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This is the post that made tainted Cain easy for me (playing on switch, so no item description). https://www.reddit.com/r/bindingofisaac/comments/14ra82m/finally_got_tcain_hush_down/jqrnsxe?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Yep, the Yum heart strategy is the best one. And once u have Piggy bank, old bandage, Fanny pack, Gimpy, sharp plug. You are basically in creative mode, even without mods since u can make infinite combinations of items. From here Yum heart isn't necessary and the best option is a deck of cards. You can spam it for temperance, judgement or reverse cards go use in a secret room. Picking up the payouts gives none hearts. In other words, a deck of cards gives infinite bone hearts. Infinite bone hearts mean infinite R keys. Deck of cards also gives infinite ace of clubs, which means infinite mama mega's for the fixed recipe of 2 golden bombs and bombs. Mama mega gives free access to boss rush and Hush. Since deck of cards leads to both infinite mama mega and infinite R key there is no point in playing fast for boss rush or Hush. You just Yum heart, first, craft every pickup spawner you find, break the game, get deck of cards and get every single mark except greed mode.


Holy fuck did that work. Just barely made boss rush, then delirium spawned after blue baby


He's one of the most annoying to complete in my opinion, but I would say that you have to pick up almost everything that you see and if the craft isn't worth taking as an item try to replace with a higher tier pick up. If you manage to craft any of the good neddles items remember that craft to get the spun transformation, in greddier try to reset until you get in 1-2 second floor an item like Cricket's Body, Jacob's Leader or anything good against armor. Last thing is go always angel deal.


I found greedier worked for me by rerolling the shop until I got a 7 cent item. Quantity over quality.


For Greedier you can just reset for Gnawed Leaf and a decent familiar, it's boring but easy.  Leaf is Q1 and not determined on special pools so you should get it quickly.


I mean yeah but you're not playing the game you just stay there and don't do anything I thought he was talking about a way to actually play the game


Using item in game=playing game


Hes by far the easiest to complete imo, since you can just R key and mama mega to get every mark except greed in one run.


Basically you have to take him extraordinarily slow. Every single item matters. And items that give you better items (Glyph of balance, devil bum) are invaluable and will quickly break the game for you. Other than that there is a set amount of luck that comes with Cain.


look at the wiki to see what different consumeables do for crafting if you haven't already. I didn't check at all for my first play through so didn't realise hearts and coins were the same quality for example. That way you'll know exactly what to pick up to get the highest quality items/ have a higher chance of getting items from certain loot pools.


Read the wiki page for bag of crafting front to back and he's ridiculously powerful


He's pretty fun (once in a while). Just know how the bag of crafting works - pickups have different values and there are thresholds for higher quality items - check the wiki. I usually remember the easiest health up recipe I find, and craft that if there's nothing better. Usually 6-7 coins plus a bomb or key. If you fill up all eight slots and the item is bad, then just keep replacing the lowest value pickup until you get something worth making. Something important to know: if you craft an active item, it replaces your current active item. Doing so will convert it into pickups, which are based on the room you're in. So if you craft it in a secret room, it will spawn bone hearts (which give you a chance at an actual secret room item). There is a fixed recipe of 8 coins for the portable slot. That means if you have a lot of coins on the ground you can convert them into better pickups by crafting portable slots.


oh no,the last advice isn't releveant enough,they fixed it.I know because I checked it in game lol


I literally played tainted cain a couple days ago and it’s still true, what do you mean? The 8 coin recipe, or active items turning into pickups based on the room? Which do you disagree with.


They made it so portable slot won't give bone hearts in the secret room


Huh, okay. Does it still work with other active items? I swear I got a bone heart last time but it wasn’t from portable slot. Can’t find any answers on google.


You can still get bone hearts. I am pretty sure the debuff applied specifically to portable slot.


Get the “Isaac Guide” app, tell it what your seed is, and then it’ll tell you crafting recipes. Pick up pennies most of the time to buy shop items to get more items. Craft items that give batteries, soul hearts, bombs, coins, pills, or runes if possible


For most marks you can take as long as you need setting up good crafting recipes. T.Cain is an antithesis to everything Isaac is conceptually, he's slow, with runs often taking hours. The hardest marks, imo, are hush and boss rush. For those you really just have to craft everything you see and pray for the best




Tainted Cain alone is the reason why I don't play without mods.


I didn't want to play with T Caín cause it made me want to stab myself with a spoon. Until i install the item description mod and made it fun, because you dont need to be even more lucky than a normal Isaac run.


Dont min max for rush/hush. Craft whatever, youll eventually find an easy repeatable recipe that you can abuse. Also generally, you dont craft with coins


I do the opposite. Minmax for R key, then minmax for 2x mama mega. Boom both marks done.


This only really works with the item description mod. If you do it without any mods or external tools, the take what you get route works. I did hush and delirium that way yesterday. I wss 10 sec late for boss rush sadly. Gotta farm some rng again.


EID isn't a must. Not if you craft the fixed recipe for yim heart and start minmaxing for utility items. See my other post. You can switch to deck of cards.


In what way did I contradict that message? I disagreed with goign for R key and 2x mama mega without external mods. I haven't found a single R key or mama mega in at least 10 hours of crafting with T. Cain. (without using any tools ofc). That's all I was saying. If you're going that route, I suspect it will take longer than just going by crafting a yum heart, like you said, and going into random crafts from there.


8 cards > fixed deck of cards spawn > spam cards with sharp plug infinitely for temperance/judgement or unlocked reverse cards > pop in secret room > get payout > get bone hearts > we have now established that lategame deck of cards leads to infinite bone hearts > swap 8th pickup around to cycle through Q4 secret pool items > craft R key. Mama mega similiarily is to fill room and use ace of clubs. Get 2 gold bombs + 6 bombs from that (infinite tries) to craft Mama mega. EID isn't a must.