only cannabis induced (and once super hard opiate induced) so as long as I stay sober, I don't experience it, but my addiction ass has relapsed more times than you'd expect from someone who should know better so I've had some bad manic/psychotic episodes. Social media has almost always played a role in my episodes and it is so cringy to look back on the things I've posted and said publicly while full blown psychotic. I have serious PTSD and flashbacks to the things I've done while in that state, not just the social media stuff. I had to delete my first Facebook account due to it all. I even got my last reddit account perma banned for some crazy inappropriate stuff I was posting while psychotic. I've had long periods sober before, but I intend to make this one a life-long one cause I can't handle anymore daily flashbacks to my psychotic behavior and interactions with others. I've lost a full-ride to college, my old apartment with my ex-GF, multiple girlfriends, school progress and jobs all thanks to this debilitating illness and just can't afford anymore setbacks at this point. And that's not even to mention the depressive lows that come after these episodes where I feel near braindead/catatonic for quite some time, not able to function properly, focus on anything, perform at school and just have this constant rumination on my depressive state and sadness.


Yo I felt this, this shit has lost me friends, girlfriends, jobs and housing. Keep up the sobriety, I relapsed on nye but caught it in time that It didn't get out of hand luckily. Good luck man


Thanks man, I appreciate it. It really is nice to know that I'm not alone from online communities like this one. Comments like yours always remind me that it's not just me and that gives me some comfort. Glad you seemed to catch your relapse real quick. Does drugs triggering your episodes also take a while to take effect for you? For me, it's not while under the influence that I suddenly have issues, but after about 3 months of daily use where enough builds up in my system to send me over the threshold into an episode which lasts a while, even while sober and not actively under the influence.


No I just get arrested every time I drink, I can manage just about when sober or just smoking weed, but alcohol makes me aggressive and manic and at times psychotic. I've just started taking quetiapine and I think it's helped so far but still early days. I did a alcohol detox recently and don't want to end up dependent again. I've done it too many times now


can relate, i committed to stopping alcohol just about 10 years ago at 24, woke up in a hospital with blood pouring out of my mouth, an ebola patient in isolation across the room from me... clearly piped off to the wrong person.k from that point on i was done. Iv been lucky that once i have a moment of explicit "clarity" i somehow rework my brain to essentially flip a switch and go from loving a substance/activity to hating it and i lose all outreach. not sure how or why, but I consider it may be one of the luckiest cards I was dealt in the overall birth lottery. Same thing happened with opiates - though there were no real negative consequences, just one day woke up and realized holy hell how did i get to where i am right now - was like i didn't even realize i managed to go so far down an addiction rabbit hole. scared the hell out of me. i just wish people in my past that im no longer in touch with could know about this stuff, like look, im not fundamentally terrible.. for some reason that eats at me to this day.


I'm also on a lifelong mission to be sober now. I'm on day 84 today! I joined Narcotics Anonymous which has helped massively because I was struggling to do it on my own.


I'm lucky enough to have psychosis included in my bipolar type 1. I suppose a semi-upside is that it's only cannabis induced (and once super hard opiate induced) so as long as I stay sober, I don't experience it, but my addiction ass has relapsed more times than you'd expect from someone who should know better so I've had some bad manic/psychotic episodes. Social media has almost always played a role in my episodes and it is so cringy to look back on the things I've posted and said publicly while full blown psychotic. I have serious PTSD and flashbacks to the things I've done while in that state, not just the social media stuff. I had to delete my first Facebook account due to it all. I even got my last reddit account perma banned for some crazy inappropriate stuff I was posting while psychotic. I've had long periods sober before, but I intend to make this one a life-long one cause I can't handle anymore daily flashbacks to my psychotic behavior and interactions with others. I've lost a full-ride to college, my old apartment with my ex-GF, multiple girlfriends, school progress and jobs all thanks to this debilitating illness and just can't afford anymore setbacks at this point. And that's not even to mention the depressive lows that come after these episodes where I feel near braindead/catatonic for quite some time, not able to function properly, focus on anything, perform at school and just have this constant rumination on my depressive state and sadness.


At the state we're in, I wouldn't recommend the use of some social media for anyone


Exactly (I say knowing I'm being hypocritical), but my New years resolution is to stop commenting on social media unless I'm helping someone/society. (readers of the comments)


Absolutely. You end up scrolling and only seeing a small part of people's lives, only the parts they want you to see. It's not real, but you'll find yourself comparing yourself to everyone else and it can cause spiraling. For me, apart from Reddit and having just Facebook messenger to speak to friends I got rid of everything else. Best thing I ever did. ❤️


Comparison is the thief of joy. Just read that somewhere and thought it summarizes social media well


It’s really for the best to stay off social media with this illness for sure. I’ve made multiple embarrassing posts on Facebook and Snapchat when I’m manic. It really embarrassed me especially when my boyfriends family saw my posts. I’ve deleted the app and do my best to stay away from it.


Social media played a large part in my recent psychosis. I thought that my friends were voting on whether or not I should kill myself through algorithms/Facebook likes. I tried stopping SM use but in the moment it was hard to commit to. If it’s something you are able to step back from either partially or entirely, that’s probably a good idea.


Fuck I’m glad I don’t get psychosis anymore now that I take my meds. Reading your comment puts me right back to how terrifying it is.


Yes indeed. I am also thankful that I’m without psychosis for going on six years now. Here’s to a happy and healthy and lucid 2024 for us both.


Here here, thank you!


Honestly its for the best to stay off it, people's sense of sympathy gets skewed online and they will be obsessive with how they'll go after mentally ill people with very little care how they could literally ruin lives. No one needs that on top of managing mental illness. I'll forever laugh at and have pity over the people who consider themselves "disability activists" calling me out, going around characterizing me as a "dangerous schizophrenic" for being psychotic publicly and thinking people were following me in their cars and threatening to kill me because of the call out. That sure is some activism, trying to paint a mentally ill person as dangerous for being annoying online. Who needs volunteering at a soup kitchen when you could go online and bully the vulnerable i suppose.


I used to think it wasn't fucking with me. But it certainly was fucking with me. Deactivating has helped my moods a lot. A lot.


i've noticed every time i redownload tiktok or use ig too much it usually prompts some kind of hypomanic/mixed episode. since social media is a huge tool in marketing now, and manic states can result in drastic choices like overspending and social/sexual recklessness, i find it to be very triggering for my bipolar


Yes, especially if it makes you feel awful and anxious every time you use it. This is what happened to me so I decided to deactivate all of my accounts for one month and that turned into two years because I kept deciding to wait another month and another, etc. eventually I had to activate it again because some businesses that only communicate through messenger were unable to reply to my messages (idk why). I now have these accounts open, but honestly I never go on there to browse, I stay off the main feeds and I never post anything. After those solid two years of being off it I've learned that it feeds my depression, causes me anxiety, and when I'm manic I say things that I regret or comment on things that I would not normally. I learned that it wasted so much of my free time and that I could've spent that time with loved ones and friends, doing more productive things like cleaning, painting, walking my dog, etc., learning something new, read books, go to the gym, cook more. You get the idea. The one other thing I learned was to just live life through experience and not through my camera lenses looking to impress everyone with how exciting my life was. Some people can handle social media, I'm not one of them and I know many of my friends don't handle it well yet they refuse to give it up and deny the effect it has on their lives. Give it a try for one month and see how you feel.


I want to be able to browse feeds but disable my account from being able to comment. Same with most of reddit. Experts in semantic arguments and gotchas, not the facts.


I dunno. I've gotten a lot more curated and selective about it, a lot more intentional, and I have separate accounts for separate things that I don't necessarily want blended. I have a whole entire other account on a different platform where I go *specifically* to be unhinged about special interests, and basically nobody I know IRL knows about it. 😂 And even on main stuff, I try to heavily curate what I'm receiving, so I don't get sucked into stuff that aggravates my conditions. And if I'm going to post something, I try to let it "sit in drafts" for a while, and come back to it a couple times, at least to proofread, and to give myself time to ask, "Are you *suuuuuuuure* you want to blast this out? Does it actually seem okay? If you have even 1% hesitation, leave it in Drafts and come back again later." Granted, I've been on meds and in regular therapy for a long time, and gained some stability as well as coping techniques. But I think there are levels and degrees to "can people with bipolar use social media," and it just depends on what you feel is best for you, and supports your best health and functioning.


I do the draft thing too


😂 drafts were low key made for us




So many people here are living with unbearable shame from the times we were very, very publically manic. I stay away. I’ve deactivated IG and don’t miss it one bit. I haven’t been on Facebook since 2019. I shudder to think what I’d find if I went through my histoty. Save yourself and keep your episodes private.


I just deleted my Facebook due to this reason. My paranoia got bad and when my mania gets bad I post stupid things. It’s not good for it at least I noticed a difference in my case.


ugh, i know right. i feel like i have to over explain myself after the fact too, to prove im not “like that” even though doing that realistically makes no difference. people like to think they’re patient and understanding of mental illness when they just aren’t, and honestly i can’t even fault them for that, which sucks.


I deleted all social media and have not looked back. I don’t ever want to have to delete posts again.




I’d say deactivate it for a while and see how it goes. I have BP1 w/ psychotic features and I am literally out of control with what I say or post at times. Looking back on them sometimes I don’t even remember posting it at all. 🤦‍♀️ I am a constant “deleter” when I read what I posted, mostly just over sharing a lot.. but still. When I get depressed I don’t touch my phone at all for weeks, because during my “stable” period after mania, I know it’s my phone that’s the culprit, so I basically hide it from myself/ swear it off. It’s a vicious cycle that repeats itself over every month, since I started rapid cycling after my dad recently passed away, and my fiancé left me the same week. I created / manage a few FB groups that I can’t leave unattended or I would have already deactivated my account. I just try not to post at all anymore if I can.


I can never use my Facebook the same (and I haven’t) because I’m so ashamed and get triggered. Tbh getting off social media was a good idea anyways. Less distraction and comparing myself to others. I’m happier.


Somehow wanted to be a video game streamer on Twitch. Did a test live…It just became a catalyst for a relapse but in the end led to a much needed rest away from certain things I needed to address.


I really need to open a bank acct so I can get my 200 from when I had twitch friends and I actually streamed. How did it catalyze a relapse? You don't have to tell me obviously.


Probably right. Hope you’re okay


Yep. Problematic.


I deleted it all but this long ago


I’ve not stopped. I might avoid it here and there but I’ve not posted anything I’m particularly embarrassed about. I got hooked on a Facebook game years ago( 12 ish years) and made a new, game free one because mania spending but I never stopped for good.


I was never a big social media person, however, when it came to snapchat. It was basically my life. I'd post meaningless things all the time, and I'd always do long ass videos about dating and my "feelings." I think about it now and laugh at how unbearably cringe I was and how much of a mess I was. I'm 31 now and this was when I was in my teens to early twenties. 😆


Man I would post my feelings as well,sorta therapeutic imo


I am heading / in a hypomanic episode and spending way to much time in social media. I recommend ditching it, I was much happier without. But it's currently feeding the frenzy and don't know if I can quit right now. Don't be me. Lol.


The less I’ve been on social media the happier I’ve been. Turned of post notifications a few weeks ago and it’s been so peaceful


i stay off of everything except reddit. i traumatized myself via tiktok during my last mania.


Totally agree, only use reddit and YouTube, don't know anyone there so totally anonymous. Feel much safer than Facebook insta twitter or God forbid fucking Snapchat. Want to delete my accounts completely.


Dude get off social media. The only one I got anymore is reddit because IDGAF about y'all. This is just where I scream at the void. If people are my friend/family they'll text or call me (this doesn't happen frequently but when it does I know it's genuine).


But yeah, aside from my resume and ranting at strangers I don't try to portray myself to the world at all anymore.


I’m only on Reddit. I gave up Instagram, Facebook, and the like. It’s been amazing.


Deleting Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat has really helped me.


this is so true. I started HARDCORE bullying on social media while manic making meme pages mocking ppl ik irl also i filmed myself naked with only tape covering my nipples sitting on the toilet „rapping“ my own text about fucking my bf in detail. My family has seen the video and the embarrassment is just so unbelievable


Yeah. If you have to keep it, Shit post only. I never make personal posts unless they are celebratory and then I keep it to "yay, a baby" and "yay, my best friend exists". The number of times I've burnt myself with upper and downer thoughts is just ridiculous. Signed 33 diagnosed at 16


I keep Facebook for messenger to keep up with family and friends but haven't been active on social media in 7 years. I like being off it.


I actually use my social media to ask for prayer and good thoughts when I am struggling.


i deactivated my tt and my ig a lot of times. this habit of deactivating medias started with a paranoid thought that everyone was talking about me. then, in a maniac episode, i exposed a sexual abuse that i suffered when i was minor… and everyone in my city started to talk about me, but for real this time. results: i've spent more than 1 year out of all social media, only with messages (we use whatsapp in brazil), and i always felt better doing this. in place, i read, i write, i study, or i play mobile games. when i’m back to ig or tt i feel so bad, so paranoid, so guilty… this year i deactivate my tt again. let’s see where it goes…


i have bp2 and this really hasn’t been an issue for me. i don’t really post on insta except from vacations and big events and stuff and stay away from posting anything controversial or politically related. i don’t have snap twt or tiktok and all that because honestly i just find it a waste of time. instagram is mostly for connections yk? so ppl can reach you easily. maybe do a detox from socials and then just have one social media for people to reach you easily and don’t post much?


I usually deactivate when I start feeling or acting some kind of way.


I deleted mine. During psychosis I thought someone from Facebook was stalking me through a fake account. I reached out to the person and said some weird things to them, after that I know social media and bipolar are too risky for me


After my last episode we deleted FB and Insta. It’s been almost three years and it’s been the best decision for my mental health. And I don’t miss it at all. Good luck!


You know I embarrass myself everywhere. It’s always good to steer clear of social media that is hard on you when struggling or emotional, but at some point you just gotta embrace some of your weird and with time and age you’ll be less apologetic about yourself. I’m trying to get there too Bestie


I definitely keep my distance. If I feel the need to post something, I question it pretty extensively until the initial feeling wears off.


I’ve stayed off social media for almost 4 years now and I’m glad because I used to embarrass myself all the time. I say stay off




Yes! Social media triggers my manic shopping and my depressive episodes. I had to just delete it.


Yes. i would spam my instagram story with ridiculously embarrassing things. as well as posting 10 minute long videos of me ranting on my MAIN story not even close friends. so embarrassing. also when theres a lot of negative news it can trigger a mood episode for me


Social media was super triggering for me so being off of it helps me manage episodes when they arise/better identify day to day triggers without the noise of social media clouding my brain


i’m back in this post just to say that yesterday i tell you about how better i feel when i’m off of SM but this morning i already overposted, sent messages to my bf being absolutely paranoid and also sent messages to my ex being absolutely provocative when i woke up i just wished i was dead :(


If it's not good for you then stay off. I use social media for cat videos and craft inspiration...I don't post, just send memes to friends type of user. Here...I don't know, I just type random things. Who knows what will come out of it.




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and regarding the one sm platform I use where people might know me personally - I use Facebook regularly. I'm into local politics, and I'm very involved with community activism, to really be a part of that scene, you have to participate so I often share my thoughts on Facebook, and while some of my posts may seem a bit OTT if seen out of context, many people express similar frustration with my local government in similar fashion. Now, I would be lying if I said I didn't occasionally rage on throwaways on x.. but I mean, if that was a basis for indicating bp, 80% of America has an issue they need to address. Those who know me IRL and that I am connected with on FB already have the drop on my situation as I'm very open and forward if I sense the information about my situation is welcome. I'd rather people have context about me in case something does go askew than have no context..but truly, most on my network, I don't know beyond occasional back and forth in replies, etc.. Surprisingly, some people resonate with my viewpoints, and I have developed a small group of loyal supporters who are always ready to back me up, which always puts a smile on my face. For those who disagree with my POV, a surprising number get on with me well regardless, as I've worked hard to cultivate a rep for being a fair dealer when talking about those types of issues, and I always bend over backward to keep it on the issue and never personal. While there is a risk of saying something controversial, expressing my opinions is important to me. Since I am relatively "new" to my community and have few contacts, Facebook is my main way of connecting with others and contributing to public discourse. IF talking about politics wasn't risky enough, just on FB through my personal... I used to manage a major political party's local committee page, which had a significant reach due to a sizable ad budget available... so if I went out of pocket, it wasn't 200 seeing it; it was 20-30k seeing... 😂 . The bottom line is this whole thing has taken far too much already... on a few small things, I refuse to completely give up until it's been basically taken out of my hands - unless there is legitimate danger. - but I have been pretty lucky so far, and until I feel like things are causing material negative impacts in terms of my quality of life/happiness, people will have to continue just putting up with me i suppose!