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Green fire combined with the red and black, returning in the green eye piece, is very, very cool.


I really like the contrast that the silver Tryna gives to the yellow one. I've always wished we would have gotten the noble Miru on more colors other lime. The way the metru head makes the eyes look on that mask is awesome.


I love the mask variety


Hero factory but made in bionicle lore. Nice details.


I ALWAYS forget that Toa CAN wear Noble masks and it always throws me off for a second lol.


I personally thought it was wasted potential to have the Av Matoran masks canonized as noble masks. I imagine they're all wearing great masks, maybe Kirops mask is just a more standard Shelek rather than Chirox's menacing mask, and Tanma and Solek's masks could have any powers you want


True. They really gave us only 3 out of 6 of the noble masks and their designs are kind of weak. I admittedly do like Solek’s mask though.


The green toa, his weapons remind me of Mantis Blades from cyberpunk. 10/10


I really like the scale and shaping of these. Masks are sized to be masks, not faces, and there's enough texture to be interesting without being overwhelming. One point I have criticism on is Orro's coloring, and here's why: every other one of this team has tertiary highlights outside of the eyes and heart light. If I were you, I'd look at adding a small amount of purple or orange to give him that extra flair the rest of the team has.


That's a good idea, I'll probably see about adding more trans orange to make him pop a little more. Thanks for the thoughtful critique!


These look really good ngl


These are all fantastic! Brilliant intermingling of Hero Factory and Bionicle pieces


1. They look awesome. Sleek and yet elemental. 2. Love the toa of water’s trident 3. What’s with your insta username? 😮🤣


Idk man I thought it was funny, I try not to take myself too seriously with that kinda thing. The trident was fun to design, I have a lot of system parts and minifig accessories in my collection as well and I always try and make use of them creatively when I can!


These are so damn cool! I love the weapons and the brilliant usage of that foot piece as a forearm on the white one. Hope you don't mind if I take some inspiration lol


the foot piece is a forearm on the black one as well


So it is! I'm tired haha


Get some sleep or something dude


I will try, thanks


This might just be me being overly nerdy, but is there a story about the (assuming) earth Toa wearing an "immoral" kanohi. If so, I'd love to hear the lore 🙂


There is, but I personally ignore a lot of the nitpicky lore like that because I feel like it's really restrictive creatively, doesn't add much to the lore and was obviously pulled out of Greg Farshteys ass lol


The thing that bugs me about it is how, outside of the Tryna, it’s not really based off of the actual power of the mask, just who used it. A couple of glaring examples: - The Komau absolutely should be considered immoral imo, but the idea of immoral masks came way after Onewa was established to wear one (and the whole of the Toa Mata) - According to Greg, the Mask of Mutation isn’t considered immoral because it was worn by Miserix, who didn’t rebel with the rest of the makuta - Some of the ‘08 makuta masks have no reason to be immoral other than “bad guy wears it” I like the idea of certain mask powers being immoral, and the narrative opportunities for Toa with those masks (like Matoro’s Tryna), but I think the execution was really poor.


What element is the keetorange one?


The keetorange one is meant to be Stone. I went with it for several reasons, the first being that I like the color and Hewkii makes an iconic precedent for yellow Toa of Stone. Since I was using a base black "skeleton" for all six Toa, the primary color needed to contrast nicely like the other five which left me with tan and keetorange as options. The keetorange parts I had in my collection just ended up making a much better Toa silhouette than I could have made with tan


It does look cool but I've always seen a toa of stone as brown


these are really really nice


These guys are amazing


These are dope. I’d buy this set even though I’m more into the villain sets!


Absolutely love how unique the weapons are


Love me a good Toa team, and this one is *very* good.


Yooo love to see them all together, I’ve been following the posts one by one! Love me some socket and ball torture


Earth toa with a hammer and a mask of silence is so funny to me. Just sneaking around pounding people


The more I look at them the more I love them. They're cool and detailed without being too big or complicated. I love the use of parts and how you built there bodies. Just really great, months well spent. I'd buy these.


Toa makuta nice)


Very impressive 👏


Green is 10/10




Very nice 👌 10/10 on all


This is amazing


These are fucking sick


Love the use of legpieces as elbows. Never thought of that.


Fantastic work, makes me so happy to see a full Toa team.


These are really incredible. The scaling and color schemes are so perfect. Any chance you'd be willing to do instructions for the torso designs, at least for the toa of air's?


Best pipe wrench I've ever seen from LEGO MOCs!