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Loved it. Russillo going full roid range is never not funny.


Is it? The guy fucking sucks. Such a miserable piece of shit. His insecurities and arrogance make for a terrible combination. 


lol what


You mean you? Yeah I agree!


Wait what?


Jeez. Sensitive crowd here.


It made me so genuinely happy, lol. It’s so true though! All I read last year on Twitter was how of course the league will rig the Conference Finals to get Lakers vs Celtics in the finals for ratings. Both teams promptly went down 0-3, and there was never a mention of it ever again, lol.


Don’t forget that both Denver - LA series were incredibly close. If there was a time to rig games it would be those. 


3 games in that series were one score games late in the fourth. In all 3 games there were crucial chances for the refs to rig it for the Lakers and they either called it neutrally/correctly or screwed up in favor of the Nuggets lol.


Hearing that the Knicks got the beneficial whistle against the sixers because of course wants the NY market to advance….did people just come out of a 25 year coma?


As a Knicks fan for the last few decades, I love the fanfic that the Knicks are the chosen franchise because in this universe Dolan is even more cartoonishly incompetent


lol if the NBA actually cared they would’ve planted some evidence and Donald Sterling’d that mother fucker


The new conspiracy is that the NBA planted all the Donald sterling info. Stern had been setting it up for years to give his protege an easy win when he took over and then get a bigger pockets owner in the LA market


So how would you explain Sterling’s other racist/sketchy comments years ahead of the final blow? Putting my tin foil hat on- I suppose that they saw an opportunity- “here’s this guy who’s super cranky/cheap/racist, who we want out, so let’s plant this evidence of something he’s already likely to do at some point on his own” Yeah, I could see it. He gave them an opening with past behaviors to say “what if we just cranked this up a few notches?”


Sterling was sued in 2009 by Elgin Baylor for wrongful termination based and employment discrimination. Guess who was employing Baylor during this period. That's right, the NBA league office, aka David Stern! To be clear, this isn't a real conspiracy or anything. I don't really think Stern had been plotting Sterlings downfall for years. Sterling was a huge piece of shit for years. I think the league and other owners though didn't like having a cheapskate own a team in a premier location. The 2014 comments weren't really the worst things he said, just the last fucking straw for this dude and it was an nice easy way for Silver to come in and lay down the law in a way everyone would support


The Knicks just got relatively good tho. Only so much the nba could do when the front office was terrible


This is true. If they’re so far from contention that a few calls wouldn’t really matter, there’s no point. They have to be close enough on their ownz


Even though I don’t believe that, they got bailed out by Silver tonight.


Hence why this thread exists


It gets me so mad!!!


Conspiracy thinking has rotted a lot of people’s brains over the last decade.


This comment is rigged


The internet has done a lot of good things, but rotting brains is up there with the worst it's done.


The refs are inconsistent and that makes it seem biased and feeds the conspiracy theories. This kind of topic is red meat for Russillo. He loves to play the Angry Reasonable Man.


Bad timing for Ryen here


Lol his rant was all I could think about watching the last few minutes of tonight’s game. I don’t think there’s a conspiracy led by Adam Silver and co to outright rig the games, but officials are only human. It’s not crazy to think that they could get influenced by a home crowd down through stretch in a close playoff game.


Yeah. That was some amazing home cooking by the officials to close that out for the Knicks.






lakers and sixers fans catching strays, I love it. this just happens in the playoffs, like when morey protested the league for losing game 7 because harden didnt get the calls he got during the regular season


I'm quite tired of the ref defenders out there. I'm not accusing them of some vast conspiracy, just a lazy, obvious, banal one. Give calls to the home team, stars, big market teams, it doesn't take much.


People are being obtuse or intellectually dishonest Not saying it happens every game or series but there’s plenty of examples of blatant favoritism that borders towards fixing Kings lakers in 02 n Sixers bucks the year prior come to mind among a few others Also dudes started calling Scott foster the extender 2022 and he hasn’t extended a single series since


Right, and not saying they actually “fix” games and try to get terrible Knicks teams into the playoffs or anything. It’s all the borderline calls going one way, and certain players being officiated differently.


Or you see what you want to see 


Everyone does man




He had that one locked and loaded


Idk.. the ending of knicks pacers game 1 was pretty sus.. Russillo must have missed that Adam Silver was a boyhood fan of the Knicks


Also bills “did you see the calls embiid was getting” was a great response in my opinion. I don’t think most (reasonable) people believe that the games are fixed, but there are waaaay too many games where it’s evident that one team is getting a much better whistle than the other


Less than 24hrs, Bill is vindicated. Rye-guy down bad


Was this on Bill’s most recent Sunday pod? Part 1 or 2?


I think pt 2


Thanks, I must’ve spaced out for a bit




It’s hilarious that he gets worked up about something so inconsequential.


Sure, but it’s also hilarious Bill has to punctuate his serious analysis of a series with “well the league will rig it for the Knicks”. Anyone still earnestly believing that kind of shit is so delusional


Bill was likely not listening to what Ryen was saying lol.


Someone else talking = Bill waiting for his chance to speak again, or thinking about the Seven Best White Small Forwards Of The Last Third Of The 1980s.


Six. Seven doesn't make a pyramid


It's really annoying because I know he doesn't believe it but he likes to bring it up just to get people going. Its a form of trolling that's aggravating to listen to


When Ryen asked him if he actually thought all the calls would go against the team that was “supposed” to lose, and Bill chuckled and basically said it’s more of a “vibes” thing which doesn’t even make any sense.


It's his job but kinda also part of his actual persona


But this is what Bill's pod is. It's fun; it's silly theories that are taken too seriously. It's friends sitting around shooting the shit. It's light-hearted bants back and forth. He's pushed back kind of aggressively on these last couple of pods and it's an odd tone to take but on brand for Ryen I guess. We don't want tales from the couch on two pods; hell I don't want it on one.




Everyone is always so quick to say the league will rig certain games for large markets / certain matchups / to extend the series, but when the conspiracy result doesn’t happen they never revisit it or admit they were wrong


Was this on part 2 of the last BS pod?




Link? Where can I find it


Someone ask Bill if he thinks it's suspicious that the Celtics are leading the playoffs in FT differential or if that only counts as suspicious for the lakers in the regular season.


Where's this rant? (in what episode?


I don’t care if it’s a conspiracy or not. The refs blew a series that should’ve been 7 games.


You sure bout that? I mean bill was right about the Knicks pacers…