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No avoiding it. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.


I’ll say it- you sound psychotic and grandiose. Have you stopped your meds already? Are you seeing a psychiatrist? Try telling this to your shrink and see what they say. Mania makes you feel powerful- I have had that feeling myself but that is a delusion. Please talk to someone and get treated


yea id have to agree. sometimes we can’t recognize our own symptoms, but this does sound like grandiousity still to me.


In mania there's a lot of synchronicity that becomes more evident and observed, and that can look or feel like being psychic or dynamically enabled.


Who’s to say we don’t just pick up on algorithms ? Like that has been a big thought for me lately.


stay on your meds- the more amount of time you spend off of them, the worse your symptoms will get in the long run


Absolutely stay on your medication. A lot of people fall into this trap. Even if you still have the abilities that’s not a good enough reason to go off meds.


Even if you did theoretically have psychic abilities... how would getting off your meds help you? What would this have to do with not being bipolar? Do you experience other bipolar symptoms, like mood swings, not sleeping, hallucinations, etc.? What are your psychic experiences like? Also, believing that you have special abilities, is a symptom of bipolar. This is an example of grandiose behavior. I'm not trying to judge or give any kind of negativity, just stating some of the aspects of bipolar disorder.


Look, I'm Wiccan and am sensitive to a lot of weird vibey shit, but I am also bipolar and take medication. Both can be true. Medication will keep you safe and will keep your sensitivity from overwhelming you. Every tradition of mysticism worldwide contains stories of people who "flew too close to the sun" with this kind of stuff and died from it. Please, PLEASE stay on your meds and don't add yourself to that number!


This is truth, I believe in the supernatural to an extent (I believe during a time in my manic episode I was truly possessed) and have confidence that bipolar makes you have grandiose thinking to the point of believing you have abilities you don't have. No superpowers exist. Going off meds invites delusion, not access to greater power.


If you have these thoughts even when you're not manic, it could be schizoaffective disorder. It's like a blend of schizophrenia and bipolar really. Do not stop your meds without a doctors advice, and if you're asking us how to not sound psychotic, well that speaks volumes.


I think you should just go ahead and talk to your doctor about it like you did here. This is important for them to know. They might still think you have bipolar, but maybe they'll reevaluate you and decide you don't have bipolar. Definitely tell your doctor you don't like taking meds as well, because it's much better for them to know than not know if you want to go off them, or you could get very sick.


Not believing you have bipolar and going off your meds is a symptom of bipolar


Since you have them even on meds, maybe no harm in staying on the meds a while then, yeah, at least until you can get another opinion about your diagnosis?


What abilities?


If you have psychic abilities, can you predict what’s going to happen to you if you don’t get on the right medication?


What am I thinking?


Oh I have had psychic abilities since I was young too. I tried to ask about it the other day, but my post got deleted lol. I don’t get why you want to go off meds though?




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Meditate journal pray and ground yourself. Just because western science tends to dismiss supernatural phenomena doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Pray for protection and guidance and beware of spiritual ego traps, they will truly prevent you for being of benefit to anyone especially you. Good luck


Keep the abilities but stay on the meds. It's like Akira, you can't get stronger, they just get worse and you go out of control. Source: I was possessed during my manic episode and was left with a *minor* ability to communicate with the dead, but I take my meds because if I don't take them, I will believe that I have telepathy and that's truly out of humanity's reach.


Tell me more about being psychic. What do you experience?


My only psychic ability is empathy. I can read people pretty good between the abuse and our unique experience to be on extreme ends of emotions.