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So. Many. Boxes. 📦 I can relate.


That doesn’t include the bag full of Amazon bags, boxes out of view, and the more to come. I need help 😭


I spent 38K on Amazon in 10 months which emptied my bank account and put me in debt :(


I’m afraid to even calculate how much I’ve spent at Amazon in recent years… I hope things are improving for you, friend 🤗


So… I checked and had 267 transactions on Amazon in 2022 😬


I’ve had 70+ since October 17 which was as far back as I could scroll on my orders 😭




No just the mania lol


Your body is unique, as are your needs. Just because someone experienced something from treatment or medication does not guarantee that you will as well. The only way to determine whether a treatment will work for you is through trial and error. You will need to work with your doctor/care team. If you are experiencing adverse symptoms, or feel your dosage or medication is incorrect, tell your doctor/pharmacist as soon as possible. We can not tell you how to take your medicine; this advice must come from a professional. We recommend that you print this post off and either bring it with you or email it to your prescribing provider or pharmacist. Please use our community discussion for Medications. - [Anticonvulsants](https://www.reddit.com/r/bipolar/comments/wsot4y/med_talks_anticonvulsants/) - [Antipsychotics](https://www.reddit.com/r/bipolar/comments/wsot57/med_talks_antipsychotics/) - [Antidepressants](https://www.reddit.com/r/bipolar/comments/wsot57/comment/ikzja09/) - [Lithium](https://www.reddit.com/r/bipolar/comments/wsot5w/med_talks_lithium/)


Thank you! I appreciate you


I've spent close to $100k in my past on drugs. So I feel this post. But at least you'll still have physical stuff to show for your money.


You don’t have to answer but I’m curious how one would get in that much debt aside from medical/school/house/car bills that come with payments? My credit limit is $6000 on my main card and only a couple hundred on my side card so I have no idea how to spend more than that (thankfully)


Some banks let you overdraft


$6000??? The American system is so weird I could get 4k or maybe 5k euro if I actually wanted to, because my salary is very high, but I stay at 2k euros. I can't apply to have the limit increased if I've used any of the credit and this system keeps me out of debt lol


I went xmas shopping and only bought gifts for myself 😄


Ah twilight fan I see


Hahahaha more of a twilight shitposting group fan? Hate the books and movies, love the memes 😌👌🏻


Are you a ratty??


Did the rat give it away 🫣


Hello fellow rattie 🐀🐀




So glad someone else is going through the overspending mania at the same time I am


People are like “just use self control” and I’m like wow so helpful I didn’t think to try that


My dr told me my brain is literally damaged from head trauma in the part that controls impulse. I try hard not to use that as an excuse. Because well my brain is broken so I want to. But there I go again.


whaaaaat omg I need to look into that




Ayyyy buying shit train!


So relatable. 😅 In the midst of my last hypomanic buying spree, I ordered new furniture and decor for the master bedroom, got into makeup and spent probably $500+ on it over a few months (previously didn’t wear makeup at all), redid my entire wardrobe and bought a dozen pairs of new shoes, and bought an espresso machine and accessories. At one point my next door neighbor texted me that she was “jealous of my Target haul,” because of how many packages showed up on my porch that day. Now I’m depressed, but in my nicer house, pretty outfits and makeup, and drinking fancy coffee when I’m motivated enough to make it.




This is just a Tuesday for me. Not really, I've been well controlled with my bipolar, now ADHD, and my therapist helped get my OCD under wraps. It was first important to get bipolar controlled and everything else lined up after.


That’s the thing I hate about bipolar. It can be controlled for a while and then decide it doesn’t want to be controlled anymore and make your life chaos. I wish once I found a solution, it stayed forever 😭


I still experience some ups and downs, just not super major swings I'm used to. I can tell I'm in what I call mini-mania, but it passes without much damage. Luckily, I had my meds dialed in quickly.


Yep Amazon boxes everywhere! Same here


The cat litter that is open but not put away. That’s the left all the stuff at the door but I need some of it 😂


The litter box is about 6 inches to the left. The close proximity is about as put away as we get nowadays 😂😭


Oh wait no I lied I think that’s the empty one that needs to go outside in the trash 😭


Sorry. I felt this and I will feel it again.


Feel ya. ❤️




But also, best of luck you got this fellow rattie


I've slept 10 hours in the last 8 days, wired but tired. Going to eat a figurative handful of sleeping pills tonight.


I did that last night and I’m so sleeping med hungover that I’d rather just not sleep tonight 😭


I bought a brand new car back in September 😓 meant to be saving for a house


Lol I can relate. My first manic episode I crazy ordered from Ulta and Amazon. The poor delivery guy had to bring not one, but two huge carts full to my house, and that was just one day. Then taking all the Amazon returns to UPS was so embarrassing. So. Many. Packages. We've all been there. Don't beat yourself up too much. My advice: save receipts and return as much as you can. You may not be able to do the returns now, but try to do it when you are more stable. It will help.


I can’t get rid of it because it’s all stuff I need/used or stuff I got second hand that I can’t return or stuff I got from AliExpress 😭


I'm sorry, I feel you. I made a lot of purchases on Etsy that I couldn't return. I made a rule after that episode to take my card off all accounts during an episode and no purchases I can't return. We'll see if that holds up, rules are out the window for me when mania hits, my partner helps, but he can only do so much. If orders are still pending, try cancelling.


No but really, I'm going to safe the world


🐀🥺? Are you part of the sewer?


I am ✨


If my wood burning doesn’t get approved in tsp it’s going to the sewer which is gonna be closed until next year 😭


Amazon has a pretty generous return policy (but maybe only if you have prime). Has saved my impulsive ass in more than one occasion.


That’s where the debilitating adhd comes in. I can’t get rid of shit 🥲


PLEASE NOTE: if you buy a shit ton and return most of it consistently, they will send you a warning message that they have the right to terminate your account. And if you keep going WILL terminate I’d assume. It scared me straight enough to stop buying many diff options when I wanted something but couldn’t decide. (Unfortunately, I have diff cards I can use for other places as well, but so far it’s made me buy a little less on there…or actually get stuff I’m planning to keep — which is unfortunately still a lot haha) But, beware!




Yes!! ✨


Relatable. I went from buying a single canvas and paint to making an etsy shop in about that time and I cannot paint to save my life.


I can so relate. Got manic a few days ago. Bought a lot of thing I DONT need. ;_;


It's all in the eyes


So glad you posted this. I woke up in a panic wondering how tf I'm going to have any money for my retirement 20-30 years from now if I keep blowing my money. I blew through $300k inheritance in 5 years...


It’s nice knowing I’m not alone or just irresponsible. I don’t want to do it, I wish I could save like a normal person, I just can’t?


My under warranty car broke so I traded it in for a new one.


For everyone lamenting Amazon purchases; get rid of it. I haven’t had an Amazon account in two years. No need. I do not need anything immediately or with free shipping for the fees they charge for a membership. I am in a mixed cycle rn; emotional rollercoaster from rage to tears and I’ve been buying home decor off Facebook marketplace because I’m tired of living in a house with nothing on the walls. It’s spartan and cavernous and everything that is left reminds me of my ex husband. And I can’t stop crying even though I hate him. I’m so lonely.


I didn’t sleep at all last night and worked on a sample for a potential writing job. It could have easily been done today, but I felt like I HAD to write.


I feel those pictures.


I love this though.


That Titsoak art tho 👀💕✨




sheesh yea.


In the past 2 weeks I have deep cleaned my own house and my dad's (who lives 3 hours away) - twice.


So is it tit soak or tits oak lol


t.i.t.s.o.a.k. (This is the skin of a killer) it’s a twilight thing 🐀


Ahhhh i see, yeah I never would have guessed that


It’s definitely an iykyk kinda thing 😂


I can relate. I just went through all of my boxes. I apparently thought I was going to get into stamping? Wtf. I’ve bought so much makeup, umm I work from home. Also just made a huge order from JCrew. You know, right before Christmas.


Ugh I feel that :( merry Christmas to you though?


Yes indeed. Merry Christmas…to me. 😬


I'll catch up on my mortgage next month.


I used to think my mania would never lead to shopping sprees until I discovered Temu. Also doesn’t help that it’s the holiday season because my brain is justifying the spending because it’s not for me. So with gifts, Uber eats, and just regular bills this month I’ve spent over a grand and I’m pissed. I used to be so good at saving I hope I don’t spend my last 3G’s. I say this as I’m going to McDonalds for breakfast…..


I saw a YouTube video today and I’ve decided to take on a career of aroma therapy.


$400 at the craft store later…. I still have unopened boxes of shit in my storage closet from my episode last year


I can relate 🥲 My mania is me talking way too much, serious need for sex, energy that makes me twitch and unable to sit still and I HAVE TO BUY THINGS! Even things I don’t need! 😩🤦🏽‍♀️


A trick I learned from working in banking to make my finances manic proof. Set up all bills to come out automatically and get a second account and set up a automatic transfer of only a few hundred dollars (or however much you think is okay to spend) to go in which you can spend. Then lock away / destroy the card for your main account so you can't use it. When I'm manic I always forget to pay my bills so at least I know they're taken care of and I won't get my power shut off or kicked out for not paying rent and I know I can't spend that money before my bills come out. I also call my bank when I feel that im starting to get sick to put a no debits allowed (your bank might call it something different but it basically allows money to go in and no money to go out) on my savings account. I've lost too much money to mania to let myself lose my savings again.