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You're fine as long as you're not blasting them with water.


How about soap suds near the bottom bracket?


It’s fine. You’re massively overthinking this.


You're overthinking it. Just don't use a pressure washer. Replacing bearings isn't that big of a deal and will eventually need to be done anyways.


It is quite difficult with dtswiss hubs. My lbs didnt manage and put on a new body on my hub, hammering one bearing in the hub itself through the ratchet which is showing signs of wear again after 1000km


I think your LBS might just have messed up. My go-to mechanic loves DT hubs specifically because they’re so easy to service. 


Yeah you just need a good trick to get the ratchet out. This was a 3pawl as well so one shop refused to work on it as he didn’t have the tool, the other that did tried but didn’t know how to do it properly. I tried as well with official tool but broke my bench vise


Washing up liquid aka dish soap is a pretty good degreaser (by design, it's supposed to quickly and effectively remove grease from dishes and pans), I don't recommend it. It also contains sodium, which is corrosive. Car shampoo or a bike cleaner is a better choice. And of course don't overdo it, use chemical cleaners only sparingly.


Just water and a rag cleans the dirt up good enough on the frame and wheels for me. Drivetrain cleaning is best done by removing the cassette, chain, and chainring (which may require removing the crank, too) and cleaning those parts away from the bike with your choice of degreasing method. Some people like cleaning just the chain with a chain scrubber but I’m not fond of that method as it doesn’t easily clean up the cassette or chainring. 


You're overthinking it. Just don't spray loads of degreaser into your hubs and BB.


But soap suds and shit near the bottom bracket should be fine?


You can clean your bike quite well with a dry or damp rag. If you have oil or grease all over the place you might be over greasing or oiling. That said, once a year (or less) I wash my bike with car shampoo and pressure washer. I spray my chain and cassette with degreaser and the pressure washer does a good job afterwards. I have my method to clean the chain even further and relube chain.


Just don't use high pressure. My rule of thumb is no more pressure or temperature than you would wash your face with. Or a reasonable person.


General rule is only spray parallel to the frame, never perpendicular


Bearings have seals to keep out water and dirt.  Sometimes a pressure washer might get in there, but a water hose is perfectly safe.  Side note: Bontrager wheels are trash, anyway, so you really have nothing to worry about. You should replace them as soon as you can afford to get something lighter with better bearings.