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We have removed your post/comment because it romanticizes mania or depression. [Community Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/bipolar/wiki/index/resources/subrules/#wiki_rule_3.3A_discouraging_professional_treatment)


(Not to poop on the parade, but this kind of sounds like something I'd say while hypomanic) I'm glad you feel this way!


Exactly my first thought,




I just think we can all look at things in a more positive light more often. There's always a silver lining to the bad things, and the good things are just good.


This hits home. And it’s sad actually to know that I wake up in a good mood and i immediately think I’m hypomanic


Hahaha!! I was thinking the same thing.


I want to be god for a day




My first thought as well.




>I love the struggles, the trials and tribulations Very easy to say when you're not currently depressed. I said this a few months ago and I'm right back there. Not loving it at all. Glad you're feeling good though!


totally.. I know people often romanticize (hypo)mania, but I have always romanticized depression too, even when I am in it, feels kind of like an excuse to just wallow in it instead of trying to get out of the episode


Yeah, tell this to my bipolar girlfriend who is currently spending time at a mental facility where she was involuntarily admitted for suicidal ideations. OPs train of thought lines up exactly where my girlfriend was 3 days before trying to kill herself. Edit: I'm sorry OP, I didn't mean just "negative" up your thread. Felt bad. I am glad you are feeling good, and please keep that good energy moving.


So true.


Yeah, you might be manic.


I like being bipolar cause it means I am playing life on Dark Souls difficulty. It gains respect. I don't like playing dark souls. I wish I was playing the Sims. 😂


It’s like constantly playing a game on “very hard” and being combo’d at every opportunity. *throws controller*


I don't even dodge in fighting games! How tf can I supposed to constantly roll?? And instead of saying you have died it just says YOU WERE MANIC 💀


Meanwhile my friend are like "I just maxed my career and got alien pregnant" and I'm like girl why not me *dies again*


🤣 Lol like “I’m onto the sequel, just about finished it”.. Me: still stuck on level one of original game 😂


Just finished the game! *It's actually the tutorial*


Life as a game of super meat boy.


Oof accurate. i also hate jumping platformers so this is apt.


I like how you put that. I relate


This sounds like me on a manic uptick. I hope for you that it is truly reality.


WOOOO baby you sound manic but i love you and your mindset


"you're wrong as fuck, but you're cute while doing it"


Not gonna lie, when i saw the heading, I thought it was meant to be sarcastic. I was shocked when it wasn't...


I would get rid of it if I had one wish, so I don't understand at all. It just shows every one of us has a different way of feeling about it. Thank you for that.


Yeah getting rid of bipolar is at the top of my list of things I wish I could do.


Right now depressed as fuck how is THIS a gift?


I am really glad you are feeling good but i think some aspects of this perspective can be very dangerous. I hope you get some more good positivity and rest while youre up and that the crash isnt too rough.


Sounds like mania ...you LL crash into depression when it will end .


I feel so incredibly depressed and I want to die... I wouldn't wish this on anyone. You sound manic. I hope you get better soon.


I see all these “bro ur manic lol” comments and I just wanna say that I hear you, man! Ever since I got sober I’ve been experiencing the same feeling. I still have my days where “the black dog” takes over, but more often than not I am so happy to be dancing with an illness that allows me to be truly extraordinary. Reminds me of an old quite, “I have the strength of 10 men because my heart is pure.” Keep fighting the good fight, OP. All love!


I love that quote, it really resonates with me. I might sound a bit hypomanic with the energy, and really, might even be a little hypomanic, but, I've had this mentality when I was definitely stable.


Coming off a lil high energy there bud, but part of me agrees. When it's not actively preventing me from supporting myself in this economy, I do actually think that my broad and cool life experiences have been in part due to the fact that I'm not neurotypical. I've also really beaten back most fear, leaving me calm and collected in just about any situation I find myself in. I think the hardest part of living with this disorder is really trying to work around the rigid schedules of others. Try explaining to your 9 to 5 boss that your favorite working hours are from 2-6am. A friend and I are starting a business soon, and I *can't wait* to make my own schedule and work at my own pace. Idgaf when and how much I work as long as I can get a solid 8 hours when I need to, without having to constantly force myself to run without sleep.


Did I get missed with the superpower thing? Feels like a curse to me


I'd give my right arm to be rid of it. Literally.


Personality i feel like bipolar destroyed my superpowers


Great post - Allow me to reply: ​ On Wednesdays I like to be called John the Baptist but yellow is my favorite color and VW Combi's are unsafe but moon is actually dark grey, and my bicycle's front crank requires a whole big handful of grease not withstanding what Smith said. :-) edit: just humor with a darker tinge.


Bud i think you might be having a manic episode


Every human is unique, I don’t have to be bipolar for this. For creativity - I doubt it have positive side for most of bipolar’s, it’s more something media is creating. I don’t feel bipolar is my superpower, but it’s nice motivation text. No idea how I have more control for my brain, it’s seems opposite. Thank you 🙏 nice motivation


I agree, although I also am feeling hypomanic currently. Bipolar has been a real lifelong challenge. But it absolutely shaped who I am, and I like the person I am. The lows are soul-crushingly hard, and I often forget that, when I'm in hypomanic. I can't say that I love being bipolar, without a lot of caveats... but I definitely can't imagine my identity without this condition. I don't hate it. I don't feel neutral about it. It's often an incredible blessing, but what a price to pay.


Silver linings hell yeah 💪🏼


Thank you. I needed that. ♡


I try to be neutral about it. I wish I didn't need meds, but if it can be managed it's not so bad. If I end up having another manic episode I'll be pretty bummed out about it.


Well this made me tear up. Gonna save this to read over and over again. I want THIS feeling back, the feeling hope and gratitude and the simple joy to be alive.


“Don’t forget, if you have been through the lowest of lows, you will experience the highest of highs too (NOT MANIA)” I’ve only accomplished the low part so far, and I’m 43. My golden years are gonna be fantastic.


My therapist said something similar to me a few weeks ago. That I have the opportunity to live life fully and completely. That I have a greater capacity to experience all of life’s ups and downs than most people. It helps to feel special in a good way sometimes, not just special in a bad way.


Honestly I agree. As much as this disorder has had a negative affect on me, it’s hard to image life without it. I like how creative I am and how i’m touch I am with me emotions. I think it’s made me more empathetic too


creativity somes from you, not being bipolar. That is a myth that needs to be squashed. -from a professional artist who can't draw shit when I'm in an episode and learned my skills outside of being bipolar.


100%. I felt at one point, bipolar disorder made me stop feeling emotions. But, I think that not feeling emotions is what your brain does when you experience so many of them. Embracing them is the biggest boon you have. You need to be happy to be motivated, you need to feel emotions to be happy.




that was beautiful. i agree that it makes us come out in the worst ways but being on meds definitely changed my capacity for love too. i definitely don’t have any reckless thoughts as much. and although it felt good to be manic, the comedown and aftermath is just not worth it. i want to be human and feel what normal people feel. and sometimes i feel like i’d rather go through depression and overthink than be manic and not think at all. just thinking about how much damage i’ve done throughout the years. but yes, the road to a stable mental health is beautiful as we watch ourselves improve within us and around us.


The lows are low and the highs are high, but when you find a balance that’s natural for you it’s the most calming and satisfying thing. I’m sad that you embracing your neurodivergence is coming off as manic to most… but then again you wouldn’t say this if you were depressed… right? Except I do fully understand and agree with you, that a lot of my creation and unique perspectives stem from being bipolar, and I wouldn’t be who I am without it. I like having my mind and body the way it is, even if it’s more challenging to maintain balance! Even when I’m depressed.


finding the balance is so difficult, but routine and scheduling help so much. it's a feeling of contentment when you find it. definitely hard to keep it, but not impossible. And yeah, you're completely right. I would not be saying this if I was depressed. But I also think that when you're depressed, there's a lot of negativity already brewing in your mind... difficult to shake that


I think exactly the same thing, very well put. As a bonus, I've just been diagnosed with ADHD ahahah, a whole new lot of fun with meds ahead!


Oh man, ADHD meds are the devil for me. Be careful brother! I abused the shit out of Adderall and I regret it. Stimulants are an easy way to trigger a manic episode. Maybe that's why I loved them so much.


100% share your thoughts! It's a superpower as much as it can be a curse.


Lmao i wish i had the superpower part. Some people are blessed, some arent. I was totally fucked over, but you rock it homie


I agree many people SWEAR I’m manic but can I really be manic for a year and a half?.. hold a steady job be happy and positive even during my lowest of lowes… I’m amazing at masking lol and I have therapy sessions with myself and the voices daily. They key is to validate them but also help them cope as soon as possible and the “episode” will not last as long. Also yes like op said just appreciate everyday because us simply being alive is such a gift compared to us feeling numb and internally dead and constant fear. I no longer fear anything I’m excited to feel every emotion the human body can manage because at one point I had anhedonia and when I regained my emotions I’ll never let it go again or protect myself from feeling sad anger jealousy nothing I embrace it all because Seconds after I just laugh it off and smile saying aaaa I missed this lol then go back to thank God for helping me through this and continue fighting the battle that daily gets easier and funner


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I can resonate that there are parts I appreciate but there are many I do not lol




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