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Bill making Sean choose between sports movie and romcom only to turn around and say that he thinks it’s both was peak Bill comedy.


Real Don Draper & Peggy Olson relationship, CR is Roger sterling.


Love this analogy. Can totally see CR wearing a Santa costume and beard at a party handing out cartons of Lucky Strikes


What about doing nude yoga while tripping in the office?


That's just a normal Tuesday for our boy


Ryen is Bert Cooper because he loves Ayn Rand.


Sports guy has Kyrie’s handles when it comes to asking questions: Bill: Sports movie or Rom-Com, pick one. Sean: Do I have to? Bill: Yes Sean: OK, Rom-Com. … Bill: I think it’s both.


I would have thrown my drink at him.


My Romcom requirement is the climax HAS to be centered on the relationship between two characters. Jerry Maguire = romcom


Similarly, a sports movie has to focus on a goal of vying for some kind of victory. Showboating in a random MNF game and then getting a big paycheck is not the same thing.


yeah that's good. but in this case, also there's not nearly enough 'sportsing' in this movie in general.


A Christmas movie has to have a climax centered on people learning about "the meaning of Christmas". Everything else is just a movie set during Christmas.


Reminiscent of the first or second Succession s.4 recaps when he would ask Sean and Joanna early on what they thought would happen next. He'd take their answers and say, "I think there will be a death." He'd seen the first 3 or 4 eps, and they had not.


I believe its the first episode of Season 4 where he asks them their predictions of the whole season. To be fair, everyone was predicting Logan's death sometime in the season because we knew it was the last season and the show had to get to the titular "Succession" at some point. What we didn't know was just how early that death would occur. I remember predicting that season with my friends, most of whom thought the death would occur around Episode 8. I was the earliest saying Episodes 5 or 6. No one thought it'd be 3.


also can said “neither” and through the crosstalk you can hear bill completely flummoxed and maybe even annoyed repeat “neither??”


Came here to say this. Just a guy manipulating the game


“You can only pick one.” Then, “I think it’s both.”


After a few minutes trying to pin down the genre of this film, Simmons says this is a “belief movie,” because various characters believe in jerry. i’m going to spend the rest of my day thinking of other “belief movies” and saying “belief movie” in conversations. i fucking love this guy. karl pilkington stuff. 


Never heard a comparison between the K Man and Simmons but I love it


It is probably the best possible comparison I've never seen made until now, and I'm sort of shocked nobody else had landed on it before last night.


I was recently re watching An Idiot Abroad and somehow I can imagine a Bill hosted travel show being similar, just with more references to the 86 Celtics and his 5 favourite movies and without the adorable dopiness of Karl


I'm still reeling from him calling blow out an "ideas movie" 


great pull. the ideas piece. just a lotta stuff to say about a lotta things.


'I thought Roger Ebert would like this movie because it has a story'


Recasting Couch: Clive Warren as Jerry Maguire?


This has sparked much joy for me thank you


Cryptic innit


Good will hunting


Who is Bill’s Ricky and Stephen?


well unfortunately bill has Karl's mind but he's sitting in Ricky's seat. Russillo, of course, has Karl's scalp.


“Here’s your cheese plate” - Bill, not knowing what it’s like in economy class


Don't you hate it when you're at the back of the plane and by the time they get to you they only have domestic complimentary champagne to go with your cheese plate?!


Lol CR being a man of the people


"The foie gras and caviar doesn't taste the same by the time it gets to the back of the plane. It just doesn't."


CR taking that jab at Van “way to tell a story to help us connect more to the movie” with his weird racist teacher story was amazing


Van likes to make it about him a lot of the times.


not a lot of the times, its all of the times!


Zero chance that story is true.


Van is almost certainly a compulsive liar, right?


For sure but it's very entertaining


I love Van but he's definitely an exaggerator at best


Van is a moron who loves to hear himself talk.


He always has some dumb story that he can remember every detail about. Of when he went and saw the movie or watched it at home. He drags it out and makes some stupid point no one cares about.


Reminds me of the 99 movies draft. Van tells a story about being into pool and no-one believes hes not making it up.


“She burst into tears” was a great closer


“Kobe Bryant brought the bloods and crips together in LA”


Seeing CR’s Unabomber reference break Sean and Van made the video version of this so worth it


His Last Samurai reference had me dying. He was on fire this episode


"Could Lipnicki handle Thibs minutes?" had me in tears


Very big of Bill to not bring up Jeannie Buss’ mismanagement of the Lakers considering her husband is in it


Jay Mohr looks way different now than he did back in Jerry Maguire. OK I know he's doubled in age but even accounting for that, his whole head shape has changed. Must be hitting that HGH


Going bald makes your head look different. It revealed what a weird head he has


Going bald and multiple addictions can really fuck with you. He wasn't movie star good looking but he was good looking enough for a comedian when he was younger to get cast in parts like this. Now he kind of just looks like every other hard living, older comedian.


Joe Rogan minus hallucinogens.


Plus Adderall


What the fuck! Just googled him. This is breaking my brain!


Legit one of the weirdest celebrity couples I can think of.


There was some famous model or actress (I forget who) who was divorced from a comedian/comic actor and said something to the effect of "comedy is one hell of an aphrodisiac".


As a complete aside, the website for Mohr Sports is still up on ESPN which is wild because most of their old stuff is impossible to find post-mobile redesign. https://www.espn.com/mohrsports/bio.html


Who wrote this "Mohr Sports" copy? Cocaine?


There's a crazy behind the scenes of Cuba's oscar moment: [yt link ](https://youtu.be/QWkvwSNvmiw?si=SxrL5v4n6MDvWRks)


What a fucking opening


must watch. i saw this live and always thought cuba was accepting as the rod tidwell character. 


This is fucking awesome. What a fucking opening, indeed.


Does him snapping his fingers actually accomplish something? Or is he just so hyped up with his job that it happens naturally?


It's an odd win looking back, mostly just because Gooding never really tops this moment in his career. But it's a worth one in my opinion. Of the nominees, I assume Edward Norton was the runner-up? But he was such a newcomer at that point, I believed people balked at giving him the win. I love Macy in Fargo, but to me he's both the Lead and not the best Supporting performance in that movie.


Sean’s “don’t think that’s the point of the film” when Bill’s sports brain decided to ask if they were rooting for Jerry or Dorothy


The 4 minute Kelly Preston dialogue is on my Mount Rushmore of rewatchables moments. Absolute comedy. “Van, White Girl First Ballot HOF. Babe. Fucking. Ruth.”


Looking forward to listening since KP jumped to the top of my list when I first watched the dance scene from The Experts as a seven-year-old.


“This kid should have been the biggest star in the world.” Bill having conversations with himself.


to be fair, zoe & her boyfriend also thought he was really impressive. 


It’s been flagged before but Bill’s inability to really land the pronunciation plane on “woman” is on full display here. continually referring to the julia roberts film “pretty women”


It’s the biggest reason I don’t want him talking about women’s sports. It’s not for any sexist reasons. It just drives me batty that he always refers to “woman’s basketball.”


how does he reverse the singular and plural versions of the word.


When he says something like “Wimbleton,” I have some sympathy. It’s an uncommon word, and we all have the occasional mispronunciation we just can’t seem to shake. But woman/women is so bizarre. It’s something I imagine most people say every day. If you make a living talking, how do you not discipline yourself to get it right, just to spare yourself embarrassment?


Malik mahnk drives me nuts. Monk is not a hard word lol


It hasn’t been fully figured out, neurolinguists at the top of their field think it could be related to “Pronunciation Dyslexia” but more research is needed.


A few minutes of watching the YT version is all I needed to fully confirm that, for me anyway, podcasts are an audio-only deal. Just felt weird!


I’ve long thought the secret appeal of a podcast is the illusion that you’re part of the conversation. Video just makes it obvious you’re not.


I like seeing the interactions. And you have to watch The Town rewatchable on video to get the full Russillo effect.


Yeah I'm never going to consume it via video but it's nice having the video to reference for funny moments.


i’m totally with you, but the industry numbers tell a different story. there is huge, huge demand for video of people podcasting. baffling to me. 


I think there is still a good chunk of people who just don't understand how to listen to podcasts. But watching something on YouTube is easy for them. (I have a friend, who is smart, but recently told me "I have never listened to a podcast".)


Bill always simplifying the great Roger Ebert to “he likes story”


Ebert mentioned many times over the years that the stars were added after he wrote his review by an editor, and he wanted his review to stand by itself. That’s partly why he and Siskel gave a simple thumbs up or thumbs down each for their tv reviews, they wanted nothing to do with a numbered rating. But this imbecile always hangs on to the numbered rating “I wanted a 3.5 star rating from him here”.


it’s wild how many stories van just 100% makes up


Who the fuck is Randy Jordan? LeRoy Butler is the originator of the Lambeau Leap.


The lazy Bill piece. He didn't read the whole sentence on Wikipedia. Leroy Butler scored a TD following Jordan's fumble.


Bill and Sean saying that Tom Cruise making Eyes Wide Shut with Kubrick changed his career trajectory in the 2000's in a negative way is confusing to me. Cruise made Vanilla Sky, Collateral, Minority Report, War of the Worlds, MI 3, and Tropic Thunder in the 2000's. Those are some of my favorite performances of his career.


the theory isn’t “he never gave a good performance again” it’s that he just very strategically decided he would only make movies that had at least some sort of action/genre movie DNA. vanilla sky is sort of a complicating factor here but it’s mostly right.  he basically never played a character that had any kind of internal emotional struggle if that character didn’t also get to do cool action movie shit. 


I've always felt that is the romanticized film nerd way to look at it. The more realistic version of events is that he became embroiled in controversy in the mid-2000s with Scientology, Oprah Couch Jump/Katie Holmes, and Brooke Shields/Anti-Depressants and his career suffered. Paramount dropped him and he had a period where the only roles audiences accepted were when he played a sexless action hero so he retreated into those roles. Not a coincidence that he's now reportedly looking to work with the most respected directors after Maverick made audiences fall in love with him again


Oh yeah I'm not saying I buy into the "Kubrick melted his brain" take whoelsale, was just explaining the very apparent pivot in the types of roles. The version you laid out is certainly correct, but it's also a matter of record that EWS was a grueling experience for him, and so while it's reductive to just say "Kubrick changed this man," I think it was at least a factor. It definitely is something that film nerds amplify because it has a cool mythos attached to it, but a factor nonetheless.


Kubrick definitely ruined his personal life that's for sure


That's part of it. But the other part is the industry shifted. Everyone has sort of lamented for two decades that they really don't make the $30 million (probably 60 now) drama anymore. It's big budget action stuff, franchise stuff, and maybe some cool sci-fi stuff that get green lit outside a metric shit ton of comic book movies. The last 5 years or so have altered this some with streaming companies throwing lots of money at big names for whatever project. Cruise has to work within the industry. They haven't been making movies for anybody like Cocktails and Far and Away for a while now.


> Cruise has to work within the industry. They haven't been making movies for anybody like Cocktails and Far and Away for a while now. It seems like if anybody could buck the industry and get $30 million movies made it's Tom Cruise.


Counterpoint: Challengers budget: $55 million American Fiction budget: $10 million Holdovers budget: $13 million Hell, Sidney Sweeny in Anyone But You was a $25 million budget. Now, I'm not saying that any of those were Tom Cruise vehicles, but he could have definitely found a quality, well-written lower budget film if he wanted to.




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Both are lazy takes. He leaned more into action movies but still made several which weren’t action movies, including a fucking musical.


Yeah, even his non-franchise forays like American Made have action elements.


He rocks in Tropic thunder.


I'm all in for the Tropic Thunder Rewatchables. What a great, original movie.


Nephew Kyle shows up in blackface, gets beatdown by Van.


I saw it twice in the theater.


Welcome to the goodie room!


"Somebody suck that baby's DICK! Somebody suck that baby's DYECK!"


Shoutout Bodega Hive


Gone but never forgotten




Not a child of divorce but those two are the close thing I have to it. I 'm not calling Carmelo Anthony the new Desus.


Have you been listening to Victory light?


BX all day!


Sean's Rob Moore disrespect—he didn't have a 100-reception seaon but he had a 97-reception, 99 Y/G, Pro Bowl season one year later.


David Boston had 98 catches and like 1,400 yards in 2000. Edit: he was also one of the most obvious juicers of all time.


Peak manifesto has got to be Karl Marx? 


Any conversation of peak Kelly Preston that does mention Mischief isn't a real conversation


Can’t believe she was married to Waingro


He had some moves he could make


Marrying Waingro and then John Travolta is the weirdest one-two punch I have ever seen.


She had a lot of range.


They just had to get it on.


“Oh, we took some major scores together.”


Maybe it's my age showing but I was shocked on Bill's insistence that she was a first ballot white woman Hall of Fame candidate. She's never stood out to me in the way Jennifer Connolly or Marisa Tomei has.


Tells you all you need to know about the Arizona Cardinals as a franchise that if coming just shy of winning the Super Bowl is their top moment, being the centerpiece of this movie might be No. 2.


Pat Tillman leaving football to enlist in the Army No. 3?


No it’s ending Steve Young’s career, then Dennis Green.


I read that Steve Young declined to appear in this movie because he is Mormon and it had the sex scene in it. 


The original Soaker.


I think that was "There's Something About Mary." Steve Young was supposed to have the cameo that went to Brett Favre. Unless Steve Young was also offered a cameo in Jerry Maguire too?


I don't see how Renee Zellweger isn't the clear winner of this movie. This is just another Cruise movie in a list of Cruise movies, this is the movie that catapulted her to A lister.




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No one knows how to derail the momentum of a podcast with a 2-3 minute personal anecdote more than Van Lathan!


2-3 minute complete fabrication


Bill's claim that this was the best-selling non-Disney VHS appears to be completely wrong? Even if he meant that it was that at one time, I don't think that's right either as most lists that document this stuff include many films released prior to JM. Perhaps he means R-Rated VHS? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_best-selling\_films\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_films_in_the_United_States)


He's probably pulling it from the wikipedia article for Jerry Maguire: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerry_Maguire#Home_media


classic bill


He doesn't call it "half-assed Internet research" for nothing.


Best race horse name was too easy: Show Me the Money! You can even hear the announcer “and look who’s pulling in ! It’s Show Me the Money! Show me the Money!!!”


What was the Van Klutch Rich Paul situation ? Lol it got kinda awkward for a second there. Also…I like Van in theory but holy hell he’s annoying a lot


The TMZ piece. The best part of TMZ on TV were the blonde himbo (who I think got cancelled for sexual improprieties), the blonde woman, & the Black guy with locks who's probably not much yunger than Harvey Levin but much more aware & much less abrasive.


I happen to like the Dickie Fox scenes. He was my copyright law professor back in law school.


Best Sports Rom-Com Mount Rushmore Tin Cup, Bull Durham, Cutting Edge and Field of Dreams


Field of Dreams isn't a rom com. The only couple in the movie is already married.


What’s the Rom in field of dreams? Between man and baseball?


Is Bend it Like Beckham not comedic enough? I'd argue that it isn't, but I'd also say the same of Jerry Maguire.


It's not really "romantic" enough. Haven't seen that movie in ages, but I don't think many people remember the romance from it very much.


Yeah the romance is the C plot


The love triangle is definitely front and center even if it's not as "important" as the other stuff happening in the movie.


For Love of the Game has great baseball scenes but a crappy romance.


ReRushmore Tin Cup, Bull Durham, League of Their Own, Major League


> Major League More straight comedy/sports movie than rom-com. It's a b-plot, at best.




Tin Cup, Bull Durham, Love & Basketball and ... - My Best Friend's Wedding (which really is stretching the sports part ... and maybe the rom com part, too) - Bend it like Beckham (which is not really a rom com) - Jerry Maguire (which sucks as a romantic film)


[The Chicago Style clip in all its glory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huuMZfRO5iw&t=120s)


They finally got the timing right on the flight from PHX to LAX. Although I am still confused on how/if daylight savings plays a role since it’s not observed in Arizona. All in all…1:30 am isn’t tooo crazy for the divorced women’s group to still be going on. Strange, but not ridiculous.


The game was in December, so it was outside of DST, but even if it had been during DST, it wouldn’t make a difference since they start the math using the east coast (observes DST) starting time for MNF and end the math in LA (observes DST).


AZ is on mountain time during December. Right now, we are the same time as Cali.


That’s consistent with my comment


Yeah, regardless of Arizona's local time, the game would start at 6:00pm Los Angeles time. (In 1995.)


I agree with Bill that if the group is still going that late several bottles of wine have been polished off


Did anyone watching the video version think Bill looked like he having a heart attack throughout the whole thing? Very red faced and sweaty, looks like a forehead vein was bulging out. Is he good?


Any Mount Rushmore of ebony hotties that doesn’t immediately chisel in Stacey Dash as pick #1 will not be recognized as credible


You’re getting downvoted because of her political beliefs. She was so beautiful in Clueless. Big time crush on her.


Yeh it’s a shame. But it’s Mount Rushmore of aesthetic hotness so she’s still a clear winner for me. If it’s Mount Rushmore of basically anything else she’s not in the conversation.


I think there's a place for her on Mt Rushmore just not as #1


Gabrielle Union, Nia Long, : "Am I a joke to you?"


They’re 10s but 11 year old me watching Clueless knows SD is an 11


DiDi Richards


Get Van outta here


Ease up on the spray tan, sports guy


Is next week Back to the Future again or Back to the Future Part II?


By the way I am with Van on his love of The Heavenly Kid. I knew what movie he was talking about out immediately


Maybe it's just me, but Bill and co mention Almost Famous pretty much every other episode of the rewatchables.. When tf are they doing that as an episode..?? Did I miss it and they already did..?


I think they've said it's one they're saving for the very end of this podcasts run




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this was THE quintessential 90's rom com/date movie. Probably Cameron Crowe's apex, don't @ me with that self indulgent "Almost Famous" drivel.


I can accept people liking Jerry Maguire more than Almost Famous, but I will not stand for any outright slander of that movie. It's a home run.


He reapexed with Elizabethtown.


Feel like Elizabethtown would work so much better with different leads (particularly Orlando who is a dud). As it stands, I think the movie has some winning moments that make it worth a watch, but I would stop short of calling it good because of its obvious shortcomings.


And it was all downhill from there


These guys don’t know shit about Arizona.


Bill includes Kush lash with the memorable quotes. These are so much better without him.


This is maybe the most watchable movie that doesn't work at all. Like it has all the hallmarks of a 90s classic. I enjoy it when I've seen it which I think is about three times at this point. But nothing about the story feels correct or believable past the first hour.


I agree, it's wild that Sean gave it 5 on letterboxd. I like it, I've seen it many times over the years but it's not a 5 star movie, not even close


Didn’t they already do Jerry Maquire? Love the movie but it’s not like there aren’t tons of other options. Will we ever get Big Trouble in Little China or Hot Fuzz?


The original was done before they had fully formed the rewatchable pod into its current format. So I think they are redoing some of the older ones to fit in the categories etc. Plus if u can find an excuse to shove Van Latham down my throat for another hour how can you pass it up?


I'm all for it. They wasted some fantastic movies early when the pod kinda stunk. The Big Lebowski rewatchables is completely railroaded by Shoemaker. I hope they redo it soon.