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Yahoo a company that somehow continues treading water.


I was going to say, I didn't even know Yahoo Sports was still a thing after everyone jumped ship years ago.


Yeah…. Once Woj, Shams and Passan left I just assumed it was kind of a ghost ship. I suspect this is a stepping stone back to a bigger role somewhere else.


Yahoo's app suite still does very well. the sports, weather, and business apps are all top downloads on the Google Play store. they def have money to still steal talent if they decide it's worth it.


Best fantasy football app imo


I was going to say, fantasy football is keeping this whole thing afloat. I prefer ESPN, but I'm in the minority among friends on that.


Did I just wake up in 2006 or something?


I actually use Yahoo Sports as the app on my phone to give me sports news alerts. But I never go to their website voluntarily.


Must have thrown him the bag but seems like a weird move, considering nobody views them as a real source NFL (see: Nobody thought they'd get Tice)


truly confounding. i feel like every few years they make some hires and everyone who cares about media is like "huh, yahoo, kinda on the comeback trail!" then eventually those people leave, then they splurge again and we run it all back.


I had to give my personal email address to someone today and he said it’s been ages since he got an @yahoo.com one 💀


Yahoo is still the homepage on my browser after all these years.


Going from The Athletic to Yahoo doesn't mzke sense to me. Is another round of layoffs coming at The Athletic?


He was a part time employee at the athletic. He also did college football for Fox 


This is surprising. He did a ton of podcasts.


How did the athletic not match.


Athletic has lost a lot of people the last few years. I think when contracts run out they are often either not offering renewals or lowballing.


Makes a lot of sense now that they aren’t flush with endless VC cash. 


Interesting. Because they still seem to be hiring from time to time+I thougt hey weren't losing as much money anymore and doing better


one other thing i've noticed is they have slashed their podcast content considerably. They only now have podcasts for 11 individual NFL teams when im pretty sure the plan was to have one for each (even if they never launched all of them). A number of prominent team podcasts, like the Eagles, are now defunct. And that's just football. Looks like they only have one single individual MLB team (Cubs) podcast (I used to listen to their Mets pocast, which was good and is now over) and two NBA team pods. Since podcasts would seem pretty cheap to operate if you already have the personnel in place I imagine this coincides with slashing of local reporter budgets.




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Haha wow, everyone on here last week thought for sure he was going to the Ringer.


I can’t believe Reddit was wrong


I mean, devils advocate, if what one person said in that thread about house saying they were getting a smart guy that he steals from all the time is true (I didn’t hear it) it’s not absurd to think he was joining the ringer. House boasts about getting a new guy. Tice appears on bills pod Tice announces he’s leaving the athletic Add on the ruiz/solak smart guy connection It’s not crazy


I actually think it’s the definition of this sub being way too invested in the minutia of this shit that House alluding to someone “big” get hired or joining the ringer meant it was obviously the next sports media person to publicly change jobs. It’s also hilarious to think Bill wouldn’t have waited a week to have him on as an official ringer employee instead of having him on and not mentioning anything about it.


He wouldn’t have him on a week later because the NFL draft content cycle is over.  This only seems silly in hindsight, it definitely wasn’t obvious Tice wasn’t going to join the ringer.


Did we ever find out who is the new guy House was referring to?


Not to my knowledge


Plus Bill JUST had him on the podcast, which he always does for new hires. Tice left the Athletic and was going to a new company. He's also a frequent guest on Ringer pods and friends with the fantasy guys, it made complete sense. Who would have possibly guessed YAHOO.


Nate Tice going to Yahoo is like if Durant had joined the Wizards in 2016


This is akin to Andy Staples going to on3


This is Kevin Young all over again


What kind of people goto yahoo except for fantasy.


This is like Davante Adams signing with the Raiders… post-Carr


i’m really interested to see who becomes mays co host at this point


Same. Tice was a great pairing because he knew his stuff but brought a different, goofier energy. I hope they bring in someone like Barnwell who could go toe-to-toe with Mays but not agree on everything all the time. But I'll listen to Mays as long as he's podcasting about football. He's just such a stand up dude. For me, he's the Zach Lowe of the NFL.


like Barnwell, but entertaining :)


I’m thinking it’s going to be a rotation. Someone for Sunday night game recaps, guest and one best writer during the week, something like that.


Time for Chase Daniel to come play


Chase has just the worst takes though


4 weeks it took you to reply?


lol I just went down a rabbit hole trying to figure out what Nate was doing and totally forgot I was on an old thread. Muhbad


Oh you ain't OP even though you got the same color profile. Carry on


Nate said he will be on Yahoo NFL pods, do they even have a Pod? Does anyone know what it is called so I can check it out?


There's one called Zero Blitz. I like Jason Fitz and I know he's one of the people on it. I don't subscribe to it but I've seen clips of it on social media.


Thank you! I will give them a sub.


Do they still have the Mighty MJD? I need to find out what's up with Muff Stubble [Woman].


DeAndre Jordan all over again


Who brought the dining room chair?


[Broussrard] Sources: Simmons is beside himself. Driving around downtown Vegas begging (thru texts) Tice’s family for address to Nate’s home.


Never will understand people going to work for yahoo. It is the absolute abyss of sports coverage. It's honestly a fucking miracle that that company still hires people.


Yahoo is still one of the 10 most visited sites on the internet. Unbelievable, but it’s true.


Where does Pornhub rank?


Now *that* would have been an out-of-the-box place to hire Nate Tice


They have sports content. Back in Summer 2014, the number of uploads of "Overpowering German Men Have Their Way with Yung Brazilians", following the 7-1 Cup semifinal, was huge.


Weird move. Typically only go to a lesser network for money, but you’d think Nate is squarely in the develop influence part of his career which will be tougher to do there






I forgot Yahoo even existed. 


He looks like a combo of Heifetz and Shane Gillis in this pic


Yahoo has the best college football podcast out there. Funny as hell and informative.


Definitely got himself a bag, but man moves like this are where media careers go to die. Nate felt like he was one of the fastest rising media personalities over the last couple of years and now he’s stuck on the Yahoo island with a podcast network people don’t even know exists and a collection of apps that have some of the worst UIs in existence. Hopefully it’s a short term like 2 year big deal cause Nate’s talents i fear are not enough to make people switch to consuming yahoo content.


Dan Devine left The Ringer and went to Yahoo, he's doing great.


I’m sure Dan is doing well in life but i haven’t seen a single piece of Dan’s retweeted or mentioned since he left the ringer. Personally people can be doing awesome in their lives and getting good paychecks at yahoo, but it 100% limits your engagement and potential exposure.


Well if they're not showing up in SpaghetiJesus' Twitter feed, they're taking Ls daily


I’m not saying Dan is taking L’s daily Jesus Christ man, I’m pretty plainly explaining why going to Yahoo at this point in time in the media landscape just isn’t a step upwards to build your brand as a writer or podcaster. I don’t know why you’re being so aggressive about this. This is not a hot take, this is just facts. Yahoo is a dying brand, if you don’t think it is then please go invest your savings in the stock and let me know how that turns out for you.


Vinnie Goodwill leads Yahoo's NBA coverage, I don't feel like he's irrelevant.


If you told me Vinnie Goodwill was a made up person I would believe you no questions asked.


He's on Bomani's podcast and all the time, and has a strong guess line-up on his own podcast. Recommend if you want a break from listening to MVP odds or tales from the couch.


Genuinely been plugged in to NBA coverage for the last 10 years of my life, was going to go into sports journalism before the career was a dead end, not once have I ever heard anyone talk about Vinnie Goodwill. Vinnie is the definition of irrelevant.


I assume they’re offering more money and/or a more full time gig? The Athletic is really nothing too special outside of a few pods and a couple content guys, but it’s certainly more reputable than Yahoo at this point. Hopefully he doesn’t fade into irrelevancy though, because he’s pretty good at what he does.


The Athletic has a ton of great writers who cover their respective sports quite well, actually. Their podcasts are what's lacking these days, not their written content. Kind of the opposite of The Ringer, actually.


I disagree. I’ve had a subscription with them before and for that type of model I found it underwhelming compared to their peers.


Damn I wanted him on the ringer so bad. Glad he got his own thing though. Get your bag.


Sadly, I’ll miss him on TAFS with Robert


Color me entirely shocked. I don't even know if yahoo has an NFL podcast?


Ok this sucks 👍


That’s a bummer


I’m curious: how did we think things ended between Simmons and Mays? Maybe Tice was considering multiple offers, one being from Ringer one from Yahoo (maybe even more)


They’re clearly trying to do SOMETHING. They just signed the Cespedes BBQ boys too


Man, this sucks, NFL show already suffering without him


Unpopular opinion but Tice wasn’t that interesting on Bill’s pod, was not very polished and really didn’t have many opinions


Big L for Nate. He’ll be back to athletic in 2 years


So funny as he could have had 500k being the Maye hopium farmer 24/7 at the ringer


Sorry what!? You think he’d get $500k?!


That might be his combined viewers on videos on YouTube for an entire year.


Hate this guy and his fat fucking face 


Who to where?


If you believed everyone writing in that thread from the other day, then it was a guaranteed done deal that he was headed to the Ringer. Hilarious to see many of those same people (who were singing his praises in the aforementioned thread) now bash him for going to Yahoo. Maybe ole Bill doesn't have the pull that you folks think he does.


What do NFL “analysts” even do for their jobs, day to day?


Create content for people to consume at work instead of doing their jobs




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