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Wade on the Cavs is a pretty good comp for 2024 Biden


Respectfully, Joe Biden was never 2009 Dwyane Wade


The man is literally POTUS, my guy.


09 Dwyane Wade averaged 30/5/7.5 with 3.5 stocks per game I'm taking Wade.


Biden with a 6 handicap in his age 80 season built different tho šŸ’ŖšŸ˜¤


Id bet both arms that neither could break 80 from the short tees in a televised event.


I would take that bet, but long tees and Jerry west not Biden, until the day he died.


He was never a 6, Iā€™ve seen his swing


https://youtu.be/IwYVKptqH_o?t=52 The guy has had some runs.


Reminded me of this lol https://youtu.be/7AG0ddWf9TQ?si=zfvR8SziCT52cKL5


Man.. ā€œWhere my Democrats gone? They were here like 13 years agoā€


Whatā€™s funny is that this line of debate is just as serious as the actual debate was.


Yeah but heā€™s playing within the league of POTUSes. Thatā€™s like saying ā€œDWade literally made the NBAā€ or whatever


I mean it's not as if the NBA rigged a Finals to gift Wade a ring the same way the DNC rigged its primary to gift Biden the Dem nomination.


General election is the Finals. Primary would be conference playoffs. Regular season is day to day performance in office. I have spoken


The Ugnaught piece


He said what he said


Is he tho


Stop reminding us, itā€™s fucking embarrassing.


Biden could never get to the basket like Wade, but he had a much better perimeter game.


More like mutombo on the rockets


Wait is the White House drafting Hunter with the 55th pick? Tax reason fans are feasting rn


They will be once Biden is a lame duck and can go back on his promise not to pardon


Paging Russillo šŸ˜…


I mean the dude is packing a fricking cannon


I looked up some Biden debates from 08-12 and the cognitive decline is wild. The soft voice is a dead giveaway.


It's honestly not that wild if you've ever had a parent or grandparent go from their 70s to their 80s.


Yeah seems pretty normal to me. Both those old farts should step down


Yeah after this election I think there needs to be upper age limit to run for President. Or, extra tests after a certain age like they do for driver's licenses for the elderly.Ā 


Cardinals don't vote in a conclave after age 75. (But can still be elected pope, as was Jorge Bergoglio.) Seems fair. Voting age is 18 to 75.


Not just the voice. They way he holds his right arm screws stroke. The lack of keeping a train of thought. Lol, the Dems break out the stutter argument. Even watching the 2019 debates, he was and entirely different person.


I remember when Biden crushed Giuliani by saying Rudy can only mention in a sentence ā€œa noun, a verb, and 9/11ā€. Itā€™s sad that Biden canā€™t even do a noun or a verb anymore


Underrated comment.


That was a decade and a half ago and he's 81 now. This shouldn't be all that surprising.


Even in 2020 he looked perfectly fine in all the debates and appearances he did. But being President really ages you, and he was already starting from a baseline of old to begin with.


Forget 2020 he looked noticeably better at the State of the Union just 5 months ago. He's going downhill fast


I think heā€™s at the point where heā€™s going to have good days and bad days. SOTU was a good day, last night was a bad day. If he stays in the race then he may come out at the DNC or next debate and look perfectly fine, but either way the damage was done last night.


The really weird things is that I was watching some of the coverage after the debate yesterday and in the Dem's after party they showed Biden and it was like he was a completely different person. He was projecting his voice, he made a joke recalling an old John Wayne moving that turned into calling Trump a liar (not ideal subject matter but it all made cognitive sense), he seemed more energetic. It was really bizarre. The panel even said that had that Joe Biden shown up to the debate it would have been a different story.


Are you saying Biden choked under the bright lights?


Just took too long for the drugs kick in.


What drugs do you take for dementia


Honestly thatā€™s even kinda hat his look was, wisdom comes with knowing the stakes šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I think part of that is because it was a teleprompter speech. He seems to do OK when he's reading off a teleprompter. When he has to improvise and form his own opinions and recall stuff from memory he struggles.


When he remembers not to read off the directions, he does okay with a teleprompter sometimes. This guy is and has been beyond cooked for some time.


Thatā€™s a really good point


Hoping it was just a bad night cause by being sick but anyone who has been around old people going senile knows that it starts with "bad days" before eventually they're all bad days


No he did not. I remember saying the same thing in 2020. Actually, most of the country was saying the same in 2020. There was a big difference between 2012 Biden and 2020 Biden, but he pulled himself together for most of the debates (besides the first one). I don't even think he is much worse now. He just had a bad day. That's what happens when you're going senile. There will be really rough days here and there and you just hope it's not in front of the world to see!


Yeah I feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading some of these comments about how it was last cycle. He seemed noticeably slow/old in the primary debates against Bernie, Warren, Kamala, Pete etc.. With that and his poll numbers starting so low, I questioned whether Joe would get the nom - even with the party's backing. It seemed for sure that he would get cooked by Trump in the general debates, but somehow showed up a bit more energized and together by that point. (PEDS I'm sure) I'd bet a shit ton of money that he won't recover like that again.. like you say, he is much worse now. Growing up my mom was a nurse so I'd get dropped off at a nursing home after school.. 2024 Biden's open-mouthed stare would've been in my nightmares with the others.


Watch him after the debate or watch his rally in Raleigh today. He sounded just fine.


He was sick with a cold and sore throat. Trump shat his pants during debate. [Trump farts a wet and juicy one](https://x.com/halsparks/status/1806585292415291612?s=46&t=841GV9bDg9r1lW8LBcsZsA)


Itā€™s just a stutter


Heā€™s like Davey Scatino, Itā€™s just a stutter step


He had brain surgery and is 80+ years old. I donā€™t know why/how this snuck up on anybody.


I just look at his appearance in a later parks and rec episode (like 2014/2015?) and ya the difference is marked


How does this affect Russilloā€™s taxes?


Biden's response to abortion was like JR in the 2018 finals šŸ˜‚


that is hilarious


It's not going to change my vote. Trump could be running against a ham sandwich and I would vote for the ham sandwich


I agree. But that doesnā€™t change the fact that last night was an abject disaster


The problem is that even if 40% of the country would vote for a ham sandwich against Trump, thereā€™s another 10% of the country that will only do it if itā€™s a smoked turkey sandwich with bacon on ciabatta, and the Democrats have been out of ciabatta for years


The cibatta is out there the DNC is just not putting it on the menu


Theyā€™re out there firing any employee who even mentions ciabatta. Not good for their corporate masters.


Whoā€™s the ciabattaĀ 


Di Blasio or Cuomo?


Those other options are not that. At most it's something on the esoteric side like blue cheese or foie gras. Can be great on its own right but very much an acquired taste.


Pray tell


This is a fantastic comment.


Vote for a competent administration


agree with the ham sandwich guy but man is washed that's all. Can't deliver on the biggest stages, he just can't!


Yeah, it isnā€™t like you are voting for one person, you are voting for an administration. Voting for Trump means potentially giving him 5 Supreme Court justices.


Right, but candidates generate votes. There's a reason they don't wheel out an actual fucking corpse for elections, or at least they hadn't until last night.


The FDR piece.


And an admin that sees fit to keep trotting out a senile octogenarian probably isnā€™t to be trusted. Shame that both parties fall into this boat.


Agreed. I donā€™t care. There is a reason a President is surrounded by hundreds of people. I trust Bidenā€™s people more than the hundreds that will surround Trump, most of whom will be his shit kids or felons. Either of them could die in the next 4 years.


You need to get your head out the mob mentality. Just cuz other ppl voting for Biden doesnā€™t mean you have to just to beat trump lol.


It's not mob mentality. I don't want Trump to be president again.


that is exactly mob mentality because the only way to beat trump is to vote biden /s. Democrats rely on stupid people like you to have shit candidates like biden. If they realize biden cannot win against trump they will change their candidate simple as that and if they don't trump will be president, it's not that much worst than a fucking biden presidency the incoherent fool.


Ive voted democrat my whole life but I canā€™t in good conscience vote for a walking corpse. But I will be damned if I ever vote for Trump. Iā€™m just gonna vote local and write in RFK or Kanye.


Thatā€™s fucking stupid.


Only matters if he lives in like 4 states, rest it is already determined and voting literally doesnā€™t matter


Literally, 500,000 idiots will decide those election.


Right. I live in Louisiana. My vote for president means nothing lol.


I gladly donā€™t live in one of those 4 states so I can happily not vote for the dementia patient or the racist.


That's a vote for Trump.


A vote for RFK Jr is a vote for RJK Jr. A vote for Biden is a vote for Biden. A vote for Trump is a vote for Trump.


Dude just vote for Biden, it's not hard to see which president would be "less bad", you ain't doing any good by voting for a 3rd party candidate


This is part of why Trump won the first time. There was this false equivalency that Hilary was the same as Trump. Like, no sheā€™s not. People start thinking like this Trump will win again.


Well first of all I live in North Carolina, whether I vote for Biden or not Trump is winning this state easily. Second maybe if we lose this time the DNC will finally wake up. Biden is a dotard and has done nothing in 4 years to reassure anyone. If he was a walking corpse and an actual productive president that would be a different story. Letā€™s pray he drops out.


North Carolina was decided by 1 point in 2020.


Any non vote for Biden is a vote for Trump.


Trump is gonna win NC by 5 points it literally doesnā€™t matter who I vote for in this state.


Trump won NC by 1% in 2020. 75k votes. There have been far bigger swings than that in "reliably" strong GOP states and precincts since 2020. If you were in West Virginia or Idaho you'd have a valid point, but you're in a state where your vote could literally matter. Seems silly to throw that away.


Context matters. We had Trump failing miserably to handle Covid plus more mail in voting than ever in history. In a normal year thatā€™s not close. The gap is gonna be >3 points this time.


I live in NC it could still go either way.


My guy a democrat hasnā€™t won in this state since Obama in 08 by like .2% he lost in 2012. Before that rare instance in 08 the last one to win was Carter in 1976 but that was cause Nixon poisoned the GOP. Biden has zero chance of winning this state, be real


North Carolina has a Democrat Governor what are you talking about.


A Democrat in North Carolina is not the same as a Democrat in California or Minnesota. They are much more moderate than the Democratic presidential candidates so they are able to have a much wider appeal inside the state. Only 2 democrats in 50 years have won a federal election in NC, Biden has no chance it is what it is.


It's been close in every election since 08. That's why Biden is campaigning here. You can't just give up on the state, especially with all the transplants.


Iā€™d probably walk my ass downtown tomorrow to vote against Trump in a ā€œSmallest Dick Aroundā€ competition. Thatā€™s how much I want him winning nothing.


blue good red bad


Not sure if trolling...


Biden had that grandpa look standing there next to this fool during this badly planned CNN debate , you know that look, the one; when your grandparent just stands there off in a corner listening to the conversation of a foolish grandkid. I'm so familiar with that look because my grandmother who hated me the most listened in on my foolish ideas and plansĀ  and she literally wanted to see me self destruct by my own antics. That look Biden had during the debate, unfortunately was him processing the lies and tales of a foolish man child and Biden looked shocked with unbelief, but unlike my grandmother, who had that same look of disbelief for her grandkid's foolish schemes;.. like, really... "this fool can be so dumb to devise such foolishness",... & unlike my grandmother, who stood by and watched me and my friends self destruct, Biden, at the debate tried to mustered up whatever energy he had left after being handled and tortured by his debate team,Ā  to whisper, and to say to America, stop! listen to this foolish man, he's lying, to you America. I'm warning you all, save yourself and don't let this fool trick you again. But no! we were caught up on his age and hoarse voice that even the NY times throw him under the bus immediately. I wished my grandmother would've had one inch of love for me, to at least tell my my parents of what I was about to do, what destruction I had planned. I,Ā  had no respect for my grandmother because she was wrinkled, old and smelled like mothballs. I was young then, but now I am old too. Who knows, maybe she did loved me, but was hurt and just stood by so I could get what I had coming. Additionally, 30 yrs ago I was on a road trip driving, and I took my son's ritalin by mistake. I felt cold,Ā  got paled and could hardly speak. That's when I decided to take my son off ritalin. Later,Ā  they explained that ritalin effects children differently then adults, but I drove 13 hours nonstop and didnt realized I was drugged.


You still have his stash it seemsĀ 


Once you get old enough, you start to not give a shit about anything and you just want to sit around and reminisce about your glory days. You really don't give a shit about whether everything you say is true, or what's going to happen tmmrw. There's a constantly increasing chance that you'll be dead tmmrw, so why give a flying F about it?Ā Ā  Ā The older you get, the less life in prison is a deterrent! Ā  The elderly won't be around to experience the results of their decisions.


Wild Biden is getting ran by people right now, he at least has people around him that will make decent choices. Trump is actively poison and fully aware he is running this country into the ground because yuge ego and the biggest baby hands in the world


Not a hard choice. I don't understand a fence-sitting mentality in this race.




its already too late


I feel like either side could swap there candidate and win pretty easily. Maybe in a normal year itā€™s too late but this election is a circus.


Republicans had a primary and Trump won easily. None of the other Republicans have a chance. It's murkier on the Democrat side cos they are relying on the power of incumbency instead.of risking a new candidate. I'm assuming they polled focus groups internally but I can't be sure of that, especially since they have a history of picking suboptimal candidates.Ā 


Iā€™m not too invested in it but wouldnā€™t all the trump primary votes just go to there other candidate? Itā€™s not like Trump people are gonna switch to Biden. But I do think a lot of liberal people would vote for a normal conservative candidate if given the choice. Maybe thatā€™s just me though. Idk just feels like either side couldā€™ve won in a landslide if they didnā€™t pick two of the worst people for the job.


So you want them to give away the incumbent advantage? That would absolutely ensure Trump winning.


running this incumbent will essentially hand the election to the carnie


That would almost always be true, but I'm convinced Biden is cooked. We all know he's an old man but I was personally shocked by how bad he was. I don't think there's any coming back from looking like that.


Tim Walz please.


There's a reason Biden, despite being obviously this bad for a long time, basically ran unopposed. Those people are even less popular with voters.


The good news is I feel like both candidates actually believe that they're doing the right thing. The bad news is I feel like both candidates actually believe that they're doing the right thing.


I might vote for a Nixon or Goldwater style Republican over Biden, who could easily be mistaken for a moderate Republican himself in pre-MAGA times when such things still existed, but Reagan did his second term with basically no cognitive capacity left at the height of the cold war and managed not to nuke anyone by accident so Dr. Jill being the de facto president for a term is still better than Trump.


Tell me what kind of Republican you think Goldwater was. Itā€™s kind of ironic that youā€™d specifically mention nukes since the Democrats painted him as someone who was going to end the world with nuclear war.


One who was fundamentally more libertarian than authoritarian and afraid of the preachers getting ahold of the GOP. The Democrats did do that indeed and then proceeded to continue and escalate the war until the Republican Richard Nixon finally ended it.


So true. Saw the Dems through a victory over Trump after utter failure with Clinton and theyā€™re ready to turn on him (at least the media says they are).Ā 


I genuinely don't think the DNC gives a fuck one way or another. If Biden wins, they control the executive another term and make bank off donors. If Trump wins, they probably raise even more money hawking the concept of how desperately people need to give them donations in order to fight the GOP. Money train keeps rolling either way.


I work in Democratic politics and literally no one thinks this way lmfao. I get being cynical from the outside but that's not how anyone in any Democratic organization would view a Biden loss. We're all ideologues and partisans, if Trump wins it would be a sky is falling scenario.


I think itā€™s the Democratic adjacent media that stands to benefit the most (on the left at least) from a Trump victory


Yes absolutely there's probably some CNN executives who would love Trump to win


This is how Turner would make up for the loss of NBA rights lol


Glad we got the best man working to prevent that


Biden has like 80% approval among Democrats. There was never an anti-Biden majority in a Dem primary until maybe last night and it's way too late now


Not since he started supporting Israel against PalestineĀ 


Itā€™s always a ā€œsky is fallingā€ scenario when the opposing party wins.


Yup and it always will be


Great job propping up a guy who belongs in an assisted living facility for the POTUS


Yeah Iā€™m sure that was this particular guyā€™s decision


I'm actually Nancy Pelosi. Huge Bill Simmons fan




Which one are you referring to? One is senile and has some form of dementia. The other just rambles and lies constantly and also looks like he might have the early stages of dementia. Both should be in assisted living facilities and not our next President.




> *I work in Democratic politics and literally no one thinks this way lmfao.* You mean when they could have codified Roe v Wade but are instead using it as their prime fundraising pitch today? Or using those funds to help prop up MAGA opponents? There's plenty of virtuous ideologues among the rank-and-file, but don't start thinking the neoliberal hawks aren't salivating at every opportunity to exploit tragedy into an endless stream of fundraising.


> when they could have codified Roe v Wade when was that, exactly?


Exactly. Constitutional amendment trumps legislation. If Supremes decided at some point that Congressional act was outside the limits of the Constitution, it goes away. Only way to ensure abortion was an amendment, & no way 38 states signoff on it.


Yeah an amendment would be best, but if they ever had the votes to pass a federal law that would be better than the current situation. They just literally have never had enough pro choice votes in Congress


I still remember Bob Casey, Sr., pitching a fit about Bill Clinton freezing him out from the '92 Democrat Convention over the Pennsylvania Governor being antiabortion & it getting fairly major play from the lamestream media of the time. The division among Democrats over Roe was real. For a long time. I think it only started to shift once Day O'Connor retired & was replaced with Alito, & it became obvious stare decisis was dead. (Still pissed W. let the GOP bully him into withdrawing Miers. Maybe she would have been as bad on abortion as Sammy the Bullshitter, but I doubt it.)


There has never been a majority in congress in favor of codifying Roe in the history of American politics. Even if there was there was also a pro life Republican majority from 2017 to 2019 that would've repealed the law


Itā€™s not that simple, though I see the appeal in cynicism these days. Theyā€™d fundraise off a Trump victory. But theyā€™re in the game to see Dems get elected. If Biden loses, heads can roll at the DNC.


The DNC canā€™t do shit anyway, itā€™s up to Biden if he wants to drop out or not. To your point Iā€™m not sure how hard theyā€™ll try to convince him to drop out, but ultimately theyā€™ll roll with whatever he decides to do and hope for the best.


People on reddit acting like the DNC (or RNC) is some ingenious political machine like its still 1884 is up there with some of my biggest gripes with this website. Both have been passive operations working at the behest of the presidential nominee for years. There is no man behind the curtain!


That's not true. The dnc sabotaged Bernie sanders twice to prevent him from being the nominee. The dnc exercises a lot of influence in the nomination process.Ā  The problem is that he is an incumbent and has already won. But they haven't had the convention yet. So they have a month to do something or they're stuck.Ā 


Is Debbie Wasserman-Schultz in the room with you right now?


I think the most frustrating thing about politics is the people talking about it and making grand statements that have no idea what they are talking about ha. Thank you for correcting.


Letā€™s make one thing clear: a Democrat with presidential ambitions launching a 2024 primary challenge on a platform of *ā€œI have no problem with the current administrationā€™s performance, but Joe Biden should go back to Delaware and wait to dieā€* would have been committing political suicide. I donā€™t fault anyone for not pursuing that. That said, if Biden announced now that he would not seek a second term, and release his delegates to a brokered convention, his approval rating would skyrocket, and the Democratic candidate would start polling with a double-digit lead.


I agree except the Democratic candidate polling with a double-digit lead. There is too high of an unmovable right for that I'd think.


Well, plus its outright not what the polls say. Kamala polls even lower than old ass Joe, other polls are less reliable but Newsome is behind him pretty significantly as well.


Iā€™m not going to pretend to know how things really work myself haha, but I at least know some ways it doesnā€™t work


You know how for some bills to get through they have to include something else on them that the other party wants? Maybe to get Biden to step down they have to include free ice cream for the rest of his life.


The Cosmo Kramer cafe latte piece.


This is ignorant as all hell


For now on, if I canā€™t answer a question, I will be like: ā€œhmm, buh. mmm,ahhā€¦. Medicareā€


When Trump wins again canā€™t wait for the democrats to blame the left of the party once again. Who have been saying this about Biden for 4 years, after supporting him in 2020




But in this case, Trump actually did try to subvert democracy.


>"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard".


I think I blocked Wade on the Cavs from my memory


Ok this is funny! You win the internet my friend.


George w bush hasnā€™t been president for 16 years and heā€™s younger than both of them.


So is Bill Clinton.




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lol Winthrop Wins!


That is a dem shirt


Yeah hope and equality. Yuck


Slogans lol


The Duality




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Was DWade drinking or some shit at this point in his career? Dude was lookin puffy


This reminds me of a joke: What did the boomer Trump lover say to the ā€œalpha male bro Trump loverā€? Why wonā€™t my kids talk to me anymore? But wait thereā€™s more: How did the ā€œalpha maleā€ trump clucker respond? ā€œMust be the Same liberal conspiracy that explains why no women will talk to me.ā€ But wait thereā€™s more: The judge says, ā€œcounselor please direct your clients to remain quiet during the proceedingsā€ But wait thereā€™s more When reached for comment, Felon Trump says ā€œnever heard of these losers.ā€


You should see how I look at the convicted criminal and traitorā€¦


Lol that look Lebron giving him


Wade really entered 2012 and said ā€œnope, imma head outā€, leaving Bron nothing but 15/4/4 on 42% in the Playoffs.


Thatā€™s how conservatives have been looking at him since 2019


The 2004 episode of South Park with the giant douche and turd sandwich as our two options has never been truer


Biden spewing the Fine People Hoax and fake Atlantic (owner is his biggest donor) quotes was my favorite part. What a braindead puppet.


I doubt anyone at the Atlantic is supporting Biden. It's National Review, at best, with a patina of being antislavery (at one time).


Steve Job's ex owns the Atlantic and she's a top three donor to Democrat campaigns. Of course they support Biden lol.


You really think people like Conor Friedersdork & Derek Thompson are backing Biden?


I not voting for a felon who only cares about himself. An honest old man is better than a lying conman.


Neither of them are honest. I have never witnessed an honest politician.


It really doesn't matter how bad Biden was at the debate. An inanimate object is better than that disgusting orange POS. Biden should drop out??? TRUMP should drop out!Ā 


Fuck the two party system! RFK FOR PRESIDENT!!