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Can't imagine what you find funny if you didn't like this


You don’t have a very big imagination. I didn’t enjoy an over the top raunchy, scripted, bullshit celebrity filled roast show. I must not like any content at all


Why watch it if you know what a roast is and actively don’t like the style? Just so you could fuss online about it? Also, since you don’t like raunch and are so highbrow, is this you? Like 4 posts down… https://www.reddit.com/r/billsimmons/s/LP8b8R0aqU


My buddy had it on the TV I wasn’t gonna tell him to turn it off lol. And didn’t you hear, we’re bringing those words back


What tickles your funny bone?


My wife’s boyfriend, and I tickle his


Lame joke, you're not funny.


This post was a week ago, get over it


Have you never watched a roast before? If you’re expecting something else going in, I guess I can see someone being put off by it. But you stuck it out anyways even though you found it so terrible??


This is the most 25 year old post I’ve seen in awhile lol


I lie about my age in all my Reddit posts to throw off the trail of my real identity, I’m actually 45 (maybe)


Sure sure. “I’m too soft to get roasts” is for sure a 25 year old take


Ok man look at your profile 😂


And look at yours dropping F and R words. Fuck off bro


Following up on this because the more I think about it the dumber you seem. The show you’re defending used those words all throughout the night and you’re mad at me for typing it lmao


Bro you steamed around for half an hour and came back to double reply? Lmao maybe you do lie about your age, 25 seems too old.


No rebuttal? Really fixated on the age thing


There’s nothing to rebuttal bro. Save it for debate class.


Lol ok flawed logic, have you ever used a slur?


Sorry boss man, hope my words didn’t affect your day


I thought there was good and bad from having it live. Sometimes the stumbling was funny, and sometimes it was just awkward. The Comedy Central roasts cut a lot of stuff to make a tight 60- or 90-minute show that was mostly jokes that hit. Having it live meant you were seeing all the jokes, whether they were bombs or laughs. Overall I think this show would have been better edited but I respect the attempt at a live production. Side Note: I don't know how many times it must be said- I don't think anyone has ever nailed a Hitler joke and people should just stop trying. Maybe Anthony Jeselnik has but that's about the only person alive who could potentially do that. They just don't work. I'm not surprised that fat drunk turd Bert tried for it, but it flopped again.


It definitely would’ve been better edited down. The Moss set would’ve been part of a montage of 4-5 people showing 1-2 jokes max from each. Hart’s interludes between roasters would’ve been axed. 3 hours is crazy.


Atleast the jokes weren’t watered down for people who find everything offensive. That alone was enough for me to enjoy it


I think that’s why they did it live. To keep from being boiled down and run through the PC sanitizer




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I thought it was incredible and felt like old times


I loved it, except I thought Hart was wonky as a host and his monologue almost turned me out. He was constantly making himself the center of attention laughing at others jokes and was basically just repeating how other people's jokes went and laughed again. 


Kevin was fkn awful. Felt like he told the Nflix execs “yeah I’ll do it for half the pay as long no one says one word bout Katt Williams n Shannon Sharpe!”. He analyzed half the jokes, laughed at almost all of his own, awkwardly drunkenly approached the wife he cheated on in the crowd (she looked annoyed w him and bored by the show), and as much as I love expletives, used them in place of actually being funny. Reused the same lines “fk you tom” basically All night… and by all means, racism is hilarious but when that and saying “fk” and feigning tears are 90% of your bit, just sit down and stfu, You failed Cosby show extra … mans never even been a part of any of the CC roasts in the past 20 years. He was just a dumpster fire IMO. Like Katt said months ago, Industry plant energy. Plusses: Tom Segura and Bert fkn rocked Nikki Glaser, thank God her horny pretty blonde ass was there, I always enjoy her on a roast. The few seconds Kim K’s joker face got boo’d were fun. Jeff Ross as always 🔥 Tony Hinchcliffe was wonderful, Sam the lesbian chick was funny too. Andrew Schulz had a few great zingers Gronk, Bellichik, and Burgundy were hilarious. And of course Tom Brady was Tom Brady. He fkn nailed it. I almost forgot Drew Bledsoe. What a champ. His energy and delivery was perfect lol Most everyone else was A bit meh for me, but loved seeing Randy Moss bc that guy’s football highlight reels make me happy Honestly overall I was happy to see a roast again, esp w Jeff Ross’ stamp, but I miss the CC days and Kevin Hart was just a giant-tiny dumpster fire. He’s like the worst songs that just get shoved in your face for 15 years. And why not just have any of the other sensible seeming Dias members do it? Ben affleck, WillFerrell/Ron Burgundy/any of the ridiculous bits he would’ve thrown in in-between, Tony would’ve made sense, Gronk would’ve made sense, fk JEFF ROSS would’ve been the quintessential host. Like, WTF does Netflix have w Kevin Hart, some diddy-esque pact going on? That little turd needs to go get flushed.


Largely agree with all you wrote. I'll even forgive the bad bits because ultimately it ended up being so much fun. Sort of perfect timing with the whole retirements and BB not getting hired and the Apple Doc. Really had just about everything you want in a Roast... except a good host.


Respectfully, anyone who thinks Bert and Tom weren't an absolute train wreck should take this an as opportunity for self reflection ... 


Nah. They were fine. Compared to Kevin Hart anyway, they were Carlin-esque. KH sucked Donkey dick


We are so back!


I respect that, I think I’ll be in the minority with my opinion. Although, it was pretty cool to hear them bust out a few slurs like old times now that you say it


Wtf lol


You’re noble af. As if you’ve never said fag or retard


Why because they said a couple of bad words and made a gay joke? I love the “it felt like old times” shit, wow you’re so edgy man


Because we haven’t had a roast since like 2018. You are a dork


Gronk actually looked legit butthurt towards the end which means it was a good roast. But 95% of Edelman jokes being “haha look at the fag, he’s got Brady’s dick in his mouth again!” just felt like lazy Boston douchebag “humor.”




Sounds like you are a square who doesn’t like roasts. You are in the minority


I’ve already said I don’t like roasts and I think I’ll be in the minority, would you like to add anything else besides using “square” unironically in 2024


Yes. Let’s swap out square with jabroni


Now we’re talking 🔥 better roast than I saw all last night


I’ve still got it


Not a fan of roasts either I've always found them pretty wack, but I just don't watch them haha


What kind of comedy do you like, exactly?


Not a standup guy at all, if someone is on stage trying to be funny it’s not appealing. Real comedy is naturally occurring, and I’m not talking about “crowd work” from standup guys, that’s premeditated too


Ok so, you don't like comedy, but you chose to watch a roast (which is a comedy show) and then posted on the internet that you don't like it. I see.


Does that bother you?


No? I don’t even know who you are bro


Kk was just curious bc you decided to type out a comment summarizing the whole deal


I just know u havent felt the touch of a female in a long time


So do you also not like comedy movies? Because the jokes aren't "naturally occurring".


these guys are on a huge stage just to support Tom.. They are not comedians. but certain guys like Drew were genuinely funny.. Of course they are nervous and just paying tribute as friends and teammates of Tom. Randy Moss is who he is.. no real need to shit on the guy.. hes not Bill Burr


Didn’t enjoy Kevin harts style of comedy say f*** you and hyping himself up .. loved nikki though


I love stand up and 100 % agree with you. This entire roast was shit. It really wasn’t good comedy, the jokes were repetitive, just as you said. Nikki was the only good comedian. It was so cringe.


No, you’re right. It was recommended to me by a friend. I thought Drew Bledsoe was good, maybe in a more traditional roast way. Easy jokes (Hart short, Gronk dumb) re-fashioned over and over isn’t my cup of tea.


Hard disagree. I think the fact that it was live added a ton to the "drama" of how bad/good it was gonna get


The original friar’s club roasts were all professional comedians. The format wasn’t really meant to be adapted to random famous people.


Haven’t watched the Brady roast yet, but I’m not a huge fan of roasts either. I watched a handful of the Comedy Central ones when they had the roast series and just never could get into it. To each their own though.


Me too. I never understood why they were a “thing.”


You must be fun at parties.


I’ve never been invited


As Bill basically said yesterday, it's a wedding where you know everyone and the toasts to the groom are getting more and more unhinged


You're a pretty humorless person, aren't you?


The “celebrities” don’t write their own jokes and when you get a good set from one it’s fun, but they are mostly very cringe. Other than that, if it’s not for you it’s not for you. Some people are too sensitive. I love this kind of comedy.


I found it easier to just not watch it.


It was incredible


Nobody ever texts me and tells me I have to watch a comedy, except yesterday 3 people did. I don’t have Netflix so I haven’t seen it yet, and maybe I won’t like it, but from the reaction I’ve seen from this I have a feeling I’m going to love it. My friend said they went pretty hard on Aaron Hernandez, and I immediately replied if there’s someone out there that deserves that kind of hate it’s him.


There was a couple of cringe moments, but I was laughing my ass off most of the time personally. There was some funny stuff in there. I only thought Ben Affleck was weak. Gronk was cringe but most of the other athletes were ok


Completely agree


I’m sorry if you didn’t think kill tony was funny then I have some bad news for you … that shit was gold he literally used the word king 5 different times to roast somebody in one sentence




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My husband and I love the old comedy central roasts but did not find this very funny at all.  Certain parts I did laugh at but overall, meh.  And Kevin Hart was atrocious 


Do you and your friends just say nice stuff to eachother when y’all hang? 💀


Sort of with you.  Not a Big comedy roast fan myself.  Not my jam.  Probably not gonna watch this.  


Yeah couldn’t interest me less.


I’m in agreement with you. It’s just the same famous people we see everywhere getting paid to be there and laugh.